Аргумент функции, который преобразуется в ST Monad
Как я могу написать следующую функцию tt
, который в настоящее время имеет тип ошибки:
t :: Int
t = runST $ do
ref <- newSTRef 10
readSTRef ref
tt :: (STRef s a -> ST s a) -> Int
tt f = runST $ do
ref <- newSTRef 10
f ref
ttTest = tt readSTRef
Я думал что внутри runST
в tt
переменная состояния s
можно вставить в функцию f
, но следующая ошибка компилятора говорит мне, что я не прав:
transform.hs:50:3: Couldn't match type `s' with `s1' …
`s' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for tt :: (STRef s a -> ST s a) -> Int
at transform.hs:47:7
`s1' is a rigid type variable bound by
a type expected by the context: ST s1 Int
at transform.hs:48:8
Expected type: ST s1 Int
Actual type: ST s a
Relevant bindings include
ref :: STRef s1 a
(bound at transform.hs:49:3)
f :: STRef s a -> ST s a
(bound at transform.hs:48:4)
tt :: (STRef s a -> ST s a) -> Int
(bound at transform.hs:48:1)
In a stmt of a 'do' block: f ref
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`do { ref <- newSTRef 10;
f ref }'
transform.hs:50:3: Couldn't match type `a' with `Int' …
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for tt :: (STRef s a -> ST s a) -> Int
at transform.hs:47:7
Expected type: ST s1 Int
Actual type: ST s a
Relevant bindings include
ref :: STRef s1 a
(bound at transform.hs:49:3)
f :: STRef s a -> ST s a
(bound at transform.hs:48:4)
tt :: (STRef s a -> ST s a) -> Int
(bound at transform.hs:48:1)
In a stmt of a 'do' block: f ref
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`do { ref <- newSTRef 10;
f ref }'
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1 ответ
Ответ был выложен псевдоанонимно:
tt :: (forall s . STRef s Int -> ST s Int) -> Int