EditText не очищается с CustomKeyboard после нажатия кнопки очистки

Это мой пользовательский класс клавиатуры. В клавиатуре у меня есть одна клавиша очистки, когда я нажимаю клавишу очистки, мой регистр editetext должен очиститься, но значение editetx было очищено при отладке, но в пользовательском интерфейсе текст редактирования не обновляется и показывает то же самое старое значение.

Я проверил прослушиватель TextWatcher и их значение ничего не отображается после нажатия кнопки очистки во время отладки, но редактирование текста не обновляется.

* When an activity hosts a keyboardView, this class allows several EditText's
* to register for it.
class CustomKeyboard extends KeyboardView {

/** A link to the KeyboardView that is used to render this CustomKeyboard. */
private KeyboardView mKeyboardView;
/** A link to the activity that hosts the {@link #mKeyboardView}. */
private Activity mHostActivity;

/** The key (code) handler. */
private OnKeyboardActionListener mOnKeyboardActionListener = new    OnKeyboardActionListener() {

    public final static int CodeDelete = -5; // Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE
    public final static int CodeCancel = -3; // Keyboard.KEYCODE_CANCEL
    public final static int CodePrev = 55000;
    public final static int CodeAllLeft = 55001;
    public final static int CodeLeft = 55002;
    public final static int CodeRight = 55003;
    public final static int CodeAllRight = 55004;
    public final static int CodeNext = 55005;
    public final static int CodeClear = 55006;
    public final static int CodeDZero = 55007;
    public final static int Coderefresh = 55008;
    public final static int Codeswap = 55009;
    public final static int emptyKey = 555555008;

    public void onKey(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes) {
        // NOTE We can say '<Key android:codes="49,50" ... >' in the xml
        // file; all codes come in keyCodes, the first in this list in
        // primaryCode
        // Get the EditText and its Editable
        View focusCurrent = mHostActivity.getWindow().getCurrentFocus();
        if (focusCurrent == null
                || focusCurrent.getClass() != EditText.class)
        EditText edittext = (EditText) focusCurrent;
        Editable editable = edittext.getText();
        int start = edittext.getSelectionStart();

        // Apply the key to the edittext
        if (primaryCode == CodeCancel) {
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeDelete) {
            if (editable != null && start > 0)
                editable.delete(start - 1, start);
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeClear) {
            if (editable != null){
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeLeft) {
            if (start > 0)
                edittext.setSelection(start - 1);
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeRight) {
            if (start < edittext.length())
                edittext.setSelection(start + 1);
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeAllLeft) {
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeAllRight) {
        } else if (primaryCode == CodePrev) {
            View focusNew = edittext.focusSearch(View.FOCUS_BACKWARD);
            if (focusNew != null)
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeNext) {
            View focusNew = edittext.focusSearch(View.FOCUS_FORWARD);
            if (focusNew != null)
        } else if (primaryCode == CodeDZero) {
            if (editable != null && start > 0)
                editable.insert(start, "00");
        } else if (primaryCode == Coderefresh) {
            // if( editable!=null ) editable.clear();
        }else if (primaryCode == emptyKey) {
            // if( editable!=null ) editable.clear();
        else if (primaryCode == Codeswap) {
            // if( editable!=null ) editable.clear();
        } else { // insert character
            editable.insert(start, Character.toString((char) primaryCode));
        long eventTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        KeyEvent event = new KeyEvent(eventTime, eventTime,
                KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, primaryCode, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                KeyEvent.FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD | KeyEvent.FLAG_KEEP_TOUCH_MODE);


    public void onPress(int arg0) {

    public void onRelease(int primaryCode) {

    public void onText(CharSequence text) {

    public void swipeDown() {
        Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "SwipeDown");

    public void swipeLeft() {

    public void swipeRight() {

    public void swipeUp() {

 * Create a custom keyboard, that uses the KeyboardView (with resource id
 * <var>viewid</var>) of the <var>host</var> activity, and load the keyboard
 * layout from xml file <var>layoutid</var> (see {@link Keyboard} for
 * description). Note that the <var>host</var> activity must have a
 * <var>KeyboardView</var> in its layout (typically aligned with the bottom
 * of the activity). Note that the keyboard layout xml file may include key
 * codes for navigation; see the constants in this class for their values.
 * Note that to enable EditText's to use this custom keyboard, call the
 * {@link #registerEditText(int)}.
 * @param host
 *            The hosting activity.
 * @param viewid
 *            The id of the KeyboardView.
 * @param layoutid
 *            The id of the xml file containing the keyboard layout.
public CustomKeyboard(Activity host, int viewid, int layoutid) {
    super(host, null);
    mHostActivity = host;
    mKeyboardView = (KeyboardView) mHostActivity.findViewById(viewid);
    mKeyboardView.setKeyboard(new Keyboard(mHostActivity, layoutid));
    mKeyboardView.setPreviewEnabled(false); // NOTE Do not show the preview
                                            // balloons
    // Hide the standard keyboard initially

/** Returns whether the CustomKeyboard is visible. */
public boolean isCustomKeyboardVisible() {
    return mKeyboardView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE;

 * Make the CustomKeyboard visible, and hide the system keyboard for view v.
public void showCustomKeyboard(View v) {
    if (v != null)
        ((InputMethodManager) mHostActivity
                .hideSoftInputFromWindow(v.getWindowToken(), 0);

/** Make the CustomKeyboard invisible. */
public void hideCustomKeyboard() {

 * Register <var>EditText<var> with resource id <var>resid</var> (on the
 * hosting activity) for using this custom keyboard.
 * @param resid
 *            The resource id of the EditText that registers to the custom
 *            keyboard.
public void registerEditText(int resid) {
    // Find the EditText 'resid'
    EditText edittext = (EditText) mHostActivity.findViewById(resid);
    // Make the custom keyboard appear
    edittext.setOnFocusChangeListener(new OnFocusChangeListener() {
        // NOTE By setting the on focus listener, we can show the custom
        // keyboard when the edit box gets focus, but also hide it when the
        // edit box loses focus
        public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
            if (hasFocus)
    edittext.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        // NOTE By setting the on click listener, we can show the custom
        // keyboard again, by tapping on an edit box that already had focus
        // (but that had the keyboard hidden).
        public void onClick(View v) {
    // Disable standard keyboard hard way
    // NOTE There is also an easy way:
    // 'edittext.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_NULL)' (but you will not have a
    // cursor, and no 'edittext.setCursorVisible(true)' doesn't work )
    edittext.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
            EditText edittext = (EditText) v;
            int inType = edittext.getInputType(); // Backup the input type
            edittext.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_NULL); // Disable standard
                                                        // keyboard
            edittext.onTouchEvent(event); // Call native handler
            edittext.setInputType(inType); // Restore input type
            return true; // Consume touch event
    // Disable spell check (hex strings look like words to Android)
            | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS);


Когда появится клавиатура, я анимирую вид, который содержит EditText, поэтому я думаю, вероятно, из-за анимации я получаю эту проблему.

Это мой код анимации

private void moveViewToScreenTop(View view) {
    TranslateAnimation anim = new TranslateAnimation(0, 0, 0,

Не могли бы вы, пожалуйста, помогите мне. Спасибо заранее.

1 ответ

Попробуйте это не лучший способ сделать это, но должны решить проблему

else if (primaryCode == CodeClear) {
        if (editable != null){
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