RabbitMQ после установки неудачно

Мы обновили RabbitMQ с версии 3.2.1-1 до версии 3.5.6-1.

In version 3.2.1-1:
We get these responses

    [root@]# rabbitmqctl list_vhosts
    Listing vhosts ...
    [root@]# rabbitmqctl list_queues
    Listing queues ...
    [root@]# rabbitmqctl list_users
    Listing users ...
    guest   [administrator]
    sensu   [sensu]

    In version 3.5.6-1:
    we get these responses:

    [root@]# rabbitmqctl list_queues
    Listing queues ...
    [root@]# rabbitmqctl list_vhosts
    Listing vhosts ...
    [root@]# rabbitmqctl list_users
    Listing users ...
    guest   [administrator]
    sensu   [sensu]  

Так что "... готово". был удален, однако, у соленой версии, которую мы теперь имеем, используется этот модуль: /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/salt/modules/rabbitmq.py

Который ищет "... сделано". и опускает его из ответа. Вот причина ошибок после установки (прилагается). Я попытался исправить сценарий Python и заменить его, однако, postinstall по-прежнему не удается.

Я пропустил шаг здесь? Почему замена файла исправлением не решила проблему, нужно ли перезапускать какой-либо сервис после замены скрипта python? Я также приложил оригинал и исправленный скрипт.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to provide RabbitMQ compatibility to Salt.
Todo: A lot, need to add cluster support, logging, and minion configuration
from __future__ import absolute_import

# Import python libs
import json
import logging
import random
import string

# Import salt libs
import salt.utils
import salt.utils.itertools
import salt.ext.six as six
from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError
from salt.ext.six.moves import range
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def __virtual__():
    Verify RabbitMQ is installed.
    return salt.utils.which('rabbitmqctl') is not None

def _format_response(response, msg):
    error = 'RabbitMQ command failed: {0}'.format(response)
    if isinstance(response, dict):
        if response['retcode'] != 0:
            raise CommandExecutionError(error)
            msg = response['stdout']
        if 'Error' in response:
            raise CommandExecutionError(error)
    return {
        msg: response

def _get_rabbitmq_plugin():
    Returns the rabbitmq-plugin command path if we're running an OS that
    doesn't put it in the standard /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
    This works by taking the rabbitmq-server version and looking for where it
    seems to be hidden in /usr/lib.
    rabbitmq = salt.utils.which('rabbitmq-plugins')

    if rabbitmq is None:
        version = __salt__['pkg.version']('rabbitmq-server').split('-')[0]

        rabbitmq = ('/usr/lib/rabbitmq/lib/rabbitmq_server-{0}'

    return rabbitmq

def _safe_output(line):
    Looks for rabbitmqctl warning, or general formatting, strings that aren't
    intended to be parsed as output.
    Returns a boolean whether the line can be parsed as rabbitmqctl output.
    return not any([
        line.startswith('Listing') and line.endswith('...'),
        '...done' in line,

def _strip_listing_to_done(output_list):
    Conditionally remove non-relevant first and last line,
    "Listing ..." - "...done".
    outputlist: rabbitmq command output split by newline
    return value: list, conditionally modified, may be empty.
    return [line for line in output_list if _safe_output(line)]

def _output_to_dict(cmdoutput, values_mapper=None):
    Convert rabbitmqctl output to a dict of data
    cmdoutput: string output of rabbitmqctl commands
    values_mapper: function object to process the values part of each line
    ret = {}
    if values_mapper is None:
        values_mapper = lambda string: string.split('\t')

    # remove first and last line: Listing ... - ...done
    data_rows = _strip_listing_to_done(cmdoutput.splitlines())

    for row in data_rows:
            key, values = row.split('\t', 1)
        except ValueError:
            # If we have reached this far, we've hit an edge case where the row
            # only has one item: the key. The key doesn't have any values, so we
            # set it to an empty string to preserve rabbitmq reporting behavior.
            # e.g. A user's permission string for '/' is set to ['', '', ''],
            # Rabbitmq reports this only as '/' from the rabbitmqctl command.
            log.debug('Could not find any values for key \'{0}\'. '
                      'Setting to \'{0}\' to an empty string.'.format(row))
            ret[row] = ''
        ret[key] = values_mapper(values)
    return ret

def list_users(runas=None):
    Return a list of users based off of rabbitmqctl user_list.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_users
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'list_users'],

