std:: вне диапазона в коде noxim
Я начинаю с некоторого кодирования SystemC, и я пытаюсь использовать симулятор "Сеть на кристалле" под названием "Ноксим", который, как я слышал, очень плавный и простой. Тем не менее, я получаю эту общую ошибку, когда я пытаюсь "сделать" часть моделирования
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): basic_string::substr
Я думаю, что это происходит из кода cpp, которым я НЕ владею и, искренне, не до конца понимаю. Код можно найти ниже, а полный дистрибутив Noxim можно найти здесь:
Код на Noxim/ другой /
Noxim_explorer.cpp и sim.cfg тесно связаны с лабораторией, которую я пытаюсь сделать.
Пожалуйста, если кто-то решил эту проблему или есть идеи, это было бы очень полезно.
ДЛЯ ЗАПИСИ: я застрял, пытаясь следовать этой лаборатории, потому что я не мог получить какую-либо информацию в файле matlab
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sys/time.h>
using namespace std;
#define DEFAULT_KEY "default"
#define AGGREGATION_KEY "aggregation"
#define EXPLORER_KEY "explorer"
#define SIMULATOR_LABEL "simulator"
#define REPETITIONS_LABEL "repetitions"
#define TMP_DIR_LABEL "tmp"
#define DEF_SIMULATOR "./noxim"
#define DEF_TMP_DIR "./"
#define TMP_FILE_NAME ".noxim_explorer.tmp"
#define RPACKETS_LABEL "% Total received packets:"
#define RFLITS_LABEL "% Total received flits:"
#define AVG_DELAY_LABEL "% Global average delay (cycles):"
#define AVG_THROUGHPUT_LABEL "% Global average throughput (flits/cycle):"
#define THROUGHPUT_LABEL "% Throughput (flits/cycle/IP):"
#define MAX_DELAY_LABEL "% Max delay (cycles):"
#define TOTAL_ENERGY_LABEL "% Total energy (J):"
#define MATLAB_VAR_NAME "data"
typedef unsigned int uint;
// parameter values
typedef vector<string> TParameterSpace;
// parameter name, parameter space
typedef map<string, TParameterSpace> TParametersSpace;
// parameter name, parameter value
typedef vector<pair<string, string> > TConfiguration;
typedef vector<TConfiguration> TConfigurationSpace;
struct TExplorerParams
string simulator;
string tmp_dir;
int repetitions;
struct TSimulationResults
double avg_delay;
double throughput;
double avg_throughput;
double max_delay;
double total_energy;
unsigned int rpackets;
unsigned int rflits;
double GetCurrentTime()
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return tv.tv_sec + (tv.tv_usec * 1.0e-6);
void TimeToFinish(double elapsed_sec,
int completed, int total,
int& hours, int& minutes, int &seconds)
double total_time_sec = (elapsed_sec * total)/completed;
double remain_time_sec = total_time_sec - elapsed_sec;
seconds = (int)remain_time_sec % 60;
minutes = ((int)remain_time_sec / 60) % 60;
hours = (int)remain_time_sec / 3600;
bool IsComment(const string& s)
return (s == "" || == '%');
string TrimLeftAndRight(const string& s)
int len = s.length();
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<len && == ' '; i++) ;
for (j=len-1; j>=0 && == ' '; j--) ;
return s.substr(i,j-i+1);
bool ExtractParameter(const string& s, string& parameter)
uint i = s.find("[");
if (i != string::npos)
uint j = s.rfind("]");
if (j != string::npos)
parameter = s.substr(i+1, j-i-1);
return true;
return false;
bool GetNextParameter(ifstream& fin, string& parameter)
bool found = false;
while (!fin.eof() && !found)
string s;
getline(fin, s);
if (!IsComment(s))
found = ExtractParameter(s, parameter);
return found;
string MakeStopParameterTag(const string& parameter)
string sparameter = "[/" + parameter + "]";
return sparameter;
bool ManagePlainParameterSet(ifstream& fin,
const string& parameter,
