Ошибка компиляции JSP с использованием jspc-maven-plugin:2.0-alpha-3; класс не может быть преобразован в тип
Я столкнулся с проблемой с альфа-версией 2-0 jspc-maven-plugin во время компиляции JSP. Большинство моих JSP компилируются просто отлично, но есть некоторые, которые зависят от классов, содержащихся в зависимости JAR (dam_classes), которые я перечислил в моем POM:
Когда я запускаю пакет mvn -X и проверяю выходные данные отладки, я вижу следующее сообщение:
[ERROR] An error occurred at line: 31 in the jsp file: /custom/dam/environment/preferences/general/app_general_preferences.jsp
[ERROR] com.documentum.web.form.control cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] 28: <dmf:label nlsid="MSG_START_SECTION_HEADER"/></td>
[ERROR] 29: <td class="defaultcolumnspacer leftAlignment" valign="top" >: </td>
[ERROR] 30: <td class="leftAlignment" valign="top" style="padding-left: 10px">
[ERROR] 31: <dmf:datadropdownlist name="<%=AppGeneralPreferences.CONTROL_SECTIONS%>" tooltipnlsid="MSG_START_SECTION_HEADER" postfixassociatedlabelnlsid="MSG_START_SECTION_DESCRIPTION">
[ERROR] 32: <dmf:dataoptionlist>
[ERROR] 33: <dmf:option datafield="id" labeldatafield="label"/>
[ERROR] 34: </dmf:dataoptionlist>
Кажется, что он испытывает проблемы с поиском пакета com.documentum.web.form.control, даже если он явно находится в пути к классам (опять же, согласно выводу отладки):
[DEBUG] (f) classpathElements = [C: \ Users \ a392841 \ workspace \ eContent-damtop \ eContent-damtop-war \ target \ classes, C: \ Users \ a392841 \ workspace \ eContent-damtop \ eContent-damtop-war.... \ eContent-artifacts \ eContent-artifacts-common \ target \ fid_commons.jar, C: \ Users \ a392841 \ workspace \ eContent-damtop \ eContent-damtop-war.... \ eContent-артефакты \ eContent- artifacts-bof \ target \ eContent-bof-all.jar, C: \ Users \ a392841.m2 \ repository \ com \ fmr \ AP100141 \ com \ documentum \ dam_classes \ 6.7.2000.0038 \ dam_classes-6.7.2000.0038.jar,...
Я даже дважды проверил dam_classes-6.7.2000.0038.jar, чтобы убедиться, что он действительно содержит пакет и класс, на которые ссылается эта строка JSP.
Для справки вот библиотека JSP и связанная библиотека тегов, которая ссылается на класс.
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
<%@ page errorPage="/wdk/errorhandler.jsp" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/dmform_1_0.tld" prefix="dmf" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/dmformext_1_0.tld" prefix="dmfx" %>
<%@ page import="com.fmr.fwp.webtop.preferences.general.AppGeneralPreferences,
com.documentum.webcomponent.environment.preferences.general.GeneralPreferences" %>
<%@ page import="com.documentum.web.common.AccessibilityService" %>
<body class='contentBackground'>
<dmf:form autofocusneeded='true'>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
<td colspan="3" class="spacer" height="10"> </td>
<tr height="43">
<td class="fieldlabel rightAlignment nowrap" valign="top" scope="row" >
<% if (AccessibilityService.isAllAccessibilitiesEnabled())
{ %>
<dmf:button onclick="doNothing" src="icons/info.gif" tooltipnlsid="MSG_MESSAGE" runatclient="true"/>
<script type="text/javascript"> function doNothing(){ return false;} </script>
<% } %>
<dmf:label nlsid="MSG_START_SECTION_HEADER"/></td>
<td class="defaultcolumnspacer leftAlignment" valign="top" >: </td>
<td class="leftAlignment" valign="top" style="padding-left: 10px">
