ошибки при выполнении модульных тестов из-за slf4j

недавно мы перешли с log4j на slf4j и добавили зависимости для slf4j в файл конфигурации, но пока я пытаюсь запустить свои модульные тесты, я получаю сообщение об ошибке SLF4J: провайдеры SLF4J не найдены. SLF4J: по умолчанию используется реализация регистратора отсутствия операций (NOP) SLF4J: дополнительные сведения см. на странице http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#noProviders .SLF4J: путь к классу содержит привязки SLF4J, предназначенные для версий slf4j-api до 1.8.SLF4J: игнорирование привязки, найденной в [jar:file:/Users/divrath/brazil-pkg-cache/packages/Log4j-slf4j/Log4j-slf4j-2.x.427467.0/AL2012/DEV.STD.PTHREAD/build/lib/Log4j-slf4j-2.x.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]SLF4J: объяснение см. на http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#ignoredBindings .

Я попытался добавить зависимости, необходимые для Slf4j, следуя документу, но проблема все еще сохраняется. ниже мой файл конфигурации

      package.ATROPSCore = {
    interfaces = (1.0);
    deploy = {
        generic = true;
    scope = transportation;

    dependencies = {
        1.0 = {
            AmazonCommons-util = 1.2;
            AmazonDayCheckoutAspectTypes = 1.0;
            AmazonTypesJava = 1.0;
            ATROPSEncryptionUtils = 1.0;
            ATROPSCommonUtils = 1.0;
            ATROPSDataAccess = 2.0;
            ATROPSMetricsUtils = 1.0;
            ATROPSRampDataAccess = 1.0;
            ATROPSReservationDataAccess = 1.0;
            ATROPSShipmentReferenceIdUtils = 1.0;
            ATROPSResourceCommons = 1.0;
            ATROPSTypes = 1.0;
            CoralClientBuilder = 1.1;
            CoralClientHttp = 1.1;
            CoralOrderingSupport = 1.1;
            CoralRetry = 2.0;
            CoralRpcSupport = 1.1;
            FindBugsAnnotations = 2.0.3;
            GeocodeAccessor = 1.0;
            GeocodeSelector = 1.0;
            GeocoordinateSystemsTranslationLib = 1.0;
            CarrierDeliveryAddressInfoServiceJavaClient = 1.0;
            ATROPSControlServiceJavaClient = 1.0;
            ATROPSControlServiceSnapshotCoralTypes = 1.0;
            JakartaCommons-lang = 2.6;
            Joda-time = 2.x;
            Json-org-java = 2.3;
            JSON-simple = 1.1;
            JakartaCommons-lang3 = 3.x;
            JakartaCommons-collections = 3.2;
            OpenCsv = 3.5;

            ATROPSDataManagementEngine = 1.0;
            ATROPSDataManagementCore = 1.0;
            ATROPSDataManagementTypes = 1.0;
            ATROPSDDSItemClassifier = 1.0;
            TROEServiceCoralTypes = 1.0;
            TransportationCapacityUtilizationSnapshotUtil = 1.0;
            # Document entities
            AASTypes = 2.0;
            ATROPSShipmentInfoEntityTypes = 1.0;
            BuyBackEntityAspectTypes = 1.0;
            ComplianceRequirementsCodigoInterface = 1.0;
            CustomsClearanceChannelTypes = 1.0;
            DestinationEntityUCITypes = 1.0;
            FulfillmentWindowTypes = 1.0;
            PaymentPlanAspect = 1.0;
            ReplacementEntityInterface = 1.0;
            ScheduledDeliveryAspectTypes = 1.0;
            ShipmentSuggestionAspectTypes = 1.0;
            WhiteLabelEntityAspectTypes = 1.0;

            SECACoralServiceJavaClient = 1.0;
            SortCapacityServiceJavaClient = 1.0;
            ArtooClientLibrary = 1.2;
            #PrimeAir Integration
            AdnDeliveryClientLib = 1.0;