TParametersSpace& params_space,
string& error_msg)
string str_stop = MakeStopParameterTag(parameter);
bool stop = false;
while (!fin.eof() && !stop)
string s;
getline(fin, s);
if (!IsComment(s))
if (s.find(str_stop) != string::npos)
stop = true;
return true;
bool ExpandInterval(const string& sint,
TParameterSpace& ps,
string& error_msg)
istringstream iss(sint);
double min, max, step;
iss >> min;
iss >> max;
iss >> step;
string param_suffix;
getline(iss, param_suffix);
for (double v=min; v<=max; v+=step)
ostringstream oss;
oss << v;
ps.push_back(oss.str() + param_suffix);
return true;
bool ManageCompressedParameterSet(ifstream& fin,
const string& parameter,
TParametersSpace& params_space,
string& error_msg)
string str_stop = MakeStopParameterTag(parameter);
bool stop = false;
while (!fin.eof() && !stop)
string s;
getline(fin, s);
if (!IsComment(s))
if (s.find(str_stop) != string::npos)
stop = true;
if (!ExpandInterval(s, params_space[parameter], error_msg))
return false;
return true;
bool ManageParameter(ifstream& fin,
const string& parameter,
TParametersSpace& params_space,
string& error_msg)
bool err;
if (parameter == "pir")
err = ManageCompressedParameterSet(fin, parameter, params_space, error_msg);
err = ManagePlainParameterSet(fin, parameter, params_space, error_msg);
return err;
bool ParseConfigurationFile(const string& fname,
TParametersSpace& params_space,
string& error_msg)
ifstream fin(fname.c_str(), ios::in);
if (!fin)
error_msg = "Cannot open " + fname;
return false;
while (!fin.eof())
string parameter;
if ( GetNextParameter(fin, parameter) )
if (!ManageParameter(fin, parameter, params_space, error_msg))
return false;
return true;
bool LastCombination(const vector<pair<int,int> >& indexes)
for (uint i=0; i<indexes.size(); i++)
if (indexes[i].first < indexes[i].second-1)
return false;
return true;
bool IncrementCombinatorialIndexes(vector<pair<int,int> >& indexes)
for (uint i=0; i<indexes.size(); i++)
if (indexes[i].first < indexes[i].second - 1)
return true;
indexes[i].first = 0;
return false;
TConfigurationSpace Explore(const TParametersSpace& params_space)
TConfigurationSpace conf_space;
vector<pair<int,int> > indexes; // <index, max_index>
for (TParametersSpace::const_iterator psi=params_space.begin();
psi!=params_space.end(); psi++)
indexes.push_back(pair<int,int>(0, psi->second.size()));
int i = 0;
TConfiguration conf;
for (TParametersSpace::const_iterator psi=params_space.begin();
psi!=params_space.end(); psi++)
conf.push_back( pair<string,string>(psi->first,
while (IncrementCombinatorialIndexes(indexes));
return conf_space;
bool RemoveParameter(TParametersSpace& params_space,
const string& param_name,
TParameterSpace& param_space,
string& error_msg)
TParametersSpace::iterator i = params_space.find(param_name);
if (i == params_space.end())
error_msg = "Cannot extract parameter '" + param_name + "'";
return false;
param_space = params_space[param_name];
return true;
bool RemoveAggregateParameters(TParametersSpace& params_space,
TParameterSpace& aggregated_params,
TParametersSpace& aggragated_params_space,
string& error_msg)
for (uint i=0; i<aggregated_params.size(); i++)
string param_name = aggregated_params[i];
TParameterSpace param_space;
if (!RemoveParameter(params_space, param_name, param_space, error_msg))
return false;
aggragated_params_space[param_name] = param_space;
return true;
string ParamValue2Cmd(const pair<string,string>& pv)
string cmd;
if (pv.first == "topology")
istringstream iss(pv.second);
int width, height;
char times;
iss >> width >> times >> height;
ostringstream oss;
