Обновлен Django с 1.4 до 1.6 и Haystack с 1.2 до 2.3, и индексация больше не происходит
Я улучшаю вещи, как говорится в названии, и сейчас делаю rebuild_index
кажется, ничего не делает.
Выход прост:
$ ./manage.py rebuild_index --noinput
Removing all documents from your index because you said so.
All documents removed.
Indexing 17019 users
Indexing 76 gears
Indexing 186523 images
и все мои prepare_FOO
функции не запускаются.
Это мои настройки:
'default': {
'engine': 'haystack.backends.solr_backend.SolrEngine',
'URL': '',
И это мои показатели:
# Python
import string
import re
import datetime
# Django
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db.models import Q
# Third party apps
from haystack.indexes import *
from hitcount.models import HitCount
from toggleproperties.models import ToggleProperty
# This app
from astrobin.models import Image
from astrobin.models import DeepSky_Acquisition
from astrobin.models import SolarSystem_Acquisition
from astrobin.models import UserProfile
from astrobin.models import Gear, CommercialGear, RetailedGear
from astrobin.utils import unique_items
# Other AstroBin apps
from nested_comments.models import NestedComment
def _get_integration(image):
deep_sky_acquisitions = DeepSky_Acquisition.objects.filter(image=image)
solar_system_acquisition = None
integration = 0
solar_system_acquisition = SolarSystem_Acquisition.objects.get(image=image)
if deep_sky_acquisitions:
for a in deep_sky_acquisitions:
if a.duration and a.number:
integration += (a.duration * a.number)
elif solar_system_acquisition:
return 0
return integration
def _prepare_likes(obj):
return ToggleProperty.objects.toggleproperties_for_object("like", obj).count()
def _prepare_moon_phase(obj):
from moon import MoonPhase
deep_sky_acquisitions = DeepSky_Acquisition.objects.filter(image=obj)
moon_illuminated_list = []
if deep_sky_acquisitions:
for a in deep_sky_acquisitions:
if a.date is not None:
m = MoonPhase(a.date)
moon_illuminated_list.append(m.illuminated * 100.0)
if len(moon_illuminated_list) == 0:
# We must make an assumption between 0 and 100, or this won't
# show up in any searches.
return 0
return sum(moon_illuminated_list) / float(len(moon_illuminated_list))
def _prepare_first_acquisition_date(obj):
deep_sky_acquisitions = DeepSky_Acquisition.objects.filter(image=obj)
solar_system_acquisition = None
solar_system_acquisition = SolarSystem_Acquisition.objects.get(image=obj)
date = None
if deep_sky_acquisitions:
date = deep_sky_acquisitions[0].date
for a in deep_sky_acquisitions:
if a.date is not None and date is not None:
if a.date < date:
date = a.date
elif solar_system_acquisition:
date = solar_system_acquisition.date
return date
def _prepare_last_acquisition_date(obj):
deep_sky_acquisitions = DeepSky_Acquisition.objects.filter(image=obj)
solar_system_acquisition = None
solar_system_acquisition = SolarSystem_Acquisition.objects.get(image=obj)
date = None
if deep_sky_acquisitions:
date = deep_sky_acquisitions[0].date
for a in deep_sky_acquisitions:
if a.date is not None and date is not None:
if a.date > date:
date = a.date
elif solar_system_acquisition:
date = solar_system_acquisition.date
return date if date else datetime.datetime.min
def _prepare_views(obj, content_type):
views = 0
views = HitCount.objects.get(object_pk = obj.pk, content_type__name = content_type).hits
return views
def _prepare_min_aperture(obj):
d = 0
for telescope in obj.imaging_telescopes.all():
if telescope.aperture is not None and (d == 0 or telescope.aperture < d):
d = int(telescope.aperture)
return d
def _prepare_max_aperture(obj):
import sys
d = sys.maxint
for telescope in obj.imaging_telescopes.all():
if telescope.aperture is not None and (d == sys.maxint or telescope.aperture > d):
d = int(telescope.aperture)
return d
def _prepare_min_pixel_size(obj):
s = 0
for camera in obj.imaging_cameras.all():
if camera.pixel_size is not None and (s == 0 or camera.pixel_size < s):
s = int(camera.pixel_size)
return s
def _prepare_max_pixel_size(obj):
import sys
s = sys.maxint
for camera in obj.imaging_cameras.all():
if camera.pixel_size is not None and (s == sys.maxint or camera.pixel_size > s):
s = int(camera.pixel_size)
return s
def _prepare_telescope_types(obj):
return [x.type for x in obj.imaging_telescopes.all()]
def _prepare_camera_types(obj):
return [x.type for x in obj.imaging_cameras.all()]
def _prepare_comments(obj):
ct = ContentType.objects.get(app_label = 'astrobin', model = 'image')
return NestedComment.objects.filter(
content_type = ct,
object_id = obj.id,
deleted = False).count()
class GearIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
model_weight = IntegerField()
text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
images = IntegerField()
