Использование Applescript для экспорта списка URL-адресов на основе тегов?
Я новичок в Applescript, поэтому я нашел в Интернете потрясающий скрипт, в котором будут перечислены все снимки Evernote, связанные с URL . Для перечисления всех снимков с URL, это решение отлично. Как я могу изменить этот скрипт для фильтрации перечисленных URL-адресов на основе определенных тегов?
Скрипт, который я сейчас использую: http://veritrope.com/code/save-a-list-of-urls-from-your-evernote-items-as-a-file/
tell application "Evernote"
set listOfNotebooks to {}
set EVNotebooks to every notebook
repeat with currentNotebook in EVNotebooks
set currentNotebookName to (the name of currentNotebook)
copy currentNotebookName to the end of listOfNotebooks
end repeat
set Folders_sorted to my simple_sort(listOfNotebooks)
set SelNotebook to choose from list of Folders_sorted with title "Select Evernote Notebook" with prompt ¬
"Current Evernote Notebooks" OK button name "OK"
set EVnotebook to item 1 of SelNotebook
set listofNotes to {}
set note_Records to {}
set allNotes to every note in notebook EVnotebook
repeat with currentNote in allNotes
set currentNoteURL to (the source URL of currentNote)
set currentNoteTitle to title of currentNote
if currentNoteURL is not missing value then
copy currentNoteURL to the end of listofNotes
copy {name:currentNoteTitle, URL:currentNoteURL} to the end of note_Records
end if
end try
end repeat
set Notes_sorted to my simple_sort(listofNotes)
set SelNote to ¬
choose from list of Notes_sorted with title ¬
"List Of URLs In Notes" OK button name "Export List" cancel button name "Close Window" with empty selection allowed
set record_Text to {}
repeat with note_Record in note_Records
set theCurrentRecord to ("Title: " & name of note_Record & return & "URL: " & URL of note_Record & return & return) as text
copy theCurrentRecord to the end of record_Text
end repeat
if (SelNote is not false) then
tell application "System Events"
-- convert list to text FILE
set ExportList to "Current List of URLs in Notes for " & EVnotebook & "-- " & (current date) & return & return & record_Text as Unicode text
set fn to choose file name with prompt "Name this file" default name "URL List for Notebook Named " & EVnotebook & ¬
".txt" default location (path to desktop folder)
set fid to open for access fn with write permission
write ExportList to fid
close access fid
end tell
set EVnotebook to item 1 of SelNotebook
end if
end tell
on simple_sort(my_list)
set the index_list to {}
set the sorted_list to {}
repeat (the number of items in my_list) times
set the low_item to ""
repeat with i from 1 to (number of items in my_list)
if i is not in the index_list then
set this_item to item i of my_list as text
if the low_item is "" then
set the low_item to this_item
set the low_item_index to i
else if this_item comes before the low_item then
set the low_item to this_item
set the low_item_index to i
end if
end if
end repeat
set the end of sorted_list to the low_item
set the end of the index_list to the low_item_index
end repeat
return the sorted_list
end simple_sort
Извиняюсь за то, что мой блок кода был в стиле фанк. Если какие-то моды могут это исправить, я буду признателен за помощь.
1 ответ
В вашем repeat with currentNote in allNotes
цикл вы можете добавить что-то вроде этого:
set allTags to tags of currentNote
repeat with currentTag in allTags
if name of currentTag is "your_specific_tag" then
do what you want
end if
end repeat