oss << "-dimx " << width << " -dimy " << height;
cmd = oss.str();
cmd = "-" + pv.first + " " + pv.second;
return cmd;
string Configuration2CmdLine(const TConfiguration& conf)
string cl;
for (uint i=0; i<conf.size(); i++)
cl = cl + ParamValue2Cmd(conf[i]) + " ";
return cl;
string Configuration2FunctionName(const TConfiguration& conf)
string fn;
for (uint i=0; i<conf.size(); i++)
fn = fn + conf[i].first + "_" + conf[i].second + "__";
// Replace " ", "-", ".", "/" with "_"
int len = fn.length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++)
if ( == ' ' || == '.' || == '-' || == '/')
fn[i] = '_';
return fn;
bool ExtractExplorerParams(const TParameterSpace& explorer_params,
TExplorerParams& eparams,
string& error_msg)
eparams.simulator = DEF_SIMULATOR;
eparams.tmp_dir = DEF_TMP_DIR;
eparams.repetitions = DEF_REPETITIONS;
for (uint i=0; i<explorer_params.size(); i++)
istringstream iss(explorer_params[i]);
string label;
iss >> label;
if (label == SIMULATOR_LABEL)
iss >> eparams.simulator;
else if (label == REPETITIONS_LABEL)
iss >> eparams.repetitions;
else if (label == TMP_DIR_LABEL)
iss >> eparams.tmp_dir;
error_msg = "Invalid explorer option '" + label + "'";
return false;
return true;
bool PrintHeader(const string& fname,
const TExplorerParams& eparams,
const string& def_cmd_line, const string& conf_cmd_line,
ofstream& fout,
string& error_msg)
{, ios::out);
if (!fout)
error_msg = "Cannot create " + fname;
return false;
fout << "% fname: " << fname << endl
<< "% " << eparams.simulator << " "
<< conf_cmd_line << " " << def_cmd_line
<< endl << endl;
return true;
bool PrintMatlabFunction(const string& mfname,
ofstream& fout,
string& error_msg)
fout << "function [max_pir, max_throughput, min_delay] = " << mfname << "(symbol)" << endl
<< endl;
return true;
bool ReadResults(const string& fname,
TSimulationResults& sres,
string& error_msg)
ifstream fin(fname.c_str(), ios::in);
if (!fin)
error_msg = "Cannot read " + fname;
return false;
int nread = 0;
while (!fin.eof())
string line;
getline(fin, line);
uint pos;
pos = line.find(RPACKETS_LABEL);
if (pos != string::npos)
istringstream iss(line.substr(pos + string(RPACKETS_LABEL).size()));
iss >> sres.rpackets;
pos = line.find(RFLITS_LABEL);
if (pos != string::npos)
istringstream iss(line.substr(pos + string(RFLITS_LABEL).size()));
iss >> sres.rflits;
pos = line.find(AVG_DELAY_LABEL);
if (pos != string::npos)
istringstream iss(line.substr(pos + string(AVG_DELAY_LABEL).size()));
iss >> sres.avg_delay;
pos = line.find(AVG_THROUGHPUT_LABEL);
if (pos != string::npos)
istringstream iss(line.substr(pos + string(AVG_THROUGHPUT_LABEL).size()));
iss >> sres.avg_throughput;
pos = line.find(THROUGHPUT_LABEL);
if (pos != string::npos)
istringstream iss(line.substr(pos + string(THROUGHPUT_LABEL).size()));
iss >> sres.throughput;
pos = line.find(MAX_DELAY_LABEL);
if (pos != string::npos)
istringstream iss(line.substr(pos + string(MAX_DELAY_LABEL).size()));
iss >> sres.max_delay;
pos = line.find(TOTAL_ENERGY_LABEL);
if (pos != string::npos)
istringstream iss(line.substr(pos + string(TOTAL_ENERGY_LABEL).size()));
iss >> sres.total_energy;
if (nread != 7)
error_msg = "Output file " + fname + " corrupted";
return false;
return true;
bool RunSimulation(const string& cmd_base,
const string& tmp_dir,
TSimulationResults& sres,
string& error_msg)
string tmp_fname = tmp_dir + TMP_FILE_NAME;
// string cmd = cmd_base + " >& " + tmp_fname; // this works only with csh and bash
string cmd = cmd_base + " >" + tmp_fname + " 2>&1"; // this works with sh, csh, and bash!
