Может кто-нибудь помочь мне с моим кодом приключений?

Вопрос: Как я могу исправить свою программу там, где она могла бы продолжаться после третьего варианта?

Я делаю короткую приключенческую игру, и, похоже, есть некоторые проблемы. Я новичок в этом, поэтому любой совет - это здорово.

Основная проблема - когда игрок нажимает "да" или "нет" в

<i>Go into the abandon house?</i>
<i>1.I don't see why not.</i>
<i>2.I rather stay outside,</i>(user_name)<i> snickers.</i>

После того, как игрок сделает свой выбор, программа заканчивается. Программа должна продолжить бой после того, как игрок выберет, но нет!

Вот мой код:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class NewAdventureProject {

public static void main(String[] args)
throws java.io.IOException{
      int MonsterHealth;
      int PlayerHealth ;
      int GhostHealth;
      char input='a';//The attack key for battles

        PlayerHealth=100;//Health of the player 
        MonsterHealth=100;//Health of the Monster
        GhostHealth=120;//Health of the ghost

   Scanner user_input=new Scanner(System.in);
   String user_name;
  System.out.println("Enter Your name or prefered nick name:");//player name option

  System.out.println(user_name+" you stepped into the light.");
  System.out.println("You see a house");
  System.out.println("It looks abandon. Do you want to investigate it?");
  Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);//Declares new scanner
  int a = scan.nextInt();//Helps me navigate around long if and while statements

        case 1://outcome one
            System.out.println("As you get closer to the abandon house, you "
                    + "hear a random roar.");
        case 2://outcome two
            System.out.println("The clouds black out the sun.\nYour "
                    + "face is sprinkled with water"+". It's raining now.\nY"
                    + "ou shiver.");
            System.out.println("You hear a faint scream from the abandon "
                    + "house. Do you want to investigate?");

  System.out.println("Go into the abandon house?");

     System.out.println("1.I don't see why not.");
     System.out.println("2.I rather stay outside,"+user_name+" snickers.");

     Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);//New scanner
     int b = sc.nextInt();//New int scanner 

         case 1://if play goes into the abandon house 

       for(MonsterHealth=100; MonsterHealth<0;){//monster's health loop

      System.out.println("The house is dark and quiet.");
      System.out.println("A roar gets closer to you.");
      System.out.println("You get knocked back!\nYou're hurt!");
      System.out.println(user_name+"'s health is now"+PlayerHealth);
      System.out.println("You were attacked by a Green Monster!"+user_name
      +" take this!\n"+user_name+" obtained a shiny sword!");
      System.out.println("Press a to attack the Green Monster!");
            System.out.println("The Green Monster flinches.\nYou did 10 dam"
                    + "age to the monster!");
            System.out.println("The Green Monster lunges at you!\nYou lost"
                    + "5 health points!");
            System.out.println("your health is now"+PlayerHealth+"!");
            System.out.println("The Green Monster lunges at you!\nYou lost"
                    + "5 health points!");

          System.out.println("The Green Monster makes an ear piercing growl."
                  + "The Green monster falls!\nYou win!");

      }else if(PlayerHealth==0){//if the player looses all of their health
          System.out.println("You see the light again"+user_name+"you have "
                  + "fallen.\nYou're dead.\nGameover");
     case 2://second option for switch
         for(GhostHealth=120; GhostHealth<0;){
          System.out.println("You get chills.\n The sky gets ominously dark.");
          System.out.println("You hear a screeching howl.\n You're pushed onto"
                  + " the ground!\nYou're hurt");

          System.out.println(user_name+"'s health is now"+PlayerHealth);
      System.out.println("You were attacked by a Ghost!");
      System.out.println("Press a ,followed by enter ,to attack the Ghost!");
            System.out.println("The Ghost howls!.\nYou did 15 damage to the"
                    + " Ghost!");
            System.out.println("The Ghost scratches you!\nYou lost"
                    + "10 health points!");
            System.out.println("your health is now"+PlayerHealth+"!");
            System.out.println("The Ghost scratches you!\nYou lost"
                    + "10 health points!");

          System.out.println("The Ghost makes an ear piercing squeal."
                  + "The Ghost dissolves!The skies are now clear"
                  + "\nYou win!");

      }else if(PlayerHealth==0){
          System.out.println("You see the light again"+user_name+"you have "
                  + "fallen.\nYou're dead.\nGameover");


1 ответ

Было трудно увидеть сквозь этот спагеттикод, но для случаев во втором коммутаторе отсутствуют разрывы.

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