Невозможно отобразить pdf в Ionic3 с помощью библиотеки pdfjs
import { Component,ViewChild,ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';
import { DatabaseProvider } from '../../providers/database/database';
import { File } from '@ionic-native/file';
import { FileTransfer, FileUploadOptions, FileTransferObject } from '@ionic-native/file-transfer';
import { SimplePdfViewerModule } from 'simple-pdf-viewer';
import { DocumentViewer, DocumentViewerOptions } from '@ionic-native/document-viewer';
import { FileOpener } from '@ionic-native/file-opener';
import * as PDFJS from "pdfjs-dist/webpack.js";
import { PDFPageProxy, PDFPageViewport, PDFRenderTask } from 'pdfjs-dist';
import { Base64 } from '@ionic-native/base64';
//import { normalizeURL } from 'ionic-angular';
import { normalizeURL } from 'ionic-angular';
* Generated class for the ViewerCtrlPage page.
* See https://ionicframework.com/docs/components/#navigation for more info on
* Ionic pages and navigation.
selector: 'page-viewer-ctrl',
templateUrl: 'viewer-ctrl.html',
export class ViewerCtrlPage {
pdfDocument = PDFJS.PDFDocumentProxy;
pageContainerUnique = {
width: 0 as number,
height: 0 as number,
element: null as HTMLElement,
canvas: null as HTMLCanvasElement,
textContainer: null as HTMLElement,
canvasWrapper: null as HTMLElement
@ViewChild('pageContainer') pageContainerRef: ElementRef;
@ViewChild('viewer') viewerRef: ElementRef;
@ViewChild('canvas') canvasRef: ElementRef;
@ViewChild('canvasWrapper') canvasWrapperRef: ElementRef;
@ViewChild('textContainer') textContainerRef: ElementRef;
pdfUrl : any;
sourceUrl : any;
url: any;
i: number;
count: number = 0;
uInt8Arr: any;
currentPage : any;
zoome: any;
totalpages: any;
gotopage: any;
pdfPath = this.file.dataDirectory;
public itemList : Array<Object>;
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, public database1: DatabaseProvider,public file: File,public transfer: FileTransfer,private fileopener: FileOpener,private document: DocumentViewer,private base64: Base64) {
this.url = '';
this.zoome = '';
this.totalpages = '';
this.base64Src = '';
// this.newpdfPath = '';
ionViewDidLoad() {
var pdfPath = this.file.dataDirectory;
console.log('ionViewDidLoad ViewerCtrlPage');
this.pageContainerUnique.element = this.pageContainerRef.nativeElement as HTMLElement;
this.pageContainerUnique.canvasWrapper = this.canvasWrapperRef.nativeElement as HTMLCanvasElement;
this.pageContainerUnique.canvas = this.canvasRef.nativeElement as HTMLCanvasElement;
this.pageContainerUnique.textContainer = this.textContainerRef.nativeElement as HTMLCanvasElement;
// this.readPdf(pdfPath);
public zoomer(zoomer1: any) {
console.log(zoomer1 +'scale');
public next() {
console.log(this.currentPage + 'current page');
this.loadPage(this.currentPage + 1);
public previous() {
console.log(this.currentPage + 'current page');
if(this.currentPage> 1) {
public pageNum(pagenumber : number) {
console.log(pagenumber+ 'existing page');
loadPdf(pdfPath:string): Promise<boolean> {
console.log('entered into pdf')
// PDFJS.disableWorker = true;
return this.PDFJSViewer.getDocument(pdfPath)
.then(pdf => {
this.pdfDocument = pdf;
this.totalpages = this.pdfDocument.numPages;
console.log("pdf loaded");
}).then((pdfPage) => {
}).catch(e => {
return false;
loadPage(pageNum: number ) {
let pdfPage: PDFPageProxy;
return this.pdfDocument.getPage(pageNum).then(thisPage => {
pdfPage = thisPage;
this.currentPage = pdfPage.pageNumber;
console.log(pdfPage.pageNumber + 'loop page');
console.log('rendering in the loadpage')
return this.renderOnePage(pdfPage);
}).then(() => {
return pdfPage;
public zoom(scale) {
var pdfPath = this.file.dataDirectory
//var newpdfPath = normalizeURL(pdfPath);
let pdfPage : PDFPageProxy;
this.PDFJSViewer.getDocument(pdfPath).then(pdf => {
this.pdfDocument = pdf;
this.pdfDocument.getPage(this.currentPage).then(thisPage => {
pdfPage = thisPage;
let viewport = pdfPage.getViewport(scale) as PDFPageViewport;
