Список друзей в чате с chatjs.net SignalR MVC

Я начал внедрять систему веб-чата с помощью http://chatjs.net/. Но мне интересно, что список друзей должен связывать список чата. Я говорю о комнатном чате с ROOM_ID_STUB, в котором зарегистрировано имя пользователя. Но список друзей в моем случае покажет онлайн и офлайн пользователь, в отличие от всех примеров chatjs.net будет только одна комната.

Может кто-нибудь предложить мне правильный способ связать мой список друзей, и с каждым зарегистрированным пользователем будет комната чата, и они разделяют комнату чата вместе??

public class ChatHub : Hub, IChatHub
        /// <summary>
        /// This STUB. In a normal situation, there would be multiple rooms and the user room would have to be 
        /// determined by the user profile
        /// </summary>
        public const string ROOM_ID_STUB = "chatjs-room";

        /// <summary>
        /// Current connections
        /// 1 room has many users that have many connections (2 open browsers from the same user represents 2 connections)
        /// </summary>
        private static readonly Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, List<string>>> connections = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, List<string>>>();

        /// <summary>
        /// This is STUB. This will SIMULATE a database of chat messages
        /// </summary>
        private static readonly List<DbChatMessageStub> dbChatMessagesStub = new List<DbChatMessageStub>();

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is STUB. This will SIMULATE a database of users
        /// </summary>
        private static readonly List<DbUserStub> dbUsersStub = new List<DbUserStub>();

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is STUB. In a normal situation, the user info would come from the database so this method wouldn't be necessary.
        /// It's only necessary because this class is simulating the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newUser"></param>
        public static void RegisterNewUser(DbUserStub newUser)
            if (newUser == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("newUser");

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is STUB. Returns if a user is registered in the FAKE DB.
        /// Normally this wouldn't be necessary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsUserRegisteredInDbUsersStub(DbUserStub user)
            return dbUsersStub.Any(u => u.Id == user.Id);

        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to find a user with the provided e-mail
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DbUserStub FindUserByEmail(string email)
            if (email == null) return null;
            return dbUsersStub.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == email);

        /// <summary>
        /// If the specified user is connected, return information about the user
        /// </summary>
        public ChatUser GetUserInfo(int userId)
            var user = dbUsersStub.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == userId);
            return user == null ? null : GetChatUserFromDbUserId(userId);

        private ChatUser GetChatUserFromDbUserId(int dbUserId)
            var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId();

            // this is STUB. Normally you would go to the database get the real user
            var dbUser = dbUsersStub.First(u => u.Id == dbUserId);

            ChatUser.StatusType userStatus;
            lock (connections)
                userStatus = connections.ContainsKey(myRoomId)
                                 ? (connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(dbUser.Id)
                                        ? ChatUser.StatusType.Online
                                        : ChatUser.StatusType.Offline)
                                 : ChatUser.StatusType.Offline;
            return new ChatUser()
                Id = dbUser.Id,
                Name = dbUser.FullName,
                Status = userStatus,
                ProfilePictureUrl = GravatarHelper.GetGravatarUrl(GravatarHelper.GetGravatarHash(dbUser.Email), GravatarHelper.Size.s32)

        private ChatMessage GetChatMessage(DbChatMessageStub chatMessage, string clientGuid)
            return new ChatMessage()
                Message = chatMessage.Message,
                UserFrom = this.GetChatUserFromDbUserId(chatMessage.UserFromId),
                UserTo = this.GetChatUserFromDbUserId(chatMessage.UserToId),
                ClientGuid = clientGuid

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns my user id
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int GetMyUserId()
            // This would normally be done like this:
            //var userPrincipal = this.Context.User as AuthenticatedPrincipal;
            //if (userPrincipal == null)
            //    throw new NotAuthorizedException();

            //var userData = userPrincipal.Profile;
            //return userData.Id;

            // But for this example, it will get my user from the cookie
            return ChatCookieHelperStub.GetDbUserFromCookie(this.Context.Request).Id;

        private string GetMyRoomId()
            // This would normally be done like this:
            //var userPrincipal = this.Context.User as AuthenticatedPrincipal;
            //if (userPrincipal == null)
            //    throw new NotAuthorizedException();

            //var userData = userPrincipal.Profile;
            //return userData.MyTenancyIdentifier;

            // But for this example, it will always return "chatjs-room", because we have only one room.
            return ROOM_ID_STUB;

