2D сотовые автоматы для плитки на основе воды

Я пытался внедрить 2D воду на основе плитки в мою игру. Я начал заставлять плитки появляться на экране и т.д. У меня есть функция рисования, которая рисует каждый тип плитки. У меня проблема в том, что когда я вызываю эту функцию, плитки, которые являются водой, не меняют своего положения. Что заставляет меня верить, что этот код не работает должным образом. Этот код вызывается в каждом цикле. Это должно обновить массы всех водных плиток. По какой-то причине ничего не происходит. Вода остается в своем первоначальном положении. Мои плитки в векторе класса плитки просто

    TileProp // the type of tile (GROUND,AIR,WATER)

void App::SimulateCompression()
float Flow = 0;
float remainingmass = 0;

int ID = 0;

//Calculate and apply flow for each block
for (int X = 0; X < MAP_WIDTH; X++)
    for(int Y = 0; Y < MAP_HEIGHT; Y++)
        //Skip inert ground blocks
        if(TileList[ID].TileProp == TILE_GROUND) continue;

        //Custom push-only flow
        Flow = 0;
        remainingmass = TileList[ID].Mass;
        if(remainingmass <= 0) continue;

        //The block below this one
        if(TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y-1))].TileProp != TILE_GROUND)
            Flow = GetStableWaterState(remainingmass + TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y-1))].Mass /*mass[x][y-1]*/) - TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y-1))].Mass;
            if(Flow > MinFlow){Flow *= 0.5; /*leads to smoother flow*/}
            int tempA = Min(MaxSpeed, remainingmass);
            if(Flow > tempA){Flow = tempA;}
            if(Flow < 0){Flow = 0;}

            TileList[ID].NewMass -= Flow;
            TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y-1))].NewMass += Flow;
            remainingmass -= Flow;

        if(remainingmass <= 0) continue;

        if(TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(X - 1),Y)].TileProp != TILE_GROUND)
            //Equalize the amount of water in this block and it's neighbour
            Flow = (TileList[ID].Mass - TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(X - 1),Y)].Mass)/4;
            if(Flow > MinFlow){Flow *= 0.5;}
            if(Flow > remainingmass){Flow = remainingmass;}
            if(Flow < 0){Flow = 0;}

            TileList[ID].NewMass -= Flow;
            TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(X - 1),Y)].NewMass += Flow;
            remainingmass -= Flow;

        if(remainingmass <= 0) continue;

        if(TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(X + 1),Y)].TileProp != TILE_GROUND)
            //Equalize the amount of water in this block and it's neighbour
            Flow = (TileList[ID].Mass - TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(X + 1),Y)].Mass)/4;
            if(Flow > MinFlow){Flow *= 0.5;}

            if(Flow > remainingmass){Flow = remainingmass;}
            if(Flow < 0){Flow = 0;}

            TileList[ID].NewMass -= Flow;
            TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(X + 1),Y)].NewMass += Flow;
            remainingmass -= Flow;

        if(remainingmass <= 0) continue;

        //Up. Only compressed water flows upwards
        if(TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y + 1))].TileProp != TILE_GROUND)
            Flow = remainingmass - GetStableWaterState(remainingmass + TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y + 1))].Mass);
            if (Flow > MinFlow){Flow *= 0.5;}

            int tempB = Min(MaxSpeed, remainingmass);
            if(Flow > tempB){Flow = tempB;}
            if(Flow < 0){Flow = 0;}

            TileList[ID].NewMass -= Flow;
            TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,(Y + 1))].NewMass += Flow;
            remainingmass -= Flow;

ID = 0;
//Copy the new mass values 
for (int X = 0; X < MAP_WIDTH; X++)
    for (int Y = 0; Y < MAP_HEIGHT; Y++)
        TileList[ID].Mass = TileList[ID].NewMass;

ID = 0;
for(int X = 0; X < MAP_WIDTH; X++)
    for(int Y = 0; Y < MAP_HEIGHT; Y++)
        //Skip ground blocks
        if(TileList[ID].TileProp == TILE_GROUND) continue;

        //Flag/unflag water blocks
        if(TileList[ID].Mass > MinMass)
            TileList[ID].TileProp = TILE_WATER;
            TileList[ID].TileProp = TILE_AIR;

//Remove any water that has left the map
for(int X = 0; X < MAP_WIDTH; X++)
    TileList[X].Mass = 0;
    TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,MAP_HEIGHT - 1)].Mass = 0;


for(int Y = 0; Y < MAP_HEIGHT; Y++)
    TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,0,Y)].Mass = 0;
    TileList[Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,(MAP_WIDTH - 1),Y)].Mass = 0;


1 ответ


Итак, ID будет равен 0, потому что после того, как ID достигнет 34, он просто оставляет два вложенных цикла... Почему он это делает?

