SQL Server SqlClient странное исключение преобразования

Я сохранил процедуру. В его теле я выбираю некоторые данные, где одно поле nvarchar, но содержит дату (первые 18 символов - это просто текст, а затем дата). Тогда я использую условие, где эта дата сравнивается с другой датой (уже реальная дата).

Select (bla bla) from (bla bla)
where DATEDIFF(DAY,DueDateDay,CAST(SUBSTRING(myField,18,10) as datetime)) < @dayCount

В SQL Server Management Studio этот SP отлично работает. НО, когда я вызываю этот SP из моего приложения.NET, используя SqlCommand.ExecuteReader() это вызывает исключение:

Преобразование типа данных nvarchar в тип данных datetime привело к значению вне допустимого диапазона.



    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UK_GetPlanningDetails_test] 
        @itemStart nvarchar(30),
        @itemEnd nvarchar(30), 
        @plan_codeStart nvarchar(3), 
        @plan_codeEnd nvarchar(3),
        @arrivalDelay bit,
        @demandDelay bit,
        @negativeCount bit,
        @arrivalMoveTo bit,
        @arrivalMoveFrom bit,
        @dayCount int,
        @noNeedArrival bit,
        @needAll bit,
        @negativeOnSKZ bit = 0
    declare @sql nvarchar(2000);
    declare @sql2 nvarchar(2000);

    create table #temp
        Item nvarchar(30),
        DueDateDay datetime, 
        description nvarchar(40), 
        plan_code nvarchar(3), 
        QtyOnHand nvarchar(40), 
        QtyReq nvarchar(40), 
        QtyRecv nvarchar(40),
        ExceptMessage nvarchar(2800), 
        MrpRef nvarchar(2800),
        LastChangedDate datetime

    create table #temp2
        Item nvarchar(30),
        DueDateDay datetime, 
        description nvarchar(40), 
        plan_code nvarchar(3), 
        QtyOnHand nvarchar(40), 
        QtyReq nvarchar(40), 
        QtyRecv nvarchar(40),
        ExceptMessage nvarchar(2800), 
        MrpRef nvarchar(2800),
        LastChangedDate datetime

set @sql = N'SELECT o.Item, isnull(o.DueDateDay,''1950-01-01 00:00:00.000''), ISNULL(o.description,''''), isnull(o.plan_code,''''), convert(nvarchar(40),o.QtyOnHand), convert(nvarchar(40),o.QtyReq), convert(nvarchar(40),o.QtyRecv),isnull(o.ExceptMessage,''''), isnull(o.MrpRef,''''), isnull(o.LastChangedDate,''1950-01-01 00:00:00.000'')
  FROM [std_app].[dbo].[PlanningDetailsView] i
  left join [std_app].[dbo].[PlanningDetailsView] o on i.[Item]=o.[Item]
  where (i.ExceptMessage is not null)'

  if (@plan_codeStart<>'') set @sql=@sql+ ' and (i.[plan_code] >= '''+ @plan_codeStart+''')'
  if (@plan_codeEnd<>'') set @sql=@sql+ ' and (i.[plan_code] <= '''+ @plan_codeEnd+''')'
  if (@itemStart<>'') set @sql=@sql+ ' and (i.[Item] >= '''+ @itemStart+''')'
  if (@itemEnd<>'') set @sql=@sql+ ' and (i.[Item] <= '''+ @itemEnd+''')'

  if (@needAll<>1)
      if(@negativeOnSKZ=0) set @sql = @sql + ' and (i.MrpRef not like (''TPLN  XFD-PLANT%'')) '
      set @sql =@sql + 'and ('

      if(@arrivalDelay<>0) set @sql = @sql + '(i.ExceptMessage like (''Задержка прогнозн.прихода%'')) or '
      if(@demandDelay<>0) set @sql = @sql + '(i.ExceptMessage like (''Задержка прогнозн.потребн.%'')) or '
      if(@negativeCount<>0) set @sql = @sql + '(i.ExceptMessage like (''Начал.колич.в наличии отрицательно%'')) or '
      if(@arrivalMoveTo<>0) set @sql = @sql + '(i.ExceptMessage like (''Перем.В Приход%'')) or '
      if(@noNeedArrival<>0) set @sql = @sql + '(i.ExceptMessage like (''Приход не требуется%'')) or '
      if(@negativeOnSKZ<>0) set @sql = @sql + '(i.MrpRef like (''TPLN  XFD-PLANT%'')) or '

      set @sql =@sql + '(i.ExceptMessage like('''')))'

              set @sql2 = N'SELECT Item, isnull(DueDateDay,''1950-01-01 00:00:00.000''), ISNULL(description,''''), isnull(plan_code,''''), convert(nvarchar(40),QtyOnHand), convert(nvarchar(40),QtyReq), convert(nvarchar(40),QtyRecv),isnull(ExceptMessage,''''), isnull(MrpRef,''''), isnull(LastChangedDate,''1950-01-01 00:00:00.000'')
              FROM [std_app].[dbo].[PlanningDetailsView]
              where (ExceptMessage is not null) 
              and (ExceptMessage like (''Перем.из прихода%''))'

                if (@plan_codeStart<>'') set @sql2=@sql2+ ' and ([plan_code] >= '''+ @plan_codeStart+''')'
                if (@plan_codeEnd<>'') set @sql2=@sql2+ ' and ([plan_code] <= '''+ @plan_codeEnd+''')'
                if (@itemStart<>'') set @sql2=@sql2+ ' and ([Item] >= '''+ @itemStart+''')'
                if (@itemEnd<>'') set @sql2=@sql2+ ' and ([Item] <= '''+ @itemEnd+''')'

