Описание тега metalkit
is a framework that made its first appearance in iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan. It provides functions and classes intended to reduce the effort required to create a Metal
The following functions are the three key areas MetalKit
Texture Loading enables your application to load textures from various sources easily. Loading of textures can be achieved in an asynchronous way with only a few lines of code. For more information, please see the MTKTextureLoader Class Reference.
Model Handling enables Metal-specific functionality to easily interface with Model I/O assets; these highly-optimized functions and objects make up of a collection that enables efficient data transfer between Metal buffers and Model I/O.
View Management provides a standard implementation of a Metal view and an optional drawing delegate, which reduce greatly the amount of code needed to generate graphics rendering in Metal app. For more information, please see the MTKView Class Reference and MTKViewDelegate Protocol Reference.