cout << cmd << endl;
if (!ReadResults(tmp_fname, sres, error_msg))
return false;
string rm_cmd = string("rm -f ") + tmp_fname;
return true;
string ExtractFirstField(const string& s)
istringstream iss(s);
string sfirst;
iss >> sfirst;
return sfirst;
bool RunSimulations(double start_time,
pair<uint,uint>& sim_counter,
const string& cmd, const string& tmp_dir, const int repetitions,
const TConfiguration& aggr_conf,
ofstream& fout,
string& error_msg)
int h, m, s;
for (int i=0; i<repetitions; i++)
cout << "# simulation " << (++sim_counter.first) << " of " << sim_counter.second;
if (i != 0)
cout << ", estimated time to finish " << h << "h " << m << "m " << s << "s";
cout << endl;
TSimulationResults sres;
if (!RunSimulation(cmd, tmp_dir, sres, error_msg))
return false;
double current_time = GetCurrentTime();
TimeToFinish(current_time-start_time, sim_counter.first, sim_counter.second, h, m, s);
// Print aggragated parameters
fout << " ";
for (uint i=0; i<aggr_conf.size(); i++)
fout << setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << ExtractFirstField(aggr_conf[i].second); // this fix the problem with pir
// fout << setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << aggr_conf[i].second;
// Print results;
fout << setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << sres.avg_delay
<< setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << sres.throughput
<< setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << sres.max_delay
<< setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << sres.total_energy
<< setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << sres.rpackets
<< setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << sres.rflits
<< endl;
return true;
bool PrintMatlabVariableBegin(const TParametersSpace& aggragated_params_space,
ofstream& fout, string& error_msg)
fout << MATLAB_VAR_NAME << " = [" << endl;
fout << "% ";
for (TParametersSpace::const_iterator i=aggragated_params_space.begin();
i!=aggragated_params_space.end(); i++)
fout << setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << i->first;
fout << setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << "avg_delay"
<< setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << "throughput"
<< setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << "max_delay"
<< setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << "total_energy"
<< setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << "rpackets"
<< setw(MATRIX_COLUMN_WIDTH) << "rflits";
fout << endl;
return true;
bool GenMatlabCode(const string& var_name,
const int fig_no,
const int repetitions, const int column,
ofstream& fout, string& error_msg)
fout << var_name << " = [];" << endl
<< "for i = 1:rows/" << repetitions << "," << endl
<< " ifirst = (i - 1) * " << repetitions << " + 1;" << endl
<< " ilast = ifirst + " << repetitions << " - 1;" << endl
<< " tmp = " << MATLAB_VAR_NAME << "(ifirst:ilast, cols-6+" << column << ");" << endl
<< " avg = mean(tmp);" << endl
<< " [h sig ci] = ttest(tmp, 0.1);" << endl
<< " ci = (ci(2)-ci(1))/2;" << endl
<< " " << var_name << " = [" << var_name << "; " << MATLAB_VAR_NAME << "(ifirst, 1:cols-6), avg ci];" << endl
<< "end" << endl
<< endl;
fout << "figure(" << fig_no << ");" << endl
<< "hold on;" << endl
<< "plot(" << var_name << "(:,1), " << var_name << "(:,2), symbol);" << endl
<< endl;
return true;
bool GenMatlabCodeSaturationAnalysis(const string& var_name,
ofstream& fout, string& error_msg)
fout << endl
<< "%-------- Saturation Analysis -----------" << endl
<< "slope=[];" << endl
<< "for i=2:size(" << var_name << "_throughput,1)," << endl
<< " slope(i-1) = (" << var_name << "_throughput(i,2)-" << var_name << "_throughput(i-1,2))/(" << var_name << "_throughput(i,1)-" << var_name << "_throughput(i-1,1));" << endl
<< "end" << endl
<< endl
<< "for i=2:size(slope,2)," << endl
<< " if slope(i) < (0.95*mean(slope(1:i)))" << endl
<< " max_pir = " << var_name << "_throughput(i, 1);" << endl
<< " max_throughput = " << var_name << "_throughput(i, 2);" << endl
<< " min_delay = " << var_name << "_delay(i, 2);" << endl