<dmf:datadropdownlist name="<%=AppGeneralPreferences.CONTROL_SECTIONS%>" tooltipnlsid="MSG_START_SECTION_HEADER" postfixassociatedlabelnlsid="MSG_START_SECTION_DESCRIPTION">
<dmf:option datafield="id" labeldatafield="label"/>
<dmf:label nlsid="MSG_START_SECTION_DESCRIPTION" cssclass="noteWithoutPadding"/>
<tr height="30"><td colspan=3><HR></td></tr>
<tr height="43">
<td class="fieldlabel rightAlignment" valign="top" scope="row" >
<dmf:label cssclass='fieldlabel' nlsid="MSG_CHOOSE_THEME_HEADER"/>
<td class="defaultcolumnspacer leftAlignment" valign="top" >: </td>
<td class="leftAlignment" valign="top" style="padding-left: 10px">
<dmf:datadropdownlist name="<%=AppGeneralPreferences.CONTROL_RESOURCE_FOLDERS%>" tooltipnlsid="MSG_CHOOSE_THEME_HEADER" postfixassociatedlabelnlsid="MSG_CHOOSE_THEME_DESCRIPTION">
<dmf:option datafield="value" labeldatafield="value"/>
<dmf:label nlsid="MSG_CHOOSE_THEME_DESCRIPTION" cssclass='noteWithoutPadding'/>
<tr><td colspan=3> </td></tr>
<dmf:panel name="displayHiddenObjectPanel">
<td colspan="3" class="spacer" height="20"> </td>
<td class="fieldlabel" align="right" valign="top" scope="row">
<dmf:label nlsid='MSG_SHOW_ALL_OBJECTS'/>
<td class="defaultcolumnspacer" align="left" valign="top"> </td>
<td align="left" valign="top">
<dmf:checkbox name='<%=AppGeneralPreferences.CONTROL_SHOW_ALL_OBJECTS_OPTION%>'
tooltipnlsid='MSG_ALL_OBJECTS'/><dmf:label nlsid='MSG_ALL_OBJECTS'/>
<dmf:panel name="displayHiddenObjectPanel">
<td colspan="3" class="spacer" height="20"> </td>
<td class="fieldlabel" align="right" valign="top" scope="row">
<dmf:label nlsid='MSG_SHOW_ALL_VERSIONS'/>
<td class="defaultcolumnspacer" align="left" valign="top"> </td>
<td align="left" valign="top">
<dmf:checkbox name='<%=AppGeneralPreferences.CONTROL_SHOW_ALL_VERSION_OPTION%>'
tooltipnlsid='MSG_ALL_VERSIONS'/><dmf:label nlsid='MSG_ALL_VERSIONS'/>
<tr><td colspan=3> </td></tr>
<dmf:panel name="enableDragDropPluginPanel">
<tr height="57">
<td class="fieldlabel rightAlignment nowrap" valign="top" scope="row" >
<dmf:label nlsid="MSG_DRAG_DROP_PLUGIN_OPTION"/>
<td class="defaultcolumnspacer leftAlignment" valign="top" >: </td>
<td class="leftAlignment" valign="top" style="padding-left: 10px">
<dmf:checkbox name='<%=AppGeneralPreferences.CONTROL_DRAG_DROP_PLUGIN_OPTION%>'
<dmf:label nlsid="MSG_DRAG_DROP_NOTE" cssclass='noteWithoutPadding'/>
<%--ole scan panel --%>
<dmf:panel name="oleScanPanel">
<td class="fieldlabel rightAlignment nowrap" valign="top" scope="row" >
<dmf:label nlsid="MSG_OLE_SCAN_ENABLE"/>
<td class="defaultcolumnspacer leftAlignment" valign="top" >: </td>
<td class="leftAlignment" valign="top" style="padding-left: 10px">
<dmf:checkbox name='<%=AppGeneralPreferences.CONTROL_OLE_SCAN_ENABLE%>'
tooltipnlsid="MSG_OLE_SCAN_ENABLE"/><dmf:label nlsid="MSG_OLE_SCAN_ENABLE_DESCRIPTION"/>
<dmf:label nlsid="MSG_OLE_SCAN_NOTE" cssclass='noteWithoutPadding'/>
<td class="fieldlabel rightAlignment nowrap" valign="top" scope="row">
<dmf:label cssclass="fieldlabel" nlsid="MSG_ACCESSIBILITY_OPTION"/>
<td class="defaultcolumnspacer leftAlignment" valign="top">: </td>
<td class="leftAlignment" valign="top" style="padding-left: 10px">
<dmf:checkbox name='<%=AppGeneralPreferences.CONTROL_ACCESSIBILITY_OPTION%>'
tooltipnlsid="MSG_ACCESSIBILITY_OPTION" postfixassociatedlabelnlsid="MSG_ACCESSIBILITY_OPTION_NOTE"/>
<dmf:label nlsid="MSG_ACCESSIBILITY_OPTION_NOTE" cssclass='noteWithoutPadding'/>
