Описание тега select-menu

NoneSelectmenu is a jQuery UI plugin which allows replacing the browser's standard `<select>` drop-down with a fully stylable interface. XobotOS is a Xamarin research project that explored porting Android 4.0 from Java/Dalvik to C# to explore the performance and memory footprint benefits of C#. XobotOS is a semi-automated port of the Android 4.0 source code from Java to C#. The automated parts were ported using an improved version of Sharpen that can compile more advanced Java constructs and supports generics. Most of the manual bits of code fall in two categories (a) code to integrate with the host operating system and (b) replace the Java JNI code used to call into C, with the ECMA CLI P/Invoke functionality. XobotOS is a Xamarin research project that explored porting Android 4.0 from Java/Dalvik to C# to explore the performance and memory footprint benefits of C#. Mousedown is a browser event that occurs when a user clicks the mouse button down on an element. It usually occurs right before a mouseup event (when the user releases the mouse), and is part of an onclick event, which comprises both the click down and release of the mouse. Mousedown is a browser event that occurs when a user clicks the mouse button down on an element. is one of the standard ActiveRecord callbacks. There are three sets of callbacks: Creating an Object (in order of execution): Updating an Object (in order of execution): Destroying an Object (in order of execution): An ActiveRecord callback that is executed after validating an object but before writing it to the database. Spirit.Qi is designed to be a practical parsing tool. The ability to generate a fully-working parser from a formal EBNF specification inlined in C++ significantly reduces development time. Programmers typically approach parsing using ad hoc hacks with primitive tools such as scanf. Even regular-expression libraries (such as boost regex) or scanners (such as boost tokenizer) do not scale well when we need to write more elaborate parsers. Attempting to write even a moderately-complex parser using these tools leads to code that is hard to understand and maintain. One prime objective is to make the tool easy to use. When one thinks of a parser generator, the usual reaction is “it must be big and complex with a steep learning curve.” Not so. Spirit is designed to be fully scalable. The library is structured in layers. This permits learning on an as-needed basis, after only learning the minimal core and basic concepts. For development simplicity and ease in deployment, the entire library consists of only header files, with no libraries to link against or build. Just put the Spirit distribution in your include path, compile and run. Code size is very tight, essentially comparable to hand-written recursive descent code. Have fun! Further Reading Quick Start Tutorials Qi documentation Boost Spirit official site About Boost Spirit Resources tagged qi Video: Spirit.Qi in the real world a practical, scalable parsing library for C++ is used in SQL to remove a table. The SQL command for deleting an entire table. Ruby's is an integer class that is used to hold values that fit inside a native machine integer (less 1 bit for housekeeping purposes). s are converted to s as needed. The Ruby Fixnum class. Backbone collections are order sets of models. Collections forward events on their models to the collection's listeners for convenience. For Backbone questions specific to Backbone's collections. Migrations are a way to alter your database in a reversible manner using (usually) Ruby classes and objects rather than raw SQL. Rails also keeps track of which migrations have run so a simple is all that is needed to bring your database up to date even if different people have made different changes. The migrations also maintain your file. Links: Ruby on Rails Guides: Migrations Rails Framework Documentation - ActiveRecord::Migration Rails migrations are used to track and apply database alterations in a reversible manner. is used in Ruby to catch exceptions that have been thrown. The general exception handling structure is: You can leave out the inside a method: Or use it as a statement modifier The Ruby keyword for catching exceptions. Within ggplot2, is a function that sets up the aesthetic mappings for a chart, the basic data series, the scales, and data grouping among others. It creates the basic plot object and other functions, such as or then add graphic layers to the chart. As a tag on SO, should be avoided in favour of the name of the current package,. ggplot is (1) the original name for ggplot2, an actively maintained open-source chart-drawing library for R, written by Hadley Wickham and (2) it is a function name within that package. This tag should now be deprecated in favour of the tag: ggplot2 Microsoft Fakes is an isolation framework for creating delegate-based test stubs and shims in.NET Framework applications. The Fakes framework can be used to shim any.NET method, including non-virtual and static methods in sealed types. The Fakes framework grew out of the Pex and Moles projects released by Microsoft Research. Microsoft notes that: "The Fakes Framework in Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 and 2015 is the next generation of Moles & Stubs. Fakes is different from Moles, however, so moving from Moles to Fakes will require some modifications to your code. Moles will not be developed further, so we recommend to migrate to Fakes." (source)" (Aside: The Pex project evolved into the Intellitest feature in Visual Studio 2015.) See also: MSDN: Isolating Unit Test Methods with Microsoft Fakes Questions tagged with 'moles' Microsoft Fakes is an isolation framework for creating delegate-based test stubs and shims in.NET Framework applications. This tag is used to indicate that the question is about a bug that is specific to the safari browser. For possible bugs that are specific to the Safari browser from Apple. The arrow keys are the up, down, left and right keys on a keyboard, also known as "cursor keys". They are primarily used to move the cursor around on-screen text, and are also often used to move player characters in games. They behave as normal keys for keyboard events, returning both a Unicode value and a code. References MDN keycode.info Cambia Research The up, down, left, and right keys on a keyboard, also known as "cursor keys". The Perl XML::Simple module or the XmlSimple Ruby gem. The "simple" libraries for working with XML in Ruby or Perl. The expression is an SQL construction used to return different values depending on specified conditions. There are two forms of the expression. The first is the simple: This will compare to each in order until it finds a condition where, and return the of that condition. If no such condition is found the is returned. The second form of expression is the searched: This will test in order until it finds a condition where the is true, and return the of that condition. If no such condition is found the is returned. There are two short forms for special expressions; and. is equivalent to: I.e. the expression returns the value of the first non-null operand, found by working from left to right, or null if all the operands equal null. is equivalent to I.e. if the operands are equal, returns null, otherwise the value of the first operand. In SQL, the CASE expression evaluates a list of conditions, returning the result for the first condition which evaluates to true. For programming languages' CASE questions, use the [switch-statement] tag instead. The gem is an interface for accessing MySQL databases from Ruby. This gem is an incompatible improvement over the original gem. Links: Github homepage The Mysql2 gem is meant to serve the extremely common use-case of connecting, querying and iterating on results. The method is used to respond to methods when you don't know what methods you need to understand until runtime. The Ruby method that is invoked on an object when you send it a message (or call a method) that it doesn't understand. In Ruby, exceptions are raised when a given name is invalid or undefined. For example: will raise a if there is no method or variable. You will also get a if you try to define a constant whose first letter is not a capital: In Python, a is raised when:... a local or global name is not found. This applies only to unqualified names. The associated value is an error message that includes the name that could not be found. An example is below in which a is raised because is not defined in the current scope: The Ruby or Python `NameError` exception. ActiveModel brings many of ActiveRecord's features (such as validations and callbacks) to non-ActiveRecord classes. A toolkit for building modeling frameworks like Active Record. Rich support for attributes, callbacks, validations, serialization, internationalization, and testing. A sigil is a symbol attached to a variable name, showing the variable's datatype or scope. For instance in Perl, is the sigil denoting scalar type of the variable, while is the sigil denoting the array type of. For more information and a list of other languages featuring sigils, see the Wikipedia article on sigils. Symbols attached to variable names, showing datatype or scope. Pinyin is the official system to transcribe Chinese characters into Latin script in the People's Republic of China, Republic of China (Taiwan), Singapore, and Malaysia. It is frequently used as an input method to enter Chinese characters into computers. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) adopted pinyin as the standard romanization for modern Chinese in 1982 (ISO 7098:1982, superseded by ISO 7098:1991) For more information, see the Wikipedia articles on pinyin and the pinyin input method. International standard to transcribe Chinese characters into Latin script, and an input method to enter Chinese characters on a computer. From msdn: Represents an object whose members can be dynamically added and removed at run time. Instances are typically declared with the keyword: This type is part of System.Dynamic and was introduced with.NET 4. ExpandoObject is a.NET type whose members can be added and removed at runtime. Grok is a web framework running atop of Zope application server written in Python with aim to make Zope technology more accessible to the masses as well as speed up the development process. Exploiting convention-over-configuration paradigm Grok uses Zope Toolkit libraries and provides building blocks for your application along with the way to tie it all together. Visit grok to learn more. Grok is a web framework running atop of Zope application server written in Python with aim to make Zope technology more accessible to the masses as well as speed up the development process. Exploiting convention-over-configuration paradigm, Grok uses Zope Toolkit libraries and provides building blocks for your application along with the way to tie it all together. The Windows kernel (also called NT kernel) provides services for user-mode applications and has a modular architecture that allows loading kerner drivers (either real hardware device drivers or virtual drivers). This tag is for questions about the internals of the NT kernel and/or driver development specific to the Windows architecture. The Windows kernel (also called NT kernel) provides services for user-mode applications and has a modular architecture that allows loading kerner drivers (either real hardware device drivers or virtual drivers). Main steps in lifecycle are: Page request Start Initialization Load Postback event handling (if it is a postback request) Rendering Unload More information: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178472.aspx When a page is requested on the web the server goes through a number of stages before sending back a response. Thus, the page life cycle is runs between request to response on the server. A sequence of events or system calls relevant to the creation, startup, inactivation, resuming, shutdown and destruction (cleanup) of some program or its component (activity, library, servlet). Lifecycles are supported by various programming platforms. An is usually a small window that appears in front of the current. The underlying activity loses focus and the dialog accepts all user interaction. Dialogs are normally used for notifications that should interrupt the user and to perform short tasks that directly relate to the application in progress. An AlertDialog can manage zero, one, two, or three buttons, and/or a list of selectable items that can include checkboxes or radio buttons. AlertDialog is capable of constructing most dialog user interfaces and is the suggested dialog type. reference: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/AlertDialog.html Android AlertDialogs are pop-up dialogs that appear in front of the current Activity. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. A modern prime number sieve with better computational complexity than that of the sieve of Eratosthenes. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Atkin. A modern prime number sieve with better computational complexity than that of the sieve of Eratosthenes. Subgurim Maps is an ASP.NET complete wrapper around Google Maps Javascript libraries that leverages the developer from the inner workings of the Javascript API. It's available in more than 25 languages. Links Home page Examples Support forum Subgurim Maps is an ASP.NET complete wrapper around Google Maps Javascript libraries that leverages the developer from the inner workings of the Javascript API. It's available in more than 25 languages. In particular in the theory of computation, the concatenation operation on strings is generalized to an operation on sets of strings as follows: For two sets of strings S1 and S2, the concatenation S1S2 consists of all strings of the form vw where v is a string from S1 and w is a string from S2. In this definition, the string vw is the ordinary concatenation of strings v and w as defined in the introductory section. In this context, sets of strings are often referred to as formal languages. Programming languages often provide operators (such as the sign) to simplify concatenation of strings. For example, would result in. String concatenation is the operation of joining two character strings end-to-end. The COMMAREA (common area) is used to pass data between successive transactions in a CICS® pseudoconversational transaction. Windows-1251 or code page CP1251 is a popular 8-bit character encoding, designed to cover languages that use the Cyrillic script such as Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian Cyrillic and other languages. It is the most widely used for encoding the Bulgarian, Serbian and Macedonian languages. In modern applications, Unicode is a preferred character set. Source and more information: Windows-1251 on the English Wikipedia Windows-1251 (a.k.a. code page CP1251) is a popular 8-bit character encoding, designed to cover languages that use the Cyrillic script such as Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian Cyrillic and other languages. It is the most widely used for encoding the Bulgarian, Serbian and Macedonian languages. In modern applications, Unicode is a preferred character set. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. Use [tag:alignment] instead. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. Use [tag:vertical-alignment] instead. The T-SQL APPLY operator allows you to invoke a table-valued function for each row returned by an outer table expression of a query. CROSS APPLY acts as a replacement for an INNER JOIN and only returns rows if there is a match on the join condition. Using CROSS APPLY in some instances will perform better than an equivalent JOIN statement. It is similar to a `CROSS JOIN LATERAL` in the SQL standard Plugins for the Apache™ Hadoop™ project. Plugins for the Apache™ Hadoop™ project. Use this tag for questions about the web application test tool. Use this tag for questions about the web application test tool. Mouseup is a browser event that occurs when a user releases the mouse button on an element. It usually occurs right after a mousedown event (when the user clicks the mouse button down), and is part of an onclick event, which comprises both the click down and release of the mouse. Mouseup is a browser event that occurs when a user release the mouse button (lets it up) on an element. Debugging GQL Queries I have been trying to run this query: and my template looks like this: Instead of getting the details of the Post of I'm getting a blank page. Although there exists a post with id=1 i'm not sure how to confirm if the GQLquery is actually returning something. Is there a way to check? On trying the following: I get the same issue (blank page), even though there is post who's subject is Thanks a lot is a class. Your code has created an instance of the class. To return something from the datastore you need to use either of the following instance methods: Example: A production environment is one in that is exposed to its intended audience in a real-world situation. Audit controls (in software development) are a series of procedures that track changes to systems or components of a larger system. The exact systems or components that are subject to audit are determined by the risk exposure of the overall system. The most common types of audit controls are (see "Information technology audit" article on Wikipedia): Data Capture Controls – ensures that all transactions are recorded in the application system, transactions are recorded only once, and rejected transactions are identified, controlled, corrected, and re-entered into the system. Data Validation Controls – ensures that all transactions are properly valued. Processing Controls – ensures the proper processing of transactions. Output Controls – ensures that computer output is not distributed or displayed to unauthorized users. Error Controls – ensures that errors are corrected and resubmitted to the application system at the correct point in processing. Most of these controls are applied at the systems level. For example ACID compliant databases systems provide a level of data capture control. You should tag your question with if you're asking about any of the following: Tracking changes to a system "Who did what" controls How to implement a "Maker-Checker" workflow Questions related to general system logging of events and errors should not be tagged with. A set of processes or functionality that tracks changes to one or more components of a system, ensuring the completeness and accuracy of transaction processing, authorization, and validity of system operations. Restler is a simple multi-format Web API Server written in PHP. It is open sourced under LGPL license. Developer Home Source on GitHub - Version 2.0, Version 3.0 Live Examples - Version 3.0 Taking Care of the REST - Presentation Updates on Twitter Keep in touch on Facebook A micro framework that can expose any PHP class and its methods as Pragmatic and/or RESTful API. Bernie is right in that you need to use or to actually retrieve results from the GqlQuery that you created, but for the first version, where you have a key or an id, you don't want to create a query at all. Rather, use the methods that are provided for using them directly. If you have an id, use: this will be much faster than using a query object. If you have an entire key, use: That is the fastest and most efficient way to get an entity out of the database. A Visual Studio Database Project is a standard project Visual Studio project type that gives database developers the same level of integration with the development process as other source code project type. Different versions of Visual Studio has included different levels of support for database projects and database development. Visual Studio 2005 introduced a project type called a "database project", which was primarily a collection of SQL scripts. There was no build or deployment support for this project. It did have source control integration and permitted execution of scripts directly against a referenced connection. This type of project is considered obsolete, and is no longer provided with Visual Studio. Visual Studio 2008 Database Edition GDR introduced a new project, also called a "database project", to replace the previous project type. This new project type, a, behaved more like a source code project, in that it supported refactoring, code analysis, and had explicit build and deployment support within Visual Studio. Visual Studio 2010 included this project as its sole form of database project. Visual Studio 11 includes a newer form of the database project, called a SQL Server Data Tools or SSDT project. (SSDT projects are also available as an add-on to Visual Studio 2010). These projects are similar to VS2010 database projects, but provide better integration into the Visual Studio IDE, support SQL Azure deployment, and provide a new connected Object Explorer experience within Visual Studio. This tag is appropriate for questions on any of these database project types, or the Visual Studio tools that are used to manage them (such as). Visual Studio Database Projects allow developers to create, manage, update, and deploy databases with the same development tools and processes as any other source code project. In Javascript, Elan Shanker's async-waterfall package organizes series of functions with callback completions into waterfalls. It runs an array of functions in series, each passing their results to the next in the array. However, if any of the functions pass an error to the callback, the next function is not executed and the main callback is immediately called with the error. In chart design, a waterfall chart is a form of data visualization that helps in understanding the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values. These intermediate values can either be time based or category based. Waterfall is an abstraction model for software design which translates requirements into lists of simple routines and arranges them in a sequence of phases based on dependencies. A spiral is a two- or three-dimensional shape composed of lines which continuously wrap around a center point. The spiral model is an iterative software development methodology, in which each iteration builds upon previous work. As you've already read, there are a few issues that could be the cause: UIWebView doesn't register events natively Scripts don't need (and apparently shouldn't have) full path locations in their src/href. So for the second issue (found here) try changing: to (obviously the file names and paths will need adjusting, but the bottom line is to just refer to the file names without the full base path). For the first, you already indicated that the solution at: How to implement touch events in uiwebview? Didn't work. Have you tried one of the open source libraries recommended at: send a notification from javascript in UIWebView to ObjectiveC Specifically, PhoneGap looks pretty snazzy to me, but whichever fixes the problem is the best one, obviously. But the overall issue for why it works in Safari mobile but not UIWebView is because the events are not mapped/cross-referenced. One last idea, just to say you tried it... Try changing your code to either: just in case they are somewhere way back there mapped, but the method itself isn't mapped to the touch event (even though the the click event might be). Worth a shot. But I'd try out the first two ideas just to see if life can be easy. Wordpress 2 column page not working I have a problem with one of my wordpress blogs. The page has two columns side by side, when I click 'edit the page' and put the code and content in on 'html mode' but when I switch to visual mode and change anything, the column breaks up and the right half goes underneath the first(ontop of each other rather than side by side). I've added 'display:inline-block' and 'float:left' ect to the CSS but it still doesn't stay where it is meant to. Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep the columns in place when editing between html and visual mode. (and i do want to use visual mode) also to note- my php template: then get footer In my page I have put in column 1's content then a line after I put this: then column 2's content any idea's on how to solve this problem? thanks! Try 'clear: both;' Seems like a css problem. Small Footprint Scheme for use as a C Extension Language https://github.com/ashinn/chibi-scheme Small Footprint Scheme for use as a C Extension Language AJAX Request Not Getting Any Info Here's my PHP file code: Here's my JS AJAX request: Nothing shows up under the posts section on my page. What am I doing wrong? And the PHP code is tested and it worked when I just directly included it in the posts page. What I'm trying to do: PHP Newsfeed with Reload Where is the element with id "posts"?, I only can see a div tag with post class One thing that is wrong with your ajax, is that it is assuming to be synchronous: You are expecting a result right after you send your request but instead you should attach an event handler on the event. If you don't have any experience with ajax, I would recommend using a library like jQuery to handle that for you. Apart from that I don't see where you are calling your ajax function either. Document Type Definition (DTD) defines the legal building blocks of an XML document. It defines the document structure with a list of legal elements and attributes. A DTD can be declared inline inside an XML document, or as an external reference. References: DTD tutorials online introductions to DTDs An XML Document Type Declaration(DTD) is a text file which lists the element and attribute mappings as well as hierarchy rules used to validate an XML dialect. Server Message Block, network-protocol for sharing files and printers implemented by Windows, Samba and others CHICKEN is a compiler for the Scheme programming language. CHICKEN produces portable, efficient C, supports almost all of the R5RS Scheme language standard, and includes many enhancements and extensions. CHICKEN runs on Linux, MacOS X, Windows, and many Unix flavours. CHICKEN is a compiler for the Scheme programming language. CHICKEN produces portable, efficient C, supports almost all of the R5RS Scheme language standard, and includes many enhancements and extensions. CHICKEN runs on Linux, MacOS X, Windows, and many Unix versions. The system used to provide automatic launch options when removable media is loaded on Windows computers Carrot2 is an open source search results clustering engine, not to be confused with the AMQP client (carrot). It is implemented in Java and can automatically organize small collections of documents (search results but not only) into thematic categories. Carrot2 is an open source search results clustering engine, not to be confused with the AMQP client (carrot) Carrot is a synchronous AMQP client written in Ruby, not to be confused with the Carrot2 clustering engine. Carrot is a synchronous AMQP client written in Ruby, not to be confused with the Carrot2 clustering engine This is a tag for challenging questions that need expert advice. Should not be used for easily googled questions. Usually requiring a detailed and well explained answer. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. --- A function that searches a string in another string. Examples php (Example taken from php.net) Resources php on strstr c++ on strstr A function that searches a string in another string. Backstretch is a 2K (minified) JQuery plugin. It displays an image as the page background and scales as the browser window is resized. It is dual licensed under MIT/GPL. Created by Scott Robin, who is also the author of other JQuery plugins including PageSlide Download and info Backstretch homepage Backstretch is a small plugin for JQuery that displays a background image scaled to fit the browser window. Smart Matching, a Perl operator denoted by ~~, compares two values based on an attempted semantic interpretation of each value. Its usage is the same as the equals operator ==. A simple illustration is that while the following expression evaluates to false: the smart matching operator recognizes them as equal: Links: An overview of Smart Matching Smart Matching is a comparative operator in Perl (denoted ~~) that attempts to infer the appropriate comparison from the types of the two operands. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. Point clouds are applicable to a variety of 3D imaging scenarios, including terrain mapping, CAD modeling, animation and metrology. A point cloud is a raw data set that typically needs to be converted into a useful data set, a process known as surface reconstruction. There are a variety of known algorithms that make this conversion. Links Wikipedia on point clouds Point Cloud Library is a large open-source project A point cloud is a set of vertices in three-dimensional space, and is commonly the data set output by 3D scanners. Something like? Point Cloud Library is an open-source framework for point-cloud processing. Founded 2010, it is an initiative sponsored by Willow Garage, NVidia, Google, and others. It is written in C++ and distributed under the BSD license. Latest release: v1.11.1 released on Aug 14, 2020 PCL contains 3D geometry processing methods, which are divided into following modules: filters features keypoints registration kdtree octree segmentation sample_consensus surface range_image io visualization Links API Getting Started & Tutorials Wikipedia on PCL PCL Users Mailing List The Point Cloud Library (PCL) is a standalone, large scale, open (BSD licensed) project for 3D point cloud processing. RubyMotion is a commercial system that allows writing cross-platform apps for iOS, Android and OS X in Ruby. For iOS, RubyMotion compiles Ruby source code to machine code and implements the Ruby object model using the Objective-C runtime. Links The official mailing list. MotionInMotion learning screencasts. Rubymotion community. IRC channel on freenode. Related tags ruby ios android RubyMotion is a commercial system for building native iOS and Android apps using Ruby. Kanso is an open-source tool for building and sharing CouchApps2, and managing dependencies, using a package manager. Kanso is a set of tools for building HTML5/Javascript applications that can be deployed on CouchDB. Bar charts are used for marking clear data which has discrete values. Some examples of discontinuous data include 'shoe size' or 'eye color', for which a bar chart is appropriate. In contrast, some examples of continuous data would be 'height' or 'weight'. A bar chart is very useful for recording certain information whether it is continuous or not continuous data. Bar charts also look a lot like a histogram. They are often mistaken for each other. Example of a bar chart, with 'Country' as the discrete data set. A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. The bars can be plotted vertically or horizontally. Google News is a free news aggregator provided and operated by Google Inc, selecting most up-to-date information from thousands of publications by an automatic aggregation algorithm. For more info see the Alpha-beta pruning wikipedia article. A search algorithm that seeks to decrease the number of nodes, which are evaluated by the minimax algorithm, in its search tree Spatial interpolation is a method of estimating new data points based on existing spatial interpolation. This tag focusses on spatial interpolation (data with a geographic component), although interpolation in a general also applies to e.g. timeseries. Commonly, spatial interpolation involves using of the surrounding observations to estimate a new data point. This can be done using some kind of weighted mean (inverse distance weighted interpolation), by fitting a mathematical function through the existing points (splines), or a combination of both (kriging with external drift). More information regarding which packages can be used to perform interpolation can be found on the Spatial Task View on CRAN, but in general the,,, and packages are a good start for a wide range of spatial interpolation methods. Estimating new data points based on existing spatial observations An ocx is an an ActiveX Control derived from the OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) paradigm. It is obviously based on the COM (Component Object Model) and DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model) specification. These controls are not standalone applications, but modules usually available as DLLs that expose functionality through the property, method, and event interfaces. An OCX is an an ActiveX Control derived from the OLE paradigm. It is based on the COM (Component Object Model) and DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model). Vert.x is a polyglot event driven non-blocking toolkit that runs on the JVM - a run-time with real concurrency and unrivalled performance. Vert.x then exposes the API in java, groovy, ruby, scala, kotlin, ceylon and javascript. So you choose what language you want to use and you can even mix and match different languages. It can be used to create microservices, and can also be embedded. Vert.x has also a powerful module system so you can package your Vert.x components into modules for encapsulation and reuse or even publishing them for the community. Vert.x can be used as your base application stack from the ground up, but also can be embedded as a dependency of an existing application. The framework also bundle a host of goodies out-of-the-box including a distributed event bus, websockets, sockjs, a mongodb persistor and many other features so you can write real applications from the set-off. The event bus can be accessed using tcp protocol, and various third party libraries exists to do so for several languages (c++, swift, java, c#, go, python...). A library called eventbus-client.js can also be used in client Javascript code. Vert.x is an event driven toolkit that runs on the JVM allowing the development of asynchronous web applications in Java, Javascript, Scala, Ruby, Ceylon, Kotlin and Groovy. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. Enumeration in Objective-C Cocoa API that contains type for string encoding Enumeration in Objective-C Cocoa API that contains type for string encoding DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. quantstrat (an R package) provides a generic infrastructure to model and backtest signal-based quantitative trading strategies. It is a high-level abstraction layer (built on the R packages xts, FinancialInstrument, blotter, etc.) that allows you to build and test strategies in very few lines of code. quantstrat is still under development but is used on real portfolios. The latest codebase for quantstrat and blotter is at: https://github.com/braverock/quantstrat https://github.com/braverock/blotter quantstrat is a quantitative strategy framework for R Libumem is a library used to detect memory management bugs in applications, based on the Slab allocator concept. Available as a standard part of the Solaris OS from Solaris 9 Update 3 onwards. /wikipedia/ Identifying Memory Management Bugs Within Applications Using the libumem Library; Memory Leak Detection with libumem; Portable umem: port of the Solaris umem memory allocator to other popular operating systems, such as Linux, Windows and BSDish systems (including Darwin/OSX). Libumem is a library used to detect memory management bugs in applications, based on the Slab allocator concept. Definition: R7RS is a project that provides a new standard for Scheme implementations. The R7RS small language specification was approved in May 2013. There are two working groups; the Small Language group's goal is a specification for a compact, core implementation, while the Large Language group plan to work on a substantial set of library modules. Important Links: Scheme Reports Process Scheme Working Group 1 Scheme Working Group 2 A project to provide a new standard for Scheme implementations. CHICKEN is a compiler for the Scheme programming language. CHICKEN produces portable, efficient C, supports almost all of the R5RS Scheme language standard, and includes many enhancements and extensions. CHICKEN runs on Linux, MacOS X, Windows, and many Unix flavours. Important Links Chicken Scheme Home Page CHICKEN is a compiler for the Scheme programming language. An attached property is intended to be used as a type of global property that is settable on any object. It allows different child elements to specify unique values for a property that is actually defined in a parent element (and are an example of frequenly used attached dependency properties). General information: Attached Properties Overview In Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), attached properties are a specialized form of dependency property that does not have the conventional property "wrapper". The possibility of paying for services or products is an important feature in many applications. Obviously it is very important that it works properly and is also save against malicious attacks. The process of transferring money, normally in exchange for some product or service Error message/exception when access to a certain resource is denied due to insufficient privileges. Access modifier is an OOP concept. It determines what level of access or visibility a particular property/method/class has. DO NOT USE THIS TAG. Historically, this tag was used for many unrelated things. Now it is in the process of burnination. All questions with this tag may be closed. See the META discussion: http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/176903/should-the-close-tag-be-burninated DON'T use the 'close' tag. Historically it was used for many unrelated things. Now it is in the process of burnination. All questions with that tag may be closed. CouchDB is a document-based storage engine which allows running complete web applications implemented in JavaScript from the database itself. Kanso is a framework which aids in developing such applications. It is heavily inspired by npm. Features Offline capability: when the cloud's not there, your app will be - flexible data synchronization Multi-platform: runs anywhere with CouchDB (Windows, OSX, Linux, Android and iOS) Deployment: effortless to deploy, to the cloud or local machines, promoting quick iterations Keep your data yours: now you can keep sensitive data in-house, and avoid sharing it with cloud services Real-time: add live page updates from multiple users with the built-in changes feed Scalability: easily grow from hobby-project to high-demand app with CouchDB Easy to distribute: apps are easy to share and distribute, between people and servers One language to rule them all: with just CouchDB and the browser, all you need to speak is JavaScript! Kanso is a framework for developing full CouchDB-based applications. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. --- DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. --- Pike is an interpreted, object-oriented, dynamic programming language with a syntax similar to C. It includes a powerful modules system that, for instance, has image manipulation, database connectivity and advanced cryptography. It is simple to learn, does not require long compilation passes and has powerful built-in data types allowing simple and fast data manipulation. Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform. It lets you... Publish and subscribe to streams of data like a messaging system Store streams of data in a distributed, replicated cluster Process streams of data in real-time Kafka is used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. It is horizontally scalable, fault-tolerant, wicked fast, and runs in production in thousands of companies. It also grants access to the complete history of the streams unlike a database, where you only see its current state. Links Source and documentation on GitHub Project homepage Download Clients Issues Related Tags apache-kafka-connect apache-kafka-streams confluent-kafka confluent kafka-consumer-api kafka-producer-api kafka-python spring-kafka apache-kafka-security apache-kafka-security apache-zookeeper Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform designed to store and process high-throughput data streams. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012 DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. This tag is for the XAML UI framework (codename “Jupiter”) specific to Windows 8’s Windows Runtime (“WinRT”). WinRT XAML is used to build Windows Store Apps (codename “Metro Apps”). WinRT-XAML supports.Net languages and C++/CX. The WinRT XAML API is an evolution of Silverlight XAML API which targets cross-browser applications, which in turn is an evolution of WPF XAML which targets desktop applications. WinRT XAML is the superset of the XAML used for Windows Phone 8 applications. This tag is for the XAML UI framework specific to Windows-Store-Apps on Windows-8. WinRT-XAML is a subset of the general XAML specification and a superset of Windows-Phone-8 XAML. GLSurfaceView extends SurfaceView, providing: EGL context creation and management. Renderer thread management. The class is just a wrapper around SurfaceView. It's not necessary to use GLSurfaceView to render with OpenGL ES; a plain SurfaceView or TextureView will work. If you want more control over the EGL context lifetime, or better control over when rendering occurs, use one of the other classes. For a simple example of a game written with GLSurfaceView, see Android Breakout. Additional details about GLSurfaceView can be found in the graphics architecture document. The appendix on game loops may also be relevant, as games are one of the more common uses for GLSurfaceView. Examples of using GLES with SurfaceView and TextureView can be found in Grafika. GLSurfaceView is a subclass of SurfaceView for Android. It provides a dedicated surface for displaying OpenGL ES rendering. ActiveObjects is an object-relational mapper for Java which is intended to be simple and lightweight, compared to many of its peers. It does not provide "SQL builder" functionality, but rather expects the user to be able to provide SQL syntax for WHERE clauses and other parameters. However, it does provide tools for automating table creation and migration between schema versions. The project home is http://activeobjects.java.net/ Source can be downloaded via git from https://bitbucket.org/activeobjects/ao.git Among early commercial users, Atlassian is using ActiveObjects in several of their products to provide a common mechanism for plugins (to JIRA, Confluence, and similar tools) to be able to store relational data. ActiveObjects is a Java ORM intended to be lightweight and easy-to-use. The Smart Board (stylized as "SMART Board") is a line of interactive whiteboards produced by the Calgary, Alberta-based company Smart Technologies. try this: http://jsfiddle.net/3Vu5w/6/ Hamming Numbers (a.k.a. regular numbers) are numbers whose only prime factors are 2, 3 and 5. They are named after Richard Hamming but became famous (or notorious) after Edsger Dijkstra posed the question of how to efficiently enumerate them in numeric order. They are a particular case of more general smooth numbers. Hamming Numbers are numbers whose only prime factors are 2, 3 and 5. They are named after Richard Hamming but became famous (or notorious) after Edsger Dijkstra posed the question of how to efficiently enumerate them in numeric order. Usually refers to move-semantics; consider using that tag instead. Move semantics is a programming language feature that allows a copy operation to be replaced by a more efficient "move" when the source object is a temporary or an otherwise expiring object. For more information on move semantics in C++, see Rvalue references and move constructors. Related tags are move-semantics, move-constructor, rvalue-reference and perfect-forwarding. Usually refers to move semantics; consider using that tag instead. Move semantics is a programming language feature that allows a copy operation to be replaced by a more efficient "move" when the source object is a temporary or an otherwise expiring object. In number theory, a smooth number is an integer which factors completely into small prime numbers. Multiples of {2,3,5} are known as 5-smooth, regular, or Hamming numbers. A positive integer is called k-smooth if none of its prime factors is greater than k. Smooth numbers are especially important in cryptography relying on factorization. In number theory, a smooth number is an integer which factors completely into small prime numbers. Multiples of {2,3,5} are known as 5-smooth, regular, or Hamming numbers. A positive integer is called *k*-smooth if none of its prime factors is greater than *k*. JSTween is JavaScript animation library for jQuery by Marco Wolfsheimer licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. For more Information visit the official Homepage Related jquery animation jquery-animation JSTween is JavaScript animation library for jQuery by Marco Wolfsheimer licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. The and functions automate some of the chore involved in parsing typical unix command line options. For details please read here. The `getopt` and `getopt_long` functions automate some of the chore involved in parsing typical unix command line options. High Level Assembly Language (HLA) is a procedural language that compiles to x86 machine code developed by Randall Hyde to help students learn Assembly language. HLA incorporates high level programming language constructs including multi-dimensional arrays, ENUMs, bounds checking, functions, and a standard library. This "High Level" C-like code can be mixed with a subset of x86 Assembler inline. To purchase Art of Assembly, find it on the No Starch Press High Level Assembly Language (HLA) is an educational language created by Randall Hyde and documented in his book Art of Assembly. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. (review to be retagged css-box-model or boxing) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. (pay special attention here for too localized questions) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. (review for NC/list questions) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. Mass assignment is both a convenient feature and a major security concern for server-side code in web applications. If not secured properly, it can allow an attacker to set parameters that should not be controlled from the client. External links Ruby on Rails Security Guide — Mass Assignment The Ruby/GitHub hack: translated Mass assignment in Rails applications Mass Assignment Vulnerability in ASP.NET MVC A feature of server-side web framework such as Ruby on Rails, in which all the parameters of an HTTP request are assigned to variables. Mass assignment security provides an interface for protecting attributes from end-user assignment. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. (if it's a good question, unanswered, or has poor answers, possibly review for migration to IT Security if it's on topic for there) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. A millisecond is a thousandth (1/1,000) of a second. Ethics is a branch of philosophy which deals with how the professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct. When it comes to computer ethics, it can be considered as a moral code that instructs the users to use the computer equipment/knowledge in a way that is friendly with the society. The concept of computer ethics originated in 1950 when Norbert Wiener, an MIT professor and inventor of an information feedback system called "cybernetics", published a book called "The Human Use of Human Beings" which laid out the basic foundations of computer ethics and made Norbert Wiener the father of computer ethics. The branch of philosophy which deals with how the professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct Spectrum refers to the full range of all frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. Spectrum has since been applied by analogy to topics outside of electromagnetic radiation. For a complete discussion, see the Wikipedia Spectrum article The frequency domain of a wave-like function. how to put a custom function in a javascript object for use in a html template? I'm using this pretty handy JavaScript template library: https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Templates. I can create elements and add data to them as many are doing with underscore.js and mustache.js. My problem comes when I want to add my own functions and not just strings to the object that will populate the template's various nodes. What i'd like to do is run the function to update the time of my newly inserted instead of just showing the time once. Here's the code, and a full demo. HTML: JS: note: inside there is a function which is available on the jsfiddle. It is for formatting the date like this: "1 second ago...". Froyo is the internal codename for the Android 2.2.x release and also Android API Level 8. Froyo Platform Highlights Froyo is the internal codename for the Android 2.2.x release and also Android API Level 8 In javascript functions are objects just like any other variable. Your problem is that you are invoking the function instead of assigning it to a property. instead use only the function name (without the parenthesis) EDIT Actually I would take a different approach anyway. Instead of using a timer, just invoke the method as you previously were: I modified nicetime to take the element that tracks the time (i assumed there was a button for each node (otherwise the data would be stored on each node) Agile project management is a response to the traditional way of project management focusing on continuous delivery of valuable software, welcome changing requirements, business people and developers working together, self-organizing teams, face-to-face conversations, sustainable development, continuous attention to technical excellence and simplicity. From Wikipedia: Agile management or agile project management is an iterative and incremental method of managing the design and build activities for engineering, information technology, and new product or service development projects in a highly flexible and interactive manner, for example agile software development. - from Wikipedia Some useful tools for project management are: Goodwerp Basecamp Asana Do Jira Trello Agile project management is an alternative to traditional project management. **IMPORTANT NOTE:** Questions about project management are off-topic. Please ask on Project Management SE instead. is a way of software requirements documentation focused on user-centered design Spyder is the Spyder on Wikipedia Spyder Home on GitHub Spyder - Documentation Spyder (previously known as Pydee) is a powerful interactive development environment for the Python language with advanced editing, interactive testing, debugging and introspection features. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. (Are you referring to macros, autohotkey?) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. (possibly retag empty-string or possibly a new tag empty-value if appropriate for the question, otherwise, remove) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. (term is too generic: Seriously what is programming without internet today?) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. (term is too generic: Seriously what is programming without internet today?) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. (review to be retagged into horizontal-alignment, otherwise, remove) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. (review to be retagged into [tag:horizontal-alignment], otherwise, remove) (review to be retagged css-position or fixed-point, remove otherwise) Prefer [tag:css-position] or [tag:fixed-point] DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. (disambiguous) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. (review to be retagged into vertical-alignment, otherwise, remove) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. (review to be retagged into [tag:vertical-alignment], otherwise, remove) An electric battery is a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells that convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy. Each cell contains a positive terminal, or cathode, and a negative terminal, or anode. Electrolytes allow ions to move between the electrodes and terminals, which allows current to flow out of the battery to perform work. A battery is a portable electrical power source which is often used in mobile devices. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. (possibly retagged to power-management) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. (possibly retagged to [tag:power-management]) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. (no we do not hate star wars: this term is just way too disambiguous) DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. (possibly to be retagged with [tag:python-challenge] or [tag:ai-challenge], if actually about a challenge, then review for NC closure, and remove tag) GnuPG is the GNU project's complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880. GnuPG allows to encrypt and sign your data and communication, features a versatile key management system as well as access modules for all kinds of public key directories. GnuPG, also known as GPG, is a command line tool with features for easy integration with other applications. A wealth of frontend applications and libraries are available. Version 2 of GnuPG also provides support for S/MIME. GnuPG is the GNU project's complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880 A schedule is the arrangement of events in time. Tiles are a very common element in games, used to store information in a simple tessellated format. Because tile grids can easily represent the space of the entire screen, tiles are a very common means of organizing level structure. The utility of tiles ranges from the layout of ground to hard restrictions on the movement of in-game entities. It may apply to only parts of the game such as over world movement, or it could represent the entirety of all meaningful interactions in the game. In web development they are commonly used to reduce the amount of data which needs to be transfer. They are also used for implementing a fast hover effect, where just the view port is moved to display another state. Patterns of identical shapes that have no gaps. They usually represent the playfield in various games. They are also used in web development for reducing the count of images which needs to be transmitted. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. Automated planning and scheduling is the sub-field of artificial intelligence concerned with generating multi-part solutions to problems. Some familiar examples of planning algorithms and systems include: The "Minimax" algorithm for choosing the best move in a two-player game (such as Tic-Tac-Toe, or Chess) The "A*" algorithm for heuristic search GPS navigation software, providing turn-by-turn driving directions Unmanned aerial vehicles ("drones") perform automatic corrections to stay on course despite changes in wind or other disruptions Commonly used University textbooks on the subject: Russell, Stuart J.; Norvig, Peter (2003), Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2nd ed.), Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, pp. 375–459, ISBN 0-13-790395-2 Ghallab, Malik; Nau, Dana S.; Traverso, Paolo (2004), Automated Planning: Theory and Practice, Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN 1-55860-856-7 A branch of artificial intelligence concerned with generating multi-part solutions to problems. Examples include game-playing AI, industrial automation, turn-by-turn directions Sencha Architect is a desktop application that helps you create interfaces for Ext JS and Sencha Touch faster than ever in an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop environment. Trial version of application can be downloaded here: http://www.sencha.com/products/architect/download/ Routing The Ext JS router supports multiple routes in a single URI. Each route’s handling is sandboxed from others, allowing for much more flexible application control. Architect 3.1 offers an intuitive interface to designate urls on which to fire functions. This should allow you to create custom actions to add “deep linking” to your application. Sencha Charts With Sencha Touch 2.1 Sencha introduced a new, high performance, touch-optimized charts package. With Ext JS 5 Sencha has enhanced this charts package to work on both Ext JS and Sencha Touch. This new charts package brings many new features to Ext JS 5, including: Candlestick and OHLC series Pan, zoom and crosshair interactions Floating axes Multiple axes SVG and HTML Canvas support Better performance Greater customization There are some significant differences between sencha-charts and the older Ext JS charts. Sencha Architect 3.1 no longer supports the use of the “ext-charts” legacy package. They are available as a stand-alone package for native framework use, but Architect 3.1 does not integrate the older version of charts. That said, Sencha has made every effort to provide helpful migration information for updating to the sencha-charts package. Sencha CMD The latest Sencha Cmd integration has a number of optimizations to make Architect and Cmd work faster together. Sencha Architect 3.1 leverages Sencha Cmd’s app watch functionality. Sencha Cmd can automatically digest and recompile your application as it monitors changes to your code. Architect can also deploy its own lightweight webserver. This is primarily for users that are doing proof of concept projects or are just getting started and do not have a server environment already set up. You can find the preferences for the web server under Preferences -> Web Server. You can enable or disable it, as well as change the designated port number. Theming Users should be able to adjust the look of a theme by simply modifying a few variables. This premise is what brought about the introduction of Quick Themes. By using Quick Themes, you can create comprehensive variations to the Neptune, Neptune Touch, Crisp, and Crisp Touch themes in just a few clicks. This prevents users from having to customize every component and provides a clear path towards simpler theming. Quick Themes works just like a regular custom theme. However, Quick Themes expose a handful of variables that smartly control the entire look of the theme using some additional SCSS behind the scenes. Need more detailed customization? Not to worry. A Quick Theme can always be converted to a regular custom theme, if you decide that you need more detailed customization. Sencha Architect is a desktop application that helps you create interfaces for Ext JS and Sencha Touch faster than ever in an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop environment. Enlive is a Clojure library for HTML/XML extraction and transformation. Links: Source, documentation, and tutorials on Github.com An interactive tutorial that does not assume knowledge of Clojure Enlive is a Clojure library for HTML/XML extraction, transformation, and templating. Moment.js is a JavaScript date library for parsing, manipulating, and formatting dates. It is design to work in both the browser and in NodeJS. Moment supports dates in all standard formats, locales, relative time, and time zones. Resources Homepage Library documentation GitHub project Known issues Basic examples Parsing in a specific format Current date in default format Current date in a custom format Manipulation, calendar time Internationalization Common Issues Do not attempt to use the internal fields, which are prefixed with underscores, such as or. They must be interpreted in a specific way to be useful. Instead, use the public API functions, such as and others. Don't forget that objects are mutable. For example: Now, both and are set to the same object, having year 2000. For these to be separate objects, you must first clone the moment. You can also clone a moment by passing a moment into the moment constructor. Remember that like the object, months are 0-11 when passed numerically, such as with the function, or when passing an array to the moment constructor. Related Tags angular-moment: Moment.js directives for AngularJS moment-recur: Moment.js plugin for matching and generating recurring dates A JavaScript date library for parsing, manipulating, and formatting dates. Use this tag for issues with moment, moment-timezone, and any moment plugins. C18 is Microchip's C compiler for PIC18 MCUs. Some of its main features are compatibility with Microchip's MPLAB and MPLAB X IDEs, Microchip's hardware and software debuggers, support for code size optimizations, support for PIC18F extended mode instructions and library support for SPI, I^2C, PWM, UART, string manipulation and math. It is available in free LITE version which doesn't support size optimizations and PIC18F extended mode instructions. Official website of the compiler is here. Microchip is currently phasing out the C18 compiler in favor of new XC8 compiler. MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs also known as MPLAB C18 is an ANSI '89 compatible C compiler for Microchip's PIC18 series of microcontroller units. RC4 in cryptography is a widely used stream cipher. It's most common application is the WEP security algorithm. RC4 is fairly simple to understand and implement, on the other side, however, strong attacks on RC4 are known. you can associate some data with each list item to keep track of them like this: you can then access this data via jQuery like this: An is an exception that occurs when you attempt to access an object that is outside the boundaries of the container. Common containers are arrays or array-based objects. are generally caused by one of 2 things... Passing a negative pointer index Passing a pointer that is equal-to, or greater than the length of the container. If we use the example of an array which is defined as being able to hold 4 objects... Arrays, and array-based containers, in most languages have zero-based references (See Wikipedia for a list of exceptions). This means that the first item in the array is, not. For new programmers, this is often not obvious, and can result in them trying to reference objects from rather than. This causes the programmer to receive an when trying to reference. A common way to make this mistake is to use a loop as follows: This will fail with an because only elements through exist. is, which does not exist. Similarly, trying to reference a negative index, such as will fail, as it exists outside the bounds of the array. This would commonly occur when trying to obtain an index reference from another method, where the method is using a negative number to indicate a failure. For example, assume the following code... In this example, the method will find the position of the letter in the given. However, when trying to use this method in the code above, the letter is not found in the word, therefore it returns to indicate it was not found. If we then attempt to use that value as a reference to an item of an array, it will fail. To help avoid these exceptions, it is usually good practice to perform a check before attempting to reference an item of a collection. For example... Canonical Question/Answers: How to avoid java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException? What causes a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and how do I prevent it? An exception that occurs when you attempt to access an object that is outside the boundaries of the container. Common containers are arrays or array-based objects. This is a language-independent tag. An is an exception that occurs when you attempt to access an object that is outside the boundaries of an array, or array-based objects such as an. are generally caused by one of 2 things... Passing a negative pointer index Passing a pointer that is equal-to, or greater than the length of the array. If we use the example of an array which is defined as being able to hold 4 objects... Arrays, and array-based containers, in most languages have zero-based references. This means that the first item in the array is, not. For new programmers, this is often not obvious, and can result in them trying to reference objects from rather than. This causes the programmer to recieve an when trying to reference. Similarly, trying