    # func to get tags from string such as "[admin, monitoring]"
    func = lambda string: set([x.strip() for x in string[1:-1].split(',')])
    return _output_to_dict(res, func)

def list_vhosts(runas=None):
    Return a list of vhost based on rabbitmqctl list_vhosts.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_vhosts
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run']('rabbitmqctl list_vhosts -q',
    return res

def user_exists(name, runas=None):
    Return whether the user exists based on rabbitmqctl list_users.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.user_exists rabbit_user
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    user_list = list_users(runas=runas)

    return name in user_list

def vhost_exists(name, runas=None):
    Return whether the vhost exists based on rabbitmqctl list_vhosts.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.vhost_exists rabbit_host
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    return name in list_vhosts(runas=runas)

def add_user(name, password=None, runas=None):
    Add a rabbitMQ user via rabbitmqctl user_add <user> <password>

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.add_user rabbit_user password
    clear_pw = False

    if password is None:
        # Generate a random, temporary password. RabbitMQ requires one.
        clear_pw = True
        password = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(
            string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(15))

    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'add_user', name, password],

    if clear_pw:
        # Now, Clear the random password from the account, if necessary
        res2 = clear_password(name, runas)

        if 'Error' in res2:
            # Clearing the password failed. We should try to cleanup
            # and rerun and error.
            delete_user(name, runas)
            msg = 'Error'
            return _format_response(res2, msg)

    msg = 'Added'
    return _format_response(res, msg)

def delete_user(name, runas=None):
    Deletes a user via rabbitmqctl delete_user.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.delete_user rabbit_user
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'delete_user', name],
    msg = 'Deleted'

    return _format_response(res, msg)

def change_password(name, password, runas=None):
    Changes a user's password.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.change_password rabbit_user password
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'change_password', name, password],
    msg = 'Password Changed'

    return _format_response(res, msg)

def clear_password(name, runas=None):
    Removes a user's password.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.clear_password rabbit_user
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'clear_password', name],
    msg = 'Password Cleared'

    return _format_response(res, msg)

def check_password(name, password, runas=None):
    .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0

    Checks if a user's password is valid.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.check_password rabbit_user password
    # try to get the rabbitmq-version - adapted from _get_rabbitmq_plugin
        version = [int(i) for i in __salt__['pkg.version']('rabbitmq-server').split('-')[0].split('.')]
    except ValueError:
        version = (0, 0, 0)
    if len(version) < 3:
        version = (0, 0, 0)

    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()

    # rabbitmq introduced a native api to check a username and password in version 3.5.7.
    if tuple(version) >= (3, 5, 7):
        res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
            ['rabbitmqctl', 'authenticate_user', name, password],
        msg = 'password-check'
        return _format_response(res, msg)

    cmd = ('rabbit_auth_backend_internal:check_user_login'
        '(<<"{0}">>, [{{password, <<"{1}">>}}]).').format(
        name.replace('"', '\\"'),
        password.replace('"', '\\"'))

    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'eval', cmd],
    msg = 'password-check'

    _response = _format_response(res, msg)
    _key = _response.keys()[0]

    if 'invalid credentials' in _response[_key]:
        return False

    return True

def add_vhost(vhost, runas=None):
    Adds a vhost via rabbitmqctl add_vhost.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq add_vhost '<vhost_name>'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'add_vhost', vhost],

    msg = 'Added'
    return _format_response(res, msg)

def delete_vhost(vhost, runas=None):
    Deletes a vhost rabbitmqctl delete_vhost.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.delete_vhost '<vhost_name>'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'delete_vhost', vhost],
    msg = 'Deleted'
    return _format_response(res, msg)

def set_permissions(vhost, user, conf='.*', write='.*', read='.*', runas=None):
    Sets permissions for vhost via rabbitmqctl set_permissions

