Проблема, связанная с событиями обстрела в узле JS

var events = require('events');

const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const tokenbalance = require('./tokenbalance')

//const accCollection = require('../models/account.js');
const keythereum = require("keythereum");
const request = require("request");
const Web3 = require('web3');
const Tx = require('ethereumjs-tx');
const config = require('../../config');
const log = require('log4js').getLogger("tokenadmin");
var erc20Abi = [
  "constant": true,
  "inputs": [],
  "name": "name",
  "outputs": [
    "name": "",
    "type": "string"
  "payable": false,
  "stateMutability": "view",
  "type": "function"
  "constant": false,
  "inputs": [
    "name": "_spender",
    "type": "address"
    "name": "_value",
    "type": "uint256"
  "name": "approve",
  "outputs": [
    "name": "success",
    "type": "bool"
  "payable": false,
  "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
  "type": "function"
  "constant": true,
  "inputs": [],
  "name": "totalSupply",
  "outputs": [
    "name": "",
    "type": "uint256"
  "payable": false,
  "stateMutability": "view",
  "type": "function"
  "constant": false,
  "inputs": [
    "name": "_from",
    "type": "address"
    "name": "_to",
    "type": "address"
    "name": "_value",
    "type": "uint256"
  "name": "transferFrom",
  "outputs": [
    "name": "success",
    "type": "bool"
  "payable": false,
  "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
  "type": "function"
  "constant": true,
  "inputs": [],
  "name": "decimals",
  "outputs": [
    "name": "",
    "type": "uint8"
  "payable": false,
  "stateMutability": "view",
  "type": "function"
  "constant": true,
  "inputs": [],
  "name": "version",
  "outputs": [
    "name": "",
    "type": "string"
  "payable": false,
  "stateMutability": "view",
  "type": "function"
  "constant": true,
  "inputs": [
    "name": "_owner",
    "type": "address"
  "name": "balanceOf",
  "outputs": [
    "name": "balance",
    "type": "uint256"
  "payable": false,
  "stateMutability": "view",
  "type": "function"
  "constant": true,
  "inputs": [],
  "name": "symbol",
  "outputs": [
    "name": "",
    "type": "string"
  "payable": false,
  "stateMutability": "view",
  "type": "function"
  "constant": false,
  "inputs": [
    "name": "_to",
    "type": "address"
    "name": "_value",
    "type": "uint256"
  "name": "transfer",
  "outputs": [
    "name": "success",
    "type": "bool"
  "payable": false,
  "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
  "type": "function"
  "constant": false,
  "inputs": [
    "name": "_spender",
    "type": "address"
    "name": "_value",
    "type": "uint256"
    "name": "_extraData",
    "type": "bytes"
  "name": "approveAndCall",
  "outputs": [
    "name": "success",
    "type": "bool"
  "payable": false,
  "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
  "type": "function"
  "constant": true,
  "inputs": [
    "name": "_owner",
    "type": "address"
    "name": "_spender",
    "type": "address"
  "name": "allowance",
  "outputs": [
    "name": "remaining",
    "type": "uint256"
  "payable": false,
  "stateMutability": "view",
  "type": "function"
  "inputs": [],
  "payable": false,
  "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
  "type": "constructor"
  "payable": false,
  "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
  "type": "fallback"
  "anonymous": false,
  "inputs": [
    "indexed": true,
    "name": "_from",
    "type": "address"
    "indexed": true,
    "name": "_to",
    "type": "address"
    "indexed": false,
    "name": "_value",
    "type": "uint256"
  "name": "Transfer",
  "type": "event"
  "anonymous": false,
  "inputs": [
    "indexed": true,
    "name": "_owner",
    "type": "address"
    "indexed": true,
    "name": "_spender",
    "type": "address"
    "indexed": false,
    "name": "_value",
    "type": "uint256"
  "name": "Approval",
  "type": "event"
const Abiarray = erc20Abi;
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(config.rpcURL));

//event Transfer(myAddress,toAddress,amount);

let Tokenadmin ={
    tokenadmin :function(toAddress,myAddress,amount,contractAddress,callback) {
  //set from address,to address and token amount
  let tokena = web3.eth.contract(Abiarray).at(contractAddress);
  // console.log(tokena);

  amount1 = web3.toHex(amount)//To convert any given value to HEX
        console.log("Amount to transfer" +amount)
        tokena.balanceOf.call(myAddress, function (err, balance) {

         console.log("BALNCE B4 TRANSFER" +balance);
   tokena.balanceOf.call(toAddress,function(err,result) {
    console.log("BALANCE B4 TRANSFER OF TOADDRESS"+result);
        var privatekey = new Buffer('cc479124b293d2abd98ea4a57f2670ef7671c90d1eaa382258618d23440b12c2', 'hex')

        // //To get nonce
        // get transaction count, later will used as nonce
        web3.eth.getTransactionCount(myAddress,function(err,v) {
   var count = v;
       console.log(toAddress,"aaaaaaaaaa", amount);
        var rawTransaction = {"from":myAddress, 
                              "gasPrice":web3.toHex(2 * 1e9),
                              "to": contractAddress,
                              //"data" :tokena,
                              "data" : tokena.transfer.getData(toAddress,amount1),
         "chainid" : "0x04"
        var transaction = new Tx(rawTransaction);
  let serializedTx = transaction.serialize();

        web3.eth.sendRawTransaction('0x' + serializedTx.toString('hex'), function(err, hash) {
            if (!err){
    //filter.emit('Transfer','Event emitted')
    return callback ({hash:hash})

   let filter =web3.eth.filter('Transfer',{fromBlock:2383351,toBlock:'latest'})
   console.log("Filter" +filter);
       // watch for changes
            filter.watch(function(error, result){
         if (!error)


        tokena.balanceOf.call(myAddress, function (err, balance) {

            console.log("BALANCE AFTER "+balance);

  module.exports =Tokenadmin;

Я хочу использовать событие Transfer(контракт erc20) в моем js-файле, чтобы получить детали транзакции для получения подробных данных о транзакции передачи токена. Я передал abi контракта токена erc20 в коде js. Также работает функция передачи. Для передачи события я попытался использовать 1).getpastevents, 2).watch, 3).allevents 4).web3.eth.filter в своем коде js узла. В любом случае я мог видеть журнал событий в myetherscan. Также событие переноса есть в договоре erc20 abi. Но не смог увидеть журнал событий передачи в моей консоли и почтальоне.

Кто-нибудь может помочь решить эту проблему?

1 ответ

Я разобрал проблему. Это потому, что Infura не поддерживает события и фильтры. Так что я использовал другой метод, использующий web3, чтобы решить эту проблему. И, наконец, получил решение. Спасибо! Ана

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