Во время реализации буферного кода FIFO для последовательной связи требуется слишком много времени

Я новая пчела в кодировании VHDL. В настоящее время я работаю над стартовым комплектом spartan 3e. Я написал код для передачи 5 байтов на ПК и получения 4 байтов. Теперь я должен добавить FIFO-буфер перед передачей и после получения байтов. Я написал код (взятый из Pong PChu), но не работает. Это занимает слишком много времени для синтеза. Пожалуйста, скажите мне, где я иду не так. Заранее спасибо.

entity fifo is
    generic ( 
         B : natural :=32; --------------------------------------------------- number of bits
        W : natural := 16 ----------------------------------------------------number of address bits

    port ( ck       : in std_logic; ------------ clock
         reset       : in std_logic;
         rd          : in std_logic; -------- control signal for read 
         wr          : in std_logic; -------- control signal for write
        -- btn0             : in std_logic;
         write_data  : in std_logic_vector ( B-1 downto 0); ----------------------------data to be written in FIFO
         read_data   : out std_logic_vector ( B-1 downto 0) :=( others=> '0');------------------------------ data read from FIFO
         empty       : out std_logic; ------------ shows FIFO is empty, cannot be read
        full        : out std_logic ------------ shows FIFO is full, cannot be written
    end fifo;

architecture arch4 of fifo is 

--------------state machines declared----------------------
    type reg_file_type is array (2**W - 1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (B-1 downto 0);  --------------------array of 32 cross 32 for data
    signal array_reg : reg_file_type;

    --signal read_data     :  std_logic_vector ( B-1 downto 0); ------------------------------ data read from FIFO
    signal write_ptr_reg : std_logic_vector (W-1 downto 0); ----- addressing the data in fifo to write
    signal write_ptr_next: std_logic_vector (W-1 downto 0); ----- addressing next data in fifo to write
    signal write_ptr_succ : std_logic_vector (W-1 downto 0); ---- addressing next to next data in fifo to write

    signal read_ptr_reg : std_logic_vector (W-1 downto 0); ----- addressing the data in fifo to read
    signal read_ptr_next: std_logic_vector (W-1 downto 0); ----- addressing next data in fifo to read
    signal read_ptr_succ : std_logic_vector (W-1 downto 0); ---- addressing next to next data in fifo to read

    signal write_operation  : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); ---- 00,01,10,11  only 00,01 and 10 are valid
    signal write_enable  : std_logic ;  ----------------  write enable
  -- signal rd          :  std_logic; -------- control signal for read 
  -- signal wr          :  std_logic; -------- control signal for write
   --signal empty       :  std_logic; ------------ shows FIFO is empty, cannot be read
    --signal full        :  std_logic ;------------ shows FIFO is full, cannot be written
   signal full_reg  : std_logic ;
    signal empty_reg : std_logic ;
    signal full_next   : std_logic ;
    signal empty_next   : std_logic ;
------------------------------------------initialising register ------------------------------------------------------ 
 process (ck, reset)

    if (reset = '1') then
        array_reg <= ( others => (others=> '0'));   ---------------------initialsing
   if rising_edge(ck) then
        if write_enable ='1' then  
       --array_reg (std_logic_vector(write_ptr_reg)) <= write_data;
         array_reg (CONV_INTEGER( unsigned(write_ptr_reg))) <= write_data; -------------------------- directed towards address for writing data (first position)
         end if;
   end if;
 end if;
end process;

 --read_data <= array_reg (std_logic_vector(read_ptr_reg)) ;
 read_data <= array_reg (CONV_INTEGER( unsigned(read_ptr_reg))) ; ------ directed towards address for reading data (first position)
 write_enable <= wr and ( not full_reg );                       ------ write enabled only when FIFO is not full

 ---============================ control logic for fifo==================================================
 --------------------reading and writing process with  address pointers

process (ck, reset)


    if (reset = '1') then
       write_ptr_reg <= (others => '0');
       read_ptr_reg <= (others => '0');
        full_reg <= '0';
        empty_reg <='1';
        if rising_edge(ck) then
           write_ptr_reg <= write_ptr_next; ---- control of pointers
            read_ptr_reg <= read_ptr_next;
            full_reg <= full_next;
            empty_reg <= empty_next;

        end if;
  end if;
end process;

------======================= successive pointer values update--=====================================

    write_ptr_succ <= std_logic_vector(( write_ptr_reg)+1);
    read_ptr_succ <= std_logic_vector ((read_ptr_reg)+1);

---==========main process for read write operation, shifting pointers and checking status of fifo ====================

write_operation <= wr & rd ;   ----- concatinating two signals so 10 or 01 is valid states

process (write_ptr_reg, write_ptr_succ, read_ptr_reg, read_ptr_succ,write_operation, empty_reg, full_reg)


write_ptr_next <= write_ptr_reg;
read_ptr_next <= read_ptr_reg;
full_next <= full_reg;
empty_next <= empty_reg;

    case write_operation is 
      when "00" =>  
          ------------------------ wr =0 and read = 0 , no operation
      when "01" =>
      ----------------------------- wr =0 and read = 1 , read operation
     --if state_button = transit_pressed then        
          if (empty_reg /= '1') then  ----------------not empty
                read_ptr_next <= read_ptr_succ; ---- updating the address pointers
                full_next <= '0'; ------ clearing full status 
                if (read_ptr_succ = write_ptr_reg) then ---- checking the pointer positions whether equal
                    empty_next <= '1';
                end if;
         end if;
     -- end if;     
        when "10" => 
        ------------------------ wr =1 and read = 0, write operation
            if (full_reg /= '1') then ---------- not full
                 write_ptr_next <= write_ptr_succ;---- updating the address pointers
                  empty_next <= '0'; --- clearing empty status
                    if ( write_ptr_succ = read_ptr_reg) then  ------------- checking the pointer positions of successors to read pointer whether it is same or not
                     full_next <= '1';          -------------- fifo full only above condition is true
                end if;         
          end if;                    
       when others => 
    ------------------------------write and read i.e for 11
         write_ptr_next <= write_ptr_succ;
         read_ptr_next <= read_ptr_succ;

    end case;

end process;

----- updating the flag
full <= full_reg;
empty <= empty_reg;

end architecture arch4;     

1 ответ

Конструкция слишком большая, она не подходит для любого устройства Spartan-3E, даже если вся память сопоставлена ​​с блоком RAM. На самом деле есть 2097152 шлепанцы для array_reg сигнал.

2**W = 2**16 = 65536
65536*B = 65536*32 = 2097152

Размер FIFO должен быть уменьшен, и лучше использовать блочные ОЗУ вместо триггеров. Вот модуль ОЗУ в VHDL, который может быть сопоставлен с ОЗУ блока с помощью инструментов Xilinx.

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