Загрузка файлов Wavefont .obj из-за ошибки относительного пути
Во-первых, спасибо, что нашли время, чтобы прочитать это.
Я читаю книгу " Развивающие игры на Java". В главе 8 показано, как загружать файлы Wavefront .obj. Мой файл obj находится в C://pathToMyWorkspace//ProjectName//res//coffeCup.obj
Когда я пытаюсь загрузить файл Wavefront .obj, компилятор выдает мне ошибку:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: res\coffe
at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:146)
at java.io.FileReader.<init>(FileReader.java:72)
at com.base.graphics.graphics3D.ObjectLoader.parseFile(ObjectLoader.java:141)
at com.base.graphics.graphics3D.ObjectLoader$ObjLineParser.parseLine(ObjectLoader.java:228)
at com.base.graphics.graphics3D.ObjectLoader.parseFile(ObjectLoader.java:169)
at com.base.graphics.graphics3D.ObjectLoader.loadObject(ObjectLoader.java:116)
at com.testGame.Texture3DTest.createPolygons(Texture3DTest.java:69)
at com.base.graphics.GameCore3D.init(GameCore3D.java:24)
at com.testGame.Texture3DTest.init(Texture3DTest.java:45)
at com.base.graphics.GameCore.start(GameCore.java:49)
at com.testGame.Texture3DTest.main(Texture3DTest.java:41)
По какой-то причине компилятор пытается загрузить из "res / res / coffeCup.obj", но путь, который я указал, это просто "res / coffeCup.obj".
Вот новый класс ObjectLoader (который загружает файлы.obj):
package com.base.graphics.graphics3D;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import com.base.math.PolygonGroup;
import com.base.math.ShadedSurface;
import com.base.math.ShadedTexture;
import com.base.math.TexturedPolygon3D;
import com.base.math.Vector3D;
* The ObjectLoader class loads a subset of the Alias|Wavefront OBJ file
* specification.
* Lines that begin with '#' are comments.
* OBJ file keywords:
* <pre>
* mtllib [filename] - Load materials from an external .mtl
* file.
* v [x] [y] [z] - Define a vertex with floating-point
* coords (x,y,z).
* f [v1] [v2] [v3] ... - Define a new face. a face is a flat,
* convex polygon with vertices in
* counter-clockwise order. Positive
* numbers indicate the index of the
* vertex that is defined in the file.
* Negative numbers indicate the vertex
* defined relative to last vertex read.
* For example, 1 indicates the first
* vertex in the file, -1 means the last
* vertex read, and -2 is the vertex
* before that.
* g [name] - Define a new group by name. The faces
* following are added to this group.
* usemtl [name] - Use the named material (loaded from a
* .mtl file) for the faces in this group.
* </pre>
* MTL file keywords:
* <pre>
* newmtl [name] - Define a new material by name.
* map_Kd [filename] - Give the material a texture map.
* </pre>
public class ObjectLoader {
* The Material class wraps a ShadedTexture.
public static class Material {
public File sourceFile;
public ShadedTexture texture;
* A LineParser is an interface to parse a line in a text file. Separate
* LineParsers and are used for OBJ and MTL files.
protected interface LineParser {
public void parseLine(String line) throws IOException, NumberFormatException, NoSuchElementException;
protected File path;
protected List vertices;
protected Material currentMaterial;
protected HashMap materials;
protected List lights;
protected float ambientLightIntensity;
protected HashMap parsers;
private PolygonGroup object;
private PolygonGroup currentGroup;
* Creates a new ObjectLoader.
public ObjectLoader() {
materials = new HashMap();
vertices = new ArrayList();
parsers = new HashMap();
parsers.put("obj", new ObjLineParser());
parsers.put("mtl", new MtlLineParser());
currentMaterial = null;
setLights(new ArrayList(), 1);
* Sets the lights used for the polygons in the parsed objects. After
* calling this method calls to loadObject use these lights.
public void setLights(List lights, float ambientLightIntensity) {
this.lights = lights;
this.ambientLightIntensity = ambientLightIntensity;
* Loads an OBJ file as a PolygonGroup.
public PolygonGroup loadObject(String parent, String filename) throws IOException {
object = new PolygonGroup();
path = new File(parent);
currentGroup = object;
return object;
* Gets a Vector3D from the list of vectors in the file. Negative indeces
* count from the end of the list, postive indeces count from the beginning.
