Как рассчитать CI для NRI и IDI (события / не события) - пакет SurvidINRI
Я могу рассчитать непрерывный NRI и IDI по Survidinri. Расчеты NRI и IDI, данные pbc Мой вопрос заключается в том, как рассчитать доверительный интервал, например, для IDI (не события / события)?
#calculate IDI / NRI use pbc data & survIDINRI
#transplant (1) and death (2) are considered events, and marked 1
pbc <- within(pbc, {
event <- as.numeric(status %in% c(1,2))
#Create a survival vector
Surv <- Surv(time, event)
#change variables to numeric
res.IDI.INF <- IDI.INF(indata = pbc[,c("time","event")],
covs0 = pbc[,c("age","sex")], # age sex model
covs1 = pbc[,c("age","sex","albumin")], # age sex albumin model
t0 = 10 * 365.25,
npert = 300, npert.rand = NULL, seed1 = NULL, alpha = 0.05)
#M1 IDI; M2 continuous NRI; M3 median improvement
# Est. Lower Upper p-value
# M1 0.101 0.028 0.169 0.020
# M2 0.254 -0.002 0.430 0.053
# M3 0.094 0.008 0.177 0.040
#m1.est; A vector with 3 elements.
#The 1st element is the point estimate of the IDI and
#the 2nd element is the average of risk score in “event” group
#the 3rd element is the average of risk score in “non-event” group.
#The 1st element #is equal to the 2nd element minus the 3rd element.
# IDI, 2nd element, 3rd element
[1] 0.10091475 0.04957480 -0.05133995
Я правильно понимаю
0.10091475 is IDI
0.04957480 is IDI (events)
actually +0.05133995 is IDI (non events)?
Как я могу рассчитать КИ?`