Код компилируется в Xcode, но не из командной строки
Итак, у меня есть мини-проект OpenGL, который я делаю на C++ в Xcode. Я использую несколько библиотек, включая библиотеки SOIL и GLEW, соответствующие им заголовочные файлы, а также платформы SDL2, OpenGL и Corefoundation. Проект прекрасно работает в XCode со следующими параметрами компилятора: C++ Language Dialect со значением -std= C++11 и C++ Standard Library со значением libC++. Тем не менее, когда я пытаюсь построить этот проект с помощью clang в командной строке, с помощью следующей команды:
clang++ -stdlib=libc++ -std=c++11
-framework SDL2
-framework CoreFoundation
-framework OpenGL
main.cpp euchre.cpp euchre.h (These 3 files are in the same directory)
Я получаю следующие ошибки:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_SOIL_free_image_data", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::LoadTexture(char const*, int) in euchre-d6b330.o
"_SOIL_load_image", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::LoadTexture(char const*, int) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewActiveTexture", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::LoadTexture(char const*, int) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewAttachShader", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::LoadShaders(char const*, char const*) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewBindBuffer", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::makeAttribute(unsigned int, char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, unsigned int, unsigned char, int, void const*) in euchre-d6b330.o
unsigned int Euchre::MakeObject::makeBufferObject<float>(int, unsigned int, unsigned int, std::__1::vector<float, std::__1::allocator<float> >) in euchre-d6b330.o
unsigned int Euchre::MakeObject::makeBufferObject<unsigned int>(int, unsigned int, unsigned int, std::__1::vector<unsigned int, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewBindVertexArray", referenced from:
_main in main-6799fc.o
"___glewBufferData", referenced from:
unsigned int Euchre::MakeObject::makeBufferObject<float>(int, unsigned int, unsigned int, std::__1::vector<float, std::__1::allocator<float> >) in euchre-d6b330.o
unsigned int Euchre::MakeObject::makeBufferObject<unsigned int>(int, unsigned int, unsigned int, std::__1::vector<unsigned int, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewCompileShader", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::compileShader(unsigned int, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewCreateProgram", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::LoadShaders(char const*, char const*) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewCreateShader", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::LoadShaders(char const*, char const*) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewDeleteBuffers", referenced from:
_main in main-6799fc.o
"___glewDeleteProgram", referenced from:
_main in main-6799fc.o
"___glewDeleteShader", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::LoadShaders(char const*, char const*) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewDeleteVertexArrays", referenced from:
_main in main-6799fc.o
"___glewEnableVertexAttribArray", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::makeAttribute(unsigned int, char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, unsigned int, unsigned char, int, void const*) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewGenBuffers", referenced from:
unsigned int Euchre::MakeObject::makeBufferObject<float>(int, unsigned int, unsigned int, std::__1::vector<float, std::__1::allocator<float> >) in euchre-d6b330.o
unsigned int Euchre::MakeObject::makeBufferObject<unsigned int>(int, unsigned int, unsigned int, std::__1::vector<unsigned int, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewGenVertexArrays", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::makeVertexArrayObject(int) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewGetAttribLocation", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::makeAttribute(unsigned int, char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, unsigned int, unsigned char, int, void const*) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewGetShaderiv", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::compileShader(unsigned int, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewLinkProgram", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::LoadShaders(char const*, char const*) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewShaderSource", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::compileShader(unsigned int, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&) in euchre-d6b330.o
"___glewUseProgram", referenced from:
_main in main-6799fc.o
"___glewVertexAttribPointer", referenced from:
Euchre::MakeObject::makeAttribute(unsigned int, char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, unsigned int, unsigned char, int, void const*) in euchre-d6b330.o
"_glewExperimental", referenced from:
_main in main-6799fc.o
"_glewInit", referenced from:
_main in main-6799fc.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Что я не понимаю, так это то, как я компилирую с теми же настройками, что и в XCode, но в терминале я не могу заставить это работать.