Настройка Metal в Swift 3 на iPhone 6s

Я пытался преобразовать проект Apple MetalBasicTessellation в swift 3 на iPhone 6s под управлением iOS 10.3.1. Все компилируется без ошибок, но при запуске на моем iPhone я получаю следующую ошибку при определении renderCommandEncoder:

validateAttachmentOnDevice:347: failed assertion `MTLRenderPassDescriptor texture must be MTLTextureType2DMultisample when using a resolveTexture.'

Я правильно установил свойство текстуры renderPassDescriptor для наследования текстуры MKTView.currentDrawable.

renderPassDescriptor?.colorAttachments[0].texture = view.currentDrawable?.texture

Что мне не хватает? Ниже представлен весь класс AAPLTessellationPipeline. Весь проект можно найти здесь.

 Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information

 Tessellation Pipeline for MetalBasicTessellation.
 The exposed properties are user-defined via the ViewController UI elements.
 The compute pipelines are built with a compute kernel (one for triangle patches; one for quad patches).
 The render pipelines are built with a post-tessellation vertex function (one for triangle patches; one for quad patches) and a fragment function. The render pipeline descriptor also configures tessellation-specific properties.
 The tessellation factors buffer is dynamically populated by the compute kernel.
 The control points buffer is populated with static position data.

import Metal
import MetalKit

class AAPLTessellationPipeline: NSObject, MTKViewDelegate {

  var patchType = MTLPatchType(rawValue: 0)!
  var isWireframe: Bool = false
  var edgeFactor: [Float] = [0.0]
  var insideFactor: [Float] = [0.0]

  let device: MTLDevice
  let commandQueue: MTLCommandQueue
  let library: MTLLibrary

  //private weak var device: MTLDevice?
  //private weak var commandQueue: MTLCommandQueue!
  //private weak var library: MTLLibrary?
  private weak var computePipelineTriangle: MTLComputePipelineState?
  private weak var computePipelineQuad: MTLComputePipelineState?
  private weak var renderPipelineTriangle: MTLRenderPipelineState?
  private weak var renderPipelineQuad: MTLRenderPipelineState?
  private weak var tessellationFactorsBuffer: MTLBuffer?
  private weak var controlPointsBufferTriangle: MTLBuffer?
  private weak var controlPointsBufferQuad: MTLBuffer?

  var computePipelineTriangle: MTLComputePipelineState?
  var computePipelineQuad: MTLComputePipelineState?
  var renderPipelineTriangle: MTLRenderPipelineState?
  var renderPipelineQuad: MTLRenderPipelineState?
  var tessellationFactorsBuffer: MTLBuffer?
  var controlPointsBufferTriangle: MTLBuffer?
  var controlPointsBufferQuad: MTLBuffer?

  init? (mtkView view: MTKView) {

    device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()!
    commandQueue = device.makeCommandQueue()
    library = device.newDefaultLibrary()!


    // Initialize properties
    isWireframe = true
    patchType = .triangle
    edgeFactor = [2.0]
    insideFactor = [2.0]
    // Setup Metal

    if !didSetupMetal() {
      return nil

    // Assign device and delegate to MTKView
    view.device = device
    view.delegate = self

    // Setup compute pipelines
    if !didSetupComputePipelines() {
      return nil

    // Setup render pipelines
    if !didSetupRenderPipelines(with: view) {
      return nil

    // Setup Buffers


  // MARK: Setup methods
  func didSetupMetal() -> Bool {
    // Use the default device
    //device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()
    if device == nil {
      print("Metal is not supported on this device")
      return false
      if !device?.supportsFeatureSet(MTLFeatureSet_iOS_GPUFamily3_v2) {
        print("Tessellation is not supported on this device")
        return false
    #elseif TARGET_OS_OSX
      if !device?.supportsFeatureSet(MTLFeatureSet_OSX_GPUFamily1_v1) {
        print("Tessellation is not supported on this device")
        return false

    // Create a new command queue
    //commandQueue = device.makeCommandQueue()

    // Load the default library
    //library = device.newDefaultLibrary()
    return true

  func didSetupComputePipelines() -> Bool {
    //var computePipelineError: Error?
    // Create compute pipeline for triangle-based tessellation
    let kernelFunctionTriangle = library.makeFunction(name: "tessellation_kernel_triangle")
    //print ("...kernel triangle \(kernelFunctionTriangle)")
    //computePipelineTriangle: MTLComputePipelineState?
    do {
      computePipelineTriangle = try device.makeComputePipelineState(function: kernelFunctionTriangle!)
    } catch let error as NSError {
      print("compute pipeline error: " + error.description)

    let kernelFunctionQuad = library.makeFunction(name: "tessellation_kernel_quad")
    //var computePipelineQuad: MTLComputePipelineState?
    do {
      computePipelineQuad = try device.makeComputePipelineState(function: kernelFunctionQuad!)
    } catch let error as NSError {
      print("compute pipeline error: " + error.description)

