Определите ресурс начальной точки для службы REST
Я создаю службу ASP.Net Web API для игры-лабиринта.
- Пользователи должны получить все детали ячеек в лабиринте, чтобы визуализировать лабиринт в плоскости 2D. Я добиваюсь этого, используя метод get
public List<Cell> Get()
- Пользователь должен получить информацию о ячейке, указав в качестве входных данных CellID. Я добиваюсь этого, используя метод get
public CellRepresentation Get(string id)
, Обратите внимание, что CellRepresentation используется для возврата гипермедиа-ссылок с помощью WebApi.Hal. Эти ссылки представляют целевые ячейки для возможных движений, таких как вверх, вниз, влево и вправо.
Теперь мне нужен способ сообщить, какая ячейка является отправной точкой для пользователей, чтобы начать игру. [В следующем лабиринте ячейка "10" является отправной точкой]. Как отправить сообщение на основе REST?
public class CellsController : ApiController
public CellsController()
//Get all cells in the maze
public List<Cell> Get()
Maze m = new Maze();
return m.GetCells();
//Get specific cell
public CellRepresentation Get(string id)
Maze m = new Maze();
Cell c = m.GetCell(id);
List<Cell> possibleLists = m.GetPossibleRelatedCells(c);
CellRepresentation beerRep = new CellRepresentation(c, possibleLists);
return beerRep;
HAL связанные классы
public class CellRepresentation : WebApi.Hal.Representation
Cell theCell;
List<Cell> possibleMoveCells;
public CellRepresentation(Cell c, List<Cell> possibleMoveCells )
theCell = c;
this.possibleMoveCells = possibleMoveCells;
public override string Rel
get { return LinkTemplates.CellLinks.CellEntry.Rel; }
set { }
public override string Href
get { return LinkTemplates.CellLinks.CellEntry.CreateLink(new { id = theCell.CellID }).Href; }
set { }
protected override void CreateHypermedia()
foreach (Cell relatedCell in possibleMoveCells)
if (relatedCell.RelativeName == "Up")
Links.Add(LinkTemplates.CellLinks.UpLink.CreateLink(new { id = relatedCell.CellID }));
if (relatedCell.RelativeName == "Right")
Links.Add(LinkTemplates.CellLinks.RightLink.CreateLink(new { id = relatedCell.CellID }));
if (relatedCell.RelativeName == "Down")
Links.Add(LinkTemplates.CellLinks.DownLink.CreateLink(new { id = relatedCell.CellID }));
if (relatedCell.RelativeName == "Left")
Links.Add(LinkTemplates.CellLinks.LeftLink.CreateLink(new { id = relatedCell.CellID }));
public static class LinkTemplates
public static class CellLinks
public static Link CellEntry { get { return new Link("self", "~/api/cells/{id}"); } }
public static Link UpLink { get { return new Link("up", "~/api/cells/{id}"); } }
public static Link RightLink { get { return new Link("right", "~/api/cells/{id}"); } }
public static Link DownLink { get { return new Link("down", "~/api/cells/{id}"); } }
public static Link LeftLink { get { return new Link("left", "~/api/cells/{id}"); } }
Бизнес классы
public class Cell
public int XVal { get; set; }
public int YVal { get; set; }
public bool TopIsWall { get; set; }
public bool RightIsWall { get; set; }
public bool BottomIsWall { get; set; }
public bool LeftIsWall { get; set; }
public bool IsStartCell { get; set; }
public bool IsExtCell { get; set; }
public string RelativeName { get; set; } //Top, Right, Etc.
public string CellID
string characterID = XVal.ToString() + YVal.ToString();
return characterID; //Example 10
public class Maze
List<Cell> cells;
public Maze()
cells = CreateCells();
public Cell GetFirtCell()
Cell firstCell = null;
foreach (Cell c in cells)
if(c.IsStartCell )
firstCell = c;
return firstCell;
public Cell GetCell(string cellID)
Cell theCell = null;
foreach (Cell c in cells)
if (c.CellID == cellID)
theCell = c;
return theCell;
public List<Cell> GetCells()
return cells;
public List<Cell> GetPossibleRelatedCells(Cell inputCell)
List<Cell> possibleCells = new List<Cell>();
foreach (Cell c in cells)
if (c.XVal == inputCell.XVal-1 && c.RightIsWall == false && c.YVal== inputCell.YVal )
//Go left from the input cell
c.RelativeName = "Left";
else if (c.XVal == inputCell.XVal + 1 && c.LeftIsWall == false && c.YVal == inputCell.YVal )
//Go right from the input cell
c.RelativeName = "Right";
else if (c.YVal == inputCell.YVal - 1 && c.TopIsWall == false && c.XVal == inputCell.XVal )
//Go down from the input cell
c.RelativeName = "Down";
else if (c.YVal == inputCell.YVal + 1 && c.BottomIsWall == false && c.XVal == inputCell.XVal)
//Go up from the input cell
c.RelativeName = "Up";
return possibleCells;
public List<Cell> CreateCells()
List<Cell> cells = new List<Cell>();
//cells =
Cell cell1 = new Cell
XVal = 0,YVal = 0,TopIsWall = false,RightIsWall = false,BottomIsWall = true,LeftIsWall = true,
Cell cell2 = new Cell
XVal = 1,YVal = 0,TopIsWall = true,RightIsWall = false,BottomIsWall = false,LeftIsWall = false,
IsStartCell = true, //--Start
Cell cell3 = new Cell
XVal = 2,YVal = 0,TopIsWall = false,RightIsWall = false,BottomIsWall = true,LeftIsWall = false,
Cell cell4 = new Cell
XVal = 3,YVal = 0,TopIsWall = false,RightIsWall = true,BottomIsWall = true,LeftIsWall = false,
RelativeName = "Self"
Cell cell5 = new Cell
XVal = 0,YVal = 1,TopIsWall = true,RightIsWall = false,BottomIsWall = false,LeftIsWall = true,
RelativeName = "Self"
Cell cell6 = new Cell
XVal = 0,YVal = 0,TopIsWall = true,RightIsWall = false,BottomIsWall = false,LeftIsWall = false,
RelativeName = "Self"
Cell cell7 = new Cell
XVal = 1,YVal = 1,TopIsWall = true,RightIsWall = false,BottomIsWall = true,LeftIsWall = false,
RelativeName = "Self"
Cell cell8 = new Cell
XVal = 2,YVal = 1,TopIsWall = false,RightIsWall = true,BottomIsWall = false,LeftIsWall = false,
RelativeName = "Self"
Cell cell9 = new Cell
XVal = 3,YVal = 1,TopIsWall = false,RightIsWall = true,BottomIsWall = false,LeftIsWall = true,
RelativeName = "Self"
Cell cell10 = new Cell
XVal = 2,YVal = 2,TopIsWall = true,RightIsWall = true,BottomIsWall = false,LeftIsWall = true,
RelativeName = "Self"
Cell cell11 = new Cell
XVal = 3,YVal = 2,TopIsWall = true,RightIsWall = true,BottomIsWall = false,LeftIsWall = true,
RelativeName = "Self"
Cell cell12 = new Cell
XVal = 3,YVal = 3,TopIsWall = true,RightIsWall = true,BottomIsWall = false,LeftIsWall = false,
IsExtCell = true, //--Exit
RelativeName = "Self"
return cells;