//Calculate and apply flow for each block
for (int X = 0; X < MAP_WIDTH; X++)
    for(int Y = 0; Y < MAP_HEIGHT; Y++)
        //Skip inert ground blocks
        if(TileList[ID].TileProp == TILE_GROUND) continue;



TileList[34] вероятно, это наземная плитка. В какой момент вы попали в этот первый if снова и снова (так как вы никогда не доберетесь до ID++ в самом конце цикла), пока вы не исчерпали for-loops.

Попробуй это:

//Calculate and apply flow for each block
for (int X = 0; X < MAP_WIDTH; X++)
    for(int Y = 0; Y < MAP_HEIGHT; Y++)
        int ID = Rect2Lin(TILE_SIZE,X,Y));

        //Skip inert ground blocks
        if(TileList[ID].TileProp == TILE_GROUND) continue;



Хорошо, это работает в моей системе:

#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

// simple Eigen::Matrix work-alike
template< typename T >
class Matrix
    Matrix( const size_t rows, const size_t cols ) 
        : mStride( cols )
        , mHeight( rows )
        , mStorage( rows * cols ) 

    T& operator()( const size_t row, const size_t col )
        return mStorage[ row * mStride + col ];

    const T& operator()( const size_t row, const size_t col ) const 
        return mStorage[ row * mStride + col ];

    size_t rows() const { return mHeight; }
    size_t cols() const { return mStride; }

    vector< T > mStorage;
    size_t mStride;
    size_t mHeight;

struct Cell
    enum Type{ AIR, GROUND, WATER };

        : mType( AIR )
        , mMass( 0 )
        , mNewMass( 0 )

    Type mType;
    float mMass;
    float mNewMass;

const float MaxMass = 1.0f; 
const float MinMass = 0.0001f; 
const float MaxCompress = 0.02f; 
const float MaxSpeed = 1.0f;
const float MinFlow = 0.01f;

//Take an amount of water and calculate how it should be split among two
//vertically adjacent cells. Returns the amount of water that should be in 
//the bottom cell. 
float get_stable_state_b( float total_mass )
    if ( total_mass <= 1 )
        return 1;
    else if ( total_mass < 2*MaxMass + MaxCompress )
        return (MaxMass*MaxMass + total_mass*MaxCompress)/(MaxMass + MaxCompress);
        return (total_mass + MaxCompress)/2;

template< typename T >
T constrain( const T& val, const T& minVal, const T& maxVal )
    return max( minVal, min( val, maxVal ) );

typedef Matrix< Cell > State;
void stepState( State& cur )
    for( size_t y = 1; y < cur.rows()-1; ++y )
        for( size_t x = 1; x < cur.cols()-1; ++x )
            Cell& center = cur( y, x );

            // Skip inert ground blocks
            if( center.mType == Cell::GROUND )

            // Custom push-only flow
            float Flow = 0;
            float remaining_mass = center.mMass;
            if( remaining_mass <= 0 )

            // The block below this one
            Cell& below = cur( y-1, x );
            if( below.mType != Cell::GROUND )
                Flow = get_stable_state_b( remaining_mass + below.mMass ) - below.mMass;
                if( Flow > MinFlow )
                    //leads to smoother flow
                    Flow *= 0.5;
                Flow = constrain( Flow, 0.0f, min(MaxSpeed, remaining_mass) );

                center.mNewMass -= Flow;
                below.mNewMass += Flow;
                remaining_mass -= Flow;

            if ( remaining_mass <= 0 ) 

            // Left
            Cell& left = cur( y, x-1 );
            if ( left.mType != Cell::GROUND )
                // Equalize the amount of water in this block and it's neighbour
                Flow = ( center.mMass - left.mMass ) / 4;
                if ( Flow > MinFlow )
                    Flow *= 0.5;
                Flow = constrain(Flow, 0.0f, remaining_mass);
                center.mNewMass -= Flow;
                left.mNewMass += Flow;
                remaining_mass -= Flow;

            if ( remaining_mass <= 0 ) 

