Ошибка чтения буфера Fifo в библиотеке DMP mpu9250
Я успешно перенес библиотеку DMP для использования с CC2640R2F, и она успешно инициализируется. Но всякий раз, когда я читаю данные, используя следующее dmp_read_fifo(gyro, accel_short, quat, &sensor_timestamp, &sensor, &more); Я не получаю никакого значения, и эта функция возвращает -1. когда я отлаживал, я обнаружил, что это из-за значения fifocount. Я получаю значение fifocout 0. Я не могу найти ошибку. Если все инициализируется правильно, то должно работать нормально. Следующее - моя основная функция. Благодарю вас.
int main()
inv_error_t result;
unsigned char accel_fsr, new_temp = 0;
unsigned short gyro_rate, gyro_fsr;
unsigned long timestamp;
struct int_param_s int_param;
unsigned char new_compass = 0;
unsigned short compass_fsr;
//printt(“UART\n”); flushh();
if(ini_uart()) //Inicia UART
System_abort(“Error UART.\n”);
printt(“UART int\n”); flushh();
printt(“MPU\n”); flushh();
result = mpu_init(&int_param);
if (result) {
System_printf(“Could not initialize gyro.\n”);
// run_self_test();
/* If you’re not using an MPU9150 AND you’re not using DMP features, this
* function will place all slaves on the primary bus.
* mpu_set_bypass(1);
printt(“MPL\n”); flushh();
result = inv_init_mpl();
if (result) {
System_printf(“Could not initialize MPL.\n”);
printt(“DMP\n”); flushh();
/* Compute 6-axis and 9-axis quaternions. */
/* The MPL expects compass data at a constant rate (matching the rate
* passed to inv_set_compass_sample_rate). If this is an issue for your
* application, call this function, and the MPL will depend on the
* timestamps passed to inv_build_compass instead.
* inv_9x_fusion_use_timestamps(1);
/* This function has been deprecated.
* inv_enable_no_gyro_fusion();
/* Update gyro biases when not in motion.
* WARNING: These algorithms are mutually exclusive.
/* inv_enable_motion_no_motion(); */
/* inv_set_no_motion_time(1000); */
/* Update gyro biases when temperature changes. */
/* This algorithm updates the accel biases when in motion. A more accurate
* bias measurement can be made when running the self-test (see case ‘t’ in
* handle_input), but this algorithm can be enabled if the self-test can’t
* be executed in your application.
* inv_enable_in_use_auto_calibration();
printt(“MAG\n”); flushh();
/* Compass calibration algorithms. */
/* If you need to estimate your heading before the compass is calibrated,
* enable this algorithm. It becomes useless after a good figure-eight is
* detected, so we’ll just leave it out to save memory.
* inv_enable_heading_from_gyro();
/* Allows use of the MPL APIs in read_from_mpl. */
result = inv_start_mpl();
while (1) {
System_printf(“Not authorized.\n”);
if (result) {
System_printf(“Could not start the MPL.\n”);
/* Get/set hardware configuration. Start gyro. */
/* Wake up all sensors. */
mpu_set_sensors(INV_XYZ_GYRO | INV_XYZ_ACCEL);
/* Push both gyro and accel data into the FIFO. */
mpu_configure_fifo(INV_XYZ_GYRO | INV_XYZ_ACCEL);
/* The compass sampling rate can be less than the gyro/accel sampling rate.
* Use this function for proper power management.
mpu_set_compass_sample_rate(1000 / COMPASS_READ_MS);
/* Read back configuration in case it was set improperly. */
/* Sync driver configuration with MPL. */
/* Sample rate expected in microseconds. */
inv_set_gyro_sample_rate(1000000L / gyro_rate);
inv_set_accel_sample_rate(1000000L / gyro_rate);
/* The compass rate is independent of the gyro and accel rates. As long as
* inv_set_compass_sample_rate is called with the correct value, the 9-axis
* fusion algorithm’s compass correction gain will work properly.
inv_set_compass_sample_rate(COMPASS_READ_MS * 1000L);
/* Set chip-to-body orientation matrix.
* Set hardware units to dps/g’s/degrees scaling factor.
printt(“HAL\n”); flushh();
/* Initialize HAL state variables. */
hal.sensors = ACCEL_ON | GYRO_ON | COMPASS_ON;
hal.sensors = ACCEL_ON | GYRO_ON;
hal.dmp_on = 0;
hal.report = 0;
hal.rx.cmd = 0;
hal.next_pedo_ms = 0;
hal.next_compass_ms = 0;
hal.next_temp_ms = 0;
/* Compass reads are handled by scheduler. */
// get_tick_count(×tamp);
// uint32_t Tm2 = Clock_getTicks()/7500;
// timestamp = Tm2;
/* To initialize the DMP:
* 1. Call dmp_load_motion_driver_firmware(). This pushes the DMP image in
* inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.h into the MPU memory.
