Уменьшение логарифмического правдоподобия в моделях смесей EM-алгоритм на R

Я работаю над моделью смеси, используя алгоритм EM. Модель Mixture составлена ​​из моделей точечных процессов Пуассона, но моя главная задача в созданной функции ppmMixEngine заключается в том, что вычисляемая вероятность журнала уменьшается на каждой итерации. Важным фактом здесь является то, что у нас есть известные и неизвестные ярлыки, которые мы хотим классифицировать. Кажется, что здесь есть проблема с кодированием, но я не могу это понять. У кого-нибудь есть идея или предложение?

Заранее спасибо!



# Set up initial values

# 1 #  Set up data.ppp, cov.list, ppmform and quads
# Generate XY grid

XY = expand.grid(seq(0, 100, 1), seq(0, 100, 1))
X = XY[,1]
Y = XY[,2]

# Generate 2 covariates for PPM

v1 = (X - 30)^2 + (Y - 70)^2 - 0.5*X*Y
v2 = (X - 70)^2 + (Y - 60)^2 + 0.9*X*Y 

v1 = -1*scale(v1)
v2 = -1*scale(v2)

vmat = as.matrix(data.frame(1, v1, v1^2, v2, v2^2))

# Generate true PPM coefficients based on linear and quadratic terms for 2 covariates

sp1_coef = c(-6, 4, -1, 2, -0.6)
sp1_int = exp(vmat %*% sp1_coef)

sp2_coef = c(-4.5, 1.8, -1, 1.5, -0.9)
sp2_int = exp(vmat %*% sp2_coef)

sp3_coef = c(-3.5, -0.5, -0.8, 1, -0.8)
sp3_int = exp(vmat %*% sp3_coef)

levelplot(sp1_int ~ X + Y)
levelplot(sp2_int ~ X + Y)
levelplot(sp3_int ~ X + Y)

# Create pixel images of intensity surfaces for spatstat

sp1_int_im = as.im(data.frame(x = X, y = Y, z = sp1_int))
sp2_int_im = as.im(data.frame(x = X, y = Y, z = sp2_int))
sp3_int_im = as.im(data.frame(x = X, y = Y, z = sp3_int))

# Simulate point patterns

sp1_sim = rpoispp(sp1_int_im)
sp2_sim = rpoispp(sp2_int_im)
sp3_sim = rpoispp(sp3_int_im)

plot(sp1_sim, cex = 0.6)
plot(sp2_sim, add = TRUE, col = "red", cex = 0.6)
plot(sp3_sim, add = TRUE, col = "blue", cex = 0.6)

pct_hidden = 0.5

# Randomly subset some (about 100*pct_hidden %) points from which we hide the labels

win   = owin(xrange = c(-0.5, 100.5), yrange = c(-0.5, 100.5))
sp1_hide = sample(1:sp1_sim$n, floor(pct_hidden*sp1_sim$n))
sp1_sub  = sp1_sim[-sp1_hide]
train1   = ppp(x = sp1_sub$x, y = sp1_sub$y, window = win)
sp1_test = sp1_sim[sp1_hide]
sp2_hide = sample(1:sp2_sim$n, floor(pct_hidden*sp2_sim$n))
sp2_sub  = sp2_sim[-sp2_hide]
sp2_test = sp2_sim[sp2_hide]
train2   = ppp(x = sp2_sub$x, y = sp2_sub$y, window = win)
sp3_hide = sample(1:sp3_sim$n, floor(pct_hidden*sp3_sim$n))
sp3_sub  = sp3_sim[-sp3_hide]
sp3_test = sp3_sim[sp3_hide]
train3   = ppp(x = sp3_sub$x, y = sp3_sub$y, window = win)
all_test = ppp(x = c(sp1_test$x, sp2_test$x, sp3_test$x), 
               y = c(sp1_test$y, sp2_test$y, sp3_test$y), window = win,
               marks = c(rep("Hidden 1", sp1_test$n), rep("Hidden 2", sp2_test$n), rep("Hidden 3", sp3_test$n)))
test_labels = c(rep(1, sp1_test$n), rep(2, sp2_test$n), rep(3, sp3_test$n))
quads = ppp(X, Y, window = win)

datappp = ppp(x = c(sp1_sub$x, sp2_sub$x, sp3_sub$x, all_test$x),
              y = c(sp1_sub$y, sp2_sub$y, sp3_sub$y, all_test$y),
              marks = c(rep("Sp1", sp1_sub$n), rep("Sp2", sp2_sub$n),
                        rep("Sp3", sp3_sub$n), rep("Unknown", all_test$n)),
              window = win)

# Set up covariate list for spatstat
cov.list = list()
for (v in 1:4)
  v.v = as.im(data.frame(x = X, y = Y, z = vmat[,(v + 1)]))
  cov.list[[v]] = v.v
names(cov.list) = c("V1", "V1sq", "V2", "V2sq")

