Как автоматически генерировать свойства в классе
Цель состоит в том, чтобы автоматически построить полный путь + строку имени с указанием пути и имени файла.
Исправлено: спасибо @Patrick Haugh.
Следующий код не работает
mySource = cls_Source_file.Source_file( )
mySource.file_path = "/Volumes/aqua/data/"
mySource.file_name = "short.rst"
print( "mySource.path_name = %s", mySource.path_name )
$ python laboratory.py
self._path_name = self._file_path + self._file_name
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'
Определение класса в laboratory.py
class Source_file( object ):
def __init__(self):
self._file_name = None
self._file_path = None
self._path_name = None
def file_name( self ):
"""Name of source file."""
print( "getter of file_name called: self._file_name = ", self._file_name )
return self._file_name
def file_path( self ):
"""Path (absolute) to source file."""
print( "getter of file_path called: self._file_path = ", self._file_path )
return self._file_path
def path_name( self ): # https://stackru.com/questions/10381967/how-does-the-python-setter-decorator-work
"""File path and name."""
print( "getter of file_path called: self._path_name = ", self._path_name )
return self._path_name
def file_name( self, value ):
print("setter of _file_name called: self._file_name = ", value )
self._file_name = value
def file_path( self, value ):
print("setter of _file_path called: self._file_path = ", value )
self._file_path = value
def file_path( self, value ):
self._path_name = self._file_path + self._file_name
print("setter of _file_path called: self._file_path = ", self._path_name )
sys.python = '3.7.0 (default, Jun 28 2018, 07:39:16) \n[Clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)]'
Как добавить path_name = file_path + file_name