            Cachemere = 1.2;
            ATROPSDataProtocolJava = 1.0;
            OrderDocumentCodigoTypes = 1.2; #Force all deps off of Coral MetricsBridge and other coral 1.1 stuff
            junit = 4.12; #We really shouldn't need to have this here but one of the src packages relies on junit assert
            CoralEnvelope = 1.1;
            CoralEnvelopeInterface = 1.1;

            RetryHelpersLib = 1.4;

            TVPFlowPlanJavaTypes = 1.0;

    runtime-dependencies = {
        1.0 = {
            CarrierDeliveryAddressInfoServiceClientConfig = 1.0;
            SECACoralServiceClientConfig = 1.0;
            SortCapacityServiceClientConfig = 1.0;
            Log4j-1_2-api = 2.13;

    test-dependencies = {
        1.0 = {
            AmazonAppConfigEnvironmentHelper = 5.1; # Used for testing app config in test cases.
            ATROPSTestHelpers = 1.0;
            GoogleGuava = 30.x;
            JMock = 2.5.1;
            junit = 4.12;
            JUnitParams = 1.1.x;
            Log4j-slf4j = 2.x; # Use Log4j 2.x as our Slf4j logging implementation
            Mockito = 3.x;
            SpringTest = 5.1.x;
            Maven-org-mockito_mockito-core = 3.x;
            Mockito-inline = 3.x;

    build-system = happytrails;
    build-environment = {
        chroot = basic;
        network-access = blocked;
    build-tools = {
        1.0 = {
            FindBugsAnnotations = 2.0.3;
            ATROPSCheckStyleConfig = 1.0;
            HappierTrails = 3.5;
            JavaBuildAndTestMin = jdk8;
            Lombok = 1.18.x;
            LombokUtils = 1.1;

    resolves-conflict-dependencies = {
        1.0 = {
            AAARuntimeJavaClient = 1.1;
            AmazonApolloEnvironmentInfoJava = 1.2;
            AmazonFileAppenderJava = 2.13;
            AmazonProfilerJava = 1.1;
            AuthJava = 1.1;
            BSFJavaClient = 2.1;
            CoralAAAOrchestration = 1.1;
            CoralAAASupport = 1.1;
            CoralAnnotation = 1.1;
            CoralBatchingSupport = 1.1;
            CoralClient = 1.1;
            CoralClientBuilder = 1.1;
            CoralClientHttp = 1.1;
            CoralEnvelope = 1.1;
            CoralJavaClientDependencies = 1.1;
            CoralMetricsQuerylogReporter = 1.1;
            CoralMetricsReporter = 1.1;
            CoralModel = 1.1;
            CoralRpcSupport = 1.1;
            CoralSerialize = 1.1;
            CoralService = 1.1;
            CoralSpring = 5.1;
            CoralTransmute = 1.1;
            GoogleGuava = 30.x;
            Hamcrest = 2.x;
            JSmart4JCT = 1.1;
            Jackson-core = 2.12.x;
            Jackson-databind = 2.12.x;
            Jackson-datatype-jdk8 = 2.12.x;
            Jackson-datatype-jsr310 = 2.12.x;
            JakartaCommons-IO = 2.4;
            JakartaCommons-cli = 1.x;
            JakartaCommons-logging = 1.2;
            KeyMasterDaemonJavaClient = 1.1;
            Log4j-core = 2.13;
            Lombok = 1.18.x;
            Maven-org-apache_apache = 18;
            Objenesis = 2.1;
            OrderDocumentCodigoTypes = 1.2;
            junit = 4.12;
            log4j = 2.13;
            OdinLocalRetriever = 1.1;
            CoralMetricsBridge = 1.1;
            AWSS3JavaClient = 1.11.x;

    remove-dependencies = {
        1.0 = {

    # For more information on how to declare targets for HappyTrails packages
    # see: https://w.amazon.com/?BrazilBuildSystem/HappyTrails/GettingStarted
    targets = {
        ATROPSCore-1.0 = {type = javalibrary;};

Кто-нибудь знает, что я могу добавить в зависимости, чтобы решить эту проблему. любая помощь будет оценена. Спасибо.

Я попытался добавить зависимости slf4j, следуя документу

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