Алгоритм возврата кроссворда

Я реализую генератор кроссвордов с использованием обратного отслеживания в соответствии с этим алгоритмом: Это мой псевдокод:

>  solve(words,grid):    if words is empty:
>        if grid.isValudSol():
>           return grid
>        else:
>           return None    for each word in words:
>        possibleSol <- grid.fillFirst(word)
>        ret <- solve(words\{word},possibleSol)
>        if (ret != None):
>           return ret    return None

и это мой текущий код (C#):

Crossword.Crossword solveCrossword(List<String> words, Crossword.Crossword board){
        if (words.Count == 0)
            return board;
        //Create local copy of board
        Crossword.Crossword localBoard = new Crossword.Crossword(board);

        foreach (var word in words)
            localBoard = new Crossword.Crossword(board);
            int positions = localBoard.getPositionsNumber(word);
            if(positions == 0){
                return null;
            for (int i = 0; i < positions; ++i)
                localBoard = new Crossword.Crossword(board);
                int addResult = localBoard.AddWord(word, i);        //possible solution is now in localBoard  
                if (addResult != -1)
                    List<String> myWords = new List<String>();
                    for (int k = 0; k < words.Count; ++k)
                        if (words[k] != word)
                    Crossword.Crossword ret = solveCrossword(myWords, localBoard);
                    if (ret != null)
                        return ret;
                    return null;

        return null;

Моя проблема в том, что для сетки NxN, например, 6X6, я обнаружил, что для слов с числом больше N мой алгоритм не находит решения - через 10 секунд или более;/, для слов с числом меньше или равным N он работает хорошо, заранее спасибо за любую помощь!

1 ответ

Возможно, вы можете использовать этот алгоритм для генерации кроссвордов. Я думаю, что это будет хорошо для этого вопроса.

В соответствии с этим алгоритмом, я думаю, проблема в сильных досках N. Ваше следующее слово может пересекать последние в отрицательные координаты, потому что кроссворды могут расти не только влево -> вправо и сверху -> снизу => вы получите исключения. Попытайтесь пересчитать сетку доски после каждого размещения слов и исправьте размер доски после каждого пересчета. И будьте осторожны с сеткой NxN: вероятность генерации кроссвордов из списка слов мала => вы можете получить IndexOutOfRangeException.

Кроме того, вы должны проверить событие места: если следующее слово НЕ пересекается ни с одним из уже используемых слов, оно может пересекать следующее-> следующее слово, следующее-> следующее-> следующее и т. Д. В вашем решении слова без пересечений могут вызвать исключения Stackru или бесконечный цикл.

Алгоритм в моей ссылке обеспечивает на первом этапе сортировку слов-списка. Но я пытался решить вашу проблему сам. Код показан ниже. Мой алгоритм не использует сортировку в качестве примера в ссылке, но он использует 2 рекурсии вместо 1. Кроме того, я не включил пересчет сетки, потому что координаты могут иметь различное значение в моем и вашем решении.

    public class Crossword
    List<string> words = new List<string>();//for words
    List<string> nomatchWords = new List<string>();//for words those have no match with others
    List<string> usedWords = new List<string>();//for words we already used
    char[,] renderResult;//your result as grid of words. You can draw it in WindowsFormsApp, WPF, etc.

    //a grid.
    //3 values of int[]:
    //[0]==horizontal/vertical word(1/0)
    //[1]==beginning (number of the first letter for horizontal axis)
    //[2]==beginning(number of the first letter for vertical axis)
    List<int[]> Grid = new List<int[]>();

    int HorizontalSize=17;//size of renderResult. I left it as a default for this example. Its calculation depends on your algoritm for rendering
    int VerticalSize=17;

    public Crossword()
        FillWords(this.words);//fill the list of words

    //just for example; it can be reading from file etc.
    void FillWords(List<string> words)
          words.Add("gramin");//may intersect the first at 'a'
          words.Add("asturias");//may intersect the first or second at 'a'
          words.Add("fitness");//may intersect all words
          words.Add("shit");//? too difficult to calculate where it can place in the crossword. Lets do it by the algorithm
          words.Add("programmer");//? you can watch it in debug how my recursion works

    /// <summary>
    /// the main method. Here we render all words in your words-list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="crossword"></param>
    public void Generate(Crossword crossword, DataGridView dgvr)
        List<int[]> letterPosition=new List<int[]>();//can be empty because words may unmatch
        //place EACH word in the crossword
        while (words.Count != 0)//if words.Count=0, all words are placed (but there's also can be words with no match)
            string currentWord = words[0];
            Grid.Add(new int[3] { 1, 0, 0 });//new grid position for this word
            if (usedWords.Count == 0)//this is the first word
                crossword.Place(currentWord, Grid[0], letterPosition, 0);//place it as a new word
            else//not the first word=> place the new word in position relative to any of used words
                SolveCrossword(currentWord, letterPosition, 0);
            PrintCrossword(????);//just for my app, do your logic here
        //the step with nomatch words. Words that can be intersected with the others words properly will appear in crossword solution. Completely nomatch will not appear.
        foreach(string currentWord in nomatchWords)
            SolveCrossword(currentWord,letterPosition,0);//process NomatchWords like words
        //HOW TO CHECK: try to place as word-list any list of words