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.set_permissions 'myvhost' 'myuser'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'set_permissions', '-p',
         vhost, user, conf, write, read],
    msg = 'Permissions Set'
    return _format_response(res, msg)

def list_permissions(vhost, runas=None):
    Lists permissions for vhost via rabbitmqctl list_permissions

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_permissions '/myvhost'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'list_permissions', '-p', vhost],

    return _output_to_dict(res)

def list_user_permissions(name, runas=None):
    List permissions for a user via rabbitmqctl list_user_permissions

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_user_permissions 'user'.
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'list_user_permissions', name],

    return _output_to_dict(res)

def set_user_tags(name, tags, runas=None):
    '''Add user tags via rabbitmqctl set_user_tags

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.set_user_tags 'myadmin' 'administrator'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()

    if tags and isinstance(tags, (list, tuple)):
        tags = ' '.join(tags)

    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'set_user_tags', name, tags],
    msg = "Tag(s) set"
    return _format_response(res, msg)

def status(runas=None):
    return rabbitmq status

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.status
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'status'],
    return res

def cluster_status(runas=None):
    return rabbitmq cluster_status

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.cluster_status
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'cluster_status'],

    return res

def join_cluster(host, user='rabbit', ram_node=None, runas=None):
    Join a rabbit cluster

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.join_cluster 'rabbit.example.com' 'rabbit'
    cmd = ['rabbitmqctl', 'join_cluster']
    if ram_node:
    cmd.append('{0}@{1}'.format(user, host))

    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd, runas=runas, python_shell=False)

    return _format_response(res, 'Join')

def stop_app(runas=None):
    Stops the RabbitMQ application, leaving the Erlang node running.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.stop_app
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    return __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'stop_app'],

def start_app(runas=None):
    Start the RabbitMQ application.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.start_app
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    return __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'start_app'],

def reset(runas=None):
    Return a RabbitMQ node to its virgin state

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.reset
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    return __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'reset'],

def force_reset(runas=None):
    Forcefully Return a RabbitMQ node to its virgin state

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.force_reset
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    return __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'force_reset'],

def list_queues(runas=None, *args):
    Returns queue details of the / virtual host

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_queues messages consumers
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    cmd = ['rabbitmqctl', 'list_queues']
    return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd, runas=runas, python_shell=False)

def list_queues_vhost(vhost, runas=None, *args):
    Returns queue details of specified virtual host. This command will consider
    first parameter as the vhost name and rest will be treated as
    queueinfoitem. For getting details on vhost ``/``, use :mod:`list_queues
    <salt.modules.rabbitmq.list_queues>` instead).

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_queues messages consumers
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    cmd = ['rabbitmqctl', 'list_queues', '-p', vhost]
    return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd, runas=runas, python_shell=False)

def list_policies(vhost="/", runas=None):
    Return a dictionary of policies nested by vhost and name
    based on the data returned from rabbitmqctl list_policies.

    Reference: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ha.html

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_policies'
    ret = {}
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    output = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'list_policies', '-p', vhost],
    for line in salt.utils.itertools.split(output, '\n'):
        if '...' not in line:
            parts = line.split('\t')
            if len(parts) not in (5, 6):
            vhost, name = parts[0], parts[1]
            if vhost not in ret:
                ret[vhost] = {}
            ret[vhost][name] = {}
            # How many fields are there? - 'apply_to' was inserted in position
            # 2 at some point
            offset = len(parts) - 5
            if len(parts) == 6:
                ret[vhost][name]['apply_to'] = parts[2]
                'pattern': parts[offset+2],
                'definition': parts[offset+3],
                'priority': parts[offset+4]
    log.debug('Listing policies: {0}'.format(ret))
    return ret

def set_policy(vhost, name, pattern, definition, priority=None, runas=None):
    Set a policy based on rabbitmqctl set_policy.