* 1 is the first index, -1 is the last. 0 is invalid and throws an
* exception.
protected Vector3D getVector(String indexStr) {
int index = Integer.parseInt(indexStr);
if (index < 0) {
index = vertices.size() + index + 1;
return (Vector3D) vertices.get(index - 1);
* Parses an OBJ (ends with ".obj") or MTL file (ends with ".mtl").
protected void parseFile(String filename) throws IOException {
// get the file relative to the source path
File file = new File(path, filename);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
// get the parser based on the file extention
LineParser parser = null;
int extIndex = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
if (extIndex != -1) {
String ext = filename.substring(extIndex + 1);
parser = (LineParser) parsers.get(ext.toLowerCase());
if (parser == null) {
parser = (LineParser) parsers.get("obj");
// parse every line in the file
while (true) {
String line = reader.readLine();
// no more lines to read
if (line == null) {
line = line.trim();
// ignore blank lines and comments
if (line.length() > 0 && !line.startsWith("#")) {
// interpret the line
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex.getMessage());
* Parses a line in an OBJ file.
protected class ObjLineParser implements LineParser {
public void parseLine(String line) throws IOException, NumberFormatException, NoSuchElementException {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);
String command = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (command.equals("v")) {
// create a new vertex
vertices.add(new Vector3D(Float.parseFloat(tokenizer.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(tokenizer.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(tokenizer.nextToken())));
} else if (command.equals("f")) {
// create a new face (flat, convex polygon)
List currVertices = new ArrayList();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String indexStr = tokenizer.nextToken();
// ignore texture and normal coords
int endIndex = indexStr.indexOf('/');
if (endIndex != -1) {
indexStr = indexStr.substring(0, endIndex);
// create textured polygon
Vector3D[] array = new Vector3D[currVertices.size()];
TexturedPolygon3D poly = new TexturedPolygon3D(array);
// set the texture
ShadedSurface.createShadedSurface(poly, currentMaterial.texture, lights, ambientLightIntensity);
// add the polygon to the current group
} else if (command.equals("g")) {
// define the current group
if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String name = tokenizer.nextToken();
currentGroup = new PolygonGroup(name);
} else {
currentGroup = new PolygonGroup();
} else if (command.equals("mtllib")) {
// load materials from file
String name = tokenizer.nextToken();
} else if (command.equals("usemtl")) {
// define the current material
String name = tokenizer.nextToken();
currentMaterial = (Material) materials.get(name);
if (currentMaterial == null) {
System.out.println("no material: " + name);
} else {
// unknown command - ignore it
* Parses a line in a material MTL file.
