Возникли проблемы с paintingComponent в Java
Новое в Java. Выполняю проект, который требует от меня показа моих актеров на сцене с использованием JFrame. Все еще очень плохо знаком с этим, поэтому я не совсем уверен, что я делаю. Я знаю, что вы не можете непосредственно рисовать объекты... они должны сначала стать компонентами. Я изо всех сил пытаюсь найти информацию, которая показывает эту трансформацию. Если бы кто-то мог направить меня к информации о том, как это сделать, это было бы большой помощью.
Заранее спасибо.
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import javax.swing.*;
/** The Actor class is an abstract class that must be subclassed to implement
* various game characters. Different game characters have different attributes
* and powers but all characters share a common set of attributes that are
* supplied by this class. The common attributes are:
* Strength (0-100) Full Stength is 100
* Speed (0-100) Maximum speed is 100
* Health (0-100) Maximum health is 100
* These game values are generated randomly when a new Actor instance is created.
* However, game values can also be supplied by the user via keyboard input.
public abstract class Actor {
// Instance Variables
private String sName;
private int nStrength;
private int nSpeed;
private int nHealthPoints;
protected Point2D location;
private Army myArmy;
// Static variables
private static int nSequenceCount = 0;
// Constants
final static int MIN_STRENGTH = 0;
final static int MAX_STRENGTH = 100;
final static int MIN_SPEED = 0;
final static int MAX_SPEED = 100;
final static int MIN_HEALTH = 0;
final static int MAX_HEALTH = 100;
final static int MIN_LOC = 0;
final static int MAX_LOC = 100;
/** The Actor constructor invokes the init method to establish initial
* game values for an Actor. These values include the hobbit's name,
* strength, speed and health.
public Actor() {
/** The set method prompts the user to enter game values for an Actor. These values include
* the wizard's name, strength, speed and health.
public void init() {
// Assign random Gaussian values to the remaining attributes
this.sName ="Actor" + nSequenceCount;
this.nHealthPoints = ((int) Math.round(SingletonRandom.instance.getNormalDistribution(MIN_HEALTH, MAX_HEALTH, 1.0 ) ));
this.nSpeed = ((int) Math.round(SingletonRandom.instance.getNormalDistribution(MIN_SPEED, MAX_SPEED, 1.0) ));
this.nStrength = ((int) Math.round(SingletonRandom.instance.getNormalDistribution(MIN_STRENGTH, MAX_STRENGTH, 1.0) ));
int nX = ((int) Math.round(SingletonRandom.instance.getNormalDistribution(MIN_LOC,MAX_LOC, 1.0)));
int nY = ((int) Math.round(SingletonRandom.instance.getNormalDistribution(MIN_LOC,MAX_LOC, 1.0)));
location = new Point(nX,nY);
/** The toString method below displays game values for an actor.
public String toString() {
String myColor;
myColor = "Colour not assigned";
myColor = this.myArmy.getColor().toString();
return String.format("Actor:%7s\tHealth:%3d\tSpeed:%3d\tStrength:%3d\tLocation:%7s Color:%7s", sName, nHealthPoints, nSpeed, nStrength, location, myColor);
/** The set method prompts the user to enter game values for an actor. These values include
* the wizard's name, strength, speed and health.
public void set() {
this.sName = InputGUI.getStringGUI("Please Enter the name: ");
this.nStrength = InputGUI.getIntGUI("Please Enter the Strength: ",MIN_STRENGTH, MAX_STRENGTH);
this.nSpeed = InputGUI.getIntGUI("Please Enter the Speed: ",MIN_SPEED, MAX_SPEED);
this.nHealthPoints = InputGUI.getIntGUI("Please Enter the Health Points: ",MIN_HEALTH, MAX_HEALTH);
/** Return the actor's name.
public String getName(){
return this.sName;
/** Return the actor's strength.
public int getStrength(){
return this.nStrength;
/** Return the actor's speed.
public int getSpeed(){
return this.nSpeed;
public Army getArmy(){
return this.myArmy;
public void setArmy(Army myArmy){
this.myArmy = myArmy;
/** Return the actor's health.
public int getHealth(){
return this.nHealthPoints;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.Timer;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
public class Army extends JComponent{
static int nActor;
String sName;
ArrayList<Actor> actors;
Color color;
private Timer t;
public Army(String sName, Color color){
this.sName = sName;
this.actors = new ArrayList<Actor>();
this.color = color;
ActionListener al = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
t = new Timer(1000 / 30 /* frame rate */, al);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return new Dimension(500, 500);
public Army(String sName, int actorCount, Color color){
this.sName = sName;
this.actors = new ArrayList<Actor>();
this.color = color;
ActionListener al = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
t = new Timer(1000 / 30 /* frame rate */, al);
public void makeArmy(int actorCount){
for(int i=0;i<actorCount; i++) {
Actor actor = ActorFactory.createNewActor(true);
public boolean removeActor(Actor actor){
return actors.remove(actor);
public void addActor(Actor actor){
public Actor setActor(int pos){
Actor actor;
if (pos < 0 || pos >= actors.size() ) {
actor = null;
} else {
actor = actors.get(pos);
return actor;
public void displayAll(){
for(int i=0;i<actors.size(); i++) {
Actor actor = actors.get(i);
public ArrayList<Actor> getActors(){
return this.actors;
public String toString() {
return String.format("Actor:%7s\tColor:%7s", sName, color);
public Color getColor(){
return this.color;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Army army = new Army("Dexter's Army",50,Color.WHITE);
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class TestActor {
public void test1(){
Army army = new Army("Dexter's Army",1000,Color.WHITE);
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Battlefield Simulator");
public static void main(String[] args) {
TestActor tester = new TestActor();