to reference a negative index, such as will fail, as it exists outside the bounds of the array. This would commonly occur when trying to obtain an index reference from another method, where the method is using a negative number to indicate a failure. For example, assume the following code... In this example, the method will find the position of the letter in the given. However, when trying to use this method in the code above, the letter is not found in the word, therefore it returns to indicate it was not found. If we then attempt to use that value as a reference to an item of an array, it will fail. To help avoid these exceptions, it is usually good practice to perform a check before attempting to reference an item of a collection. For example... An exception that occurs when you attempt to access an object that is outside the boundaries of an array. This is a language-independent tag. SilkJS is a command shell built on top of Google's v8 JavaScript engine, highly optimized for server-side applications. Targeted for the Linux server environment, the API strongly resembles Linux OS and library calls. This tag is for questions related to querying and updating MongoDB collections, either through the shell or using a programming language driver. Unlike most relational databases, MongoDB does not support SQL (Structured Query Language). Queries in MongoDB are expressed in the MongoDB Query Language which uses JSON from the shell and BSON (Binary JSON) at the driver level. MongoDB has a rich query language including many advanced operators as well as aggregation features such as the Aggregation Framework and Map-Reduce. For effective query plans it is important to understand the indexing strategies and explain your slow queries to understand their index usage. By default MongoDB will log all queries slower than 100ms (a value that can be adjusted either as a command-line option or within the shell). MongoDB also includes a Database Profiler which can be enabled to capture either slow queries, or all queries for a database. Documentation MongoDB Query Language Indexing Overview Indexing Operations Indexing Strategies Query Optimizer Explaining Query Plans Database Profiler Advanced Queries Using Indexes to Sort Query Results Map-Reduce Aggregation Framework Aggregation Commands Comparison SQL to MongoDB Mapping Chart SQL to Aggregation Mapping Chart This tag is for questions related to querying and updating MongoDB collections, either through the mongo shell or using a programming language driver. Parallels Desktop for Mac by Parallels, Inc., is a software providing hardware virtualization for Macintosh computers with Intel processors. Sharding is a concept in database design; it refers to the technique of physically partitioning a table or collection by row (also known as horizontal partitioning). To execute the partition, a key or key collection must be defined, which tells the database engine how to determine to which partition each record should belong. References Wikipedia page on sharding Sharding in MongoDB Partitioning in SQL Server Sharding is a technique of partitioning database tables by row ("horizontally"); typically this technique requires a key to be selected that determines how the rows are to be partitioned. For questions involving the i2b2 client/server architectures used for configuring i2b2 (Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside) or developing extensions for i2b2 (ie: database schema build, database data load, ontology setup, hive/cell architectures, JBoss configuration, Apache/IIS setup, Axis configuration, Java setup, extending/customizing i2b2, etc.). Require.js is a Javascript library managing and loading Javascript libraries. It is useful for loading script dependencies at runtime, but can also be used at compile time. It is available for JQuery and Dojo, as well as for Node.js. The simplest usage example is as follows: where library.JS is a module, and function defines a callback to run when the module is done loading. Require.js is dual-licensed under the MIT and BSD licenses. Require.js homepage API documentation Require.js is a Javascript library that helps to manage and optimize script dependencies, and to load them in a modular fashion at runtime. The April 2012 release of the popular JavaScript framework Ext JS. Please also tag your question with the base tag extjs, since many Ext JS experts only follow the base tag. See extjs for more information. Useful links Ext JS 4.1 Final Released (on Sencha) Ext JS 4.1 Upgrade Guide The April 2012 release of the popular JavaScript framework Ext JS. Warning: only use this tag along with the generic extjs tag. Otherwise your question will not be seen by the many thousands following extjs I like Peter Lyon's idea. I've thought about that a few times, but never actually put it in place. For all the ways that I have handled this, though, here are my two favorites: Non-"attribute" values View Models Non-Attribute Values This one is simple: don't store the values you need in the model's standard attributes. Instead, attach it directly to the object: The big problem here is that you don't get all of the events associated with calling on the model. So I tend to wrap this up in a method that does everything for me. For example, a common method I put on models is to say that this model has been selected: In your case, I'm not sure this would be a good approach. You have data that needs to be calculated based on the values that are in your attributes already. For that, I tend to use view models. View models. The basic idea is that you create a backbone model that is persist-able, as you normally would. But the you come along and create another model that inherits from your original one and adds all the data that you need. There are a very large number of ways that you can do this. Here's what might be a very simple version: The big benefit of wrapping this with is that you now have a prototypal inheritance situation, so all of your standard functionality from the model is still in place. We've just overridden the method on the view model, so that it returns the JSON object with the attribute. Then in a view that needs this, you would wrap your model in the initialize function: MyView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function(){ this.model = MyViewModel(this.model); }, render: function(){ var data = this.model.toJSON(); // returns with } }); You could call if you want, but that's not going to do anything different, in the end, because we're explicitly returning an object instance from the function. When your view's render method calls, you'll get the attribute with it. Of course, there are some potential memory concerns and performance concerns with this implementation, but those can be solved easily with some better code for the view model. This quick and dirty example should get you down the path, though. Note: I added the third solution. 1) For Thomas's solution (+1 /) should do the job. 2) For you may try these three solution: 2.1) 2.2) Results (for both solutions): Note: both solution will not work if you have duplicates. 2.3) The next solution should work even you have duplicates and for id's you need a conversion to and from (for). YAF is a PHP framework similar to the Zend framework. It is written in C and built as a PHP extension. Official Site YAF (Yet Another Framework in PHP) making auto-updating, facebook-style time formatting Can some help me figure out why my javascript HTML template doesn't auto-update the time but the regular HTML does? Here's the templating library i'm using: https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Templates here's my JS (you can fiddle with it here: http://jsfiddle.net/trpeters1/SpYXM/76/): HTML: The idea of the k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) algorithm is using the features of an example - which are known, to determine the classification of it - which is unknown. First, some classified samples are supplied to the algorithm. When a new non-classified sample is given, the algorithm finds the k-nearest neighbors to the new sample, and determines what should its classification be, according to the classification of the classified samples, which were given as training set. The algorithm is sometimes called lazy classification because during "learning" it does nothing - just stores the samples, and all the work is done during classification. Algorithm The k-NN algorithm is among the simplest of all machine learning algorithms. A shortcoming of the k-NN algorithm is that it is sensitive to the local structure of the data. The training examples are vectors in a multidimensional feature space, each with a class label. The training phase of the algorithm consists only of storing the feature vectors and class labels of the training samples. In the classification phase, k is a user-defined constant, and an unlabeled vector (a query or test point) is classified by assigning the label which is most frequent among the k training samples nearest to that query point. A commonly used distance metric for continuous variables is Euclidean distance. For discrete variables, such as for text classification, another metric can be used, such as the overlap metric (or Hamming distance). Often, the classification accuracy of k-NN can be improved significantly if the distance metric is learned with specialized algorithms such as Large Margin Nearest Neighbor or Neighbourhood components analysis. Useful links k-nearest neighbors algorithm - wikipedia k-nearest neighbors - Classification How k-NN algorithm works In pattern recognition, k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) is a classification algorithm used to classify example based on a set of already classified examples. Algorithm: A case is classified by a majority vote of its neighbors, with the case being assigned to the class most common amongst its K nearest neighbors measured by a distance function. If K = 1, then the case is simply assigned to the class of its nearest neighbor. You want something like this. With JavaScript templating, you generally want to template once, then update the values of specific elements dynamically, as opposed to resetting the innerHTML of an entire element every second. Here's the JavaScript: BalancedPayments.com is the home of Balanced, a payment platform for online and mobile-based marketplaces. It was designed specifically for P2P commerce (think Airbnb, Etsy, Kickstarter). What is Zikula? Zikula is an open source MVC web application framework, released under the LGPLv3, that allows you to rapidly build websites for any application including all forms of content management. Zikula is fast and flexible and easily extendable via a system on plugins, themes and extensions. Feature List Built in user management and permissions Supports addons and extensions Support for fully HTML templated modules allowing the webmaster to change content display through simple HTML and without modifying the application code. Site look/feel controlled through a flexible, easy to use theme system. Allowing a site administrator to change the look and arrange the content by changing HTML and not PHP code Built in caching increases the speed of your web site Support short URLs for good SEO Easy to upgrade Multilingual support Zikula is an open source application framework written in PHP A graphical element "slides" when when it changes position in a smooth animated way. Often in one position the element is partially hidden. An UI effect where an element or group of elements move over a surface while maintaining smooth continuous contact. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. --- possibly retagged to: [power-management] css pseudo class last child issue I have website http://yournextleap.com/fresher-jobs Please find out last div having HTML.inn having dashed bottom border and it's parent div is dynamically generated What I want: The last DIV.inn must have border: none; for That I tried:last-child I don't want to use JS or Jquery I added class for main div (temporarily I removed it); Now ther is only it was that's it, Here was my css But it's not working Hey i have tested and made the following changes in your css It works in Firefox and Chrome i am testing the same for IE This will work only in IE 9+ browsers IE 7 and IE 8 will not support this CSS selectors. will explain the pattern here. is to select the parent div is to select the child inside will select the immediate next div will select the last child inside the div the one we have selected in point 3 setting the property with so that the other borders are not applied because will be given the highest priority due to. Hope it helps to every read.. Best of luck Here's what I'm assuming you had: If that's the case, you need: Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel IPP) is an extensive library of "algorithmic building blocks" for multimedia, data-processing, and communications applications. It supports multiple threads and has been highly optimized for Intel-family microprocessors, making extensive use of SIMD instructions (e.g., MMX, SSE, and AVX). The Windows, Linux, Android, and macOS environments are supported. The library supports a wide range of functions for various domains and also provides for an OpenMP configuration, which can allow certain functions to run on multiple cores. References: Intel IPP website Intel IPP on Wikipedia Questions related to Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP), a multi-threaded library of functions for multimedia and data-processing applications. Internet Printing Protocol is a protocol to print files on Internet/Intranet printers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Printing_Protocol Internet Printing Protocol, a protocol to print files on Internet/Intranet printers Intuit Developer, an integration platform for building applications that work with core Intuit products like QuickBooks Online V2, QuickBooks for Windows V2, QuickBooks Online API V3 and Financial Data. http://developer.intuit.com/ References and useful links: Developer Intuit resources Consolibyte Provide ready-to-go QuickBooks integrations for many popular web applications, QuickBooks integration consulting services, web development in PHP and.NET, and many popular open-source code libraries. Intuit Developer, an integration platform for building applications that work with core Intuit products like QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks for Windows and Financial Data APIs..NET Framework components Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate The complete set of reporting components to design, edit and export reports under JavaScript, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, WPF, Silverlight, WinRT, HTML5, Windows Forms, PHP, Java, and Flex. Stimulsoft Reports.Web ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, and HTML5 components are used for creating and rendering reports in Web. The ASP.NET server is required. Stimulsoft Reports.Net The product consists of the WinForms report designer and ASP.NET viewer which are used to create, print and export reports. Feature rich functionality gives report designers boundless abilities in building reports of any complexity. Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf Developed specifically for WPF the reporting tool has the widest functionality for working with reports. Smart and user friendly report designer are easy to use by designers. Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight The tool has components for creating reports in web and Native Silverlight. Mighty exporting options. Silverlight 5 supported. Stimulsoft Reports.WinRT This reporting tool written in the C# can be used in any application targeted for the Windows 10. JS, Java, PHP, Flex components Stimulsoft Reports.JS The reporting tool is applicable for generating reports using JavaScript and HTML5. No server-side required. The product is easy deployable on any platform, operating system and device. Stimulsoft Reports.Java The Java tool can be easily integrated into any Java application. Contains visual HTML5 designer and viewer. Stimulsoft Reports.PHP The PHP reporting components can be used to design reports using a client-server technology. The product contains JavaScript and Flash report engines. Stimulsoft Reports.Flex The cross-platform, Flash based reporting components designed for using it in Rich Internet Applications. Business Intelligence Stimulsoft Reports.Server The client-server BI system that allows easily and effectively implementing a full cycle of working with reports starting from designing them and processing data to preparing beautiful presentation of results to users. Help resources Documentation Video tutorials Product FAQs Knowledge base Stimulsoft is a company involved in developing tools for generating reports. Products are available for various software platforms:.NET Framework, Rich Internet Application, Internet applications, Java. thank you for sharing on your thought its a great thought. Usually you can just copy a theme's index.php or category.php to category-3.php and adjust that template for any customization you need Prefuse is a Java-based toolkit for building interactive information visualization applications. Prefuse supports a rich set of features for data modeling, visualization, and interaction. It provides optimized data structures for tables, graphs, and trees, a host of layout and visual encoding techniques, and support for animation, dynamic queries, integrated search, and database connectivity. Prefuse is written in Java, using the Java 2D graphics library, and is easily integrated into Java Swing applications or web applets. Prefuse is licensed under the terms of a BSD license, and can be freely used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. The home page may be found at http://prefuse.org Source code and demo can be found at https://github.com/prefuse/Prefuse Prefuse is a set of software tools for creating rich interactive data visualizations in the Java programming language. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. An exception that occurs when a calculation attempts to divide a number by zero, which has an undefined result. This could occur as a result of many different actions, such as... You're using a variable which hasn't been initialised, or has a default value of zero The user has input a value which wasn't expected (such as text input to a numerical field), or the user entered a zero value Your code should be able to prevent or handle this type of exception, if you're doing divisions that involve variable inputs... Detect - Before performing the calculation, check the value of the variables to ensure they aren't zero. If they are, perform an alternate operation, such as alerting the user of an error. Prevent - If the variable is being input from the user, restrict the users input to a range of values. For example, only allow numerical values to be entered, and numerical values should be >= 1. If the field can only accept a range of values like this, you can't end up with a zero in your calculation. Handle - Wrap your calculation in exception-handling code, such as a try-catch block. This will allow you to catch unexpected exceptions such as this, and perform an alternate operation, such as alerting the user of the error. An exception that occurs when a calculation attempts to divide a number by zero, which has an undefined result. DTrace is a comprehensive dynamic tracing framework for the Solaris Operating Environment; it provides a powerful infrastructure to permit administrators, developers, and service personnel to concisely answer arbitrary questions about the behavior of the operating system and user programs. DTrace can be used to get a global overview of a running system, such as the amount of memory, CPU time, file-system and network resources used by the active processes. It can also provide much more fine-grained information, such as a log of the arguments with which a specific function is being called, or a list of the processes accessing a specific file. Resources DTrace Tools DTrace User Guide Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide DTrace on wikipedia DTrace is a comprehensive dynamic tracing framework for the Solaris Operating Environment, Mac OS X 10.5+ and FreeBSD. The FileTable feature brings support for the Windows file namespace and compatibility with Windows applications to the file data stored in SQL Server. FileTable lets an application integrate its storage and data management components, and provides integrated SQL Server services - including full-text search and semantic search - over unstructured data and metadata. In other words, you can store files and documents in special tables in SQL Server called FileTables, but access them from Windows applications as if they were stored in the file system, without making any changes to your client applications. The FileTable feature builds on top of SQL Server FILESTREAM technology. Notably, FileTable allows non-transactional access to the files, something not possible with FILESTREAM. FileTable helps integrate SQL Server Databases with FileSystem storage by leveraging existing FILESTREAM capabilities. An exception that indicates that the arguments supplied to a method or function are not valid for their intended purpose, or are different to the format expected by the method. This could occur as a result of many different actions, such as... You are calling a method that accepts a low-level object type for an argument (such as) but you're passing an object that is not one of the types expected by the method. For example, the method might be declaring the argument as an so that it can capture a range of different objects in the one method, but the code implementation of the method only allows objects of certain types (such as expecting a -based object, and you're passing a). You're using methods that are building a dynamic structure for use in a different context, and the argument that you're passing is not valid for the other context. For example, you might be building an SQL statement, and you're passing an argument as a for a database field that expects a. The database context would detect the error and report back the exception. This type of exception may be hard to predict, as it won't be detected at compile-time, and may only show up under certain circumstances. An exception that indicates that the arguments supplied to a method or function are not valid for their intended purpose, or are different to the format expected by the method. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/q/110372/131713. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of a tag cleanup - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/q/110372/131713. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of a tag cleanup - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. Toggling class not working well In my application a bunch of images is listed side by side. When hovering an image information about the image is shown (description, title etc). This works in most cases, but many times it don't. For example, when I'm hovering an image and reload the page the toggling works in the other direction on this image, ie. by default the hidden div is shown and it's hidden when I'm hovering it (on all the other images it works fine). This is really annoying, and I don't know how to solve it. Below is the code for this (hopefully it's enough). I would appreciate if someone could help me out here. JS: HTML: CSS: The entire Coda application is divided into six sections (Sites, Edit, Preview, CSS, Terminal, and Books), which are accessed through six tabs at the top of the application. Users can also split the window into multiple sections either vertically or horizontally, to access multiple sections or different files at the same time. Sites In Coda, sites are the equivalent of "projects" in many other applications like TextMate. Each site has its own set of files, its own FTP settings, etc. When Coda is closed in the midst of a project and then reopened, the user is presented with exactly what it was like before the application was closed. Another notable feature is the ability to add a Local and Remote version to each site, allowing the user to synchronize the file(s) created, modified or deleted from their local and remote locations. Files Coda incorporates a slimmed down version of the company's popular FTP client, Transmit, dubbed "Transmit Turbo", which is currently closed-source. The Files portion is a regular FTP, SFTP, FTP+SSL, and WebDAV client, where the user can edit, delete, create, and rename files and folders. Editor The editor in Coda incorporates a licensed version of the SubEthaEdit engine, rather than having a custom one, to allow for sharing of documents over the Bonjour network. Coda also has a new Find/Replace mechanism, which allows users to do complex replaces using a method similar to regular expressions. Coda also recognises specially-formatted comment tags in many syntaxes, called bookmarks, which appear in a separate pane beside the editor called the Code Navigator. Bookmarks allow the user to jump to the corresponding line of text from anywhere in the editor by clicking on the link in the Code Navigator. Plug-ins Coda 1.6 and later supports plug-ins, which are scripts usually written in command line programming languages like Cocoa, AppleScript, Perl, or even shell scripting languages like bash, that appear in Coda's menu bar and do specific tasks like appending URLs or inserting text at a certain point. Plug-ins can either be written using Xcode or through Panic's free program, the Coda Plug-in Creator. Command-line utility Coda does not come with its own command-line utility. Instead, a third-party utility such as Command-Line Coda can be used. See: https://panic.com/coda/ Coda is a commercial and proprietary web development application for Mac OS X, developed by Panic. It was released on April 23, 2007. It won the 2007 Apple Design Award for Best User Experience. It is available for $99. I would try using the toggleClass method instead: See this jsFiddle for a demonstration. The Adobe Graphics Assembly Language (AGAL) is an assembly language used to create vertex and fragment shaders for use in Adobe Flash and Adobe AIR applications. The Adobe Graphics Assembly Language (AGAL) is an assembly language used to create vertex and fragment shaders for use in Adobe Flash and Adobe AIR applications. Lag is a common word meaning to fail to keep up or to fall behind. In the software context, it usually refers to when a real-time application fails to keep up with demand or input. The most common cases of lag are: The application fails to respond in a timely fashion to inputs, usually due to a slow internet connection, server latency or overworked hardware. The application fails to keep a good rate of Frames-Per-Second (FPS), which is very important for media playing (mainly video) and in real-time-rendering (mainly games). Reference and further reading: Lag - Wikipedia Lag is a common word meaning to fail to keep up or to fall behind. In real-time applications, the term is used when the application cannot keep up with performance demand or user input. In other words, it refers to when the application is not keeping up with it's "real-time" concept, due to problems related to poor rate of cycles-per-second, a (possibly cumulative) lateness of response to user input, or other problems. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/128315/the-great-stack-overflow-tag-question-cleanup-of-2012. DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information. Basis is a business application software integrated solution. Simply, Basis is the administration of the SAP system. D Programming Language version 1 achieved stable status in 2007 and to be discontinued on December 31, 2012. use d1 as a version specific tag along with d D1 is the initial version of the D programmming language (Version 1). a graphical user interface toolkit used in software development Knockout.js is an open source JavaScript library implementation of the Model-View-View Model (MVVM) UI pattern in JavaScript and HTML. Knockout.js is a pure JavaScript library with no external dependencies. It is supported in all major browsers, IE 6+, Firefox 2+, Chrome, Opera, Safari (desktop/mobile). Knockout.js works with any web framework. The key features of Knockout.js include: Free, open source (MIT license) Small & lightweight — 55kb minified Declarative Bindings: Easily associate DOM elements with model data using a concise, readable syntax. Two-way binding: When your view model's state changes, your UI updates automatically. When you change form element values, the view model's state updates automatically. Dependency Tracking: Implicitly set up chains of relationships between model data, to transform and combine it. Templating: Quickly generate sophisticated, nested UIs as a function of your model data. Components - 3.2.0+: Controls or Widgets made up of self-contained reusable chunks of code. Helpful links Home page Tutorial Documentation Forum Source Code "Knock Me Out", a blog by one of Knockout's contributors Wiki - Plugins, Sample Bindings, and Best Practices Latest Stable Release - knockout-3.5.0.js Download & Installation Guide External links Stack Snippet Starter Pack HTML: JavaScript: Knockout.js is an open source JavaScript library for dynamic HTML UIs using the Model-View-View Model (MVVM) pattern. Sorting divs with nested content In my application I'm dynamically rendering out images to the client side by side. As a user it's possible to give points to the images, and I want it to be possible to sort the images on points with the highest points first, descending, by clicking a button. I've seen some examples on Stack regarding sorting divs, but in my example the content that the images should be sorting on is inside some nested divs (se below). What would be a good way of sorting the images on this parameter (points), any ideas? EDIT: I see that many of you have pointed out the fact that I was using the same id for both imaages. My bad, I know of this and I just forgot it while creating my example. It's changed to classes now instead. There is no difference in the sorting algorithm to other sorting methods. Each of them needs to extract the values-to-sort-by from from the DOM elements, you just will need to change that extraction function. In your case it will be something like Those two answers here and here, in addition to the related discussions, might be of particular interest for you. NOTE: Take care to avoid duplication of ids HTML jQuery: DEMO Hover event stops working after sorting divs I'm working on an application which renders out images side by side. When hovering an image a hidden class is revealed showing information of the image. I also have a sort function so that one can sort the images by points (highest first, descending) instead of the default sort (date). Both hovering and sorting works fine, except for one thing. When the images is sorted by points and rendered out again, hovering the images doesn't work. I have looked at the generated code and it looks the same, but regardless that it doesn't work. I would really appreciate som help here, thanks! sorting function: hover function: The method clears all element data. You shouldn't need to empty it at all. Just do the. This should be sufficient to show the reordered elements without losing any handler data. live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/mgF3L/ Use The reason why you cannot use bind is because you append the script dynamically. Therefore, the binding is removed. is the replacement for, which has been deprecated in jquery 1.7 EDIT Thanks for @clive for pointing out my mistake. Here is the updated fiddle Try this with delegate event: Demo Shapado is a free and open source Q&A software. It also has a hosting service (Shapado.com) that allows anyone to create his own Q&A site for free. Runs on Ruby, mongomapper and mongodb. Shapado is open source Q&A software An exception that occurs when reading from a stream or file, and indicates that the end of the stream has been reached. For example, you had expected to read 4 bytes from a stream with, or an object with, but end of stream was encountered instead. Even though the exception is named EOF for 'end of file', it is possible to get this exception when processing any data stream. The exception can occur as a result of many different actions, such as: Reading data from a socket connection that has already been closed by the peer and all prior pending data has already been read. Reading data from an empty file. When reading from a stream, you should usually detect and handle this exception, as well as other stream-related exceptions such as timeouts, by wrapping your reads in a block. This will allow you to catch exceptions such as this, and perform an alternate operation, such as alerting the user of the error, or ending the logical connection at this end. An exception that occurs when reading from a stream or file, and indicates that the end of the stream has been reached. For example, you had expected to read 4 bytes from a stream with DataInputStream.readFully(), or an object with ObjectInputStream.readObject(), but end of stream was encountered instead. A java.lang.IllegalStateException is a Java that: Signals that a method has been invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time. In other words, the Java environment or Java application is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation. In particular, this exception is often used when the object the method is invoked on is currently in a state where this method should not be called. For instance, Effective Java writes (Item 60, page 248): Another commonly reused exception is IllegalStateException. This is generally the exception to throw if the invocation is illegal because of the state of the receiving object. For example, this would be the exception to throw if the caller attempted to use some object before it had been properly initialized. About java.lang.IllegalStateException, a general-purpose exception defined in the Java API. An exception that is thrown when one thread acquires a Mutex object that another thread has abandoned by exiting without releasing it. (Source: MSDN Documentation) An exception that is thrown when one thread acquires a Mutex object that another thread has abandoned by exiting without releasing it. An exception that occurs when trying to access an object for which you don't have the correct security authorization. This could occur as a result of many different actions, such as... Trying to perform an operation on a file, but you don;t have the appropriate security authorizations. For example, trying to write to a file that only allows read access. Trying to open a connection to a remote server, but specifying the incorrect login details. For example, trying to open a Socket, or communication to a Telnet or FTP server. Your code should be able to prevent or handle this type of exception... Detect - Before performing any file operations, check the authorization permissions on the file, to see whether you are able to perform the desired operation. If not, you can perform an alternate operation, such as alerting the user of the error, or trying to access files in a different location of the file system instead. Handle - Wrap your file and communication interactions in exception-handling code, such as a try-catch block. This will allow you to catch unexpected exceptions such as this, and perform an alternate operation, such as alerting the user of the error. An exception that occurs when trying to access an object for which you don't have the correct security authorization. For example, trying to access a file that doesn't allow read access by your user. What is GLFW? GLFW is an Open Source, multi-platform library for creating windows with OpenGL or OpenGL ES contexts and managing input. It is easy to integrate into existing applications and does not lay claim to the main loop. GLFW is written in C and has native support for Windows, Mac OS X and many Unix-like systems using the X Window System, such as Linux and FreeBSD. GLFW is licensed under the zlib/libpng license. Features Easy to use API in the style of the OpenGL APIs Gives you a window and OpenGL context with two function calls Explicit support for MSAA and OpenGL 3.2+, including profiles and flags Keyboard, mouse, joystick and time input Input can be either polled or delivered via callbacks Basic Unicode character input Supports both static and dynamic linking Open Source with a liberal OSI-certified license Makefiles or project files for most popular C/C++ compilers Examples and comprehensive documentation Documentation The documentation contains a tutorial, guides on the different areas of the API, compilation and linking guides, a reference manual and a guide for migrating from older versions of the API. Ressources GLFW Homepage GLFW is a free, Open Source, multi-platform library for opening a window, creating an OpenGL context and managing input. It is easy to integrate into existing applications and does not lay claim to the main loop. GLFW is written in C and has native support for Windows, Mac OS X and many Unix-like systems using the X Window System, such as Linux and FreeBSD. GLFW is licensed under the zlib/libpng license. Node has a simple module loading system that reduces complexity of applications and promotes code reusability. In Node, files and modules are in one-to-one correspondence. For example, loads the module in the same directory: The contents of foo.js: The contents of circle.js: Node also has an incredible community of open source developers who publish packages using npm: http://npmjs.org/ And you can find other modules here: http://nodejs.org/ https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/modules http://nodetoolbox.com/ http://eirikb.github.com/nipster/ Node has a simple module loading system that reduces complexity of applications and promotes code reusability. Netsuite is a software platform founded in 1998 that provides a number of business related services targeting mid-market companies, as well as divisions of larger enterprises. As a platform it is highly customizable through a Javascript-based API called SuiteScript. NetSuite is a vendor of business management SaaS. The platform's scope includes ERP, CRM, PSA, and Ecommerce. Primarily tailored to mid-market companies. The intent of the strategy pattern is to "Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from the clients that use it." The pattern relies heavily on composition. An important advantage of this approach over inheritance and simple method overrides is that the behavior can be freely changed at run-time by changing the object implementing it. This pattern is one of the original design-patterns described in "Design Patterns" by Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides. The Strategy pattern (also known as the policy pattern) is a design pattern whereby an algorithm's behavior can be selected at runtime. It is one of the Gang of Four's behavioral design patterns. When using this tag on implementation heavy questions - tag the code language the implementation is written in. Sniffing is an eavesdropping attempt which consists of capturing packets transmitted through a third party network and reading the data in search of confidential information. Flooding is a type of Denial of Service(DoS) network attack, which consists of the generation of numerous TCP requests intended to overwhelm a web server and result in slowdown or downtime. Check if an array is not empty in Jinja2 I need to check if the variable is defined or not in. If the variable is defined and not empty then I should render the loop. Otherwise, I want to show the error message. Basically this in PHP index.html How do I say this in jinja2? Take a look at the documentation of Jinja2: http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/templates/#defined Is it clear enough? In your case it could look like this: Normally, checkboxes are shown on the screen as a square box that can contain white space (for false) or a tick mark or X (for true), as pictured. A caption describing the meaning of the checkbox is normally shown adjacent to the checkbox. Inverting the state of a checkbox is done by clicking the mouse on the box, or the caption, or by using a keyboard shortcut, such as the space bar. A checkbox (check box, tickbox, or tick box) is a graphical user interface element (widget) that permits the user to make multiple selections from a number of options (contrary to a radio button where only one choice is possible) or to have the user answer yes (checked) or no (not checked) on a simple yes/no question. A marked/checked checkbox: ☑. A unmarked/unchecked checkbox: ☐. Code injection is a type of consequence due to Improper Control of Generation of Code (CWE-94), which causes unauthorized code to be executed. Code injection is the general term for the result of a missing neutralization or improper neutralization of special elements of externally-influenced input, which could modify the syntax or behavior of the intended code. A trojan is a malicious program which is injected to or poses as a known application. Spyware is software that is installed without user permission and sends personal data to an unauthorized server without user awareness. Malware can take many forms and perform multiple functions. From the Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing (VERIS): Malware is any malicious software, script, or code developed or used for the purpose of compromising or harming information assets without the owner’s informed consent. Examples include viruses, worms, spyware, keyloggers, backdoors, etc. In order to compromise a system, malware may exploit vulnerabilities in software or deceive users. Alternately, an attacker may install tools to facilitate activities during an ongoing intrusion, such as back doors or information collection. The Software Engineering Institute has produced a lexicon of terms used in malware analysis. Programmers interested in malware analysis have many resources available to assist and guide them through various stages of the process. Malware is any malicious software, script, or code developed or used for the purpose of compromising or harming information assets without the owner’s informed consent. Examples include viruses, worms, spyware, keyloggers, backdoors, etc. Mechanism typical to ORM frameworks that allows the creation of queries against a database in a dynamic and object-oriented fashion. When writing a query using Criteria one uses an API instead of writing a query using a defined language (SQL). All the most known ORM frameworks provide Criteria APIs, like Hibernate Criteria and after the release of JPA it was standardized as JPA Criteria. Mechanism typical to ORM frameworks that allows the creation of queries