# Total likes of all images taken with this item.
likes = IntegerField()
# Total integration of images taken with this item.
integration = FloatField()
# Total views on images taken with this item.
views = IntegerField()
# Number of bookmarks on images taken with this item.
bookmarks = IntegerField()
# Number of comments on images taken with this item.
comments = IntegerField()
producers = MultiValueField()
retailers = MultiValueField()
def index_queryset(self, using = None):
return self.get_model().objects\
.exclude(commercial = None)\
.filter(commercial__producer__groups__name = 'Paying')
def get_model(self):
return Gear
def get_images(self, obj):
filters = (\
Q(imaging_telescopes = obj) |\
Q(guiding_telescopes = obj) |\
Q(mounts = obj) |\
Q(imaging_cameras = obj) |\
Q(guiding_cameras = obj) |\
Q(focal_reducers = obj) |\
Q(software = obj) |\
Q(filters = obj) |\
Q(accessories = obj)\
return Image.objects.filter(filters).distinct()
def prepare_model_weight(self, obj):
# Printing here just because it's the first "prepare" function.
print "%s: %d" % (obj.__class__.__name__, obj.pk)
return 100;
def prepare_images(self, obj):
return len(self.get_images(obj))
def prepare_likes(self, obj):
likes = 0
for i in self.get_images(obj):
likes += ToggleProperty.objects.toggleproperties_for_object("like", i).count()
return likes
def prepare_integration(self, obj):
integration = 0
for i in self.get_images(obj):
integration += _get_integration(i)
return integration / 3600.0
def prepare_views(self, obj):
views = 0
for i in self.get_images(obj):
views += _prepare_views(i, 'image')
return views
def prepare_bookmarks(self, obj):
bookmarks = 0
for i in self.get_images(obj):
bookmarks += ToggleProperty.objects.toggleproperties_for_object("bookmark", i).count()
return bookmarks
def prepare_comments(self, obj):
comments = 0
for i in self.get_images(obj):
comments += _prepare_comments(i)
return comments
def prepare_producers(self, obj):
producers = CommercialGear.objects\
.filter(base_gear = obj)\
.exclude(Q(producer__userprofile__company_name = None) | Q(producer__userprofile__company_name = ""))
return ["%s" % x.producer.userprofile.company_name for x in producers]
def prepare_retailers(self, obj):
retailers = RetailedGear.objects\
.filter(gear = obj)\
.exclude(Q(retailer__userprofile__company_name = None) | Q(retailer__userprofile__company_name = ""))
return ["%s" % x.retailer.userprofile.company_name for x in retailers]
class UserIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
model_weight = IntegerField()
text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
images = IntegerField()
avg_integration = FloatField()
# Total likes of all user's images.
likes = IntegerField()
# Total likes of all user's images.
average_likes = FloatField()
# Normalized likes (best images only)
normalized_likes = FloatField()
# Number of followers
followers = IntegerField()
# Total user ingegration.
integration = FloatField()
# Average moon phase under which this user has operated.
moon_phase = FloatField()
# First and last acquisition dates, including all images of course.
first_acquisition_date = DateTimeField()
last_acquisition_date = DateTimeField()
# Total views from all images.
views = IntegerField()
# Min and max aperture of all telescopes used in this user's images.
min_aperture = IntegerField()
max_aperture = IntegerField()
# Min and max pixel size of all cameras used in this user's images.
min_pixel_size = IntegerField()
max_pixel_size = IntegerField()
# Number of bookmarks on own images
bookmarks = IntegerField()
# Types of telescopes and cameras with which this user has imaged.
telescope_types = MultiValueField()
camera_types = MultiValueField()
comments = IntegerField()
comments_written = IntegerField()
username = CharField(model_attr = 'username')
def index_queryset(self, using = None):
return self.get_model().objects.all()
def get_model(self):
return User
def prepare_model_weight(self, obj):
