Почему не удается найти символ - переменная gameState
Структура Greenfoot https://www.dropbox.com/s/t4pau2mk3mh9npu/structure.JPG Я действительно инициировал var gameState
public class MineBoard extends GWorld
int gameState = 0;
и когда я пытаюсь получить доступ к нему из вызова подкласса "Блок" под Actor, как это
case 2:
//two bombs
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new JInternalFrame(), "You Lose!","Mine Sweeper", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
GWorld.gameState = 2;
Он постоянно говорит мне, что не может найти символ - переменная gameState Пожалуйста, помогите
Весь код MineBoard
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;
public class MineBoard extends GWorld
int gameState;
// 0 for playing, 1 for win, 2 for lose, 3 for game ended
int nBomb = 0;
//The number of bombs on the MineBoard
* Constructor for objects of class MineBoard.
* Hint:
* width, height: the size of mine board
* nBombs: the total number of bombs in the mine board
public MineBoard(int width, int height, int nBombs)
// Create greenfoot world with width and height
super(width, height, 25);
// initialize minefield
* Initialize the world
public void initialize() {
// Create blocks by world width & height
gameState = 0;
// Place bombs randomly on board
public void setnBomb ()
int sizeOfBoard = GWorld.width();
switch (sizeOfBoard)
case 5 : nBomb=3;
case 8 : nBomb=10;
case 10: nBomb=15;
default: break;
* Create blocks
* Done
public void createBlocks() {
// create "Block" objects according to the difficult user choose
int maxL = GWorld.width();
for (int i=0; i<maxL; i++)
for (int u=0; u<maxL; u++)
Block block = new Block();
GWorld.addOneObject(block, i,u);
//create blocks from left to right, from top to bottom
* Place bombs randomly on the board
* Hint:
* int random(int lowerLimit, int upperLimit)
* Use this function to generate a randome number between
* lowerLimit(inlusive) and upperLimit(inclusive)
* Block.MAX_BOMB: the max number of bombs per block
* Block block = (Block)getOneObjectAt(x, y, "Block");
* Place exactly the specified number of bombs. No more!
* TODO: Part 1
public void placeBombs() {
//This method place bombs randomly on the MineBoard
int BombPlanted=0;
//initialize that the bombs placed is zero
while (BombPlanted < nBomb)
int i = random(0,Block.MAX_BOMB+1);
//random the amount of bombs will be place in the next block
int u = random (0, GWorld.width()-1);
int y = random (0, GWorld.height()-1);
//random the place to place the bomb(s)
Block b = (Block) getOneObjectAt(u, y, "Block");
//access that specific block
if ((BombPlanted+i < nBomb) && (b.BombInside ==0))
b.BombInside = i;
//place the numbers of bombs
BombPlanted = BombPlanted+i;
//count the amount of bombs placed
if ((BombPlanted+i > nBomb) && (b.BombInside ==0))
b.BombInside = nBomb-BombPlanted;
//place bombs until reaching the maximum value
//allow the loop to end without breaking it instantly
* Reveal all blocks
* Hint:
* If flagged, reveal it anyway
* If it's not a bomb,
* For Part 1, show BlockClicked[0].png
* For Part 2, show image with correct number.
* TODO: Part 1 & Part 2
public void revealAllBlocks() {
//receal all the blocks
for (int i=0; i<GWorld.width(); i++)
for(int u=0; u<GWorld.height(); u++)
Block b = (Block) getOneObjectAt(i, u, "Block");
//access blocks one by one
//use the reveal method to reveal blocks one by one
* Check game win.
* Hint:
* Correct per block bombs
* Correct total bombs
* Block should be either Flagged or Revealed
* if win, set gameState = 1, return true;
* TODO: Part 2
public boolean checkGameWin() {
int BombsRemain = nBomb;
int clickedBlock = 0;
int TotalBlocks = 0;
TotalBlocks = GWorld.width()*GWorld.width();
for (int i = 0; i<GWorld.width(); i++)
for (int u = 0; u<GWorld.height();u++)
Block b = (Block) getOneObjectAt(i, u, "Block");
if (b.BombInside == b.flagged)
BombsRemain = BombsRemain - b.BombInside;
if (b.known == true || b.flagged>0)
if (BombsRemain == 0 && TotalBlocks == clickedBlock)
gameState = 1;
return true;
return false;
* Save board to "filename"
* Per block states {
* Number of bombs: 0,1,2
* Number of flags: 0,1,2
* reveal state: true/false
* }
* TODO: Part 2
protected void saveBoard(String filename) throws Exception {
if ( gameState != 0 ) {
showMessage ("Not allowed. Game is finished.");
return ;
File saving = new File(filename);
PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(saving);
for (int i = 0; i<GWorld.width(); i++)
for (int u = 0; u<GWorld.height(); u++)
//get Block
Block b = (Block) getOneObjectAt(u, i, "Block");
//num of bombs
output.print(b.BombInside + " ");
//num of flags
output.print(b.flagged + " ");
//known or not
output.print(b.known + " ");
//Close file
* Load board from "filename"
* Hint:
* First load all blocks
* Then show correct images
* TODO: Part 2
protected void loadBoard(String filename) throws Exception {
gameState = 0;
File saving = new File(filename);
Scanner input = new Scanner(saving);
for (int i = 0; i<GWorld.width(); i++)
for (int u = 0; u<GWorld.height(); u++)
//get Block
Block b = (Block) getOneObjectAt(u, i, "Block");
int inputint=0;
String inputStr = "false";
inputint = Integer.parseInt(input.next());
b.BombInside = inputint;
inputint = Integer.parseInt(input.next());
b.BombInside = inputint;
inputStr = input.next();
b.known = Boolean.getBoolean(inputStr);
//Close file
// Add your codes here
* Gathers all blocks and disposes of them.