            // Right
            Cell& right = cur( y, x+1 );
            if ( right.mType != Cell::GROUND )
                // Equalize the amount of water in this block and it's neighbour
                Flow = ( center.mMass - right.mMass ) / 4;
                if ( Flow > MinFlow )
                    Flow *= 0.5;
                Flow = constrain(Flow, 0.0f, remaining_mass);
                center.mNewMass -= Flow;
                right.mNewMass += Flow;
                remaining_mass -= Flow;

            if ( remaining_mass <= 0 ) 

            // The block above this one
            Cell& above = cur( y+1, x );
            if( above.mType != Cell::GROUND )
                Flow = remaining_mass - get_stable_state_b( remaining_mass + above.mMass );
                if( Flow > MinFlow )
                    //leads to smoother flow
                    Flow *= 0.5;
                Flow = constrain( Flow, 0.0f, min(MaxSpeed, remaining_mass) );

                center.mNewMass -= Flow;
                above.mNewMass += Flow;
                remaining_mass -= Flow;

    for( size_t y = 0; y < cur.rows(); ++y )
        for( size_t x = 0; x < cur.cols(); ++x )
            cur( y, x ).mMass = cur( y, x ).mNewMass;

    for( size_t y = 0; y < cur.rows(); ++y )
        for( size_t x = 0; x < cur.cols(); ++x )
            Cell& center = cur( y, x );
            if( center.mType == Cell::GROUND ) 
                center.mMass = center.mNewMass = 0.0f;
            if( center.mMass > MinMass )
                center.mType = Cell::WATER;
                center.mType = Cell::AIR;
                center.mMass = 0.0f;

    // Remove any water that has left the map
    for( size_t x = 0; x < cur.cols(); ++x )
        cur( 0, x ).mMass = 0;
        cur( cur.rows()-1, x ).mMass = 0;
    for( size_t y = 0; y < cur.rows(); ++y )
        cur( y, 0 ).mMass = 0;
        cur( y, cur.cols()-1 ).mMass = 0;

void showState( const State& state )
    glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT, GL_LINE );
    glBegin( GL_QUADS );
    glColor3ub( 0, 0, 0 );
    for( size_t y = 0; y < state.rows(); ++y )
        for( size_t x = 0; x < state.cols(); ++x )
            glVertex2f( x+0, y+0 );
            glVertex2f( x+1, y+0 );
            glVertex2f( x+1, y+1 );
            glVertex2f( x+0, y+1 );

    glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT, GL_FILL );
    glBegin( GL_QUADS );
    for( size_t y = 0; y < state.rows(); ++y )
        for( size_t x = 0; x < state.cols(); ++x )
            if( state( y, x ).mType == Cell::AIR )

            float height = 1.0f;
            if( state( y, x ).mType == Cell::GROUND )
                glColor3ub( 152, 118, 84 );
                glColor3ub( 0, 135, 189 );
                height = min( 1.0f, state( y, x ).mMass );

            glVertex2f( x+0, y );
            glVertex2f( x+1, y );
            glVertex2f( x+1, y + height );
            glVertex2f( x+0, y + height );

State state( 20, 20 );
void mouse( int button, int button_state, int x, int y )
    float pctX = (float)x / glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH );
    float pctY = 1.0f - ( (float)y / glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT ) );
    size_t cellX = pctX * state.cols();
    size_t cellY = pctY * state.rows();
    Cell& cur = state( cellY, cellX );

    if( button_state == GLUT_UP )

    if( button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON )
        cur.mType = ( cur.mType == Cell::GROUND ? Cell::AIR : Cell::GROUND );
        cur.mMass = cur.mNewMass = 0.0f;

    if( button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON )
        cur.mType = Cell::WATER;
        cur.mMass = cur.mNewMass = 1.0f;

void display()
    static bool firstTime = true;
    if( firstTime )
        firstTime = false;
        for( size_t y = 0; y < state.rows(); ++y )
            for( size_t x = 0; x < state.cols(); ++x )
                state( y, x ).mType = (Cell::Type)( rand() % 3 );
                state( y, x ).mMass = 1.0f;
                state( y, x ).mNewMass = 1.0f;

    glClearColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
    glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );

    glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
    glOrtho( 0, state.cols(), 0, state.rows(), -1, 1);

    glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );

    stepState( state );
    showState( state );


void timer(int extra)
    glutTimerFunc(16, timer, 0);

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    glutInit( &argc, argv );
    glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE );
    glutInitWindowSize( 640, 480 );
    glutCreateWindow( "Cells" );
    glutDisplayFunc( display );
    glutMouseFunc( mouse );
    glutTimerFunc(0, timer, 0);
    return 0;
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