against a database in a dynamic and object-oriented fashion. When writing a query using Criteria one uses an API instead of writing a query using a defined language (SQL). OmniFaces is a library for JSF 2.x that focuses on utilities that ease everyday tasks. OmniFaces stands out from other JSF libraries like PrimeFaces or RichFaces in the fact that it isn't just about components, but instead it focuses on providing utility classes and functions for working with the JSF and Servlet APIs. Some of its capabilities include: Components to highlight fields with errors, include the output of a JSP or Servlet, render IE conditional comments and preserve the view params across postbacks EL functions for string manipulation, data conversion, array manipulation and date formatting A JSR356 websocket based push Collections of utility methods to deal with JSF Components, Events, Messages and other shortcuts to JSF and Servlet APIs Converter to populate dropdowns from plain Java objects Resources OmniFaces homepage (and source code) OmniFaces showcase (and source code) API documentation VDL documentation OmniFaces is a library for JSF 2.x that focusses on utilities that ease everyday tasks. WordPress - Getting Posts by Custom Post Type and Category, with each category automatically encased in a DIV Sorry for the long question title. I was attempting to be accurate. I need to devise a WordPress query that will automatically get posts from a certain custom post type, detect how each post is categorized, and then output the posts, by category onto a page, with each category encased in its own DIV. For example, I have a custom post type called "Map Data". Within this custom post type, I have a heirarchial taxonomy that I have named "Categories", and within that taxonomy, a number of categories, "Category #1", "Category #2", so on and so forth. Each Category has a number of posts. So, the query should get a list of all of the categories within the custom post type, and then output something like this: I have the following code which works with the default WordPress Category system, however, I either need to re-write it, or update it so that it can work with custom post types and their taxonomies. If anyone could provide updated code for me to try, or a working example, it would be very much appreciated. TextWrangler TextWrangler is the “little brother” to BBEdit, a professional HTML and text editor for the Macintosh. TextWrangler vs. BBEdit TextWrangler is a very capable text editor. What sets BBEdit apart is its extensive professional feature set including Web authoring capabilities and software development tools. How do I get TextWrangler? Download TextWrangler here. TextWrangler is a… General Purpose Text Editor Programmer’s Text Editor Unix And Server Administrator’s Tool Powerful Text Transformer And Manipulator Good Mac OS Citizen Powerfully Useful Tool product developed in the best traditions of Bare Bones Software, with high performance, ease of use, a rich feature set, and the ability to read its own release notes. TextWrangler 4.0 System Requirements Mac OS X 10.6 or later (10.6.8, 10.7.3 or later recommended) Intel Macs only What about BBEdit Lite? BBEdit Lite was discontinued a number of years ago, and the world has moved on. TextWrangler and BBEdit have capabilities that were never supported (or possible) in BBEdit Lite: Run natively and at full speed on Macs with Intel processors; Open files from (and save them to) remote FTP and SFTP servers; Pattern matching (BBEdit's grep mode uses a PCRE version from 2003, so recent PCRE features are missing); Support for editing Unicode text files, and converting between text encodings; Find Differences to compare files or folders; Integration with the Unix command-line environment; Advanced and extensible programming language support, with code folding, syntax coloring, and extensibility; …and much much more. TextWrangler is the “little brother” to BBEdit, a professional HTML and text editor for the Macintosh. The NetDNA REST API allows 3rd party consumers to interact to the system from their own applications. Dual-SIM operation allows the use of two services without the need to carry two phones at the same time. Types Pseudo-Dual - for convenience to use second SIM (as rule, it has "no major" slot for this) without both SIMs connected with owner's mobile service providers (MSP). Dual Sim Shift Dual Sim Stand-by (DSS) - allows the device to switch from one network to the other when required Dual Sim Active (DSA) - allows the device to be connected to both networks at the same time (it's using transceiver). You can switch between the calls without dropping one (select Samsung models) Dual talk - possibility to talk with 2 callers from different MSPs at same time (LG GX500) A Dual SIM Phone, A Dual SIM mobile phone is one which holds two SIM cards. Initially, dual-SIM adapters were made available to use in regular mobile phones to allow them to contain two SIMs, and to switch from one to the other as required. This combination is called a standby dual-SIM phone. Kana are the syllabic Japanese scripts, as opposed to the logographic Chinese characters known in Japan as kanji (漢字) and the Roman alphabet known as rōmaji. There are three kana scripts: modern cursive hiragana (ひらがな), modern angular katakana (カタカナ), and the old syllabic use of kanji known as man’yōgana (万葉仮名) that was ancestral to both. In a pie chart, the arc length of each sector (and consequently its central angle and area), is proportional to the quantity it represents. While it is named for its resemblance to a pie which has been sliced, there are variations on the way it can be presented. The earliest known pie chart is generally credited to William Playfair's Statistical Breviary of 1801. Variants and similar charts Exploded pie chart Spie chart Ring chart / Sunburst chart / Multilevel pie chart 3D pie chart / Perspective pie chart Doughnut chart Reference data taken up from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pie_chart A pie chart is a circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating numerical proportion. Multiselect is a user interface feature that allows the user to select more than one item in an items control. An items control can be anything that holds selectable items such as a dropdown list, data grid, or a custom listing or group of items. Multiselect implementations: Javascript http://www.erichynds.com/blog/jquery-ui-multiselect-widget http://quasipartikel.at/multiselect/ http://davidstutz.github.io/bootstrap-multiselect/ JSF PrimeFaces SelectManyMenu Multiselect is a user interface feature that allows the user to select more than one item in an items control. An items control can be anything that holds selectable items such as a dropdown list, data grid, or a custom listing or group of items. Details on how data is being kept in memory/on disks, most frequently being applied to databases, media banks and backup-recovery solutions. line is mostly used in below context: text line or command line in text processing context; line drawing or plotting in visualization or image-processing context analytic geometry The shortest distance between two points. Or, a row of characters in text output. DO NOT USE - Deprecated as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012". Please use a more specific tag instead, such as: android-context for Android contexts contextmenu for context menus contextmenustrip for this shortcut in C# httpcontext or just http if your question is about objects in C#, Java or PHP context-free-grammar if your question is about a context-free grammar. scope if your question is e.g. which function (for example) a variable can be used in openglcontext if your question is about context in opengl context-switch for process context switch servletcontextlistener for servlet context listeners (for questions about classes implementing interface) contextpath for (servlet) context path (for questions about the portion in the URL representing the root folder where the entire web application is been published) context.xml for the Apache Tomcat configuration file etc. If you mean to refer to the concept of contexts, rather than to some technical phrase that contains the word context, you should probably use other, more informative tags. Consider removing the tag from existing questions. Replace it by a more appropriate tag if appropriate. If you edit a question, please don't just remove the tag; while you're at it, see if there's any other issue to fix: missing tags, spelling and grammar mistakes, bad formatting, vague title, … DO NOT USE - Deprecated as part of "The great stackru tag/question cleanup of 2012". Please use a more specific tag instead. For Android contexts, use [android-context]. For a context menu, use [contextmenu]. For a context-free grammar, use [context-free-grammar]. A row most commonly refers to a horizontal line of cells in a spreadsheet or similar structure. A horizontal line of cells in a spreadsheet, SQL table, HTML table, or similar structure. The Google Map version 3 plugin for jQuery and jQM takes away some of the head aches from working with the Google Map API. Instead of having to use Google event listeners for simple events like click, you can use jQuery click events on the map and markers. It is also very flexible, highly customizable, lightweight (3.2kB or 3.9kB for the full) and works out of the box with jQuery mobile. But one of its best features (atleast for SEO people) is that you can populate a map from microformats, RDFa or microdata on your site, which can be used as a fallback when a user doesn't have javascript enabled. jquery-ui-map is the Google maps v3 plugin for jQuery and jQuery Mobile unix2dos is a Unix tool to convert an ASCII text file from DOS format (carriage return and line break) to UNIX format (line break). Also see unix2dos About dos2unix conversion program svn-clean will scan the given files and directories recursively and find unversioned files and directories (files and directories that are not present in the Subversion repository) For more details Check this Command to find unversioned files and directories The scalap tool reads a class file generated by theScala compiler, and displays object and class definitions. By default, scalap looks for the given class file in the current directory For more details check this Scala class file decoder for the Scala 2 language A simple Node.js library to communicate with the Amazon Web Services API. Links Link 1 Link 2 Node.js library for the Amazon Web Services The Utilify Platform is the first.NET-based distributed computing platform designed to scale from a single machine to a large cloud environment such as Amazon's EC2. It is a very easy-to-use application framework for developers to create distributed / grid applications rapidly. resitfy enables developers to create a REST web services API on top of node.js. restify borrows from the express web application framework. Documentation restify is a module for use with node.js that facilitates the creation of REST web services. C99 is simply the version of the C standard as of 1999 as we all know it. In GCC it is not fully supported. ISO C99 plus GNU extensions. When ISO C99 is fully implemented in GCC, this will become the default. The name gnu9x is deprecated. GCC Manpage GNU dialect of ISO C99. Google AJAX APIs is a JavaScript library to integrate rich, multimedia, search, or feed-based Internet content into web applications/pages, organized by Google. They can be used by third parties to place rich Ajax content on web pages. Blog Google APIs (or Google AJAX APIs) is a set of JavaScript APIs developed by Google that allows interaction with Google Services and integration of rich, multimedia, search or feed-based Internet content into web applications. They extensively use AJAX scripting and can be easily loaded using Google Loader. Cell tables and data grids are gwt ui components usually bound to domain objects/ pojos. Very fast and efficient and with powerful API, somewhat complex to extend on first sight. The Google App Engine Search API provides a simple model for indexing and searching data, and displaying the results. Search can query any data, as long as that data is described by a document. You structure data in documents using a number of Field classes to describe different type of text the document contains (plain text, HTML, atom, numbers, dates, and geographic points). After constructing the document, you can use methods of the Index class to add, remove, or list documents in an index, and also to search an index with a query. The API provides a comprehensive query language that supports numeric and text expressions. The API also allows you to specify query options, such as sort order for results, the number of results returned, and a starting cursor position or offset. You can use field expressions and snippeted fields to control the presentation and content of search results, and you can use cursors to page through each set of results. Field expressions let you specify which fields to return. Snippeted fields in the QueryOptions class allow you to return an abbreviated snippet of a field instead of its full content. Matching search results are returned to the application in a SearchResults object. This object includes the number of results found, the actual results returned, and an optional cursor object. For further information see Google's Search API Documentation. The Search API allows your application to perform Google-like searches over structured data. You can search across several different types of data (plain text, HTML, atom, numbers, dates, and geographic points). Searches return a sorted list of matching text, and you can customize the sorting and presentation of results. i did this it gets all taxonomies but it could easily be modified to active what your trying The noindex value of an HTML robots meta tag requests that automated Internet bots avoid indexing a web page. Example: The noindex value of an HTML robots meta tag requests that automated Internet bots avoid indexing a web page. nofollow is a value that can be assigned to the rel attribute of an HTML a element to instruct some search engines that a hyperlink should not influence the link target's ranking in the search engine's index. It is intended to reduce the effectiveness of certain types of search engine spam, thereby improving the quality of search engine results and preventing spamdexing from occurring. Example: nofollow is a value that can be assigned to the rel attribute of an HTML a element to instruct some search engines that a hyperlink should not influence the link target's ranking in the search engine's index. Weather Underground is a commercial weather service that provides real-time weather information via the Internet. Weather Underground provides weather reports for most major cities across the world on its Web site, as well as local weather reports for newspapers and Web sites. A public API is available to developers to make use of. Useful links Wikipedia entry Official website Public API Related tags weather weather-api Weather Underground is a commercial weather service that provides real-time weather information via the Internet. Weather Underground provides weather reports for most major cities across the world on its Web site, as well as local weather reports for newspapers and Web sites. ios includes a number of different ways to perform animations. One of the simplest is to use the animation support in the class. Prior to iOS 4, the only way to do animation was with. Those methods are discouraged in iOS 4 and later. For iOS versions greater than 4.0, you should use the new class methods whose names start with There is no default class called UIViewAnimation, this tag refers to methods that perform animation on UIView objects. From the official site: This script allows you to take "screenshots" of webpages or parts of it, directly on the users browser. The screenshot is based on the DOM and as such may not be 100% accurate to the real representation as it does not make an actual screenshot, but builds the screenshot based on the information available on the page. html2canvas is a JavaScript HTML-rendering library that lets you take "screenshots" of webpages based on the DOM. Shareware is a program which gives partial functionality or access away for free to encourage the purchase of a license to unlock the full content. abandonware is code which has been orphaned by its original creator or current developer(s) without being adopted by anyone interested in future maintenance. Micro-isv is a nickname for independent contractors that sell software or programming services. Boost.Foreach is a C++ library containing a macro for easily iterating over the elements of a sequence. The macro is designed for ease-of-use and efficiency. It does no dynamic allocations, makes no virtual function calls or calls through function pointers, and makes no calls that are not transparent to the compiler's optimizer. This results in near-optimal code generation; the performance of is usually within a few percent of the equivalent hand-coded loop. And although is a macro, it is a remarkably well-behaved one. It evaluates its arguments exactly once, leading to no nasty surprises. Boost.Foreach is a C++ library containing a macro for easily iterating over the elements of a sequence. Advocacy is an ongoing activity of increasing awareness and encouraging usage of a language, technique or philosophy. Memory access is a generic term that is used to represent the action of a computing unit accessing data. An anchor () is a HTML element used to denote the resource location of content to load in a web browser. Anchor elements are defined by the HTML element which accepts several attributes. The only required attributes are either or Attributes HREF If the HREF attribute is present, the text between the opening and closing anchor elements becomes a hypertext link. If the link is selected the content of the location referenced by the hypertext link is loaded. HREF attributes can be defined with a fully qualified URI or simply to elements that exist within the already loaded content. In-page HREF values are specified by the HTML ID global attribute assigned to the targeted element and specified as the HREF attribute value. Other Valid HREF Values Makes a link to another document located on a World Wide Web server. Makes a link to an ftp site. Within an HTML document, normally a connection to an anonymous ftp site would be made. Recent browsers allows connection to private ftp sites. The Anchor would take the form ftp://jdoe@your.com. The browser would then prompt the user for a password. Makes a link to a gopher server. Activating such a link would bring up the browsers mailing dialog (or application associated with internet mail) allowing the user to send mail messages to the author of the document, or whoever's address follows the mailto attribute. Makes a link to a newsgroup. Care should be taken in using such links because the author can not know what newsgroups are carried by the local news server of the user. Makes a link to a specific newsrc file. Can be used to specify a different news server to that which the user may normally use. This is useful if you want to link to a newsgroup that the users local news server may not carry (see above). Activating such a link would initiate a telnet session (using an external application) to the machine specified after the telnet:// label. Makes a link that connects to a specified WAIS index server. ` Displays the unrendered HTML source code of the content rather than rendering the code. Only used when delivering on-line help via the NetHelp method in the NetHelp SDK. NAME If present, the NAME attribute allows the anchor to be the target of a link (another element). The value of the NAME attribute is an identifier for the anchor. Identifiers are arbitrary strings but must be unique within the HTML document. Also, note that they are case sensitive within HTML documents and can not contain spaces. An example of this is TITLE The TITLE attribute is for informational purposes only (unless used with a mailto: attribute). If present, the Title attribute should provide the title of the document whose address is given by the HREF attribute. REL The REL attribute gives the relationship(s) described by the hypertext link from the anchor to the target. The value should be a comma-separated list of relationship values. Values and their semantics will be registered by the HTML registration authority. The default relationship if none other is given is void. The REL attribute is only used when the HREF attribute is present. REV The REV attribute is the same as the REL attribute, but the semantics of the link type are in the reverse direction. A link from A to B with REL="X" expresses the same relationship as a link from B to A with REV="X". An anchor may have both REL and REV attributes. URN If present, the URN attribute specifies a uniform resource name (URN) for a target document. The format of URNs is still under discussion (since 1994) by various working groups of the Internet Engineering Task Force. METHODS The METHODS attributes of anchors and links provide information about the functions that the user may perform on an object. These are more accurately given by the HTTP protocol when it is used, but it may, for similar reasons as for the TITLE attribute, be useful to include the information in advance in the link. For example, the HTML user agent may chose a