Connect iQ: общение внутри фоновой службы в поле данных

Я создаю поле данных Connect iQ для отображения данных, полученных из мобильного приложения Garmin Connect. Я создал фоновый сервис, в котором я хочу выполнять все свои коммуникации внутри, потому что иначе он не будет работать в поле данных. Я столкнулся с проблемой при инициализации прослушивателя подключений, и я получил сообщение "Неудачный вызов", хотя я включил игрушечный ящик. Ошибка выскакивает в функции onTemporalEvent, как отмечено в коде ниже.

using Toybox.WatchUi as Ui;
using Toybox.System as Sys;
using Toybox.Communications as Comm;

class CommListener extends Comm.ConnectionListener {

    function initialize() { 
        Sys.println("Communications initialized.");   


    function onComplete() {
        Sys.println( "Transmit Complete" );

    function onError() {
        Sys.println( "Transmit Failed" );

class BgbgServiceDelegate extends Toybox.System.ServiceDelegate {
    function initialize(){
        Sys.println("BgbgServiceDelegate initialized.");

    function onTemporalEvent() {

//--------Open connection and store the data received-----------------

        //This is where the error message occurs:
        var listener = new CommListener();

        Sys.println("onTemporalEvent: Exiting event.");
        //Return data to the main process. This is caught by onBackGroundData:



using Toybox.WatchUi as Ui;
using Toybox.Application as App;
using Toybox.Background;
using Toybox.System as Sys;
using Toybox.Communications as Comm;

class glucose_datafieldView extends Ui.SimpleDataField {

    // Set the label of the data field here.
    function initialize() {
        Sys.println("label initialized.");
        label = "Blood glucose";

    // The given info object contains all the current workout
    // information. Calculate a value and return it in this method.
    // Note that compute() and onUpdate() are asynchronous, and there is no
    // guarantee that compute() will be called before onUpdate().
    function compute(info) {
        // See Activity.Info in the documentation for available information.
        return 0.0;


using Toybox.Application as App;
using Toybox.Background;
using Toybox.System as Sys;
using Toybox.WatchUi as Ui;
using Toybox.Communications as Comm;

//Counter for testing:
var counter = 0;

//Our background sensor glucose value:
var sgvBGData = "none";
//We must check if the system can do backgrounding:
var canDoBG = false;
//Keys to the object store data:
var OSCOUNTER = "oscounter";
var OSDATA = "osdata";

class glucose_datafieldApp extends App.AppBase {

    function initialize() {

    // onStart() is called on application start up
    function onStart(state) {

    // onStop() is called when your application is exiting
    function onStop(state) {

    // Return the initial view of your application here
    function getInitialView() {
        //Register for temporal events if they are supported:
        if(Toybox.System has :ServiceDelegate) {
            Background.registerForTemporalEvent(new Time.Duration(5 * 60));
            Sys.println("System has bgs support. Registered for events every 5 minutes.");
        } else {
            Sys.println("****background not available on this device****");
        return [ new glucose_datafieldView() ];

    function onBackgroundData(data){
        Sys.println("onBackgroundData: sgvBGData received. Data = " + data);

    function getServiceDelegate(){
        return [new BgbgServiceDelegate()];


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