    Reference: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ha.html

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.set_policy / HA '.*' '{"ha-mode":"all"}'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    if isinstance(definition, dict):
        definition = json.dumps(definition)
    if not isinstance(definition, six.string_types):
        raise SaltInvocationError(
            'The \'definition\' argument must be a dictionary or JSON string'
    cmd = ['rabbitmqctl', 'set_policy', '-p', vhost]
    if priority:
        cmd.extend(['--priority', priority])
    cmd.extend([name, pattern, definition])
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd, runas=runas, python_shell=False)
    log.debug('Set policy: {0}'.format(res))
    return _format_response(res, 'Set')

def delete_policy(vhost, name, runas=None):
    Delete a policy based on rabbitmqctl clear_policy.

    Reference: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ha.html

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.delete_policy / HA'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'clear_policy', '-p', vhost, name],
    log.debug('Delete policy: {0}'.format(res))
    return _format_response(res, 'Deleted')

def policy_exists(vhost, name, runas=None):
    Return whether the policy exists based on rabbitmqctl list_policies.

    Reference: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ha.html

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.policy_exists / HA
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    policies = list_policies(runas=runas)
    return bool(vhost in policies and name in policies[vhost])

def plugin_is_enabled(name, runas=None):
    Return whether the plugin is enabled.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.plugin_is_enabled foo
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    cmd = [_get_rabbitmq_plugin(), 'list', '-m', '-e']
    ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=False, runas=runas)
    if ret['retcode'] != 0:
        raise CommandExecutionError(
            'RabbitMQ command failed: {0}'.format(ret['stderr'])
    return bool(name in ret['stdout'])

def enable_plugin(name, runas=None):
    Enable a RabbitMQ plugin via the rabbitmq-plugins command.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.enable_plugin foo
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    cmd = [_get_rabbitmq_plugin(), 'enable', name]
    ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, runas=runas, python_shell=False)
    return _format_response(ret, 'Enabled')

def disable_plugin(name, runas=None):
    Disable a RabbitMQ plugin via the rabbitmq-plugins command.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.disable_plugin foo
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    cmd = [_get_rabbitmq_plugin(), 'disable', name]
    ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, runas=runas, python_shell=False)
    return _format_response(ret, 'Disabled')


def _strip_listing_to_done(output_list):
    Conditionally remove non-relevant first and last line,
    "Listing ..." - "...done".
    outputlist: rabbitmq command output split by newline
    return value: list, conditionally modified, may be empty.

    # conditionally remove non-relevant first line
    f_line = ''.join(output_list[:1])
    if f_line.startswith('Listing') and f_line.endswith('...'):

    # some versions of rabbitmq have no trailing '...done' line,
    # which some versions do not output.
    l_line = ''.join(output_list[-1:])
    if l_line == '...done':

    return output_list

Вот ошибка, которую я получаю:

[user@ ]$ sudo rabbitmqctl eval 'rabbit_auth_backend_internal:check_user_login(<<"user">>, [{password, <<"password">>}]).'
Error: {undef,

1 ответ

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to provide RabbitMQ compatibility to Salt.
Todo: A lot, need to add cluster support, logging, and minion configuration
from __future__ import absolute_import

# Import python libs
import json
import logging
import random
import string

# Import salt libs
import salt.utils
import salt.utils.itertools
import salt.ext.six as six
from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError
from salt.ext.six.moves import range
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def __virtual__():
    Verify RabbitMQ is installed.
    return salt.utils.which('rabbitmqctl') is not None

def _format_response(response, msg):
    error = 'RabbitMQ command failed: {0}'.format(response)
    if isinstance(response, dict):
        if response['retcode'] != 0:
            raise CommandExecutionError(error)
            msg = response['stdout']
        if 'Error' in response:
            raise CommandExecutionError(error)
    return {
        msg: response

def _get_rabbitmq_plugin():
    Returns the rabbitmq-plugin command path if we're running an OS that
    doesn't put it in the standard /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
    This works by taking the rabbitmq-server version and looking for where it
    seems to be hidden in /usr/lib.
    rabbitmq = salt.utils.which('rabbitmq-plugins')

    if rabbitmq is None:
        version = __salt__['pkg.version']('rabbitmq-server').split('-')[0]

        rabbitmq = ('/usr/lib/rabbitmq/lib/rabbitmq_server-{0}'

    return rabbitmq

def _safe_output(line):
    Looks for rabbitmqctl warning, or general formatting, strings that aren't
    intended to be parsed as output.
    Returns a boolean whether the line can be parsed as rabbitmqctl output.