# set up formula
ppmform = as.formula(paste("~", paste(names(cov.list), collapse = "+")))


# Create the ppmMixEngine function

makeMask = function(Qppp)

  q_df = data.frame(x = Qppp$x, y = Qppp$y)
  ux = sort(unique(q_df$x))
  uy = sort(unique(q_df$y))
  nx = length(ux)
  ny = length(uy)

  col.ref = match(q_df$x, ux)
  row.ref = match(q_df$y, uy)

  all.vec          = rep(0, max(row.ref)*max(col.ref))
  vec.ref          = (col.ref - 1)*max(row.ref) + row.ref
  all.vec[vec.ref] = 1
  mask.out         = matrix(all.vec, max(row.ref), max(col.ref), dimnames = list(uy, ux))

ppmMixEngine = function(datappp, quads, ppmform, cov.list, verbose = TRUE, tol = 0.001, maxit = 50)

  # Set up initial marks for the unknown observations (hidden ones) based on nearest neighbour distances

  datamarks = marks(datappp)
  uniquemarks = unique(datamarks)
  unknown = datamarks == "Unknown"
  nclust  = length(unique(datamarks)) - 1

  splitppps = split(datappp, as.factor(marks(datappp)))
  for (i in 1:(nclust + 1))
    assign(paste("ppp_", names(splitppps)[i], sep = ""),
  nndists  = nndist(datappp, by = as.factor(marks(datappp)))
  nndists  = nndists[,-which(colnames(nndists) == "Unknown")]
  weight_num = apply(nndists, 1, min)/nndists

  # for the marks where the observations component is known we keep 1 as their weight
  initweights = weight_num/apply(weight_num, 1, sum)
  initweights[datamarks != "Unknown"] = rep(0, nclust)
  for (i in 1:nclust)
    rowfill = which(datamarks == colnames(nndists)[i])
    initweights[rowfill, i] = 1

  iterweights = initweights
  itermarks = datamarks
  itermarks = colnames(nndists)[apply(initweights, 1, which.max)]

  p = table(itermarks)/sum(table(itermarks))

  iterppp = datappp
  marks(iterppp) = as.factor(itermarks)
  Qmask = makeMask(quads)

  Q = quadscheme(data = iterppp, dummy = quads, method = "grid", ntile = c(dim(Qmask)[1], dim(Qmask)[2]), npix = c(dim(Qmask)[1], dim(Qmask)[2]))

  formchr = as.character(ppmform)[2]
  formsplit = strsplit(formchr, "\\+")
  markform = as.formula(paste("~", paste(paste(formsplit[[1]], "* marks"), collapse = " + ")))

  fit1 = ppm(Q, trend = markform, covariates = cov.list)

  loglik.old <- 0.
  loglik.new <- 1.

  # Iterator starts here, 

  is_known = which(datamarks != "Unknown")
  niter <- 0
  while(abs(loglik.new - loglik.old)/(1 + abs(loglik.new)) > tol) {
    if(niter >= maxit) {
      warning(paste("E-M algorithm failed to converge in",
                    maxit, ngettext(maxit, "iteration", "iterations")),

    niter <- niter + 1

    # E-step to update weights

    predint = matrix(NA, sum(unknown), nclust) # predint will contain the predicted intensities at points with hidden labels
    for (i in 1:nclust)
      ppp_i = ppp_Unknown
      marks(ppp_i) = as.factor(colnames(nndists)[i])
      predint[,i] = predict(fit1, locations = ppp_i)

    p_mat = t(matrix(p, ncol(predint), nrow(predint)))
    predint_p = predint*p_mat

    iterweights[unknown,] = predint_p/apply(predint_p, 1, sum)

    # end E-step

    # M-step

    p = apply(iterweights, 2, sum)/sum(apply(iterweights, 2, sum)) # update p

    itermarks = datamarks
    itermarks = colnames(nndists)[apply(iterweights, 1, which.max)] # update marks for locations with hidden labels

    iterppp = datappp
    marks(iterppp) = as.factor(itermarks)

    Q = quadscheme(data = iterppp, dummy = quads, method = "grid", ntile = c(dim(Qmask)[1], dim(Qmask)[2]), npix = c(dim(Qmask)[1], dim(Qmask)[2]))

    fit1 = ppm(Q, trend = markform, covariates = cov.list) # new ppm with new coefficients

    # end M-step

    # evaluate marginal loglikelihood

    loglik.old = loglik.new

    allp_mat = t(matrix(p, ncol(predint), nrow(iterweights)))
    loglik.new <- sum(log(apply(allp_mat * iterweights, 2, sum))) 

      cat(paste("Iteration", niter, "\tlogLik =", loglik.new,
                "\tp =", signif(p,4), "\n"))

  if(verbose) {
    cat("\nEstimated parameters:\n")
    cat(paste("p [cluster] =", signif(p, 5), "\n"))
    cat(paste("\nloglik.new:\n", signif(loglik.new), "\n"))


  return(list(z = round(p),
              probs = p,
              niter = niter, maxit = maxit,
              converged = (niter >= maxit),
              New_weights = round(iterweights, digits = 3)

# # Test the function - from ppmMixEngine
Testmixfunction = ppmMixEngine(datappp = datappp, quads = quads,
                               ppmform = ppmform, cov.list = cov.list,
                               verbose=TRUE, tol = 0.00001, maxit = 50)

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