* 2. Push the gyro and accel orientation matrix to the DMP.
* 3. Register gesture callbacks. Don’t worry, these callbacks won’t be
* executed unless the corresponding feature is enabled.
* 4. Call dmp_enable_feature(mask) to enable different features.
* 5. Call dmp_set_fifo_rate(freq) to select a DMP output rate.
* 6. Call any feature-specific control functions.
* To enable the DMP, just call mpu_set_dmp_state(1). This function can
* be called repeatedly to enable and disable the DMP at runtime.
* The following is a short summary of the features supported in the DMP
* image provided in inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c:
* DMP_FEATURE_LP_QUAT: Generate a gyro-only quaternion on the DMP at
* 200Hz. Integrating the gyro data at higher rates reduces numerical
* errors (compared to integration on the MCU at a lower sampling rate).
* DMP_FEATURE_6X_LP_QUAT: Generate a gyro/accel quaternion on the DMP at
* 200Hz. Cannot be used in combination with DMP_FEATURE_LP_QUAT.
* DMP_FEATURE_TAP: Detect taps along the X, Y, and Z axes.
* DMP_FEATURE_ANDROID_ORIENT: Google’s screen rotation algorithm. Triggers
* an event at the four orientations where the screen should rotate.
* DMP_FEATURE_GYRO_CAL: Calibrates the gyro data after eight seconds of
* no motion.
* DMP_FEATURE_SEND_RAW_ACCEL: Add raw accelerometer data to the FIFO.
* DMP_FEATURE_SEND_RAW_GYRO: Add raw gyro data to the FIFO.
* DMP_FEATURE_SEND_CAL_GYRO: Add calibrated gyro data to the FIFO. Cannot
* be used in combination with DMP_FEATURE_SEND_RAW_GYRO.
* Known Bug –
* DMP when enabled will sample sensor data at 200Hz and output to FIFO at the rate
* specified in the dmp_set_fifo_rate API. The DMP will then sent an interrupt once
* a sample has been put into the FIFO. Therefore if the dmp_set_fifo_rate is at 25Hz
* there will be a 25Hz interrupt from the MPU device.
* There is a known issue in which if you do not enable DMP_FEATURE_TAP
* then the interrupts will be at 200Hz even if fifo rate
* is set at a different rate. To avoid this issue include the DMP_FEATURE_TAP
* DMP sensor fusion works only with gyro at +-2000dps and accel +-2G
hal.dmp_features = DMP_FEATURE_6X_LP_QUAT | DMP_FEATURE_TAP |
hal.dmp_on = 1;
// while(1){
// PIN_setOutputValue(ledPinHandle, Board_LED1,!PIN_getOutputValue(Board_LED1));
// Task_sleep(100);
// }
uartRead(); //Pide caracter via uart, sin bloquear
printt(“Rutilde\n”); System_flush();
uint8_t adf = 0;
char commandIMU[29] = {‘8′,’9′,’0′,’a’,’g’,’c’,’e’,’r’,’q’,’Q’,’h’,’i’,’o’,’w’,’t’,’1′,’2′,’3′,’4′,’5′,’,’,’.’,’f’,’m’,’p’,’G’,’d’,’m’,’C’,’b’,};
// PIN_setOutputValue(ledPinHandle, Board_LED1,!PIN_getOutputValue(Board_LED1));
// Task_sleep(100);
// adf++;
unsigned long sensor_timestamp;
int new_data = 0;
// if(new_uart){ //need to look once
// //new_uart=FALSE;
// char asd = commandIMU[adf];
// adf++;
// handle_input(asd);
// System_printf(“\n Command %c”, commandIMU[adf]);
// System_printf(” \n”);
// System_flush();
// // uartRead(); – //Pide caracter via uart, sin bloquear
// }
// uint32_t Tm2 = Clock_getTicks()/75000;
// timestamp = Tm2;//timeStamp();
// System_printf(“time_stamp %d”, timestamp);
// System_flush();
/* We’re not using a data ready interrupt for the compass, so we’ll
* make our compass reads timer-based instead.
if ((timestamp > hal.next_compass_ms) && !hal.lp_accel_mode &&
hal.new_gyro && (hal.sensors & COMPASS_ON)) {
hal.next_compass_ms = timestamp + COMPASS_READ_MS;
new_compass = 1;
/* Temperature data doesn’t need to be read with every gyro sample.
