Формат передачи GL (glTF) - это формат доставки ресурсов среды выполнения для API GL: WebGL, OpenGL ES и OpenGL. glTF устраняет разрыв между инструментами создания 3D-контента и современными приложениями GL, предоставляя эффективный, расширяемый, совместимый формат для передачи и загрузки 3D-контента.

The GL Transmission Format ( glTF) is a runtime asset delivery format for GL APIs: webgl, opengl-es, and opengl. glTF bridges the gap between 3D content creation tools and modern GL applications by providing an efficient, extensible, interoperable format for the transmission and loading of 3D content.

The need for a network-enabled 3D content delivery format such as glTF has been compared to the need for JPEG for images, and MP3 for audio.


The glTF specification is maintained by the Khronos Group. This standards organization is also responsible for OpenGL, WebGL, COLLADA, and others.

Sample Models

A collection of Sample models are available for learning glTF, and testing runtime engines and content pipeline tools.

Converters and Exporters

glTF files can be created by converting from other popular formats such as collada, wavefront OBJ, fbx, and others. View the list of converters.

As support for glTF grows, 3D authoring packages may gain the ability to export to glTF directly. For example, a blender exporter is in early stages of development.

Loaders and Viewers

Support for glTF is available for three.js, babylonjs, cesium, xml3d, and others. Khronos maintains a list of glTF loaders and viewers.

File Structure

A structural overview diagram (by Marco Hutter) shows an at-a-glance view of the structure of a glTF file and its contents.