Запуск dummy_rocc_test на доске zed

Dummy_rocc_test отлично работает на шипе с инструкцией custom0, но когда я кладу ее на доску zed и запускаю с ./fesvr-zynq pk dummy_rocc_test это дает мне ошибку незаконной инструкции.

Я понимаю, что это потому, что rocc io находится не в конфигурации по умолчанию для чипа ракеты, но я хотел бы знать, как включить интерфейс RoCC для запуска dummy_roc_test на плате zed. Я попытался передать приведенное ниже значение в "BuildRoCC", как показано во фрагменте

case BuildRoCC => Some(() => (Module(new AccumulatorExample, { case CoreName => "rocket" })))

но, делая make rocket, я получаю следующую ошибку:

[error] /home/prashantravi/rocket-chip/src/main/scala/Configs.scala:100: could not find implicit value for parameter p: cde.Parameters
[error]       case BuildRoCC => Some(() => (Module(new AccumulatorExample, { case CoreName => "rocket" })))
[error]                                            ^
[error] one error found
[error] (rocketchip/compile:compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 8 s, completed Oct 27, 2015 11:24:59 AM

код configs.scala приведен ниже.

// See LICENSE for license details.

package rocketchip

import Chisel._
import junctions._
import uncore._
import rocket._
import rocket.Util._
import zscale._
import scala.math.max
import DefaultTestSuites._
import cde.{Parameters, Config, Dump, Knob}

