How to receive an array as member of an input parameter of a GraphQL service?

Учитывая эту схему:

input TodoInput {
  id: String
  title: String

input SaveInput {
  nodes: [TodoInput]

type SavePayload {
  message: String!

type Mutation {
  save(input: SaveInput): SavePayload

Given this resolver:

type TodoInput = {
  id: string | null,
  title: string

type SaveInput = {
  nodes: TodoInput[];

type SavePayload = {
  message: string;

export const resolver = {
  save: (input: SaveInput): SavePayload => {
    input.nodes.forEach(todo => api.saveTodo(todo as Todo));
    return { message : 'success' };

When I sent this request:

mutation {
  save(input: {
    nodes: [
      {id: "1", title: "Todo 1"}
  }) {

Then the value for input.nodes является undefined on the server side.

Кто-нибудь знает, что я делаю не так?

Полезная информация:

  • The mutation works properly with scalar values (such as String as input and return)
  • I'm using typescript, express and express-graphql.

1 ответ


Вам необходимо внести изменения в key в резольвере,

export const resolver = {
  save: (args: {input: SaveInput}): SavePayload => {
    args.input.nodes.forEach(todo => api.saveTodo(todo as Todo));
    return { message : 'success' };
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