Описание тега bullet
The Bullet Physics Library is an Open Source collision detection and rigid body dynamics library. The library is free for commercial use and open source under the ZLib License.
**Do not use this for bullet points. Use [bulletedlist] instead. For bulleted lists in HTML, use [html-lists]. For generic bullet/projectile calculations use the [projectile] tag.**
From Bullet's main project page:
The Bullet 3D Game Multiphysics Library provides state of the art collision detection, soft body and rigid body dynamics.
- Used by many movie and game companies in AAA titles on Playstation 3, XBox 360, Nintendo Wii, PC and iPhone
- Modular extendible C++ design with hot-swap of most components
- Optimized back-ends for pthreads/Win32 Threads multi-threading and PS3 Cell SPU
- Preparation for OpenCL data parallel optimizations for upcoming Bullet 3.x
Bullet Collision Detection can be used on its own as a separate SDK without Bullet Dynamics:
- Discrete and continuous collision detection (CCD)
- Swept collision queries
- Ray casting with custom collision filtering
- Generic convex support (using GJK), capsule, cylinder, cone, sphere, box and non-convex triangle meshes.
- Support for dynamic deformation of non-convex triangle meshes, by refitting the acceleration structures
Multi-physics support including:
- Rigid body dynamics including constraint solvers, generic constraints, ragdolls, hinge, ball-socket
- Support for constraint limits and motors
- Soft body support including cloth, rope and deformable
- Bullet is integrated into Cinema 4D, Lightwave, Blender and Carrara, and plugins for Maya, Houdini and 3ds Max are available
- Serialization of physics data in the cross-platform binary.bullet file format
The library is free for commercial use and open source under the ZLib License.
Project page at GitHub: https://github.com/bulletphysics/bullet3 Other tags: bulletphysics ( https://stackru.com/tags/bulletphysics/info)