    return true

  func didSetupRenderPipelines(with view: MTKView) -> Bool {

    let vertexProgramTriangle = library.makeFunction(name: "tessellation_vertex_triangle")
    let vertexProgramQuad = library.makeFunction(name: "tessellation_vertex_quad")
    let fragmentProgram = library.makeFunction(name: "tessellation_fragment")
    //var renderPipelineError: Error? = nil
    // Create a reusable vertex descriptor for the control point data
    // This describes the inputs to the post-tessellation vertex function, declared with the 'stage_in' qualifier
    let vertexDescriptor = MTLVertexDescriptor()
    vertexDescriptor.attributes[0].format = .float4
    vertexDescriptor.attributes[0].offset = 0
    vertexDescriptor.attributes[0].bufferIndex = 0
    vertexDescriptor.layouts[0].stepFunction = .perPatchControlPoint
    vertexDescriptor.layouts[0].stepRate = 1
    vertexDescriptor.layouts[0].stride = 4 * MemoryLayout<Float>.size
    // Create a reusable render pipeline descriptor
    let renderPipelineDescriptor = MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor()
    // Configure common render properties
    renderPipelineDescriptor.vertexDescriptor = vertexDescriptor
    renderPipelineDescriptor.sampleCount = view.sampleCount
    renderPipelineDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].pixelFormat = view.colorPixelFormat

    //renderPipelineDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].pixelFormat = .bgra8Unorm
    renderPipelineDescriptor.fragmentFunction = fragmentProgram

    // Configure common tessellation properties
    renderPipelineDescriptor.isTessellationFactorScaleEnabled = false
    renderPipelineDescriptor.tessellationFactorFormat = .half
    renderPipelineDescriptor.tessellationControlPointIndexType = .none
    renderPipelineDescriptor.tessellationFactorStepFunction = .constant
    renderPipelineDescriptor.tessellationOutputWindingOrder = .clockwise
    renderPipelineDescriptor.tessellationPartitionMode = .fractionalEven

      // In iOS, the maximum tessellation factor is 16
      renderPipelineDescriptor.maxTessellationFactor = 16
    #elseif TARGET_OS_OSX
      // In OS X, the maximum tessellation factor is 64
      renderPipelineDescriptor.maxTessellationFactor = 64

    renderPipelineDescriptor.maxTessellationFactor = 16

    // Create render pipeline for triangle-based tessellation
    //renderPipelineDescriptor.vertexFunction = library?.newFunction(withName: "tessellation_vertex_triangle")
    renderPipelineDescriptor.vertexFunction = vertexProgramTriangle

    // Compile renderPipeline for triangle-based tessellation
    do {
      renderPipelineTriangle = try device.makeRenderPipelineState(descriptor: renderPipelineDescriptor)
    } catch let error as NSError {
      print("render pipeline error: " + error.description)

    renderPipelineDescriptor.vertexFunction = vertexProgramQuad

    // Compile renderPipeline for quad-based tessellation
    do {
      renderPipelineQuad = try device.makeRenderPipelineState(descriptor: renderPipelineDescriptor)
    } catch let error as NSError {
      print("render pipeline error: " + error.description)

    return true

  func setupBuffers() {
    // Allocate memory for the tessellation factors buffer
    // This is a private buffer whose contents are later populated by the GPU (compute kernel)
    tessellationFactorsBuffer = device.makeBuffer(length: 256, options: MTLResourceOptions.storageModePrivate)
    tessellationFactorsBuffer?.label = "Tessellation Factors"
    // Allocate memory for the control points buffers
    // These are shared or managed buffers whose contents are immediately populated by the CPU
    let controlPointsBufferOptions: MTLResourceOptions = .storageModeShared

      // In iOS, the storage mode can only be shared
      controlPointsBufferOptions = .storageModeShared
    #elseif TARGET_OS_OSX
      // In OS X, the storage mode can be shared or managed, but managed may yield better performance
      controlPointsBufferOptions = .storageModeManaged

    let controlPointPositionsTriangle: [Float] = [-0.8, -0.8, 0.0, 1.0,             // lower-left
      0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0,             // upper-middle
      0.8, -0.8, 0.0, 1.0]
    controlPointsBufferTriangle = device.makeBuffer(bytes: controlPointPositionsTriangle, length: MemoryLayout<Float>.size, options: controlPointsBufferOptions)
    controlPointsBufferTriangle?.label = "Control Points Triangle"
    let controlPointPositionsQuad: [Float] = [-0.8, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0,             // upper-left
      0.8, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0,             // upper-right
      0.8, -0.8, 0.0, 1.0,             // lower-right
      -0.8, -0.8, 0.0, 1.0]
    controlPointsBufferQuad = device.makeBuffer(bytes: controlPointPositionsQuad, length: MemoryLayout<Float>.size, options: controlPointsBufferOptions)
    controlPointsBufferQuad?.label = "Control Points Quad"
    // More sophisticated tessellation passes might have additional buffers for per-patch user data

  // MARK: Compute/Render methods
  func computeTessellationFactors(with commandBuffer: MTLCommandBuffer) {
    // Create a compute command encoder
    let computeCommandEncoder: MTLComputeCommandEncoder = commandBuffer.makeComputeCommandEncoder()
    computeCommandEncoder.label = "Compute Command Encoder"
    // Begin encoding compute commands
    computeCommandEncoder.pushDebugGroup("Compute Tessellation Factors")
    // Set the correct compute pipeline
    if patchType == .triangle {
    else if patchType == .quad {