<< " break;" << endl
<< " end" << endl
<< "end" << endl;
return true;
bool PrintMatlabVariableEnd(const int repetitions,
ofstream& fout, string& error_msg)
fout << "];" << endl << endl;
fout << "rows = size(" << MATLAB_VAR_NAME << ", 1);" << endl
<< "cols = size(" << MATLAB_VAR_NAME << ", 2);" << endl
<< endl;
if (!GenMatlabCode(string(MATLAB_VAR_NAME) + "_delay", 1,
repetitions, 1, fout, error_msg))
return false;
if (!GenMatlabCode(string(MATLAB_VAR_NAME) + "_throughput", 2,
repetitions, 2, fout, error_msg))
return false;
if (!GenMatlabCode(string(MATLAB_VAR_NAME) + "_maxdelay", 3,
repetitions, 3, fout, error_msg))
return false;
if (!GenMatlabCode(string(MATLAB_VAR_NAME) + "_totalenergy", 4,
repetitions, 4, fout, error_msg))
return false;
if (!GenMatlabCodeSaturationAnalysis(string(MATLAB_VAR_NAME), fout, error_msg))
return false;
return true;
bool RunSimulations(const TConfigurationSpace& conf_space,
const TParameterSpace& default_params,
const TParametersSpace& aggragated_params_space,
const TParameterSpace& explorer_params,
string& error_msg)
TExplorerParams eparams;
if (!ExtractExplorerParams(explorer_params, eparams, error_msg))
return false;
// Make dafault parameters string
string def_cmd_line;
for (uint i=0; i<default_params.size(); i++)
def_cmd_line = def_cmd_line + default_params[i] + " ";
// Explore configuration space
TConfigurationSpace aggr_conf_space = Explore(aggragated_params_space);
pair<uint,uint> sim_counter(0, conf_space.size() * aggr_conf_space.size() * eparams.repetitions);
double start_time = GetCurrentTime();
for (uint i=0; i<conf_space.size(); i++)
string conf_cmd_line = Configuration2CmdLine(conf_space[i]);
string mfname = Configuration2FunctionName(conf_space[i]);
string fname = mfname + ".m";
ofstream fout;
if (!PrintHeader(fname, eparams,
def_cmd_line, conf_cmd_line, fout, error_msg))
return false;
if (!PrintMatlabFunction(mfname, fout, error_msg))
return false;
if (!PrintMatlabVariableBegin(aggragated_params_space, fout, error_msg))
return false;
for (uint j=0; j<aggr_conf_space.size(); j++)
string aggr_cmd_line = Configuration2CmdLine(aggr_conf_space[j]);
string cmd = eparams.simulator + " "
+ def_cmd_line + " "
+ conf_cmd_line + " "
+ aggr_cmd_line;
string cmd = eparams.simulator + " "
+ aggr_cmd_line + " "
+ def_cmd_line + " "
+ conf_cmd_line;
if (!RunSimulations(start_time,
sim_counter, cmd, eparams.tmp_dir, eparams.repetitions,
aggr_conf_space[j], fout, error_msg))
return false;
if (!PrintMatlabVariableEnd(eparams.repetitions, fout, error_msg))
return false;
return true;
bool RunSimulations(const string& script_fname,
string& error_msg)
TParametersSpace ps;
if (!ParseConfigurationFile(script_fname, ps, error_msg))
return false;
TParameterSpace default_params;
if (!RemoveParameter(ps, DEFAULT_KEY, default_params, error_msg))
cout << "Warning: " << error_msg << endl;
TParameterSpace aggregated_params;
TParametersSpace aggragated_params_space;
if (!RemoveParameter(ps, AGGREGATION_KEY, aggregated_params, error_msg))
cout << "Warning: " << error_msg << endl;
if (!RemoveAggregateParameters(ps, aggregated_params,
aggragated_params_space, error_msg))
return false;
TParameterSpace explorer_params;
if (!RemoveParameter(ps, EXPLORER_KEY, explorer_params, error_msg))
cout << "Warning: " << error_msg << endl;
TConfigurationSpace conf_space = Explore(ps);
if (!RunSimulations(conf_space, default_params,
aggragated_params_space, explorer_params, error_msg))
return false;
return true;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc < 2)
cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <cfg file> [<cfg file>]" << endl;
return -1;
for (int i=1; i<argc; i++)
string fname(argv[i]);
cout << "# Exploring configuration space " << fname << endl;
string error_msg;
if (!RunSimulations(fname, error_msg))
cout << "Error: " << error_msg << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
1 ответ
Вы, вероятно, используете 64-битный ПК
На Noxim_explorer.cpp
Uint Pos;
pos = line.find (RPACKETS_LABEL);
std:: size_t pos = line.find (RPACKETS_LABEL);
Это должно работать.. и генерировать файл Matlab