Номера | Email | Applescript

Я хотел бы создать электронную таблицу чисел. В этой таблице я хочу указать COL A Email Col B Название города COL C Другое название города и так далее. Я буду вводить эти данные вручную.

Далее я хотел бы, чтобы яблочный скрипт проходил построчно в электронной таблице чисел и отправлял электронное письмо каждому человеку в столбце. Я хотел бы использовать другие переменные в теме или теле письма.

Любая помощь будет оценена! Я новичок в лучшем программист. Я знаю немного Python, но я новичок в AppleScript.

Псевдокод (может быть?)

tell numbers to open spreadsheet
repeat for each line of spreadsheet
tell mail to create email
for address COL A
for subject "Hello (COL B) I need the following Information (COL C)
for email Body "Blah Blah Blah (Col D) blah blah."
send email 
end repeat

Функция электронной почты

on email(a, b, c, d)
    set recipientName to a
    set recipientAddress to b
    set theSubject to c & " --> " & d & "Shipment"
    set theContent to a & ", if you would like assistance with your shipment moving from " & c & " to " & d & " , or any other shipment you may have, please let me know. We have drivers available in your Area of Operations ready for pick up."

    tell application "Mail"

        ##Create the message
        set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theContent, visible:true}

        ##Set a recipient
        tell theMessage
            make new to recipient with properties {name:recipientName, address:recipientAddress}

        ##Send the Message

        end tell
    end tell
    end email

    my email(COL A, COL B, COL C, COL D)

1 ответ

Это то, что я взломал вместе! Я новичок, так что будь нежным. Улучшения и критика очень ценятся!

on email(emails, names, origin, destination)
    set recipientName to names
    set recipientAddress to emails
    set theSubject to "c" & " --> " & "d" & "Shipment"
    set theContent to names & ", if you would like assistance with your shipment moving from " & "c" & " to " & "d" & " , or any other shipment you may have, please let me know. We have drivers available in your Area of Operations ready for pick up."

    tell application "Mail"

        ##Create the message
        set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theContent, visible:true}

        ##Set a recipient
        tell theMessage
        make new to recipient with properties {name:recipientName, address:recipientAddress}

            ##Send the Message

        end tell
    end tell
end email

on recipientNames()
    set y to 1 as string
    tell application "Numbers"
        open alias "Macintosh HD:Users:TYPKRFT:Desktop:Form.numbers"
        tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
            set myNames to {}
            repeat with i from 1 to the count of rows
                set x to "B" & y
                set myNames to myNames & the value of the cell x
                set y to y as integer
                set y to y + 1
                set y to y as string
            end repeat
        end tell
    end tell

    set itemsToDelete to {"missing value", "Name", missing value, "stop"}

    set cleanNames to {}

    repeat with i from 1 to count myNames
        if {myNames's item i} is not in itemsToDelete then set cleanNames's end to myNames's item i
    end repeat
    return cleanNames
end recipientNames

on emailAddress()
    set y to 1 as string
    tell application "Numbers"
        open alias "Macintosh HD:Users:TYPKRFT:Desktop:Form.numbers"
        tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
            set myEmails to {}
                repeat with i from 1 to the count of rows
                set x to "C" & y
                set myEmails to myEmails & the value of the cell x
                set y to y as integer
                set y to y + 1
                set y to y as string
            end repeat
        end tell
    end tell

    set itemsToDelete to {"missing value", "Email", missing value, "stop"}

    set cleanEmails to {}

    repeat with i from 1 to count myEmails
        if {myEmails's item i} is not in itemsToDelete then set cleanEmails's end to myEmails's item i
    end repeat
    return cleanEmails
end emailAddress

set a to emailAddress()
set b to my recipientNames()

set reps to count of a
set x to 1
repeat reps times
    set emails to item x of a
    set names to item x of b
    my email(emails, names)
    set x to x + 1
end repeat  
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