different rendering as a function of the methods allowed; for example, something that is searchable may get a different link appearance. The value of the METHODS attribute should be a comma separated list of HTTP methods supported by the object for public use. TARGET Browser windows can now have names associated with them. Links in any window can refer to another window by name. When the link is activated, the document referenced will appear in that named window. If the window is not already open, the browser will open and name a new window for you. Such an action is only supported by frames capable browsers. The syntax for the targeted windows is: The TARGET attribute can accept the following values: window_name The name of any window specified by a element, or by using the window.open scripting method. If a window_name is used which does not correlate to a previously defined window, then a new window is created and NAMEd according the the window name used in the TARGET attribute. This new window can then be referenced using its new name. Using this reserved keyword value, would cause any form feedback page to be loaded into the window that currently contains the form. Using this reserved keyword value, would cause any form feedback page to be loaded into the window that is the parent of the window currently containing the form. i.e. if the form's window is part of a framed document, it would load into the window controlled by the element definitions that control the form's current window. Using the reserved keyword value would cause the form feedback page to be loaded into the topmost window, clearing any currently existing framed windows. Using this reserved keyword value would cause the form feedback page to be loaded into a newly created window. Using this value is the same as using TARGET="window_name" where the window_name used is not a previously defined window. NOTE: Unlike using the window_name using a previously undefined window name, using _blank will not name the new window for future use. ACCESSKEY The ACCESSKEY attribute can be used to specify a shortcut key for the link (activated by pressing 'Alt' and the ACCESSKEY together - like standard Windows applications menu shortcuts). The ACCESSKEY setting does not have to be a character in the actual link text and the link text is not modified in any way to reflect that an ACCESSKEY has been defined for the link. A sensible way around this would be something like: Which displays as: What's New. Alerting the user that there's something special about the 'W' in the link. Pressing 'Alt+W' would then activate the link. Note that more than one link in a document can use the same ACCESSKEY setting. If from the same document, an ACCESSKEY is re-used, the next ACCESSKEY enabled link in the document (in the order they appear) that uses the same setting will be activated. Unless you can guarantee where in the current document the user is, it makes sense to try and use unique ACCESSKEY settings for links. Also note that ACCESSKEY settings override those of the main Internet Explorer menus. The ACCESSKEY attribute is Internet Explorer 4.0 and above specific. LANGUAGE The LANGUAGE attribute accepts values of Javascript or VBscript to explicitly set the scripting language used in any in-line scripts within the element. It attempts to set the language of all scripts relating to the element, but external script blocks (using the element) should contain their own LANGUAGE setting in the element. (See Javascript or Visual Basic Script topics for more information). LANGUAGE can be useful if you set multiple in-line event handling routines within an anchor element, to save using event="javascript:..." or event="vbscript:..." in each event handler, however, doing so would over-ride the LANGUAGE setting. For example, the following HTML fragment: 'kills' the link, by cancelling the 'click' action. This could be simplified by using: as the LANGUAGE element expressly sets the scripting language to be Javascript. The same 'idea' in Visual Basic Script could be: (Note the different syntax for event cancelling.) INDEXSTRING and TOCSTRING These attributes are specific for authoring on-line help/user assistance, employing Netscape NetHelp. For NetHelp help systems, the INDEXSTRING and TOCSTRING are used to define table of contents and index entries.NETHelp uses extensive scripting to dynamically create a table of content and an index for the files that make up the help system. To author a NetHelp system, table of contents entries and index keywords are defined in anchors within elements. The INDEXSTRING and TOCSTRING attributes are then used to define the text that will appear in the table of contents and the keywords that will appear in the index. For example: In a NetHelp system, this would result in a 'chapter' in the table of contents, headed "The HTMLib" (elements are interpreted as chapter headings by the NetHelp tools). The first section inside the "The HTMLib" chapter in the table of contents, would be entitled "Introduction to the HTMLib" (elements are interpreted as section headings, within a chapter heading by the NetHelp tools). Clicking on "The HTMLib" in the NetHelp generated table of contents would navigate to the anchor NAMEd intro and searching the NetHelp index with either "introduction", "HTMLib", or "help" would result in 'hits' which would navigate to the section NAMEd introidx. Clicking on the "Introduction to the HTMLib" entry in the table of contents would also navigate to the same section. DATAFLD The attribute can be used to specify a data column name from the Data source (see DATASRC) that the is bound to. For more information on the DATAFLD attribute, see the Data Binding topic. Note that the data being taken from the Data Source will be used for the HREF attribute value if an anchor is data-bound. Therefore, having it receive data that isn't a valid URL would make the link useless. DATASRC The attribute can be used to specify a data source that the is bound to. For more information on the DATASRC attribute, see the Data Binding topic. LANG The attribute can be used to specify what language the element is using. It accepts any valid ISO standard language abbreviation (for example "en" for English, "de" for German etc.) For more details, see the Document Localization section for more details. CLASS The attribute is used to specify the as using a particular style sheet class. For example, external links throughout the HTMLib use a style class declared as: with the external links being referenced as: ID The attribute can be used to either reference a unique style sheet identifier, or to provide a unique name for the element for scripting purposes. Any element with an ID attribute can be directly manipulated in script by referencing its ID attribute, rather than working through the All collection to determine the element. See the Scripting introduction topic for more information. STYLE As well as using previously defined style sheet settings, the element can have in-line stylings attached to it. For example: would display exactly as the above example. See the Style Sheets section for more details about style sheet settings. The element style can also be controlled by using the Anchor pseudo-elements. Using a Style Sheet definition in the element, the pseudo-classes A:link, A:visited and A:active can be used to set the text style of links, visited links and active links respectively (just as the LINK, ALINK and VLINK attributes of the element do for those browsers that do not support style sheets). Note however, that while Internet Explorer 4.0 currently supports the use of these pseudo-classes, it 'breaks' any scripting for the particular element (either using an event handler in the element, or a separate script function referenced by the anchors ID attribute). Scripting Properties Besides the Standard Dynamic HTML properties (i.e. className, document, id, innerHTML, innerText, isTextEdit, lang, language, offsetHeight, offsetLeft, offsetParent, offsetTop, offsetWidth, outerHTML, outerText, parentElement, parentTextEdit, sourceIndex, style, tagName and title), each link object (i.e.) has the following properties, which are available for manipulation for every link in the document, either directly (within an in-line event handler, or via referencing of the anchor/links ID attribute) or via the Links array/collection. Note that most of the following properties are only supported by Internet Explorer 4.0's Dynamic HTML scripting model. Some properties and events are supported by Netscape (and earlier versions of Internet Explorer as each element creates an Anchor and/or a Link object (depending on whether it's or, whose properties and events are exposed through the Links array/collection and Anchor topic. accessKey - (Internet Explorer 4.0+) If the ACCESSKEY attribute (see above) is set for a link, then the accessKey property reflects the setting, otherwise it remains empty. It is possible to change a links accessKey property in script code. datafld - (Internet Explorer 4.0+) The dataFld property directly reflects the value of the DATAFLD attribute (see above). For more information on the DATAFLD attribute, see the Data Binding topic. datasrc - (Internet Explorer 4.0+) The dataSrc property directly reflects the value of the DATASRC attribute (see above). For more information on the DATASRC attribute, see the Data Binding topic. hash - (Internet Explorer 3.0+, Netscape 2.0+) The hash property reflects, or sets any 'bookmark' definitions within the link's HREF attribute. For example: would make strHash have the value of contents. host - (Internet Explorer 3.0+, Netscape 2.0+) The host property is essentially a combination of the hostname (see below) and port (see below) properties. For the above example (for the hash property), the host property would be. hostname - (Internet Explorer 3.0+, Netscape 2.0+) The hostname property reflects, or sets the name of the computer identified in the HREF attribute. Using the above example (for the hash property), the hostname property would be www.htmlib.com. href - (Internet Explorer 3.0+, Netscape 2.0+) The href property reflects, or sets, the HREF attribute of the link. It is possible to change a link's href property through scripting. Methods - (Internet Explorer 4.0+) The Methods property reflects, or sets the links METHODS attribute (if set) name - (Internet Explorer 3.0+, Netscape 2.0+) The name property reflects the anchors NAME attribute. pathname - (Internet Explorer 3.0+, Netscape 2.0+) The pathname property reflects, or sets the full path to the target document, as given in the HREF attribute. For example: would give strPathName a value of html/Block Level Elements/address.htm. port - (Internet Explorer 3.0+, Netscape 2.0+) As mentioned above, the port property reflects, or sets the port setting (if given) in the HREF attribute (if set). If not port is specified in the HREF setting, then port 80 is assumed. protocol - (Internet Explorer 3.0+, Netscape 2.0+) The protocol property reflects, or sets the protocol of the HREF attribute (if set). For example: would have protocol properties of and respectively. For relative URLs in the HREF attribute, the protocol of the currently displayed document is used. rel - (Internet Explorer 4.0+) The rel property directly reflects, or sets the value of the REL attribute (if set). rev - (Internet Explorer 4.0+) The rev property directly reflects, or sets the value of the REV attribute (if set). search - (Internet Explorer 3.0+, Netscape 2.0+) The search property reflects, or sets any search strings appended to the URL given in the HREF attribute (if set). For example: would have a search property value of contents target - (Internet Explorer 3.0+, Netscape 2.0+) The target property reflects, or sets the link's TARGET attribute (if set) urn - (Internet Explorer 4.0+) The urn property reflects, or sets the link's URN attribute (if set) Methods Besides the Standard Dynamic HTML methods (i.e. click, contains, getAttribute, insertAdjacentHTML, insertAdjacentText, removeAttribute, scrollIntoView and setAttribute), each Link object has the following methods, which are available for manipulation for every link/anchor in the document. Note that all of these methods are Internet Explorer (4.0 and above) specific. The Anchors array and Links array as supported by Netscape (and earlier versions of Internet Explorer) have a few Javascript specific methods, but this reference isn't a Javascript language reference, so they aren't detailed. blur - (Internet Explorer 4.0+) The blur method can be used to force the users focus away from the referenced. focus - (Internet Explorer 4.0+) The focus method can be used to force the users focus onto the referenced. For example: Link1.focus() would force the focus to the link, whose ID attribute is Link1. Events Besides the Standard Dynamic HTML events (i.e. onclick, ondblclick, ondragstart, onfilterchange, onhelp, onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup, onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup and onselectstart), each element/object accepts the following events (both in separate script functions and within the element). Note that while some are supported in various versions of Netscape (via the anchors array/collection and links array/collection, depending on whether it's or, or both), most are Internet Explorer (4.0 and above) specific and are standard Dynamic HTML Events. Each event handler details its browser support. Also detailed are the various methods and properties accessible by script functions for anchors within the document. onblur - (Internet Explorer 4.0+) The onblur event can be used to execute script functions when the particular link loses the focus. Note the subtle difference between this event and the onmouseout event in that removing the mouse from being over the link does not lose the focus. This requires either programmatically forcing another object to receive the focus, or by the user manually passing the focus to another object or control in the document, or clicking the document background The example link below (containing ID="egOnBlurLink") executes the following script function when it loses the focus: onfocus - (Internet Explorer 4.0+) The onfocus event can be used to execute script functions when the particular link receives the focus. Note the subtle difference between this event and the onmouseover event in that passing the mouse over the link does not give it focus. This requires either programmatically forcing the link to receive the focus, or by using the 'tab' key to progress through the document links. The example link below (containing ID="egOnFocusLink") executes the following script function when it receives the focus: Which causes the link text to be replaced with the new message. See also: The A element HTML 4.01 Specification Anchor definition in Wikipedia Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax URI definition in Wikipedia Related tags: canonical-link deep-linking hyperlink links path permalinks uri uri-scheme An anchor (...) is a HTML element used to define the link between the current element (the anchor) and the destination (URI). The Media Library contains all the media content that can be used on the Web site — images, animations, movies, PDF documents, and so on. The actual content of each media file can be either stored on the file system (in which case one of the fields in the media template references the location of the file on the disk) or encoded and stored in a field in the database. Sitecore provides a number of media templates that are used to manage metadata about the media, such as the alternate text for images. You can see the list of the media templates under the /sitecore/templates/System/Media template folder item. The Media Library contains all the media content that can be used in a Sitecore Web site — images, animations, movies, PDF documents, and so on. BigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing system for distance education. It supports sharing of slides (PDF and PPT), video, whiteboard, chat, voice over IP (using FreeSWITCH), and desktops. It can record and playback sessions (slides, audio, and chat). It runs on Mac, Unix, and PC computers. For more information, see the BigBlueButton home page: http://bigbluebutton.org/ The developer wiki pages are on-line: http://docs.bigbluebutton.org/. In particular, there is an API for integration with 3rd party applications. See: http://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html The full source for the project is on GitHub: https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton BigBlueButton enables universities and colleges to deliver learning experiences to remote students. Interaction Design is to design the bond between and interface and the user. It is to develop a story so interesting and enjoyable that the user is always engaged and happy with the interface. The ActionScript3 API for Facebook includes API for Web, AIR and Mobile. This can be in the form of.swc or.as class files. The ActionScript3 API for Facebook includes API for Web, AIR and Mobile. This tag is for questions concerning the ARM CPU's operating mode called thumb. Questions about thumb assembly language, interworking between thumb and ARM mode as well as operating system issue in dealing with thumb mode are on topic. The Thumb instruction set (16 bit only) with restricted use of r8-r15 was later extended to include a mix of 16 and 32 bit instructions. This was called Thumb-2. Thumb-2 is a marketing term. Different CPU families and even specific devices have different instructions. Thumb-2 is fairly meaningless in a technical sense (except it means variable length instructions (always two halfwords) are available along with 16 bit thumb instructions). Thumb-2 at wikipedia On modern ARM CPUs, Thumb-2 is as rich as the traditional 32-bit mode and much more memory efficient. For questions related to the scrollbar thumbs consider one of, scrollbars slider seekbar etc. For questions about thumbnails, use the tag thumbnails. See also: arm The paper Profile guided selection of ARM and thumb instructions gives some benchmarking of legacy thumb versus 32 bit modes. Different algorithms are faster in one mode versus the other. The paper is somewhat obsolete as Thumb-2 will be more efficient in modern (2014+) CPUs. Although some deeply embedded devices may only support Thumb. A reduced instruction set for ARM processors (based on a 16-bit encoding, instead of 32 bits in standard ARM mode), originally intended for embedded systems with a small amount of RAM. Also for question with the later Thumb2 mixed 16 and 32 bit instruction modes. Consider the tags 'slider' and 'thumbnails' for other meanings of 'thumb'. Snort is a open source network intrusion detection/prevention system (NIDS/NIPS) that combines the benefits of signature, protocol, and anomaly-based inspection. Since it has been widely deployed, it has become the de facto standard for IPS. Snort was created by Marty Roesch in 1998, and it is now developed by Sourcefire with Roesch now CTO. Sourcefire offers a commercial version of Snort but fully supports and embraces the open-source model. Snort is typically installed on Linux though it's also possible to run it on OS X, Windows and many other operating systems. It can be downloaded in source format or as pre-packaged binaries, as well as being available through most package managers such as Brew, Apt etc Most folk use a third-party tool such as Snorby, Squert, Base, Sguil (to name but a few) to analyse their Snort logs and alerts. There's a Linux distro, Security Onion, which comes with all these tools installed and so it's an excellent resource for learning about Snort and Network Security Monitoring in general (i.e. making use of Snort). Snort is a open-source network intrusion detection/prevention system (NIDS/NIPS). your height on the div is set to auto; which is fine, but your footer div is positioned absolute which means that it won't move when the other div starts to overlap. if you make it position: relative then it should move as your div gets bigger. <script src="https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=ru&ie=UTF8&pok=1&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.ru&sl=en&sp=nmt4&tl=ru&u=/static/js/vendor/modernizr-3.6.0.min.js&usg=ALkJrhg0hjkGFtoT3zdzdRgpb1uKWP3VMQ"></script> <script src="https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=ru&ie=UTF8&pok=1&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.ru&sl=en&sp=nmt4&tl=ru&u=/static/js/vendor/jquery-3.3.1.min.js&usg=ALkJrhif2tfNSqZOxXnAwpWxv9A01U9TVA"></script> <script src="https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=ru&ie=UTF8&pok=1&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.ru&sl=en&sp=nmt4&tl=ru&u=/static/js/plugins.js&usg=ALkJrhh71ksqlGves7lcY9_2aoiVWBYyUg"></script> <script src="https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=ru&ie=UTF8&pok=1&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.ru&sl=en&sp=nmt4&tl=ru&u=/static/js/main.js&usg=ALkJrhhcFaI9ZLCh16Q2jUpkSPy3kYIyBA"></script> <script>_addload(function(){_setupIW('com');_csi('en','ru','/so/post_batch/181');});</script><script type="text/javascript">function gtElInit() {var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService();lib.translatePage('en', 'ru', function () {});}</script><script src="https://translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=gtElInit&client=wt" type="text/javascript"></script></select>
0 ответов