# Printing here just because it's the first "prepare" function.
print "%s: %d" % (obj.__class__.__name__, obj.pk)
return 200;
def prepare_images(self, obj):
return Image.objects.filter(user = obj).count()
def prepare_avg_integration(self, obj):
integration = 0
images = 0
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
image_integration = _get_integration(i)
if image_integration:
images += 1
integration += image_integration
return (integration / 3600.0) / images if images else 0
def prepare_likes(self, obj):
likes = 0
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
likes += ToggleProperty.objects.toggleproperties_for_object("like", i).count()
return likes
def prepare_average_likes(self, obj):
likes = self.prepare_likes(obj)
images = self.prepare_images(obj)
return likes / float(images) if images > 0 else 0
def prepare_normalized_likes(self, obj):
def average(values):
if len(values):
return sum(values) / float(len(values))
return 0
def index(values):
import math
return average(values) * math.log(len(values)+1, 10)
avg = self.prepare_average_likes(obj)
norm = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
likes = i.likes()
if likes >= avg:
if len(norm) == 0:
return 0
return index(norm)
def prepare_followers(self, obj):
return ToggleProperty.objects.filter(
property_type = "follow",
content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(User),
object_id = obj.pk
def prepare_integration(self, obj):
integration = 0
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
integration += _get_integration(i)
return integration / 3600.0
def prepare_moon_phase(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, l) / len(l)
def prepare_first_acquisition_date(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return None
return min(l)
def prepare_last_acquisition_date(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return None
return max(l)
def prepare_views(self, obj):
views = 0
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
views += _prepare_views(i, 'image')
return views
def prepare_min_aperture(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
return min(l)
def prepare_max_aperture(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
return max(l)
def prepare_min_pixel_size(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
return min(l)
def prepare_max_pixel_size(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
return max(l)
def prepare_bookmarks(self, obj):
bookmarks = 0
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
bookmarks += ToggleProperty.objects.toggleproperties_for_object("bookmark", i).count()
return bookmarks
def prepare_telescope_types(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
l += _prepare_telescope_types(i)
return unique_items(l)
def prepare_camera_types(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
l += _prepare_camera_types(i)
return unique_items(l)
def prepare_comments(self, obj):
comments = 0
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
comments += _prepare_comments(i)
return comments
def prepare_comments_written(self, obj):
return NestedComment.objects.filter(author = obj, deleted = False).count()
class ImageIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
model_weight = IntegerField()
text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
uploaded = DateTimeField(model_attr='uploaded')
likes = IntegerField()
integration = FloatField()
moon_phase = FloatField()
first_acquisition_date = DateTimeField()
last_acquisition_date = DateTimeField()
views = IntegerField()
solar_system_main_subject = IntegerField()
is_deep_sky = BooleanField()
is_clusters = BooleanField()
is_nebulae = BooleanField()
is_galaxies = BooleanField()
is_solar_system = BooleanField()
is_sun = BooleanField()
is_moon = BooleanField()
is_planets = BooleanField()
is_comets = BooleanField()
license = IntegerField(model_attr = 'license')
min_aperture = IntegerField()
max_aperture = IntegerField()
min_pixel_size = IntegerField()
max_pixel_size = IntegerField()
bookmarks = IntegerField()
telescope_types = MultiValueField()
camera_types = MultiValueField()
comments = IntegerField()
is_commercial = BooleanField()
subject_type = IntegerField(model_attr = 'subject_type')
username = CharField(model_attr = 'user__username')
def index_queryset(self, using = None):
return self.get_model().objects.filter(moderator_decision = 1)
def get_model(self):
return Image
def prepare_model_weight(self, obj):
# Printing here just because it's the first "prepare" function.
print "%s: %d" % (obj.__class__.__name__, obj.pk)
return 300;
def prepare_likes(self, obj):
return _prepare_likes(obj)
def prepare_integration(self, obj):
return _get_integration(obj)
def prepare_moon_phase(self, obj):
return _prepare_moon_phase(obj)
def prepare_first_acquisition_date(self, obj):
return _prepare_first_acquisition_date(obj)
def prepare_last_acquisition_date(self, obj):
return _prepare_last_acquisition_date(obj)
def prepare_views(self, obj):
return _prepare_views(obj, 'image')
def prepare_solar_system_main_subject(self, obj):
return obj.solar_system_main_subject
def prepare_is_deep_sky(self, obj):
return DeepSky_Acquisition.objects.filter(image = obj).count() > 0
def prepare_is_solar_system(self, obj):
if obj.solar_system_main_subject:
return True
if SolarSystem_Acquisition.objects.filter(image = obj):
return True
return False
def prepare_is_sun(self, obj):
return obj.solar_system_main_subject == 0
def prepare_is_moon(self, obj):
return obj.solar_system_main_subject == 1
def prepare_is_planets(self, obj):
return obj.solar_system_main_subject in range(2, 8)
def prepare_is_comets(self, obj):
return obj.solar_system_main_subject == 10
def prepare_min_aperture(self, obj):
return _prepare_min_aperture(obj)
def prepare_max_aperture(self, obj):
return _prepare_max_aperture(obj)
def prepare_min_pixel_size(self, obj):
return _prepare_min_pixel_size(obj)
s = 0
for camera in obj.imaging_cameras.all():
if camera.pixel_size is not None and (s == 0 or camera.pixel_size < s):
s = int(camera.pixel_size)
return s
def prepare_max_pixel_size(self, obj):
return _prepare_max_pixel_size(obj)
import sys
s = sys.maxint
for camera in obj.imaging_cameras.all():
if camera.pixel_size is not None and (s == sys.maxint or camera.pixel_size > s):
s = int(camera.pixel_size)
return s
def prepare_bookmarks(self, obj):
return ToggleProperty.objects.toggleproperties_for_object("bookmark", obj).count()
def prepare_telescope_types(self, obj):
return _prepare_telescope_types(obj)
def prepare_camera_types(self, obj):
return _prepare_camera_types(obj)
def prepare_comments(self, obj):
return _prepare_comments(obj)
def prepare_is_commercial(self, obj):
commercial_gear = CommercialGear.objects.filter(image = obj)
return commercial_gear.count() > 0
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