    return not any([
        line.startswith('Listing') and line.endswith('...'),
        line.startswith('Listing') and '\t' not in line,
        '...done' in line,

def _strip_listing_to_done(output_list):
    Conditionally remove non-relevant first and last line,
    "Listing ..." - "...done".
    outputlist: rabbitmq command output split by newline
    return value: list, conditionally modified, may be empty.

    return [line for line in output_list if _safe_output(line)]

def _output_to_dict(cmdoutput, values_mapper=None):
    Convert rabbitmqctl output to a dict of data
    cmdoutput: string output of rabbitmqctl commands
    values_mapper: function object to process the values part of each line
    ret = {}
    if values_mapper is None:
        values_mapper = lambda string: string.split('\t')

    # remove first and last line: Listing ... - ...done
    # data_rows = _strip_listing_to_done(cmdoutput.splitlines())
    data_rows = cmdoutput.splitlines()

    for row in data_rows:
            key, values = row.split('\t', 1)
        except ValueError:
            # If we have reached this far, we've hit an edge case where the row
            # only has one item: the key. The key doesn't have any values, so we
            # set it to an empty string to preserve rabbitmq reporting behavior.
            # e.g. A user's permission string for '/' is set to ['', '', ''],
            # Rabbitmq reports this only as '/' from the rabbitmqctl command.
            log.debug('Could not find any values for key \'{0}\'. '
                      'Setting to \'{0}\' to an empty string.'.format(row))
            ret[row] = ''
        ret[key] = values_mapper(values)
    return ret

def list_users(runas=None):
    Return a list of users based off of rabbitmqctl user_list.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_users
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'list_users'],

    # func to get tags from string such as "[admin, monitoring]"
    func = lambda string: set([x.strip() for x in string[1:-1].split(',')])
    return _output_to_dict(res, func)

def list_vhosts(runas=None):
    Return a list of vhost based on rabbitmqctl list_vhosts.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_vhosts
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run']('rabbitmqctl list_vhosts -q',
    return res

def user_exists(name, runas=None):
    Return whether the user exists based on rabbitmqctl list_users.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.user_exists rabbit_user
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    user_list = list_users(runas=runas)

    return name in user_list

def vhost_exists(name, runas=None):
    Return whether the vhost exists based on rabbitmqctl list_vhosts.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.vhost_exists rabbit_host
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    return name in list_vhosts(runas=runas)

def add_user(name, password=None, runas=None):
    Add a rabbitMQ user via rabbitmqctl user_add <user> <password>

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.add_user rabbit_user password
    clear_pw = False

    if password is None:
        # Generate a random, temporary password. RabbitMQ requires one.
        clear_pw = True
        password = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(
            string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(15))

    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'add_user', name, password],

    if clear_pw:
        # Now, Clear the random password from the account, if necessary
        res2 = clear_password(name, runas)

        if 'Error' in res2:
            # Clearing the password failed. We should try to cleanup
            # and rerun and error.
            delete_user(name, runas)
            msg = 'Error'
            return _format_response(res2, msg)

    msg = 'Added'
    return _format_response(res, msg)

def delete_user(name, runas=None):
    Deletes a user via rabbitmqctl delete_user.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.delete_user rabbit_user
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'delete_user', name],
    msg = 'Deleted'

    return _format_response(res, msg)

def change_password(name, password, runas=None):
    Changes a user's password.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.change_password rabbit_user password
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'change_password', name, password],
    msg = 'Password Changed'

    return _format_response(res, msg)

def clear_password(name, runas=None):
    Removes a user's password.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.clear_password rabbit_user
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'clear_password', name],
    msg = 'Password Cleared'

    return _format_response(res, msg)

def check_password(name, password, runas=None):
    .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0

