Ошибка Gclient при синхронизации исходного кода Chromium в Windows11
Я выполнил все шаги по ссылкам ниже:
https://github.com/chromium/chromium/blob/main/docs/windows_build_instructions.md .
Мой компьютер:
версия Python — среда Python 2.7.18.
добавлен прокси http и https в cmd прокси, добавленный для Интернета
Текст ошибки:
F:\\src\>fetch --no-history chromium
Running: 'C:\\Users\\chenjia.vpython-root\\6f0bd1\\Scripts\\python.exe' 'F:\\tools\\depot_tools\\gclient.py' root
Running: 'C:\\Users\\chenjia.vpython-root\\6f0bd1\\Scripts\\python.exe' 'F:\\tools\\depot_tools\\gclient.py' config --spec 'solutions = \[
"name": "src",
"url": "https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git",
"managed": False,
"custom_deps": {},
"custom_vars": {},
Running: 'C:\\Users\\chenjia.vpython-root\\6f0bd1\\Scripts\\python.exe' 'F:\\tools\\depot_tools\\gclient.py' sync --no-history
Syncing projects: 100% ( 1/ 1) src
src (ERROR)
\[0:00:00\] Started.
\_______\_ running 'git init F:\\src\\src' in 'F:\\src'
\[0:00:46\] Initialized empty Git repository in F:/src/src/.git/
\[0:00:46\] hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
\[0:00:46\] hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
\[0:00:46\] hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
\[0:00:46\] hint:
\[0:00:46\] hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch \<name\>
\[0:00:46\] hint:
\[0:00:46\] hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
\[0:00:46\] hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
\[0:00:46\] hint:
\[0:00:46\] hint: git branch -m \<name\>
\[0:03:22\] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src
\[0:03:22\] \* \[new branch\] main -\> origin/main
\[0:03:22\] Finished running: git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD
\[0:04:29\] Finished running: git checkout --quiet e65978e5fe7efcea360a085026e636bf7f0a3f3e
\[0:04:29\] Finished running: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref=strict HEAD
\[0:04:29\] Checked out e65978e5fe7efcea360a085026e636bf7f0a3f3e to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits
in this repo, you should use 'git checkout \<branch\>' to switch
to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b \<branch\>' to
create a new branch for your work.
\[0:04:29\] Finished running: git -c core.quotePath=false ls-files
\[0:04:30\] Finished running: git rev-parse --verify HEAD
\[0:04:30\] Finished running: git rev-parse HEAD
Error: 1\> Wrong keys 'git_dependencies' in {'vars': {'build_with_chromium': True, 'checkout_configuration': 'default', 'checkout_android': False, 'checkout_fuchsia': False, 'checkout_fuchsia_internal': False, 'checkout_fuchsia_internal_images': '', 'checkout_fuchsia_no_hooks': False, 'checkout_android_prebuilts_build_tools': False,
'src/third_party/depot_tools/gsutil.py', '-q', '-m', 'rsync', 'gs://aom-test-data', 'src/third_party/libaom/testdata'\]}\], 'recursedeps': \['src/third_party/angle', 'src/third_party/dawn', 'src/third_party/devtools-frontend-internal', 'src/third_party/openscreen/src', 'src/third_party/vulkan-deps', 'src/third_party/devtools-frontend/src', 'src/clank', 'src/chromeos/assistant/internal', 'src/components/optimization_guide/internal', 'src/ios_internal'\]}
Subprocess failed with return code 1.
Я очистил весь загруженный код и много раз пытался «получить хром, синхронизировать gclient». Все равно не работает, та же ошибка, плачу...