<dmf:panel name="restorePreferencesPanel">
<tr height="30">
<td colspan=3><HR></td>
<td class="defaultcolumnspacer leftAlignment" valign="top" colspan="2"></td>
<td class="leftAlignment" valign="top" style="padding-left: 10px">
<dmf:link name='restorePreferences' onclick="onClickRestorePreferences"
nlsid="MSG_RESTORE_PREFERENCES" postfixassociatedlabelnlsid="MSG_RESTORE_TO_DEFAULT_PREFERENCES" cssclass='miniButton'/>
TLD (фрагмент, применяемый к данному классу)
ID for the control. The ID is generated by the framework. You
can also set the ID in the JSP.
Sets the name for the control. Named controls are cached on the
server. Controls with the same name are automatically indexed.
Sets the currently selected value.
Sets whether the control is enabled.
Sets whether the control is rendered as visible or hidden.
Width of the data drop-down list control
Displays a query or recordset as a drop down list. Use the
dataoptionlist tag within datadropdownlist for databound values.
Use an option tag within datadropdownlist for static output. The DQL
query that is passed to the data provider has the following form:
query="select r_object_id, user_name from dm_user where user_name
like 'a%' "
A cascading style sheet rule enclosed in quotation marks; for
example: style="{COLOR: darkmagenta; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}"
Sets the cascading style sheet class that is used to format the control.
Sets the event that is fired when the control is changed by the
user. The onchange event handler cannot run on the client
(runatclient cannot be true). The onchange event is not handled
immediately. It is handled on the server only when the form is
submitted (for example, by an onclick event).
Sets the event that is fired when the user selects the control, such
as an option in a list. The onselect event is handled immediately,
either on the server (when runatclient=="false") or on the client
(when runatclient=="true").
Specifies that the event should run on the client, not the server.
The onchange event cannot run on the client.
Set to true to enable the control to accept focus.
Sets the string that will be displayed on browser mouseover.
Sets the NLS key to look up a localized tooltip string.
Enables (True) or disables (False) autocompletion on the control.
Default is True.
Key that is used to store the autocomplete list in the user
preferences. You can set the same ID on two text controls, for
example, if they share the same set of suggestions. If the control
has no ID specified, the ID will be generated based on the form
id and text control name, in the form consisting of
formid_controlid. For docbaseattribute controls that render a text
control, an ID is generated using the attribute name, for example,
keyword or title.
Number of matching suggestions to display to the user. Default
is 10.
Specified label NLS string is prefixed to the control's
existing title, helps accessibility users in obtaining
contextual information.
Specified label NLS string is postfixed to the control's
existing title, helps accessibility users in obtaining
contextual information.
Я чувствую, что исчерпал все и очень смущен тем, почему плагин JSPC не может найти упомянутый пакет, даже если он явно находится на пути к классам. Любые комментарии или отзывы будут с благодарностью. Я относительно новичок в Maven, но это первая настоящая головоломка, с которой я столкнулся.
Благодарю. -К