              insert into #temp2 execute(@sql2)
                   delete from #temp2 where DATEDIFF(DAY,DueDateDay,CAST(SUBSTRING(ExceptMessage,18,10) as datetime))<@dayCount

  insert into #temp execute(@sql)

  select my.*, StartDate = isnull(their.StartDate,'1950-01-01 00:00:00.000') from (select Item, DueDateDay, description, plan_code, QtyOnHand, QtyReq, QtyRecv, ExceptMessage, MrpRef, LastChangedDate from #temp
  select o.Item, o.DueDate, o.description, o.plan_code, o.QtyOnHand, o.QtyReq, o.QtyRecv, o.ExceptMessage, o.MrpRef, o.LastChangedDate 
  from #temp2 i left join [std_App].dbo.PlanningDetailsView o on i.Item = o.Item 
  )) my 
  left join (   select
   --- Four part key -----------------------
   --- Check performance before changing ---
     apsplan.item as Item
   , apsplan.due_date_day as DueDateDay
   , 0 as QtyOnHand
   , case when is_demand = 1 then apsplan.qty else 0 end as QtyReq
   , case when is_demand = 1 then 0 else apsplan.qty end as QtyRecv
   , case
        when is_demand = 1
        then  case
                 when apsplan.ref_type = 'S'
                 then dbo.PPSRef(apsplan.ref_num, isnull(apsplan.ref_line_suf,0))
                       WHEN apsplan.xref_num IS NOT NULL
                       THEN 'X'
                       ELSE ''
                    END +
                    CASE apsplan.ref_type
                       WHEN 'N' THEN 'PPLN  '
                       WHEN 'D' THEN 'TPLN  '
                       WHEN 'J' THEN 'PJOB  '
                       WHEN 'M' THEN 'PMPS  '
                       WHEN 'S' THEN 'PPS   '
                       WHEN 'C' THEN 'CO    '
                       ELSE ''
                    END +
                       WHEN apsplan.ref_num IS NOT NULL
                       THEN apsplan.ref_num
                       ELSE ''
                    END +
                       WHEN apsplan.ref_line_suf IS NOT NULL
                       THEN '-' + CAST(apsplan.ref_line_suf AS CHAR(4))
                       ELSE ''
                    END +
                       WHEN apsplan.ref_rel IS NOT NULL
                       THEN '-' + SUBSTRING('000' + CAST(apsplan.ref_rel AS NVARCHAR),
                               LEN('000' + CAST(apsplan.ref_rel AS NVARCHAR)) -3, 4)
        else 'PLN   ' + apsplan.ref_num -- ORDER000.ORDERID
     as MrpRef
   , NULL as MrpExcept --dbo.GetMrpExcMesg(apsplan.item, apsplan.ref_type, apsplan.ref_num, apsplan.ref_line_suf, apsplan.ref_rel)
   , apsplan.start_date as StartDate
   FROM (
      select *
         ,due_date as EndDate
         ,ISNULL((select mp.ENDDATE
                   from apsplandetail
                   join MATLPLAN000 mp on mp.MATLTAG = apsplandetail.matltag and mp.PMATLTAG = 0
                   join ORDER000 o on o.ORDERID = mp.ORDERID and o.ORDTYPE = 310 -- Safety stock
                   where apsplan.RowPointer = apsplandetail.apsplan_reference), apsplan.due_date)
          as ProjectedDate
      from apsplan with(index(IX_apsplan_item_due_date_day))
      where apsplan.is_demand = 1 and apsplan.qty != 0

      union all

      select *
         ,CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(apsplan.ref_num,1,3) = 'ROP' THEN apsplan.due_date
               ELSE ISNULL ((select mp.NEEDDATE
                              from MATLPLAN000 mp
                              join ORDER000 o on o.ORDERID = mp.ORDERID and o.ORDTYPE = 310 -- Safety stock
                              where mp.MATLTAG = apsplan.ref_num and mp.PMATLTAG = 0), apsplan.due_date)
               END as EndDate
         ,due_date as ProjectedDate
      from apsplan with(index(IX_apsplan_item_due_date_day))
      where apsplan.is_demand = 0 and apsplan.ref_type <> 'Z'
   ) apsplan) their on their.Item=my.Item and my.MrpRef=their.MrpRef

  where my.MrpRef not like case when @negativeOnSKZ=0 then ('TPLN  XFD-PLANT%') else ('some unreal data') end or my.MrpRef like case when @negativeOnSKZ=1 then ('TPLN  XFD-PLANT%') else ('some unreal data') end
  order by my.item,my.DueDateDay



public static DataTable getTable(string connectionString, string SQLcommand)
        SqlConnection Con = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
        SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(SQLcommand, Con);
        cmd1.CommandTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000;
        SqlDataReader Read1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
        DataTable getTab = new DataTable();
        return getTab;

SQLcommand = EXEC [dbo].[UK_GetPlanningDetails_test] @itemStart = N'', @itemEnd = N'', @plan_codeStart = N'', @plan_codeEnd = N'', @arrivalDelay = 0 , @demandDelay = 0 , @negativeCount = 0 , @arrivalMoveTo = 0 , @arrivalMoveFrom = 1 , @dayCount = 10 , @noNeedArrival = 0 , @needAll = 0 , @negativeOnSKZ = 0

1 ответ

Я думаю, что формат даты в строке не является правильным. Причиной работы в SQL Server Management Studio, а не работы в.Net могут быть соединения.

первый выбор работает, но sendnd дает то же исключение

SET LANGUAGE us_english
select CAST('12.18.2012' as datetime)

select CAST('12.18.2012' as datetime)
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