class DefaultConfig extends Config (
  topDefinitions = { (pname,site,here) => 
    type PF = PartialFunction[Any,Any]
    def findBy(sname:Any):Any = here[PF](site[Any](sname))(pname)
    def genCsrAddrMap: AddrMap = {
      val csrSize = (1 << 12) * (site(XLen) / 8)
      val csrs = (0 until site(NTiles)).map{ i => 
        AddrMapEntry(s"csr$i", None, MemSize(csrSize, AddrMapConsts.RW))
      val scrSize = site(HtifKey).nSCR * (site(XLen) / 8)
      val scr = AddrMapEntry("scr", None, MemSize(scrSize, AddrMapConsts.RW))
      new AddrMap(csrs :+ scr)
    pname match {
      case HtifKey => HtifParameters(
                       width = Dump("HTIF_WIDTH", 16),
                       nSCR = 64,
                       offsetBits = site(CacheBlockOffsetBits),
                       nCores = site(NTiles))
      //Memory Parameters
      case PAddrBits => 32
      case PgIdxBits => 12
      case PgLevels => if (site(XLen) == 64) 3 /* Sv39 */ else 2 /* Sv32 */
      case PgLevelBits => site(PgIdxBits) - log2Up(site(XLen)/8)
      case VPNBits => site(PgLevels) * site(PgLevelBits)
      case PPNBits => site(PAddrBits) - site(PgIdxBits)
      case VAddrBits => site(VPNBits) + site(PgIdxBits)
      case ASIdBits => 7
      case MIFTagBits => Dump("MEM_TAG_BITS",
                          log2Up(site(NAcquireTransactors)+2) +
                          log2Up(site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)) +
      case MIFDataBits => Dump("MEM_DATA_BITS", 128)
      case MIFAddrBits => Dump("MEM_ADDR_BITS", site(PAddrBits) - site(CacheBlockOffsetBits))
      case MIFDataBeats => site(CacheBlockBytes) * 8 / site(MIFDataBits)
      case NastiKey => NastiParameters(
                        dataBits = site(MIFDataBits),
                        addrBits = site(PAddrBits),
                        idBits = site(MIFTagBits))
      //Params used by all caches
      case NSets => findBy(CacheName)
      case NWays => findBy(CacheName)
      case RowBits => findBy(CacheName)
      case NTLBEntries => findBy(CacheName)
      case "L1I" => {
        case NSets => Knob("L1I_SETS") //64
        case NWays => Knob("L1I_WAYS") //4
        case RowBits => 4*site(CoreInstBits)
        case NTLBEntries => 8
      case "L1D" => {
        case NSets => Knob("L1D_SETS") //64
        case NWays => Knob("L1D_WAYS") //4
        case RowBits => 2*site(CoreDataBits)
        case NTLBEntries => 8
      case ECCCode => None
      case Replacer => () => new RandomReplacement(site(NWays))
      case AmoAluOperandBits => site(XLen)
      case BtbKey => BtbParameters()
      case WordBits => site(XLen)
      case StoreDataQueueDepth => 17
      case ReplayQueueDepth => 16
      case NMSHRs => Knob("L1D_MSHRS")
      case NIOMSHRs => 1
      case LRSCCycles => 32 
      //L2 Memory System Params
      case NAcquireTransactors => 7
      case L2StoreDataQueueDepth => 1
      case L2DirectoryRepresentation => new NullRepresentation(site(NTiles))
      case BuildL2CoherenceManager => (p: Parameters) =>
        Module(new L2BroadcastHub()(p.alterPartial({
          case InnerTLId => "L1toL2"
          case OuterTLId => "L2toMC" })))
      //Tile Constants
      case BuildTiles => {
        TestGeneration.addSuites((if(site(UseVM)) List("pt","v") else List("pt")).flatMap(env => rv64u.map(_(env))))
        TestGeneration.addSuites(if(site(NTiles) > 1) List(mtBmarks, bmarks) else List(bmarks))
        List.fill(site(NTiles)){ (r: Bool, p: Parameters) =>
          Module(new RocketTile(resetSignal = r)(p.alterPartial({case TLId => "L1toL2"})))
      case BuildRoCC => Some(() => (Module(new AccumulatorExample, { case CoreName => "rocket" })))
      case RoccNMemChannels => 1
      //Rocket Core Constants
      case FetchWidth => 1
      case RetireWidth => 1
      case UseVM => true
      case UsePerfCounters => true
      case FastLoadWord => true
      case FastLoadByte => false
      case FastMulDiv => true
      case XLen => 64
      case UseFPU => {
        val env = if(site(UseVM)) List("p","pt","v") else List("p","pt")
        if(site(FDivSqrt)) TestGeneration.addSuites(env.map(rv64uf))
        else TestGeneration.addSuites(env.map(rv64ufNoDiv))
      case FDivSqrt => true
      case SFMALatency => 2
      case DFMALatency => 3
      case CoreInstBits => 32
      case CoreDataBits => site(XLen)
      case NCustomMRWCSRs => 0
      //Uncore Paramters
      case RTCPeriod => 100 // gives 10 MHz RTC assuming 1 GHz uncore clock
      case LNEndpoints => site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nManagers + site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nClients
      case LNHeaderBits => log2Ceil(site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nManagers) +
      case TLKey("L1toL2") => 
          coherencePolicy = new MESICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation)),
          nManagers = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)*site(NMemoryChannels),
          nCachingClients = site(NTiles),
          nCachelessClients = 1 + site(NTiles) *
                                (1 + (if(site(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) 0 else site(RoccNMemChannels))),
          maxClientXacts = max(site(NMSHRs) + site(NIOMSHRs),
                               if(site(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) 1 else site(RoccMaxTaggedMemXacts)),
          maxClientsPerPort = if(site(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) 1 else 2,
          maxManagerXacts = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
          dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8)
      case TLKey("L2toMC") => 
          coherencePolicy = new MEICoherence(new NullRepresentation(site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel))),
          nManagers = 1,
          nCachingClients = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel),
          nCachelessClients = 0,
          maxClientXacts = 1,
          maxClientsPerPort = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
          maxManagerXacts = 1,
          dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8)
      case TLKey("Outermost") => site(TLKey("L2toMC")).copy(dataBeats = site(MIFDataBeats))
      case NTiles => Knob("NTILES")
      case NMemoryChannels => 1
      case NBanksPerMemoryChannel => Knob("NBANKS")
      case NOutstandingMemReqsPerChannel => site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)*(site(NAcquireTransactors)+2)
      case BankIdLSB => 0
      case CacheBlockBytes => 64
      case CacheBlockOffsetBits => log2Up(here(CacheBlockBytes))
      case UseBackupMemoryPort => true
      case MMIOBase => BigInt(1 << 30) // 1 GB
      case ExternalIOStart => 2 * site(MMIOBase)
      case GlobalAddrMap => AddrMap(
        AddrMapEntry("mem", None, MemSize(site(MMIOBase), AddrMapConsts.RWX)),
        AddrMapEntry("conf", None, MemSubmap(site(ExternalIOStart) - site(MMIOBase), genCsrAddrMap)),
        AddrMapEntry("io", Some(site(ExternalIOStart)), MemSize(2 * site(MMIOBase), AddrMapConsts.RW)))
  knobValues = {
    case "NTILES" => 1
    case "NBANKS" => 1
    case "L1D_MSHRS" => 2
    case "L1D_SETS" => 64
    case "L1D_WAYS" => 4
    case "L1I_SETS" => 64
    case "L1I_WAYS" => 4
class DefaultVLSIConfig extends DefaultConfig
class DefaultCPPConfig extends DefaultConfig

