Как получить системную информацию с Python?
Мне нужно получить информацию, в какой среде работает программное обеспечение. Есть ли в Python библиотека для этой цели?
Я хочу знать следующую информацию.
- Название / версия ОС
- Наименование процессора, тактовая частота
- Количество ядер процессора
- Размер памяти
7 ответов
Некоторые из них могут быть получены из platform
>>> import platform
>>> platform.machine()
>>> platform.version()
>>> platform.platform()
>>> platform.uname()
('Windows', 'name', 'XP', '5.1.2600', 'x86', 'x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel')
>>> platform.system()
>>> platform.processor()
'x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel'
#Shamelessly combined from google and other stackru like sites to form a single function
import platform,socket,re,uuid,json,psutil,logging
def getSystemInfo():
info['mac-address']=':'.join(re.findall('..', '%012x' % uuid.getnode()))
info['ram']=str(round(psutil.virtual_memory().total / (1024.0 **3)))+" GB"
return json.dumps(info)
except Exception as e:
Пример вывода:
{'platform': 'Linux',
'platform-release': '5.3.0-29-generic',
'platform-version': '#31-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 17 17:27:26 UTC 2020',
'architecture': 'x86_64',
'hostname': 'naret-vm',
'ip-address': '',
'mac-address': 'bb:cc:dd:ee:bc:ff',
'processor': 'x86_64',
'ram': '4 GB'}
Модуль os имеет функцию uname для получения информации о os & version:
>>> import os
>>> os.uname()
Для моей системы, под управлением CentOS 5.4 с ядром 2.6.18 это возвращает:
('Linux', 'mycomputer.domain.user', '2.6.18-92.1.22.el5PAE', '# 1 SMP вт 16 дек. 12:36:25 EST 2008', 'i686')
import psutil
import platform
from datetime import datetime
import cpuinfo
import socket
import uuid
import re
def get_size(bytes, suffix="B"):
Scale bytes to its proper format
1253656 => '1.20MB'
1253656678 => '1.17GB'
factor = 1024
for unit in ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P"]:
if bytes < factor:
return f"{bytes:.2f}{unit}{suffix}"
bytes /= factor
def System_information():
print("="*40, "System Information", "="*40)
uname = platform.uname()
print(f"System: {uname.system}")
print(f"Node Name: {uname.node}")
print(f"Release: {uname.release}")
print(f"Version: {uname.version}")
print(f"Machine: {uname.machine}")
print(f"Processor: {uname.processor}")
print(f"Processor: {cpuinfo.get_cpu_info()['brand_raw']}")
print(f"Ip-Address: {socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())}")
print(f"Mac-Address: {':'.join(re.findall('..', '%012x' % uuid.getnode()))}")
# Boot Time
print("="*40, "Boot Time", "="*40)
boot_time_timestamp = psutil.boot_time()
bt = datetime.fromtimestamp(boot_time_timestamp)
print(f"Boot Time: {bt.year}/{bt.month}/{bt.day} {bt.hour}:{bt.minute}:{bt.second}")
# print CPU information
print("="*40, "CPU Info", "="*40)
# number of cores
print("Physical cores:", psutil.cpu_count(logical=False))
print("Total cores:", psutil.cpu_count(logical=True))
# CPU frequencies
cpufreq = psutil.cpu_freq()
print(f"Max Frequency: {cpufreq.max:.2f}Mhz")
print(f"Min Frequency: {cpufreq.min:.2f}Mhz")
print(f"Current Frequency: {cpufreq.current:.2f}Mhz")
# CPU usage
print("CPU Usage Per Core:")
for i, percentage in enumerate(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True, interval=1)):
print(f"Core {i}: {percentage}%")
print(f"Total CPU Usage: {psutil.cpu_percent()}%")
# Memory Information
print("="*40, "Memory Information", "="*40)
# get the memory details
svmem = psutil.virtual_memory()
print(f"Total: {get_size(svmem.total)}")
print(f"Available: {get_size(svmem.available)}")
print(f"Used: {get_size(svmem.used)}")
print(f"Percentage: {svmem.percent}%")
print("="*20, "SWAP", "="*20)
# get the swap memory details (if exists)
swap = psutil.swap_memory()
print(f"Total: {get_size(swap.total)}")
print(f"Free: {get_size(swap.free)}")
print(f"Used: {get_size(swap.used)}")
print(f"Percentage: {swap.percent}%")
# Disk Information
print("="*40, "Disk Information", "="*40)
print("Partitions and Usage:")
# get all disk partitions
partitions = psutil.disk_partitions()
for partition in partitions:
print(f"=== Device: {partition.device} ===")
print(f" Mountpoint: {partition.mountpoint}")
print(f" File system type: {partition.fstype}")
partition_usage = psutil.disk_usage(partition.mountpoint)
except PermissionError:
# this can be catched due to the disk that
# isn't ready
print(f" Total Size: {get_size(partition_usage.total)}")
print(f" Used: {get_size(partition_usage.used)}")
print(f" Free: {get_size(partition_usage.free)}")
print(f" Percentage: {partition_usage.percent}%")
# get IO statistics since boot
disk_io = psutil.disk_io_counters()
print(f"Total read: {get_size(disk_io.read_bytes)}")
print(f"Total write: {get_size(disk_io.write_bytes)}")
## Network information
print("="*40, "Network Information", "="*40)
## get all network interfaces (virtual and physical)
if_addrs = psutil.net_if_addrs()
for interface_name, interface_addresses in if_addrs.items():
for address in interface_addresses:
print(f"=== Interface: {interface_name} ===")
if str(address.family) == 'AddressFamily.AF_INET':
print(f" IP Address: {address.address}")
print(f" Netmask: {address.netmask}")
print(f" Broadcast IP: {address.broadcast}")
elif str(address.family) == 'AddressFamily.AF_PACKET':
print(f" MAC Address: {address.address}")
print(f" Netmask: {address.netmask}")
print(f" Broadcast MAC: {address.broadcast}")
##get IO statistics since boot
net_io = psutil.net_io_counters()
print(f"Total Bytes Sent: {get_size(net_io.bytes_sent)}")
print(f"Total Bytes Received: {get_size(net_io.bytes_recv)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Нашел этот простой код
import platform
print("="*40, "System Information", "="*40)
uname = platform.uname()
print(f"System: {uname.system}")
print(f"Node Name: {uname.node}")
print(f"Release: {uname.release}")
print(f"Version: {uname.version}")
print(f"Machine: {uname.machine}")
print(f"Processor: {uname.processor}")
#This should work
import os
for item in os.environ:
print(f'{item}{" : "}{os.environ[item]}')