    Checks if a user's password is valid.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.check_password rabbit_user password
    # try to get the rabbitmq-version - adapted from _get_rabbitmq_plugin
        version = [int(i) for i in __salt__['pkg.version']('rabbitmq-server').split('-')[0].split('.')]
    except ValueError:
        version = (0, 0, 0)
    if len(version) < 3:
        version = (0, 0, 0)

    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()

    # rabbitmq introduced a native api to check a username and password in version 3.5.7.
    if tuple(version) >= (3, 5, 7):
        res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
            ['rabbitmqctl', 'authenticate_user', name, password],
        msg = 'password-check'
        return _format_response(res, msg)

    cmd = ('rabbit_auth_backend_internal:user_login_authentication'
        '(<<"{0}">>, [{{password, <<"{1}">>}}]).').format(
        name.replace('"', '\\"'),
        password.replace('"', '\\"'))

    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'eval', cmd],
    msg = 'password-check'

    _response = _format_response(res, msg)
    _key = _response.keys()[0]

    if 'invalid credentials' in _response[_key]:
        return False

    return True

def add_vhost(vhost, runas=None):
    Adds a vhost via rabbitmqctl add_vhost.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq add_vhost '<vhost_name>'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'add_vhost', vhost],

    msg = 'Added'
    return _format_response(res, msg)

def delete_vhost(vhost, runas=None):
    Deletes a vhost rabbitmqctl delete_vhost.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.delete_vhost '<vhost_name>'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'delete_vhost', vhost],
    msg = 'Deleted'
    return _format_response(res, msg)

def set_permissions(vhost, user, conf='.*', write='.*', read='.*', runas=None):
    Sets permissions for vhost via rabbitmqctl set_permissions

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.set_permissions 'myvhost' 'myuser'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'set_permissions', '-p',
         vhost, user, conf, write, read],
    msg = 'Permissions Set'
    return _format_response(res, msg)

def list_permissions(vhost, runas=None):
    Lists permissions for vhost via rabbitmqctl list_permissions

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_permissions '/myvhost'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'list_permissions', '-p', vhost],

    return _output_to_dict(res)

def list_user_permissions(name, runas=None):
    List permissions for a user via rabbitmqctl list_user_permissions

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_user_permissions 'user'.
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'list_user_permissions', name],

    return _output_to_dict(res)

def set_user_tags(name, tags, runas=None):
    '''Add user tags via rabbitmqctl set_user_tags

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.set_user_tags 'myadmin' 'administrator'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()

    if tags and isinstance(tags, (list, tuple)):
        tags = ' '.join(tags)

    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'set_user_tags', name, tags],
    msg = "Tag(s) set"
    return _format_response(res, msg)

def status(runas=None):
    return rabbitmq status

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.status
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'status'],
    return res

def cluster_status(runas=None):
    return rabbitmq cluster_status

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.cluster_status
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'cluster_status'],

    return res

def join_cluster(host, user='rabbit', ram_node=None, runas=None):
    Join a rabbit cluster

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.join_cluster 'rabbit.example.com' 'rabbit'
    cmd = ['rabbitmqctl', 'join_cluster']
    if ram_node:
    cmd.append('{0}@{1}'.format(user, host))

    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd, runas=runas, python_shell=False)

    return _format_response(res, 'Join')

def stop_app(runas=None):
    Stops the RabbitMQ application, leaving the Erlang node running.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.stop_app
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    return __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'stop_app'],

def start_app(runas=None):
    Start the RabbitMQ application.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.start_app
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    return __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'start_app'],

def reset(runas=None):
    Return a RabbitMQ node to its virgin state

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.reset
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    return __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'reset'],

def force_reset(runas=None):
    Forcefully Return a RabbitMQ node to its virgin state

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.force_reset
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    return __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'force_reset'],

def list_queues(runas=None, *args):
    Returns queue details of the / virtual host

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_queues messages consumers
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    cmd = ['rabbitmqctl', 'list_queues']
    return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd, runas=runas, python_shell=False)

def list_queues_vhost(vhost, runas=None, *args):
    Returns queue details of specified virtual host. This command will consider
    first parameter as the vhost name and rest will be treated as
    queueinfoitem. For getting details on vhost ``/``, use :mod:`list_queues
    <salt.modules.rabbitmq.list_queues>` instead).