protected class MtlLineParser implements LineParser {
public void parseLine(String line) throws NoSuchElementException {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);
String command = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (command.equals("newmtl")) {
// create a new material if needed
String name = tokenizer.nextToken();
currentMaterial = (Material) materials.get(name);
if (currentMaterial == null) {
currentMaterial = new Material();
materials.put(name, currentMaterial);
} else if (command.equals("map_Kd")) {
// give the current material a texture
String name = tokenizer.nextToken();
File file = new File(path, name);
if (!file.equals(currentMaterial.sourceFile)) {
currentMaterial.sourceFile = file;
currentMaterial.texture = (ShadedTexture) Texture.createTexture(file.getPath(), true);
} else {
// unknown command - ignore it
Новый Texture3DTest (куда я загружаю файлы):
package com.testGame;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.base.graphics.GameCore3D;
import com.base.graphics.graphics3D.ObjectLoader;
import com.base.graphics.graphics3D.Rectangle3D;
import com.base.graphics.graphics3D.Texture;
import com.base.graphics.graphics3D.ZBufferedRenderer;
import com.base.input.GameAction;
import com.base.input.InputManager;
import com.base.input.Mouse;
import com.base.math.PolygonGroup;
import com.base.math.TexturedPolygon3D;
import com.base.math.Transform3D;
import com.base.math.Vector3D;
import com.base.math.ViewWindow;
public class Texture3DTest extends GameCore3D {
protected InputManager inputManager;
protected GameAction exit = new GameAction("exit", GameAction.DETECT_INITAL_PRESS_ONLY);
protected GameAction moveForward = new GameAction("moveForward");
protected GameAction moveBackward = new GameAction("moveBackward");
protected GameAction moveUp = new GameAction("moveUp");
protected GameAction moveDown = new GameAction("moveDown");
protected GameAction moveLeft = new GameAction("moveLeft");
protected GameAction moveRight = new GameAction("moveRight");
protected GameAction rootUp = new GameAction("rootUp");
protected GameAction rootDown = new GameAction("rootDown");
protected GameAction rootLeft = new GameAction("rootLeft");
protected GameAction rootRight = new GameAction("rootRight");
protected final int SPEED = 6;
protected final float ROOTATION_SPEED = 0.01f;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Texture3DTest().start();
public void init() {
inputManager = new InputManager(frame);
inputManager.mapToKey(exit, KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE);
inputManager.mapToKey(moveForward, KeyEvent.VK_W);
inputManager.mapToKey(moveBackward, KeyEvent.VK_S);
inputManager.mapToKey(moveLeft, KeyEvent.VK_A);
inputManager.mapToKey(moveRight, KeyEvent.VK_D);
inputManager.mapToKey(moveUp, KeyEvent.VK_SPACE);
inputManager.mapToKey(moveDown, KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT);
inputManager.mapToKey(rootUp, KeyEvent.VK_UP);
inputManager.mapToKey(rootDown, KeyEvent.VK_DOWN);
inputManager.mapToKey(rootLeft, KeyEvent.VK_LEFT);
inputManager.mapToKey(rootRight, KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT);
public void createPolygons() {
ObjectLoader objLoader = new ObjectLoader();
try {
PolygonGroup object = objLoader.loadObject("res/", "coffeCup.obj");
} catch (IOException e) {
public void setTexture(TexturedPolygon3D poly, Texture texture) {
Vector3D origin = poly.getVertex(0);
Vector3D dv = new Vector3D(poly.getVertex(1));
Vector3D du = new Vector3D();
du.setToCrossProduct(poly.getNormal(), dv);
Rectangle3D textureBounds = new Rectangle3D(origin, du, dv, texture.getWidth(), texture.getHeight());
poly.setTexture(texture, textureBounds);
public void update() {
if (exit.isPressed())
Transform3D camera = polygonRenderer.getCamera();
Vector3D cameraLoc = polygonRenderer.getCamera().getLocation();
if (moveForward.isPressed()) {
cameraLoc.x -= SPEED * camera.getSinAngleY();
cameraLoc.z -= SPEED * camera.getCosAngleY();
if (moveBackward.isPressed()) {
cameraLoc.x += SPEED * camera.getSinAngleY();
cameraLoc.z += SPEED * camera.getCosAngleY();
if (moveLeft.isPressed()) {
cameraLoc.x -= SPEED * camera.getCosAngleY();
cameraLoc.z += SPEED * camera.getSinAngleY();