    /// <summary>
    /// solution of crossword
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="currentWord">the word that we try to place</param>
    /// <param name="letterPosition">positions of letter where current word can intersect with the other</param>
    /// <param name="intersectWord">the number of intersect word</param>
    void SolveCrossword(string currentWord, List<int[]>letterPosition, int intersectWord)
        if (usedWords.Count - intersectWord > 0)//we must check the intersection with all this words=>SolveCrossword checks the intersection from the last used word to first
            //the other order will cause generation from the last words=>crossword will look like a tree instead of sharp
                if (MatchWords(usedWords[intersectWord], currentWord, letterPosition))//no matches for its word with last word
                {//usedWords.Count - 1 - 
                    int positionCounter = 0;
                    if (this.Place(currentWord, Grid[intersectWord], letterPosition, positionCounter) == false)//no places for this word related to last placed word=> it's temporarily unmatched
                        SolveCrossword(currentWord, letterPosition, ++positionCounter);//we're here because there's no valid intersections between current words=> lets seek the others
                    if (words.Count != 0)
                        words.RemoveAt(0);//backtrack will end when we'll find the correct position of word
                    SolveCrossword(currentWord, letterPosition, intersectWord + 1);

            //if we're here, the intersection was not found=>it is nomatch word. It can be correct or completely nomatch word but we'll figure it out at last step
             catch//we've got an exception if unchecked positions number->0
                SolveCrossword(currentWord, letterPosition, intersectWord + 1);

    //how to find matches. Doesn't matter, you can use your own method to solve this
    static bool MatchWords(string newword, string matchedword, List<int[]> letterPosition)
        for (int i = 0; i < newword.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < matchedword.Length; j++)
                if (newword[i] == matchedword[j])
                    letterPosition.Add(new int[2]{i,j});//we need ALL matches, not only FIRST!<= it may cause problems with size of crossword and bug count of unmatched words
        if (letterPosition.Count != 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// This is how to place words into crossword grid
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="newword">our word</param>
    /// <param name="letterPosition">Letter Positions list</param>
    /// <param name="el">the number of element of LetterPositions. If current intersection is not valid, we move to next</param>
    /// <returns>true if sucsess</returns>
    bool Place(string newword, int[] intersectedWordGrid, List<int[]> letterPosition, int el)//
        //placing newword related to lastword (setting up the last Grid element)
            if (Grid.Count > 1)
                if (intersectedWordGrid[0] == 1)//last word is horizontal=>we need vertical
                    Grid[Grid.Count - 1][0] = 0;
                    Grid[Grid.Count - 1][1] = intersectedWordGrid[1] - letterPosition[el][1];
                    Grid[Grid.Count - 1][2] = intersectedWordGrid[2] + letterPosition[el][0];
                    Grid[Grid.Count - 1][0] = 1;
                    Grid[Grid.Count - 1][1] = intersectedWordGrid[1] + letterPosition[el][0];
                    Grid[Grid.Count - 1][2] = intersectedWordGrid[2] - letterPosition[el][1];
        //TODO: recalculate rendering grid for crossword (if you use another mechanic you're welcome)
        //I use default boundaries of size 17x17
        //try to render: if crossword with these Grid positions of words is valid=>good
        if (Render())//renderResult now contains the current solution of crossword
            return true;
        else//crossword is not valid with this grid
                Place(newword, intersectedWordGrid, letterPosition, ++el);

        return true;

    //rendering your crossword
    bool Render()
        if (renderResult == null)
            renderResult = new char[HorizontalSize, VerticalSize];            
        int[] renderword = Grid[Grid.Count - 1];//for each Grid coordinates
            if (usedWords.Count != 0)
                string currentword = usedWords[usedWords.Count-1];
                int i=0, j = 0;//need i & j because changing grid coordinates may cause mistakes in other words positions
                    //rresultTempCopy = renderRes;
                    if (CheckWordsInSolution(currentword, renderResult, renderword))
                        for (int k = 0; k < currentword.Length; k++)//word were checked and it's valid=>write it to board
                            renderResult[HorizontalSize / 2 + renderword[1] + i, VerticalSize / 2 + renderword[2] + j] = currentword[k];
                            if (renderword[0] == 1)
                        usedWords.RemoveAt(usedWords.Count - 1);
                        return false;
                    usedWords.RemoveAt(usedWords.Count - 1);
                    return false;
        //we're here=>no mistakes, this is a valid result
        return true;//sucsess

    bool CheckWordsInSolution(string currentword, char[,] solutionTable, int[] wordCoordinates)
        int i = 0, j = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < currentword.Length; k++)
            if ((renderResult[HorizontalSize / 2 + wordCoordinates[1] + i, VerticalSize / 2 + wordCoordinates[2] + j] == '\0' ||//must be empty place for each letter
                    renderResult[HorizontalSize / 2 + wordCoordinates[1] + i, VerticalSize / 2 + wordCoordinates[2] + j] == currentword[k])//or the same letter
                //we can use other rules, it depends on your type of crossword
                //&& ((i == 0 && renderResult[HorizontalSize / 2 + wordCoordinates[1] + i - 1, VerticalSize / 2 + wordCoordinates[2] + j] == '\0') == false ||//before the beginning of word must be empty place
                //    (j == 0 && renderResult[HorizontalSize / 2 + wordCoordinates[1] + i, VerticalSize / 2 + wordCoordinates[2] + j - 1] == '\0') == false)
                //&& ((i == k && renderResult[HorizontalSize / 2 + wordCoordinates[1] + i + 1, VerticalSize / 2 + wordCoordinates[2] + j] == '\0') == false ||//after the end of word must be empty place
                //    (j == k && renderResult[HorizontalSize / 2 + wordCoordinates[1] + i, VerticalSize / 2 + wordCoordinates[2] + j + 1] == '\0') == false)
                if (wordCoordinates[0] == 1)
                return false;
        return true;

    void PrintCrossword(???)
        //draw your crossword here
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