Как создать последовательный PyQt4.QtCore.QIODevice с такими свойствами?
Пожалуйста, покажите мне пример, как создать - PyQt4.QtCore.QIODevice
с последовательным доступом. Это должно быть QIODevice, как это:
printing - isinstance(data, QIODevice) : True
printing - data.isSequential(): True
printing - data.isTextModeEnabled(): False
printing - data.dumpObjectTree(): None
printing - data.__weakref__: None
printing - data.__class__: <class 'PyQt4.QtCore.QIODevice'>
printing - data.__dict__: {}
printing - data.__doc__': QIODevice()
printing - data.__format__': <built-in method __format__ of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
printing - data.'__reduce__': <built-in method __reduce__ of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
printing - data.'__reduce_ex__': <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
печать dir(данные)
печать - ['Append', 'NotOpen', 'OpenMode', 'OpenModeFlag', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite', 'Text', 'Truncate', 'Unbuffered', 'WriteOnly', ' class ', ' delattr ', ' dict ', ' doc ', ' format ', ' getattr ', ' getattribute ', ' hash ', ' init ', ' module ', ' new ', ' Reduce ', ' Reduce_ex ', ' Repr ', ' setattr ',' sizeof ',' str ',' subclasshook ',' weakref ',' aboutToClose ',' atEnd ',' blockSignals ',' bytesAvailable ',' bytesToWrite ',' bytesWritten ',' canReadLine ',' childEvent ', 'children', 'close', 'connect', 'connectNotify', 'customEvent', 'deleteLater', 'destroy', 'disconnect', 'disconnectNotify', 'dumpObjectInfo', 'dumpObjectTree', 'dynamicPropertyNames', 'emit', 'errorString', 'event', 'eventFilter', 'findChild', 'findChildren', 'getChar', 'водит', 'installEventFilter', 'isOpen', 'isReadable', 'isSequential', 'isTextModeEnabled', 'isWidgetType', 'isWritable', 'killTimer', 'metaObject', 'moveToThread', 'objectName', 'open', 'openMode', 'parent', 'peek', 'pos', 'property', ' Putchar', 'pyqtConfigure', 'read', 'readAll', 'readChannelFinished', 'readData', 'readLine', 'readLineData', 'readyRead', 'receivers', 'removeEventFilter', 'reset', 'seek', 'sender', 'senderSignalIndex', 'setErrorString', 'setObjectName', 'setOpenMode', 'setParent', 'setProperty', 'setTextModeEnabled', 'signalBlocked', 'size', 'startTimer', 'staticMetaObject, thread', 'timerEvent', 'tr', 'trUtf8', 'ungetChar', 'waitForBytesWritten', 'waitForReadyRead', 'write', 'writeData']
Print all properties:
obj.Append = 4
obj.NotOpen = 0
obj.OpenMode = <class 'PyQt4.QtCore.OpenMode'>
obj.OpenModeFlag = <class 'PyQt4.QtCore.OpenModeFlag'>
obj.ReadOnly = 1
obj.ReadWrite = 3
obj.Text = 16
obj.Truncate = 8
obj.Unbuffered = 32
obj.WriteOnly = 2
obj.__class__ = <class 'PyQt4.QtCore.QIODevice'>
obj.__delattr__ = <method-wrapper '__delattr__' of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.__dict__ = {}
obj.__doc__ = QIODevice()
obj.__format__ = <built-in method __format__ of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.__getattr__ = <built-in method __getattr__ of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper '__getattribute__' of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.__hash__ = <method-wrapper '__hash__' of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.__init__ = <method-wrapper '__init__' of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.__module__ = PyQt4.QtCore
obj.__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of sip.wrappertype object at 0x5F4232B0>
obj.__reduce__ = <built-in method __reduce__ of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.__repr__ = <method-wrapper '__repr__' of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.__setattr__ = <method-wrapper '__setattr__' of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.__sizeof__ = <built-in method __sizeof__ of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.__str__ = <method-wrapper '__str__' of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.__subclasshook__ = <built-in method __subclasshook__ of PyQt4.QtCore.pyqtWrapperType object at 0x02386968>
obj.__weakref__ = None
obj.aboutToClose = <bound signal aboutToClose of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.atEnd = <built-in method atEnd of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.blockSignals = <built-in method blockSignals of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.bytesAvailable = <built-in method bytesAvailable of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.bytesToWrite = <built-in method bytesToWrite of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.bytesWritten = <bound signal bytesWritten of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.canReadLine = <built-in method canReadLine of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.childEvent = <built-in method childEvent of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.children = <built-in method children of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.close = <built-in method close of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.connect = <built-in method connect of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.connectNotify = <built-in method connectNotify of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.customEvent = <built-in method customEvent of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.deleteLater = <built-in method deleteLater of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.destroyed = <bound signal destroyed of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.disconnect = <built-in method disconnect of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.disconnectNotify = <built-in method disconnectNotify of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.dumpObjectInfo = <built-in method dumpObjectInfo of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.dumpObjectTree = <built-in method dumpObjectTree of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.dynamicPropertyNames = <built-in method dynamicPropertyNames of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.emit = <built-in method emit of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.errorString = <built-in method errorString of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.event = <built-in method event of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.eventFilter = <built-in method eventFilter of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.findChild = <built-in method findChild of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.findChildren = <built-in method findChildren of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.getChar = <built-in method getChar of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.inherits = <built-in method inherits of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.installEventFilter = <built-in method installEventFilter of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.isOpen = <built-in method isOpen of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.isReadable = <built-in method isReadable of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.isSequential = <built-in method isSequential of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.isTextModeEnabled = <built-in method isTextModeEnabled of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.isWidgetType = <built-in method isWidgetType of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.isWritable = <built-in method isWritable of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.killTimer = <built-in method killTimer of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.metaObject = <built-in method metaObject of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.moveToThread = <built-in method moveToThread of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.objectName = <built-in method objectName of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.open = <built-in method open of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.openMode = <built-in method openMode of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.parent = <built-in method parent of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.peek = <built-in method peek of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.pos = <built-in method pos of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.property = <built-in method property of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.putChar = <built-in method putChar of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.pyqtConfigure = <built-in method pyqtConfigure of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.read = <built-in method read of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.readAll = <built-in method readAll of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.readChannelFinished = <bound signal readChannelFinished of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.readData = <built-in method readData of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.readLine = <built-in method readLine of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.readLineData = <built-in method readLineData of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.readyRead = <bound signal readyRead of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.receivers = <built-in method receivers of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.removeEventFilter = <built-in method removeEventFilter of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.reset = <built-in method reset of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.seek = <built-in method seek of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.sender = <built-in method sender of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.senderSignalIndex = <built-in method senderSignalIndex of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.setErrorString = <built-in method setErrorString of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.setObjectName = <built-in method setObjectName of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.setOpenMode = <built-in method setOpenMode of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.setParent = <built-in method setParent of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.setProperty = <built-in method setProperty of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.setTextModeEnabled = <built-in method setTextModeEnabled of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.signalsBlocked = <built-in method signalsBlocked of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.size = <built-in method size of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.startTimer = <built-in method startTimer of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.staticMetaObject = <PyQt4.QtCore.QMetaObject object at 0x02C4E330>
obj.thread = <built-in method thread of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.timerEvent = <built-in method timerEvent of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.tr = <built-in method tr of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.trUtf8 = <built-in method trUtf8 of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.ungetChar = <built-in method ungetChar of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.waitForBytesWritten = <built-in method waitForBytesWritten of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.waitForReadyRead = <built-in method waitForReadyRead of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.write = <built-in method write of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
obj.writeData = <built-in method writeData of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>