Стили интеграции корпоративных приложений в 2023 году?
Согласно книге «Шаблоны интеграции предприятия», написанной в 2003 году: были упомянуты следующие четыре стиля интеграции:
1. File Transfer — One application writes a file that another later reads. The applications
need to agree on the filename and location, the format of the file, the timing of when it
will be written and read, and who will delete the file.
2. Shared Database — Multiple applications share the same database schema, located in a
single physical database. Because there is no duplicate data storage, no data has to be
transferred from one application to the other.
3. Remote Procedure Invocation — One application exposes some of its functionality so that it
can be accessed remotely by other applications as a remote procedure. The
communication occurs real-time and synchronously.
4. Messaging — One applications publishes a message to a common message channel. Other
applications can read the message from the channel at a later time. The applications must agree on a channel as well as the format of the message. The communication is
В 2023 году; Это то же самое или больше стилей было добавлено до этого года? Какую соответствующую тему можно искать? Также могу ли я считать, что «Служба отдыха и мыла» относится к удаленному вызову процедур?