    // Bind the user-selected edge and inside factor values to the compute kernel
    computeCommandEncoder.setBytes(edgeFactor, length: MemoryLayout<Float>.size, at: 0)
    computeCommandEncoder.setBytes(insideFactor, length: MemoryLayout<Float>.size, at: 1)
    // Bind the tessellation factors buffer to the compute kernel
    computeCommandEncoder.setBuffer(tessellationFactorsBuffer, offset: 0, at: 2)
    // Dispatch threadgroups
    computeCommandEncoder.dispatchThreadgroups(MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1), threadsPerThreadgroup: MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1))
    // All compute commands have been encoded

  func tessellateAndRender(in view: MTKView, with commandBuffer: MTLCommandBuffer) {
    // Obtain a renderPassDescriptor generated from the view's drawable
    let renderPassDescriptor: MTLRenderPassDescriptor? = view.currentRenderPassDescriptor

    // If the renderPassDescriptor is valid, begin the commands to render into its drawable
    if renderPassDescriptor != nil {
      //renderPassDescriptor?.colorAttachments[0].texture = .texture // assign passed texture
      renderPassDescriptor?.colorAttachments[0].texture = view.currentDrawable?.texture
      renderPassDescriptor?.colorAttachments[0].loadAction = .clear // set the texture to the clear color before doing any drawing
      renderPassDescriptor?.colorAttachments[0].clearColor = MTLClearColor(red: 0.0, green: 104.0/255.0, blue: 5.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0) // set clear color to green
      //renderPassDescriptor?.colorAttachments[0].storeAction = .multisampleResolve
      //renderPassDescriptor?.colorAttachments[0].storeAction = .unknown

      renderPassDescriptor?.colorAttachments[0].texture = view.currentDrawable?.texture
      //renderPassDescriptor?.colorAttachments[0].texture = view.multisampleColorTexture

      // Create a render command encoder
      let renderCommandEncoder: MTLRenderCommandEncoder? = commandBuffer.makeRenderCommandEncoder(descriptor: renderPassDescriptor!)
      renderCommandEncoder?.label = "Render Command Encoder"
      // Begin encoding render commands, including commands for the tessellator
      renderCommandEncoder?.pushDebugGroup("Tessellate and Render")
      // Set the correct render pipeline and bind the correct control points buffer
      if patchType == .triangle {
        renderCommandEncoder?.setVertexBuffer(controlPointsBufferTriangle, offset: 0, at: 0)
      else if patchType == .quad {
        renderCommandEncoder?.setVertexBuffer(controlPointsBufferQuad, offset: 0, at: 0)

      // Enable/Disable wireframe mode
      if isWireframe {
      // Encode tessellation-specific commands
      renderCommandEncoder?.setTessellationFactorBuffer(tessellationFactorsBuffer, offset: 0, instanceStride: 0)
      let patchControlPoints: Int = (patchType == .triangle) ? 3 : 4
      renderCommandEncoder?.drawPatches(numberOfPatchControlPoints: patchControlPoints, patchStart: 0, patchCount: 1, patchIndexBuffer: nil, patchIndexBufferOffset: 0, instanceCount: 1, baseInstance: 0)

      //renderCommandEncoder.drawPatches(numberOfPatchControlPoints: 3, patchStart: 0, patchCount: 1, patchIndexBuffer: nil, patchIndexBufferOffset: 0, instanceCount: 1, baseInstance: 0)
      // All render commands have been encoded
      // Schedule a present once the drawable has been completely rendered to

  // MARK: MTKView delegate methods
  // Called whenever view changes orientation or layout is changed
  func mtkView(_ view: MTKView, drawableSizeWillChange size: CGSize) {

  // Called whenever the view needs to render
  func draw(in view: MTKView) {
    autoreleasepool {
      // Create a new command buffer for each tessellation pass
      let commandBuffer: MTLCommandBuffer? = commandQueue.makeCommandBuffer()

      commandBuffer?.label = "Tessellation Pass"

      self.computeTessellationFactors(with: commandBuffer!)

      self.tessellateAndRender(in: view, with: commandBuffer!)
      // Finalize tessellation pass and commit the command buffer to the GPU


1 ответ


Похоже, вы не пытаетесь использовать MSAA, поэтому вам нужно установить MTKViewПример отсчета до 1 (вместо 4):

    mtkView.sampleCount = 1

Кроме того, у вашего кончика настроен формат глубины в представлении, что заставляет его генерировать текстуру глубины для вас, даже если ваш конвейер не настроен для этого, поэтому также установите формат пикселя глубины-трафарета на .invalid:

    mtkView.depthStencilPixelFormat = .invalid

Наконец, длина вашего буфера неверна. Насколько я могу судить, длина controlPointPositionsTriangle должно быть 12 * MemoryLayout<Float>.sizeне MemoryLayout<Float>.size, Аналогично для controlPointsBufferQuad (который должен быть 16 * MemoryLayout<Float>.size в длину).

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