        /// <summary>
        /// Broadcasts to all users in the same room the new users list
        /// </summary>
        private void BroadcastUsersList()
            var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId();
            var connectionIds = new List<string>();
            lock (connections)
                if (connections.ContainsKey(myRoomId))
                    connectionIds = connections[myRoomId].Keys.SelectMany(userId => connections[myRoomId][userId]).ToList();

            // gets the current room user's list

            // this is STUB. You would normally go to the database to get the real room users
            var dbRoomUsers = dbUsersStub.Where(u => u.TenancyId == myRoomId).OrderBy(u => u.FullName).ToList();
            var usersList = dbRoomUsers.Select(u => this.GetChatUserFromDbUserId(u.Id)).ToList();

            foreach (var connectionId in connectionIds)

        private DbChatMessageStub PersistMessage(int otherUserId, string message)
            var myUserId = this.GetMyUserId();

            // this is STUB. Normally you would go to the real database to get the my user and the other user
            var myUser = dbUsersStub.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == myUserId);
            var otherUser = dbUsersStub.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == otherUserId);

            if (myUser == null || otherUser == null)
                return null;

            var dbChatMessage = new DbChatMessageStub()
                Date = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Message = message,
                UserFromId = myUserId,
                UserToId = otherUserId,
                TenancyId = myUser.TenancyId

            // this is STUB. Normally you would add the dbMessage to the real database

            // normally you would save the database changes

            return dbChatMessage;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the message history
        /// </summary>
        public List<ChatMessage> GetMessageHistory(int otherUserId)
            var myUserId = this.GetMyUserId();
            // this is STUB. Normally you would go to the real database to get the messages
            var dbMessages = dbChatMessagesStub
                                   m =>
                                   (m.UserToId == myUserId && m.UserFromId == otherUserId) ||
                                   (m.UserToId == otherUserId && m.UserFromId == myUserId))
                               .OrderByDescending(m => m.Date).Take(30).ToList();

            return dbMessages.Select(m => this.GetChatMessage(m, null)).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a message to a particular user
        /// </summary>
        public void SendMessage(int otherUserId, string message, string clientGuid)
            var myUserId = this.GetMyUserId();
            var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId();

            var dbChatMessage = PersistMessage(otherUserId, message);
            var connectionIds = new List<string>();
            lock (connections)
                if (connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(otherUserId))
                if (connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(myUserId))
            foreach (var connectionId in connectionIds)
                this.Clients.Client(connectionId).sendMessage(this.GetChatMessage(dbChatMessage, clientGuid));

        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a typing signal to a particular user
        /// </summary>
        public void SendTypingSignal(int otherUserId)
            var myUserId = this.GetMyUserId();
            var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId();

            var connectionIds = new List<string>();
            lock (connections)
                if (connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(otherUserId))
            foreach (var connectionId in connectionIds)

        public override Task OnConnected()
            var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId();
            var myUserId = this.GetMyUserId();

            lock (connections)
                if (!connections.ContainsKey(myRoomId))
                    connections[myRoomId] = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>();

                if (!connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(myUserId))
                    connections[myRoomId][myUserId] = new List<string>();



            return base.OnConnected();

        public override Task OnDisconnected()
            var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId();
            var myUserId = this.GetMyUserId();

            lock (connections)
                if (connections.ContainsKey(myRoomId))
                    if (connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(myUserId))
                        if (connections[myRoomId][myUserId].Contains(this.Context.ConnectionId))
                            if (!connections[myRoomId][myUserId].Any())
                                Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                                        // this will run in separate thread.
                                        // If the user is away for more than 10 seconds it will be removed from 
                                        // the room.
                                        // In a normal situation this wouldn't be done because normally the users in a
                                        // chat room are fixed, like when you have 1 chat room for each tenancy
                                        if (!connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(myUserId))
                                            var myDbUser = dbUsersStub.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == myUserId);
                                            if (myDbUser != null)

            return base.OnDisconnected();

1 ответ

private void BroadcastUsersList()
            var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId();
            var connectionIds = new List<string>();
            lock (connections)
                if (connections.ContainsKey(myRoomId))
                    connectionIds = connections[myRoomId].Keys.SelectMany(userId => connections[myRoomId][userId]).ToList();

            List<UserSite> dbRoomUsers = new List<UserSite>();
            int myId = GetMyUserId();
            List<Int>listFriendId = getListUserIdFriendOfUser(myId);
            foreach (var item in dbUsersStub)
                if (listFriendId.Contains(item.Id))
            var usersList = dbRoomUsers.Select(u => this.GetChatUserFromDbUserId(u.Id)).ToList();

            foreach (var connectionId in connectionIds)
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