if (moveRight.isPressed()) {
cameraLoc.x += SPEED * camera.getCosAngleY();
cameraLoc.z -= SPEED * camera.getSinAngleY();
if (moveUp.isPressed()) {
camera.getLocation().y += SPEED;
if (moveDown.isPressed()) {
camera.getLocation().y -= SPEED;
if (rootUp.isPressed())
if (rootDown.isPressed())
if (rootLeft.isPressed())
if (rootRight.isPressed())
public Texture loadTexture(String imageName) {
return Texture.createTexture(imageName, true);
public void createPolygonRenderer() {
viewWindow = new ViewWindow(0, 0, frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight(), (float) Math.toRadians(75));
Transform3D camera = new Transform3D(0, 100, 0);
polygonRenderer = new ZBufferedRenderer(camera, viewWindow);
PS: я использую затмение
Большое спасибо
1 ответ
(Этот ответ относится к предыдущей редакции вопроса. Вопрос был обновлен на основе этого ответа. Подробности см. В комментариях)
Ну, проблема здесь в том, что обработка пути ObjectLoader
класс не так. Соответствующую последовательность вызовов можно увидеть в этом минимальном примере:
import java.io.File;
public class FilePathTest
public static void main(String[] args)
static File path;
static void loadObject(String filename)
File file = new File(filename);
path = file.getParentFile();
static void parseFile(String filename)
File file = new File(path, filename);
System.out.println("File: "+file+" exists? "+file.exists());
Из данного файла он получает "родительский файл" (то есть каталог, в котором находится файл) и сохраняет его как path
, Позже, имя файла снова присоединяется к этому пути, чтобы получить окончательное имя файла. Итак, когда filename
начинается с префикса относительного пути (например, res/
в вашем случае) эта часть дублируется.
(Кстати: причина, почему он хранит путь в том, что OBJ
файл может содержать ссылки на другие файлы, которые, как предполагается, находятся в том же каталоге, например MTL
файл, который в свою очередь может содержать дополнительные ссылки на файлы текстур).
Самым простым решением, которое я могу себе представить, было бы вручную обработать путь и имя файла. Основная идея изложена здесь, должна быть возможность перенести это в оригинал ObjectLoader
учебный класс:
import java.io.File;
public class FilePathTest
public static void main(String[] args)
loadObject("res/", "SomeFile.obj");
static File path;
static void loadObject(String parent, String filename)
File file = new File(parent+File.separator+filename);
path = new File(parent);
static void parseFile(File file)
System.out.println("File: "+file+" exists? "+file.exists());
String mtlName = "SomeFile.mtl";
File mtlFile = new File(path, mtlName);
System.out.println("MTL file: "+mtlFile+" exists? "+mtlFile.exists());
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: MVCE, созданный путем удаления всего из исходного кода, который вызвал ошибки компиляции
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import stackru.objload.ObjectLoader.LineParser;
import stackru.objload.ObjectLoader.Material;
import stackru.objload.ObjectLoader.MtlLineParser;
import stackru.objload.ObjectLoader.ObjLineParser;
public class ObjectLoaderTest
public static void main(String[] args)
ObjectLoader objLoader = new ObjectLoader();
try {
PolygonGroup object = objLoader.loadObject("res/", "coffeCup.obj");
} catch (IOException e) {
class PolygonGroup
public PolygonGroup(String name)
public PolygonGroup()
public void setFilename(String filename)
public void addPolygonGroup(PolygonGroup currentGroup)
class Vector3D
public Vector3D(float parseFloat, float parseFloat2, float parseFloat3)
class ObjectLoader {
* The Material class wraps a ShadedTexture.
public static class Material {
public File sourceFile;
* A LineParser is an interface to parse a line in a text file. Separate
* LineParsers and are used for OBJ and MTL files.
protected interface LineParser {
public void parseLine(String line) throws IOException, NumberFormatException, NoSuchElementException;
protected File path;
protected List vertices;
protected Material currentMaterial;
protected HashMap materials;
protected List lights;
protected float ambientLightIntensity;
protected HashMap parsers;
private PolygonGroup object;
private PolygonGroup currentGroup;
* Creates a new ObjectLoader.
