Команда "Справка" FormFlow и команда "Справка" для обработчиков Scorables/GlobalMessage

Когда диалог находится внутри FormFlow и пользователь вводит "Справка", в настоящее время "Справка" по глобальным обработчикам сообщений Scorables берет на себя управление. Я хотел бы, чтобы команда FormFlows "Справка" находилась внутри формы, а команда "Помочь" Scorables - только в других разговорах. Есть ли способ добиться этого?

protected override async Task PostAsync(IActivity item, string state, 
CancellationToken token) 
     var message = item as IMessageActivity; 

     if (message != null) 
          var helpDialog = new HelpDialog(); 
          var interruption = helpDialog.Void<object, IMessageActivity>(); 
          this.task.Call(interruption, null); 
          await this.task.PollAsync(token); 

public class HelpDialog : IDialog<object>
    public async Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context)

        var userHelpMessage = "You have reached Help Section.\n"
                               + StaticMessages.HelpMessage
                               + "\n Your previous conversation is active 
         and you can return to prior dialog by typing 'Back' or 'Return'.";

        await context.PostAsync(userHelpMessage);


    private async Task MessageReceived(IDialogContext context, 
    IAwaitable<IMessageActivity> result)
        var message = await result;

        var incomingMessage = message.Text.ToLowerInvariant();

        if ((incomingMessage != null) && (incomingMessage.Trim().Length > 0))
        else if (incomingMessage.Equals("return", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
        else if (incomingMessage.Equals("back", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
            context.Fail(new Exception("Message was not a string or was an empty string."));

[Сериализуемый] открытый класс BuildARCollRaiseDisputeForm {

    //Custom Form Builder for custom yes options
    BuildCustomForm customForm = new BuildCustomForm();
    ARCollRaiseDisputeQuery disputeQuery = new ARCollRaiseDisputeQuery();

    public IForm<ARCollRaiseDisputeQuery> BuildARCollRaiseDisputeForms()

        IForm<ARCollRaiseDisputeQuery> form;

        OnCompletionAsyncDelegate<ARCollRaiseDisputeQuery> processARCollRaiseDisputeSave = async (context, state) =>
            var message = $"Saving your dispute reason against this Invoice. ";

            await context.PostAsync(message);

        var builder = customForm.CreateCustomForm<ARCollRaiseDisputeQuery>()

                    validate: async(state, value) => await ValidatePymtDisputeReason(state, value)

                    active: state =>  ActiveDisputeItemReason(state)

                    active: ActiveDisputeShipmentReason

                    active: ActiveDisputeInvoicingReason

            .Field(new FieldReflector<ARCollRaiseDisputeQuery>(nameof(disputeQuery.OtherPymtDisputeReason))
                .SetActive(state => ActiveOtherPymtDisputeReason(state))
                .SetPrompt(new PromptAttribute("Do you have any custom message to my team for non-payment for this Invoice? If yes, then please type and send as single message."))
                .SetValidate(async (state, value) => await ValidateOtherPymtDisputeReason(state, value))

            .Confirm("I have the following reasons for raising dispute against this Invoice and I am ready to submit your message. {BODISPUTEREASONOPTIONS}  Shall I go ahead? ")
            .Message("Thank you");

        form = builder.Build();

        return form;



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