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_queues messages consumers
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    cmd = ['rabbitmqctl', 'list_queues', '-p', vhost]
    return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd, runas=runas, python_shell=False)

def list_policies(vhost="/", runas=None):
    Return a dictionary of policies nested by vhost and name
    based on the data returned from rabbitmqctl list_policies.

    Reference: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ha.html

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.list_policies'
    ret = {}
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    output = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'list_policies', '-p', vhost],
    for line in salt.utils.itertools.split(output, '\n'):
        if '...' not in line:
            parts = line.split('\t')
            if len(parts) not in (5, 6):
            vhost, name = parts[0], parts[1]
            if vhost not in ret:
                ret[vhost] = {}
            ret[vhost][name] = {}
            # How many fields are there? - 'apply_to' was inserted in position
            # 2 at some point
            offset = len(parts) - 5
            if len(parts) == 6:
                ret[vhost][name]['apply_to'] = parts[2]
                'pattern': parts[offset+2],
                'definition': parts[offset+3],
                'priority': parts[offset+4]
    log.debug('Listing policies: {0}'.format(ret))
    return ret

def set_policy(vhost, name, pattern, definition, priority=None, runas=None):
    Set a policy based on rabbitmqctl set_policy.

    Reference: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ha.html

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.set_policy / HA '.*' '{"ha-mode":"all"}'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    if isinstance(definition, dict):
        definition = json.dumps(definition)
    if not isinstance(definition, six.string_types):
        raise SaltInvocationError(
            'The \'definition\' argument must be a dictionary or JSON string'
    cmd = ['rabbitmqctl', 'set_policy', '-p', vhost]
    if priority:
        cmd.extend(['--priority', priority])
    cmd.extend([name, pattern, definition])
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd, runas=runas, python_shell=False)
    log.debug('Set policy: {0}'.format(res))
    return _format_response(res, 'Set')

def delete_policy(vhost, name, runas=None):
    Delete a policy based on rabbitmqctl clear_policy.

    Reference: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ha.html

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.delete_policy / HA'
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    res = __salt__['cmd.run'](
        ['rabbitmqctl', 'clear_policy', '-p', vhost, name],
    log.debug('Delete policy: {0}'.format(res))
    return _format_response(res, 'Deleted')

def policy_exists(vhost, name, runas=None):
    Return whether the policy exists based on rabbitmqctl list_policies.

    Reference: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ha.html

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.policy_exists / HA
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    policies = list_policies(runas=runas)
    return bool(vhost in policies and name in policies[vhost])

def plugin_is_enabled(name, runas=None):
    Return whether the plugin is enabled.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.plugin_is_enabled foo
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    cmd = [_get_rabbitmq_plugin(), 'list', '-m', '-e']
    ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=False, runas=runas)
    if ret['retcode'] != 0:
        raise CommandExecutionError(
            'RabbitMQ command failed: {0}'.format(ret['stderr'])
    return bool(name in ret['stdout'])

def enable_plugin(name, runas=None):
    Enable a RabbitMQ plugin via the rabbitmq-plugins command.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.enable_plugin foo
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    cmd = [_get_rabbitmq_plugin(), 'enable', name]
    ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, runas=runas, python_shell=False)
    return _format_response(ret, 'Enabled')

def disable_plugin(name, runas=None):
    Disable a RabbitMQ plugin via the rabbitmq-plugins command.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' rabbitmq.disable_plugin foo
    if runas is None:
        runas = salt.utils.get_user()
    cmd = [_get_rabbitmq_plugin(), 'disable', name]
    ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, runas=runas, python_shell=False)
    return _format_response(ret, 'Disabled')
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