class With2Cores extends Config(knobValues = { case "NTILES" => 2 })
class With4Cores extends Config(knobValues = { case "NTILES" => 4 })
class With8Cores extends Config(knobValues = { case "NTILES" => 8 })

class With2Banks extends Config(knobValues = { case "NBANKS" => 2 })
class With4Banks extends Config(knobValues = { case "NBANKS" => 4 })
class With8Banks extends Config(knobValues = { case "NBANKS" => 8 })

class WithL2Cache extends Config(
  (pname,site,here) => pname match {
    case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => Knob("L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB")
    case "L2Bank" => {
      case NSets => (((here[Int]("L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB")*1024) /
                        site(CacheBlockBytes)) /
                          site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)*site(NMemoryChannels)) /
      case NWays => Knob("L2_WAYS")
      case RowBits => site(TLKey(site(TLId))).dataBitsPerBeat
    }: PartialFunction[Any,Any] 
    case NAcquireTransactors => 2
    case NSecondaryMisses => 4
    case L2DirectoryRepresentation => new FullRepresentation(site(NTiles))
    case BuildL2CoherenceManager => (p: Parameters) =>
      Module(new L2HellaCacheBank()(p.alterPartial({
         case CacheName => "L2Bank"
         case InnerTLId => "L1toL2"
         case OuterTLId => "L2toMC"})))
  knobValues = { case "L2_WAYS" => 8; case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 2048 }

class WithL2Capacity2048 extends Config(knobValues = { case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 2048 })
class WithL2Capacity1024 extends Config(knobValues = { case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 1024 })
class WithL2Capacity512 extends Config(knobValues = { case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 512 })
class WithL2Capacity256 extends Config(knobValues = { case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 256 })
class WithL2Capacity128 extends Config(knobValues = { case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 128 })
class WithL2Capacity64 extends Config(knobValues = { case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 64 })

class DefaultL2Config extends Config(new WithL2Cache ++ new DefaultConfig)
class DefaultL2VLSIConfig extends Config(new WithL2Cache ++ new DefaultVLSIConfig)
class DefaultL2CPPConfig extends Config(new WithL2Cache ++ new DefaultCPPConfig)
class DefaultL2FPGAConfig extends Config(new WithL2Capacity64 ++ new WithL2Cache ++ new DefaultFPGAConfig)

class WithZscale extends Config(
  (pname,site,here) => pname match {
    case BuildZscale => {
      TestGeneration.addSuites(List(rv32ui("p"), rv32um("p")))
      (r: Bool, p: Parameters) => Module(new Zscale(r)(p))
    case BootROMCapacity => Dump("BOOT_CAPACITY", 16*1024)
    case DRAMCapacity => Dump("DRAM_CAPACITY", 64*1024*1024)

class ZscaleConfig extends Config(new WithZscale ++ new DefaultConfig)

class FPGAConfig extends Config (
  (pname,site,here) => pname match {
    case NAcquireTransactors => 4
    case UseBackupMemoryPort => false

class DefaultFPGAConfig extends Config(new FPGAConfig ++ new DefaultConfig)

class SmallConfig extends Config (
    topDefinitions = { (pname,site,here) => pname match {
      case UseFPU => false
      case FastMulDiv => false
      case NTLBEntries => 4
      case BtbKey => BtbParameters(nEntries = 8)
  knobValues = {
    case "L1D_SETS" => 64
    case "L1D_WAYS" => 1
    case "L1I_SETS" => 64
    case "L1I_WAYS" => 1

class DefaultFPGASmallConfig extends Config(new SmallConfig ++ new DefaultFPGAConfig)

class ExampleSmallConfig extends Config(new SmallConfig ++ new DefaultConfig)

class MultibankConfig extends Config(new With2Banks ++ new DefaultConfig)
class MultibankL2Config extends Config(
  new With2Banks ++ new WithL2Cache ++ new DefaultConfig)

Rocc.scala, где приведен пример фактического аккумулятора, приведен ниже

// See LICENSE for license details.

package rocket

import Chisel._
import uncore._
import Util._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}

case object RoccMaxTaggedMemXacts extends Field[Int]
case object RoccNMemChannels extends Field[Int]

class RoCCInstruction extends Bundle
  val funct = Bits(width = 7)
  val rs2 = Bits(width = 5)
  val rs1 = Bits(width = 5)
  val xd = Bool()
  val xs1 = Bool()
  val xs2 = Bool()
  val rd = Bits(width = 5)
  val opcode = Bits(width = 7)

class RoCCCommand(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
  val inst = new RoCCInstruction
  val rs1 = Bits(width = xLen)
  val rs2 = Bits(width = xLen)

class RoCCResponse(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
  val rd = Bits(width = 5)
  val data = Bits(width = xLen)

class RoCCInterface(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
  val cmd = Decoupled(new RoCCCommand).flip
  val resp = Decoupled(new RoCCResponse)
  val mem = new HellaCacheIO()(p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L1D" }))
  val busy = Bool(OUTPUT)
  val s = Bool(INPUT)
  val interrupt = Bool(OUTPUT)

