Запрос Python Mysql через хранилище запросов для B3 (BigBrotherBot)
Я пытаюсь получить данные MysqlDatabase из заданной базы данных (сопоставление). Когда я вызываю команду !maprating, я получаю следующую ошибку:
230205 14:19:09 DEBUG 'AdminPlugin: команда обработки !maprating'230205 14:19:09 VERBOSE "Отправка RCON (" 0 ^3: ^8[pm]^7 ^7Произошла ошибка обработка вашей команды» 230205 14:19:09 ОШИБКА «Обработчик AdminPlugin не может обработать событие Скажите: AttributeError: объект «Курсор» не имеет атрибута «fetchone»
Это код, который я использую для запроса сопоставления. Это должно дать мне средний рейтинг карт.
Важный! синтаксис Python должен быть для Python 2.7.*, поскольку бот B3 может работать только с этой версией Python.
def cmd_maprating(self, data, client, cmd=None):
map_name = self.console.game.mapName
query = "SELECT map_name, SUM(rating) AS total_rating FROM mapratings WHERE map_name = %s GROUP BY map_name"
cursor = self.console.storage.query(query, (map_name,))
if cursor.rowcount == 0:
client.message("No ratings for map %s" % map_name)
result = cursor.fetchone()
client.message("Map %s has a total rating of %d" % (result['map_name'], result['total_rating']))
** Вот полный код. **
import os
import sys
import b3
import b3.events
import b3.plugin
class MapratingPlugin(b3.plugin.Plugin):
def onLoadConfig(self):
self.rated_players = {}
self.map_ratings = {}
def onStartup(self):
self._adminPlugin = self.console.getPlugin('admin')
if self._adminPlugin:
self._adminPlugin.registerCommand(self, 'rategood', 0, self.cmd_rategood)
self._adminPlugin.registerCommand(self, 'ratebad', 0, self.cmd_ratebad)
self._adminPlugin.registerCommand(self, 'maprating', 0, self.cmd_maprating)
def is_rated(self, client, map_name):
cursor = self.console.storage.query("""
SELECT rating FROM mapratings WHERE guid = %s AND map_name = %s
""", (client.guid, map_name))
if cursor.rowcount:
return (True, cursor.getRow()['rating'])
return (False, 0)
def add_rating(self, client, map_name, rating):
INSERT INTO mapratings (guid, player_name, map_name, rating)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
""", (client.guid, client.name, map_name, rating))
def update_rating(self, client, map_name, rating):
UPDATE mapratings SET rating = %s WHERE guid = %s AND map_name = %s
""", (rating, client.guid, map_name))
def cmd_rategood(self, data, client, cmd=None):
map_name = self.console.game.mapName
(is_rated, existing_rating) = self.is_rated(client, map_name)
rating = 1
if is_rated:
if existing_rating == rating:
client.message('You have already rated this map as good')
self.update_rating(client, map_name, rating)
client.message('Map %s rated as good by you' % map_name)
self.add_rating(client, map_name, rating)
client.message('Map %s rated as good by you' % map_name)
def cmd_ratebad(self, data, client, cmd=None):
map_name = self.console.game.mapName
(is_rated, existing_rating) = self.is_rated(client, map_name)
rating = -1
if is_rated:
if existing_rating == rating:
client.message('You have already rated this map as bad')
self.update_rating(client, map_name, rating)
client.message('Map %s rated as bad by you' % map_name)
self.add_rating(client, map_name, rating)
client.message('Map %s rated as bad by you' % map_name)
def cmd_maprating(self, data, client, cmd=None):
map_name = self.console.game.mapName
query = "SELECT map_name, SUM(rating) AS total_rating FROM mapratings WHERE map_name = %s GROUP BY map_name"
cursor = self.console.storage.query(query, (map_name,))
if cursor.rowcount == 0:
client.message("No ratings for map %s" % map_name)
result = cursor.fetchone()
client.message("Map %s has a total rating of %d" % (result['map_name'], result['total_rating']))