public ObjectLoader() {
materials = new HashMap();
vertices = new ArrayList();
parsers = new HashMap();
parsers.put("obj", new ObjLineParser());
parsers.put("mtl", new MtlLineParser());
currentMaterial = null;
setLights(new ArrayList(), 1);
* Sets the lights used for the polygons in the parsed objects. After
* calling this method calls to loadObject use these lights.
public void setLights(List lights, float ambientLightIntensity) {
this.lights = lights;
this.ambientLightIntensity = ambientLightIntensity;
* Loads an OBJ file as a PolygonGroup.
public PolygonGroup loadObject(String parent, String filename) throws IOException {
object = new PolygonGroup();
path = new File(parent);
currentGroup = object;
return object;
* Gets a Vector3D from the list of vectors in the file. Negative indeces
* count from the end of the list, postive indeces count from the beginning.
* 1 is the first index, -1 is the last. 0 is invalid and throws an
* exception.
protected Vector3D getVector(String indexStr) {
int index = Integer.parseInt(indexStr);
if (index < 0) {
index = vertices.size() + index + 1;
return (Vector3D) vertices.get(index - 1);
* Parses an OBJ (ends with ".obj") or MTL file (ends with ".mtl").
protected void parseFile(String filename) throws IOException {
// get the file relative to the source path
File file = new File(path, filename);
System.out.println("Reading "+file+", exists "+file.exists());
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
// get the parser based on the file extention
LineParser parser = null;
int extIndex = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
if (extIndex != -1) {
String ext = filename.substring(extIndex + 1);
parser = (LineParser) parsers.get(ext.toLowerCase());
if (parser == null) {
parser = (LineParser) parsers.get("obj");
// parse every line in the file
while (true) {
String line = reader.readLine();
// no more lines to read
if (line == null) {
line = line.trim();
// ignore blank lines and comments
if (line.length() > 0 && !line.startsWith("#")) {
// interpret the line
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex.getMessage());
* Parses a line in an OBJ file.
protected class ObjLineParser implements LineParser {
public void parseLine(String line) throws IOException, NumberFormatException, NoSuchElementException {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);
String command = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (command.equals("v")) {
// create a new vertex
vertices.add(new Vector3D(Float.parseFloat(tokenizer.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(tokenizer.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(tokenizer.nextToken())));
} else if (command.equals("f")) {
// create a new face (flat, convex polygon)
List currVertices = new ArrayList();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String indexStr = tokenizer.nextToken();
// ignore texture and normal coords
int endIndex = indexStr.indexOf('/');
if (endIndex != -1) {
indexStr = indexStr.substring(0, endIndex);
// create textured polygon
Vector3D[] array = new Vector3D[currVertices.size()];
} else if (command.equals("g")) {
// define the current group
if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String name = tokenizer.nextToken();
currentGroup = new PolygonGroup(name);
} else {
currentGroup = new PolygonGroup();
} else if (command.equals("mtllib")) {
// load materials from file
String name = tokenizer.nextToken();
} else if (command.equals("usemtl")) {
// define the current material
String name = tokenizer.nextToken();
currentMaterial = (Material) materials.get(name);
if (currentMaterial == null) {
System.out.println("no material: " + name);
} else {
// unknown command - ignore it
* Parses a line in a material MTL file.
protected class MtlLineParser implements LineParser {
public void parseLine(String line) throws NoSuchElementException {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);
String command = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (command.equals("newmtl")) {
// create a new material if needed
String name = tokenizer.nextToken();
currentMaterial = (Material) materials.get(name);
if (currentMaterial == null) {
currentMaterial = new Material();
materials.put(name, currentMaterial);
} else if (command.equals("map_Kd")) {
// give the current material a texture
String name = tokenizer.nextToken();
File file = new File(path, name);
if (!file.equals(currentMaterial.sourceFile)) {
currentMaterial.sourceFile = file;
} else {
// unknown command - ignore it