  // These should be handled differently, eventually
  val imem = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
  val dmem = Vec(p(RoccNMemChannels), new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)
  val iptw = new TLBPTWIO
  val dptw = new TLBPTWIO
  val pptw = new TLBPTWIO
  val exception = Bool(INPUT)

abstract class RoCC(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
  val io = new RoCCInterface
  io.mem.req.bits.phys := Bool(true) // don't perform address translation

class AccumulatorExample(n: Int = 4)(implicit p: Parameters) extends RoCC()(p) {
  val regfile = Mem(UInt(width = xLen), n)
  val busy = Reg(init=Vec(Bool(false), n))

  val cmd = Queue(io.cmd)
  val funct = cmd.bits.inst.funct
  val addr = cmd.bits.inst.rs2(log2Up(n)-1,0)
  val doWrite = funct === UInt(0)
  val doRead = funct === UInt(1)
  val doLoad = funct === UInt(2)
  val doAccum = funct === UInt(3)
  val memRespTag = io.mem.resp.bits.tag(log2Up(n)-1,0)

  // datapath
  val addend = cmd.bits.rs1
  val accum = regfile(addr)
  val wdata = Mux(doWrite, addend, accum + addend)

  when (cmd.fire() && (doWrite || doAccum)) {
    regfile(addr) := wdata

  when (io.mem.resp.valid) {
    regfile(memRespTag) := io.mem.resp.bits.data

  // control
  when (io.mem.req.fire()) {
    busy(addr) := Bool(true)

  when (io.mem.resp.valid) {
    busy(memRespTag) := Bool(false)

  val doResp = cmd.bits.inst.xd
  val stallReg = busy(addr)
  val stallLoad = doLoad && !io.mem.req.ready
  val stallResp = doResp && !io.resp.ready

  cmd.ready := !stallReg && !stallLoad && !stallResp
    // command resolved if no stalls AND not issuing a load that will need a request

  io.resp.valid := cmd.valid && doResp && !stallReg && !stallLoad
    // valid response if valid command, need a response, and no stalls
  io.resp.bits.rd := cmd.bits.inst.rd
    // Must respond with the appropriate tag or undefined behavior
  io.resp.bits.data := accum
    // Semantics is to always send out prior accumulator register value

  io.busy := cmd.valid || busy.reduce(_||_)
    // Be busy when have pending memory requests or committed possibility of pending requests
  io.interrupt := Bool(false)
    // Set this true to trigger an interrupt on the processor (please refer to supervisor documentation)

  io.mem.req.valid := cmd.valid && doLoad && !stallReg && !stallResp
  io.mem.req.bits.addr := addend
  io.mem.req.bits.tag := addr
  io.mem.req.bits.cmd := M_XRD // perform a load (M_XWR for stores)
  io.mem.req.bits.typ := MT_D // D = 8 bytes, W = 4, H = 2, B = 1
  io.mem.req.bits.data := Bits(0) // we're not performing any stores...
  io.mem.invalidate_lr := false

  io.imem.acquire.valid := false
  io.imem.grant.ready := false
  io.dmem.head.acquire.valid := false
  io.dmem.head.grant.ready := false
  io.iptw.req.valid := false
  io.dptw.req.valid := false
  io.pptw.req.valid := false

2 ответа


Проблема была решена путем добавления следующего фрагмента кода в configs.scala

class WithAccumRocc extends Config(
  (pname,site,here) => pname match {
    case RoccNMemChannels => 1
    case RoccMaxTaggedMemXacts => 0
    case BuildRoCC => {
      Some((p: Parameters) =>
  Module(new AccumulatorExample()(p.alterPartial({ case CoreName => "AccumRocc" }))))
class WithRoCCConfig extends Config(new WithAccumRocc ++ new DefaultFPGAConfig)

после этого собрать ракету с новым конфигом, т.е. сделать ракету CONFIG=WithRoCCConfig

Также не забудьте восстановить проект vivado и битовый поток с одним и тем же параметром конфигурации.

Было бы лучше увидеть полный источник Configs.scala, но кажется, что Module В конструкторе отсутствует неявный параметр. Если вы добавите (implicit p: Parameters) к методу, который содержит вышеупомянутое утверждение (строка 100), код должен работать.

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