public void clearBoard() {
Actor [] blocks = getAllObjects("Block");
* Game lose.
public void gameLose() {
gameState = 2;
* Check game states
public void act() {
if ( gameState == 2 ) {
showMessage ( "Sorry, you lose!" );
gameState = 3; // Game finished
if ( gameState == 1 ) {
showMessage ( "Congratulations! You win!" );
gameState = 3; // Game finished
Весь код блока
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;
public class Block extends Actor
![enter image description here][2]{
static String defaultBlockImg = "Block.png";
static int MAX_BOMB = 2;
int flagged=0;
//how many flags was placed on the block
boolean known = false;
//revealed or not
int BombInside = 0;
//how many bomb inside that block
* Constructor for objects of class Block.
public Block() {
public void reveal()
//reveal the current block and show the correspondent picture
case 1:
//one bomb
//GWorld.gameState = 2;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new JInternalFrame(), "You Lose!","Mine Sweeper", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
case 2:
//two bombs
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new JInternalFrame(), "You Lose!","Mine Sweeper", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
//GWorld.gameState = 2;
case 3:
//three bombs
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new JInternalFrame(), "You Lose!","Mine Sweeper", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
//no bombs
int b=getNumOfNearbyBombs();
//that block is revealed
String NumOfBombsInsideStr = "BlockClicked[" + b + "].png";
//show the image of nearby bombs
if (b == 0)
//expand the nearby bomb-free & nearby-bomb-free area
//set the amount of flags on the block
public void flag() {
if (known == false)
case 0:
//if no flag nor revealed, give it one flag
case 1:
//if it have one flag and not revealed, give it two flags
case 2:
//if it have two flags and not revealed, give it three flags
//if three flags and not revealed, remove all flags
//since it was revealed, denied the request
System.out.println("Revealed already!");
protected void leftClick() {
protected void rightClick() {
public int getNumOfNearbyBombs() {
int BombsNearby = 0;
//ini the var BombsNearby
int XPos = getX();
//X position
int YPos = getY();
//Y Position
//if the block is not on the edge of the board
if (XPos>0 && XPos <GWorld.width()-1 && YPos>0 && YPos < GWorld.height()-1)
for (int i = XPos - 1 ; i<XPos+2; i++)
//Count the bombs on the above colume
Block b = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(i, YPos-1, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+b.BombInside;
for (int i = XPos - 1 ; i<XPos+2; i++)
//count the bombs on the below colume
Block bl = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(i, YPos+1, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+bl.BombInside;
//bombs in LHS block
Block blo = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos-1, YPos, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+blo.BombInside;
//bombs in RHS block
Block bloc = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos+1, YPos, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+bloc.BombInside;
//Top row
if (YPos==0 && XPos!=0 && XPos!=GWorld.width()-1)
//second row, the row right below the first
for (int i=XPos-1; i<XPos+2; i++)
Block block = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(i, 1, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block.BombInside;
Block blockL = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos-1, 0, "Block");
Block blockR = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos+1, 0, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+blockL.BombInside;
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+blockR.BombInside;
//bombs on the left
//bombs on the right
//bottom row
if (YPos==GWorld.height()-1 && XPos!=0 && XPos!=GWorld.width()-1)
for (int i=XPos-1; i<XPos+2; i++)
Block block = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(i, YPos-1, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block.BombInside;
Block blockL = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos-1, YPos, "Block");
Block blockR = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos+1, YPos, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+blockL.BombInside;
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+blockR.BombInside;
//bombs on top
//bombs on left
//bombs on right
//Right colume
if (XPos==GWorld.width()-1 && YPos!=0 && YPos!=GWorld.height()-1)
for (int i=YPos-1; i<YPos+2; i++)
Block block = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos-1, i, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block.BombInside;
Block blockU = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos, YPos-1, "Block");
Block blockL = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos, YPos+1, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+blockU.BombInside;
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+blockL.BombInside;
//Left colume
if (XPos==0 && YPos!=0 && YPos!=GWorld.height()-1)
for (int i=YPos-1; i<YPos+2; i++)
Block block = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(1, i, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block.BombInside;
Block blockU = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(0, YPos-1, "Block");
Block blockL = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(0, YPos+1, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+blockU.BombInside;
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+blockL.BombInside;
//Top left
if (XPos==0 && YPos==0)
Block block1 = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(0, 1, "Block");
