Как я могу реализовать GridDividerItemDecoration для RecyclerView с помощью GridLayoutManager и заголовка раздела, реализованного с помощью SpanSizeLookup?
Я использовал RecyclerView с GridLayoutManager вместе с заголовком раздела для Grid, реализованным с использованием SpanSizeLookup (путем увеличения размера диапазона для позиций заголовков в списке). Теперь, как я могу изменить GridDividerItemDecoration, чтобы он работал в этом случае. Прямо сейчас разделители находятся в случайных местах в GridView.
Мой код:
public class GridDividerItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {
private int mchildOffset;
private Drawable mHorizontalDivider;
private Drawable mVerticalDivider;
private int mNumColumns;
* Sole constructor. Takes in {@link Drawable} objects to be used as
* horizontal and vertical dividers.
* @param horizontalDivider A divider {@code Drawable} to be drawn on the
* rows of the grid of the RecyclerView
* @param verticalDivider A divider {@code Drawable} to be drawn on the
* columns of the grid of the RecyclerView
* @param numColumns The number of columns in the grid of the RecyclerView
public GridDividerItemDecoration(Drawable horizontalDivider, Drawable verticalDivider, int numColumns, int childOffset) {
mHorizontalDivider = horizontalDivider;
mVerticalDivider = verticalDivider;
mNumColumns = numColumns;
mchildOffset = childOffset;
* Draws horizontal and/or vertical dividers onto the parent RecyclerView.
* @param canvas The {@link Canvas} onto which dividers will be drawn
* @param parent The RecyclerView onto which dividers are being added
* @param state The current RecyclerView.State of the RecyclerView
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {
drawHorizontalDividers(canvas, parent);
drawVerticalDividers(canvas, parent);
* Determines the size and location of offsets between items in the parent
* RecyclerView.
* @param outRect The {@link Rect} of offsets to be added around the child view
* @param view The child view to be decorated with an offset
* @param parent The RecyclerView onto which dividers are being added
* @param state The current RecyclerView.State of the RecyclerView
public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {
super.getItemOffsets(outRect, view, parent, state);
boolean childIsInLeftmostColumn = (parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view) % mNumColumns) == 0;
if (!childIsInLeftmostColumn) {
outRect.left = mHorizontalDivider.getIntrinsicWidth();
boolean childIsInFirstRow = (parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view)) < mNumColumns;
if (!childIsInFirstRow) {
outRect.top = mVerticalDivider.getIntrinsicHeight();
* Adds horizontal dividers to a RecyclerView with a GridLayoutManager or its
* subclass.
* @param canvas The {@link Canvas} onto which dividers will be drawn
* @param parent The RecyclerView onto which dividers are being added
private void drawHorizontalDividers(Canvas canvas, RecyclerView parent) {
int childCount = parent.getChildCount();
int rowCount = childCount / mNumColumns;
int lastRowChildCount = childCount % mNumColumns;
for (int i = 1; i < mNumColumns; i++) {
int lastRowChildIndex;
if (i < lastRowChildCount) {
lastRowChildIndex = i + (rowCount * mNumColumns);
} else {
lastRowChildIndex = i + ((rowCount - 1) * mNumColumns);
View firstRowChild = parent.getChildAt(i);
View lastRowChild = parent.getChildAt(lastRowChildIndex);
int dividerTop = firstRowChild.getTop();
int dividerRight = firstRowChild.getLeft();
int dividerLeft = dividerRight - mHorizontalDivider.getIntrinsicWidth();
int dividerBottom = lastRowChild != null ? lastRowChild.getBottom() : -1;
mHorizontalDivider.setBounds(dividerLeft, dividerTop, dividerRight, dividerBottom);
* Adds vertical dividers to a RecyclerView with a GridLayoutManager or its
* subclass.
* @param canvas The {@link Canvas} onto which dividers will be drawn
* @param parent The RecyclerView onto which dividers are being added
private void drawVerticalDividers(Canvas canvas, RecyclerView parent) {
int childCount = parent.getChildCount();
int rowCount = childCount / mNumColumns;
int rightmostChildIndex;
for (int i = 1; i <= rowCount; i++) {
if (i == rowCount) {
rightmostChildIndex = parent.getChildCount() - 1;
} else {
rightmostChildIndex = (i * mNumColumns) + mNumColumns - 1;
View leftmostChild = parent.getChildAt(i * mNumColumns);
View rightmostChild = parent.getChildAt(rightmostChildIndex);
int dividerLeft = leftmostChild != null ? leftmostChild.getLeft() : -1;
int dividerBottom = leftmostChild != null ? leftmostChild.getTop() : -1;
int dividerTop = dividerBottom - mVerticalDivider.getIntrinsicHeight();
int dividerRight = rightmostChild != null ? rightmostChild.getRight() : -1;
if (dividerLeft != -1 || dividerRight != -1 || dividerBottom != -1) {
mVerticalDivider.setBounds(dividerLeft, dividerTop, dividerRight, dividerBottom);