let textContainer: HTMLElement;
let canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
let wrapper: HTMLElement;
let canvasContext: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
let page: HTMLElement;
page = this.pageContainerUnique.element;
textContainer = this.pageContainerUnique.textContainer;
canvas = this.pageContainerUnique.canvas;
wrapper = this.pageContainerUnique.canvasWrapper;
canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d') as CanvasRenderingContext2D;
canvasContext.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
canvasContext.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
canvasContext.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
canvasContext.oImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
canvas.width = viewport.width;
canvas.height = viewport.height;
page.style.width = `${viewport.width}px`;
page.style.height = `${viewport.height}px`;
wrapper.style.width = `${viewport.width}px`;
wrapper.style.height = `${viewport.height}px`;
textContainer.style.width = `${viewport.width}px`;
textContainer.style.height = `${viewport.height}px`;
if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) {
let canvasWidth = canvas.width;
let canvasHeight = canvas.height;
canvas.width = canvasWidth * window.devicePixelRatio;
canvas.height = canvasHeight * window.devicePixelRatio;
canvas.style.width = canvasWidth + "px";
canvas.style.height = canvasHeight + "px";
canvasContext.scale(window.devicePixelRatio, window.devicePixelRatio);
let renderTask: PDFRenderTask = pdfPage.render({
public zoomIn() {
async renderOnePage(pdfPage: PDFPageProxy) {
let textContainer: HTMLElement;
let canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
let wrapper: HTMLElement;
let canvasContext: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
let page: HTMLElement;
page = this.pageContainerUnique.element;
textContainer = this.pageContainerUnique.textContainer;
canvas = this.pageContainerUnique.canvas;
wrapper = this.pageContainerUnique.canvasWrapper;
canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d') as CanvasRenderingContext2D;
canvasContext.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
canvasContext.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
canvasContext.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
canvasContext.oImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
let viewport = pdfPage.getViewport(1) as PDFPageViewport;
canvas.width = viewport.width;
canvas.height = viewport.height;
page.style.width = `${viewport.width}px`;
page.style.height = `${viewport.height}px`;
wrapper.style.width = `${viewport.width}px`;
wrapper.style.height = `${viewport.height}px`;
textContainer.style.width = `${viewport.width}px`;
textContainer.style.height = `${viewport.height}px`;
if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) {
let canvasWidth = canvas.width;
let canvasHeight = canvas.height;
canvas.width = canvasWidth * window.devicePixelRatio;
canvas.height = canvasHeight * window.devicePixelRatio;
canvas.style.width = canvasWidth + "px";
canvas.style.height = canvasHeight + "px";
canvasContext.scale(window.devicePixelRatio, window.devicePixelRatio);
let renderTask: PDFRenderTask = pdfPage.render({
let container = textContainer;
return renderTask.then(() => {
return pdfPage.getTextContent();
}).then((textContent) => {
let textLayer: HTMLElement;
textLayer = this.pageContainerUnique.textContainer
while (textLayer.lastChild) {
textDivs: []
return true;
Я работаю над приложением, использующим ionic 3, в котором я загружаю файл pdf с сервера в локальный каталог файлов в Ionic 3 (file.dataDirectory). Я пытаюсь сделать файл на экране, используя библиотеку PDFJS. Я не могу отобразить страницу, так как получаю сообщение об ошибке: "Извлечь API не может загрузить схему URL" Файл "не поддерживается". Пожалуйста, помогите мне, как извлечь файл из локального файла и загрузить его в наше приложение.