Block block2 = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(1, 0, "Block");
Block block3 = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(1, 1, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block1.BombInside;
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block2.BombInside;
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block3.BombInside;
//3 statements for 3 blocks
//Bottom left
if (XPos==0 && YPos==GWorld.height()-1)
Block block1 = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(0, YPos-1, "Block");
Block block2 = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(1, YPos, "Block");
Block block3 = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(1, YPos-1, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block1.BombInside;
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block2.BombInside;
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block3.BombInside;
//3 statements for 3 blocks
//Top right
if (XPos==GWorld.width()-1 && YPos==0)
Block block1 = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos, 1, "Block");
Block block2 = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos-1, 1, "Block");
Block block3 = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos-1, 0, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block1.BombInside;
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block2.BombInside;
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block3.BombInside;
//3 statements for 3 blocks
//Bottom right
if (XPos==GWorld.width()-1 && YPos==GWorld.height()-1)
Block block1 = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos, YPos-1, "Block");
Block block2 = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos-1, YPos, "Block");
Block block3 = (Block) GWorld.getOneObjectAt(XPos-1, YPos-1, "Block");
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block1.BombInside;
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block2.BombInside;
BombsNearby = BombsNearby+block3.BombInside;
//3 statements for 3 blocks
return BombsNearby;
* Propagate empty block
* TODO: Part 2
public void propagate()
//too long for this website, skipped
* Act - do whatever the Block wants to do. This method is called whenever
* the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
public void act() {
// Handle mouse message
* Handle mouse message
protected void handleMouseClick() {
if ( ((MineBoard)getWorld()).gameState != 0 )
if( Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this) ) {
if ( Greenfoot.getMouseInfo().getButton() == 1 )
else if ( Greenfoot.getMouseInfo().getButton() == 3 )
if ( ((MineBoard)getWorld()).gameState == 0 )
* Get nearby blocks
public Block[] getNearbyBlocks() {
List<Block> blocks = getNeighbours(1,true,Block.class);
return blocks.toArray(new Block[blocks.size()]);
4 ответа
На основании нового кода вы разместили:
Вы хотите получить доступ к переменной (а именно gameState
) из MineBoard
экземпляр, который является "родителем"[*] определенного Block
пример. Одним из способов достижения этого является следующее:
в Block
Учебный класс
// 1. Add a final, protected variable referencing the "parent" MineBoard instance
final protected MineBoard parentBoard;
// 2. Initialize it in the constructor. Change the constructor to:
public Block(MineBoard parentBoard) {
this.parentBoard = parentBoard;
// 3. Access the parent-board's 'gameState' variable
case 2:
this.parentBoard.gameState = 2;
// or even 'this.parentBoard.gameLose();'
в MineBoard
Учебный класс:
// 1. Change all occurrences of
... = new Block();
// to pass the parent-board as parameter
... = new Block(this);
Это должно сделать это...
[*] В этом контексте "родительская плата" обозначает плату, частью которой является определенный Блок, и ее не следует путать с "родительским классом" (в контексте наследования Java).
Если твой gameState
переменная локальная, определенная в вашем MineBoard
класс (я вижу это из вашего кода, о котором идет речь), и если другая часть кода находится внутри нестатического метода в том же классе, то вы можете получить доступ к gameState
переменная прямо как:
gameState = 2;
Кроме того, если ваш GWorld
класс не имеет gameState
статическая переменная, то она сохранит
поговорка cannot find symbol
Если GWorld является classname, то нельзя вызывать переменную gameState, как это, потому что это не статическая переменная.
Вы должны создать экземпляр Superclass или Subclass для доступа к переменной gameState.
GWorld gw=new Gworld();
или же
MineBoard mb=new MineBoard();
или же
в классе MineBoard создайте метод setter и getter для переменной gameState, например
public int getGamestate() {
return gamestate;
public void setGamestate(int gamestate) {
this.gamestate = gamestate;
затем в классе Block установите gameState, как это, но вам нужна ссылка на текущий класс MineBoard, чтобы установить переменную gameState.
// but this is new object not the one which currently game is running , you need to get current instance ,
MineBoard mb=new MineBoard();
и я еще раз напоминаю вам, что, поскольку вы повторно объявили переменную gameState в классе MineBoard, это не имеет ничего общего с переменной Gworld gameState, вы скрыли ее, повторно объявив ее.
+ Изменить GWorld.gameState = 2;
в this.gameState = 2;
если вы обращаетесь к нему из подкласса (и поскольку он не является статической переменной).
Согласно разделу "Наследование" Java Tutotial
A subclass inherits all of the public and protected members of its parent,
no matter what package the subclass is in. If the subclass is in the same package
as its parent, it also inherits the package-private members of the parent.
Так как gameState
переменная package-private
для того, чтобы он был унаследован подклассом, оба класса должны быть в одном пакете.