* Let’s make them timer-based like the compass reads.
if (timestamp > hal.next_temp_ms) {
hal.next_temp_ms = timestamp + TEMP_READ_MS;
new_temp = 1;
if (hal.motion_int_mode) {
/* Enable motion interrupt. */
mpu_lp_motion_interrupt(500, 1, 5);
/* Notify the MPL that contiguity was broken. */
/* Wait for the MPU interrupt. */
while (!hal.new_gyro) {}
/* Restore the previous sensor configuration. */
mpu_lp_motion_interrupt(0, 0, 0);
hal.motion_int_mode = 0;
if (!hal.sensors || !hal.new_gyro) {
if (hal.new_gyro && hal.lp_accel_mode) {
short accel_short[3];
long accel[3];
mpu_get_accel_reg(accel_short, &sensor_timestamp);
accel[0] = (long)accel_short[0];
accel[1] = (long)accel_short[1];
accel[2] = (long)accel_short[2];
inv_build_accel(accel, 0, sensor_timestamp);
new_data = 1;
hal.new_gyro = 0;
} else if (hal.new_gyro && hal.dmp_on) {
short gyro[3], accel_short[3], sensors;
unsigned char more;
long accel[3], quat[4], temperature;
/* This function gets new data from the FIFO when the DMP is in
* use. The FIFO can contain any combination of gyro, accel,
* quaternion, and gesture data. The sensors parameter tells the
* caller which data fields were actually populated with new data.
* For example, if sensors == (INV_XYZ_GYRO | INV_WXYZ_QUAT), then
* the FIFO isn’t being filled with accel data.
* The driver parses the gesture data to determine if a gesture
* event has occurred; on an event, the application will be notified
* via a callback (assuming that a callback function was properly
* registered). The more parameter is non-zero if there are
* leftover packets in the FIFO.
int asd = dmp_read_fifo(gyro, accel_short, quat, &sensor_timestamp, &sensors, &more);
if (!more)
hal.new_gyro = 0;
if (sensors & INV_XYZ_GYRO) {
/* Push the new data to the MPL. */
inv_build_gyro(gyro, sensor_timestamp);
new_data = 1;
if (new_temp) {
new_temp = 0;
/* Temperature only used for gyro temp comp. */
mpu_get_temperature(&temperature, &sensor_timestamp);
inv_build_temp(temperature, sensor_timestamp);
if (sensors & INV_XYZ_ACCEL) {
accel[0] = (long)accel_short[0];
accel[1] = (long)accel_short[1];
accel[2] = (long)accel_short[2];
inv_build_accel(accel, 0, sensor_timestamp);
new_data = 1;
if (sensors & INV_WXYZ_QUAT) {
inv_build_quat(quat, 0, sensor_timestamp);
new_data = 1;
} else if (hal.new_gyro) {
short gyro[3], accel_short[3];
unsigned char sensors, more;
long accel[3], temperature;
/* This function gets new data from the FIFO. The FIFO can contain
* gyro, accel, both, or neither. The sensors parameter tells the
* caller which data fields were actually populated with new data.
* For example, if sensors == INV_XYZ_GYRO, then the FIFO isn’t
* being filled with accel data. The more parameter is non-zero if
* there are leftover packets in the FIFO. The HAL can use this
* information to increase the frequency at which this function is
* called.
hal.new_gyro = 0;
mpu_read_fifo(gyro, accel_short, &sensor_timestamp,
&sensors, &more);
if (more)
hal.new_gyro = 1;
if (sensors & INV_XYZ_GYRO) {
/* Push the new data to the MPL. */
inv_build_gyro(gyro, sensor_timestamp);
new_data = 1;
if (new_temp) {
new_temp = 0;
/* Temperature only used for gyro temp comp. */
mpu_get_temperature(&temperature, &sensor_timestamp);
inv_build_temp(temperature, sensor_timestamp);
if (sensors & INV_XYZ_ACCEL) {
accel[0] = (long)accel_short[0];
accel[1] = (long)accel_short[1];
accel[2] = (long)accel_short[2];
inv_build_accel(accel, 0, sensor_timestamp);
new_data = 1;
if (new_compass) {
short compass_short[3];
long compass[3];
new_compass = 0;
/* For any MPU device with an AKM on the auxiliary I2C bus, the raw
* magnetometer registers are copied to special gyro registers.
if (!mpu_get_compass_reg(compass_short, &sensor_timestamp)) {
compass[0] = (long)compass_short[0];
compass[1] = (long)compass_short[1];
compass[2] = (long)compass_short[2];
/* NOTE: If using a third-party compass calibration library,
* pass in the compass data in uT * 2^16 and set the second
* parameter to INV_CALIBRATED | acc, where acc is the
* accuracy from 0 to 3.
inv_build_compass(compass, 0, sensor_timestamp);
new_data = 1;
if (new_data) {
/* This function reads bias-compensated sensor data and sensor
* fusion outputs from the MPL. The outputs are formatted as seen
* in eMPL_outputs.c. This function only needs to be called at the
* rate requested by the host.