Почему с select data-native-menu="false" опции не отображаются?

Я использую jquery mobile 1.3.0, и у меня есть следующий код для выбора меню. Когда я использую data-native-menu="false", параметры не отображаются. Без data-native-menu="false" опции, видимые пользователю. &lt;div data-role="fieldcontain"&gt; &lt;l…
27 май '13 в 10:29
1 ответ

Выполнить следующий код jquery при изменении меню выбора

У меня есть несколько текстовых полей, которые отображаются / скрываются в меню выбора. Когда это происходит, скрипт, который отслеживает значения текстовых полей на предмет изменений, не запускается правильно. По некоторым причинам это не замечает …
16 апр '14 в 22:35
4 ответа

JQuery UI SelectMenu полоса прокрутки не работает

Я использую плагин jquery selectmenu. Я инициализировал выбор с $('select').selectmenu({width:100, maxHeight:300, style: 'dropdown'}); У меня есть много вариантов, и это приводит к появлению полосы прокрутки браузера по умолчанию, но я не могу испол…
2 ответа

Как убедиться, что два значения меню выбора не совпадают с JQuery?

У меня есть два разных меню выбора (меню A и меню B). Оба с одинаковыми значениями. Как убедиться, что выбранное значение меню A не равно значению меню B при отправке? Было бы здорово, если выбранное меню A становится недоступным для выбора в меню B…
13 июн '16 в 06:38
3 ответа

Установка выбора по умолчанию в меню выбора в JQuery Mobile?

Я пытаюсь установить выбор по умолчанию в меню выбора в JQuery Mobile. Документы имеют это: var myselect = $("select#foo"); myselect[0].selectedIndex = 3; myselect.selectmenu("refresh"); Который я добавил прямо под тем, где я создаю меню, но затем, …
08 июн '11 в 23:52
1 ответ

Не могу найти класс css для изменения ширины в jqueryUI selectmenu

Используя плагин выбора jqueryUI. Я не могу найти правильный класс для изменения ширины выпадающего меню. Я не могу понять, какой класс CSS сделал это меню короче, и выбрать элемент над ним. Любые идеи приветствуются!
17 сен '12 в 15:59
2 ответа

JQuery Mobile Выберите привязку данных меню

Код внизу страницы динамически заполняет меню выбора jQuery Mobile. В дополнение к заполнению меню я хотел бы привязать данные к каждому пункту меню и назначить обработчик щелчков. Это делается с помощью следующей строки. menuItem.bind("click",{test…
2 ответа

Отправка избранных меню

Я использую код в jQuery Mobile для динамического создания меню выбора, но у меня возникают проблемы при передаче данных в базу данных. Меню создаются с использованием append метод для каждого элемента формы. Вот краткий пример кода: for (var i = 0;…
27 дек '11 в 17:30
1 ответ

Как мы можем выбрать вариант при загрузке их в меню выбора

Я добавляю новые опции в меню выбора следующим образом: var options1 = { val1 : 'text1', val2 : 'text2' }; $.each(options1, function(val, text) { $('#SelectMenu').append( new Option(text,val) ); }); Как мы можем установить свойства, такие как выбран…
15 июн '11 в 21:01
1 ответ

AngularJS нг-клик не работает

У меня есть этот скрипт выбора, и я хочу закрыть меню, когда &lt;html&gt; &lt;head&gt; &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.5.0/angular.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;style&gt; zc-select { width: 200px; …
18 мар '16 в 14:58
1 ответ

Положение JQuery UI Selectmenu

Я использовал ниже скрипт selectmenu для инициализации selectmenu. $("#year").selectmenu({style:'dropdown',maxHeight:400}); HTML код: &lt;select name="year" class="bubble year" id="year"&gt; &lt;option value=""&gt;Year&lt;/option&gt; &lt;option valu…
27 авг '12 в 09:19
5 ответов

Обнаружить изменение выбора в jquery mobile 1.4

Я пересматриваю JQM после того, как не использовал его для нескольких версий. У меня есть простая коробка выбора &lt;select name="current-option" id="current-option" class="current-option" data-native-menu="false"&gt; &lt;option&gt;Select Option&lt;…
05 фев '14 в 02:17
6 ответов

jQuery скрыть selectMenu?

Я использую selectMenu в jQuery для тега select, подобного этому. $('#ddlReport').selectmenu() в некоторых случаях я хочу это скрыть и не могу понять как. это не работает: $('#ddlReport').selectmenu().hide(); и это не делает $('#ddlReport').hide(); …
02 май '12 в 19:40
2 ответа

jQuery UI SelectMenu Dropdown - открывается ВВЕРХ вместо ВНИЗ

Я использую меню выбора JQuery UI и иногда возникают некоторые проблемы. Это расположено в верхнем левом углу страниц моих пользователей. Используя тип "раскрывающийся список / адрес", иногда (на первый взгляд случайный) раскрывающийся список открыв…
19 ноя '11 в 20:32
3 ответа

События jQuery UI Selectmenu связывают

Я использую виджет JQuery UI Selectmenu - http://wiki.jqueryui.com/w/page/12138056/Selectmenu Я пытаюсь связать событие изменения. Но это не работает: $(function() { $('select#items').selectmenu(); $('select#items').bind("change",function(){ alert('…
08 фев '12 в 12:46
0 ответов

Richfaces выберите меню рендеринга, вызванного событием

У меня есть всплывающее окно, которое используется в нескольких вкладках, и всплывающее окно использует некоторые параметры из вкладок, такие как dialogContainerId а также dialogId, У меня есть меню "Выбрать пункт" и кнопка "Обновить элементы" рядом…
03 дек '12 в 15:44
4 ответа

Как изменить страницу с помощью меню выбора Jquery для мобильных устройств?

Я разрабатываю приложение, в котором я использую меню выбора в нем. Поскольку я новичок в разработке, я не знаю, как изменить страницу при выборе меню. Я пробовал события onclick и события onchange в меню выбора, но они не работают. Код, который я и…
09 июл '12 в 08:05
1 ответ

В Rails, как мне сопоставить поле миллисекунд с полями часов, минут и секунд?

Я использую Rails 4.2.3. В моей модели у меня есть поле, которое записывает количество времени, которое потребовалось кому-то, чтобы что-то сделать. Это поле с именем time_in_ms, которое является целым числом в моей базе данных PostGresql. Мой вопро…
18 май '16 в 20:09
2 ответа

Обработчик событий для отмены выбора элемента в меню выбора с включенными множественными свойствами

Я использую меню выбора, которое позволит сделать несколько выборов. У меня есть обработчик событий $("#idInventory").change(function () { $("#select option:selected").each(function () { }); }); который вызывается при выборе элемента. Здесь я собира…
14 июн '11 в 12:11
10 ответов

Как получить индекс опции в меню выбора, сопоставляя текст с простым Javascript?

У меня есть меню выбора, и мне нужно динамически выбирать параметр, основываясь на текстовом значении элемента option. Например, мой выбор выглядит так: &lt;select id="names"&gt; &lt;option value=""&gt;Please Select&lt;/option&gt; &lt;option value="…
20 сен '11 в 18:31