Описание тега mlm
"mlm" model class is not widely known by lm()
users. For an introductory example, please refer to Fitting a linear model with multiple LHS. Also read Run lm with multiple responses and weights for the limitations of "mlm".
R does not have full support for "mlm" class at the moment. Here is an overview:
The following generic functions work and would return a matrix:
coef(), residuals(), fitted(), vcov()
The following generic functions work and would return a list:
summary(), anova()
The following generic functions have limited support for "mlm":
The following generic functions do not work at all for "mlm":
rstandard(), plot(), confint()
The aim of this wiki page is to direct "mlm" users to efficient solutions of various inference and diagnostic tasks. Here is a good collection:
Model Summary
- Obtain standard errors of regression coefficients for an “mlm” object returned by
- Obtain t-statistic for regression coefficients of an “mlm” object returned by
- Get confidence intervals for regression coefficients of “mlm” object returned by
- Obtain residual standard errors of an “mlm” object returned by
Model Prediction
- Prediction of 'mlm' linear model object from
- Applying lm() and predict() to multiple columns in a data frame
Model Diagnostic
Please read above questions carefully, and only ask a new question when it is not answered in above.