Как создать коллаж из картинок в JES?
I've been trying to create a collage of images in JES but when I call createCopy2(), they pop up separately and only one has gone through the change I've told it to(the pic that turns into sepia colored). How do I get them to come up on the same page in the spacing that I want them too?? thanks!!
#def createCollage():
def copy(source, target, targetX, targetY):
for sourceX in range(0, getWidth(source)):
for sourceY in range(0, getHeight(source)):
px = getPixel(source, sourceX, sourceY)
tx = getPixel(target, targetX, targetY)
setColor(tx, getColor(px))
targetY = targetY + 1
targetX = targetX + 1
def blurCopy(src):
target = copyAPicture(src)
for x in range(1, getWidth(src)-1):
for y in range(1, getHeight(src)-1):
top = getPixel(src, x, y-1)
left = getPixel(src, x-1, y)
bottom = getPixel(src, x, y+1)
right = getPixel(src, x+1, y)
center = getPixel(target, x, y)
newRed = (getRed(top)+getRed(left)+getRed(bottom)+getRed(right)+getRed(center))/5
newGreen = (getGreen(top)+getGreen(left)+getGreen(bottom)+getGreen(right)+getGreen(center))/5
newBlue = (getBlue(top)+getBlue(left)+getBlue(bottom)+getBlue(right)+getBlue(center))/5
setColor(center, makeColor(newRed, newGreen, newBlue))
return target
Когда я вызываю фотографии по отдельности, они отображаются фильтрованными, но не при вызове createCopy2()...
def addPictures(first,second):
height= getHeight(first)
width= getWidth(first)
canvas= makeEmptyPicture(width,height)
for x in range(1, width-1):
for y in range(1,height-1):
pix1= getPixel(first,x,y)
pix2= getPixel(second,x,y)
pix3= getPixel(canvas,x,y)
red1= getRed(pix1)
green1= getGreen(pix1)
blue1= getBlue(pix1)
red2 = getRed(pix2)
green2= getGreen(pix2)
blue2= getBlue(pix2)
newRed= red1+red2
newGreen= green1+green2
newBlue= blue1+blue2
setColor(pix3, makeColor(newRed, newGreen, newBlue))
def laplacian(picture):
target = copyAPicture(picture)
for x in range(1, getWidth(picture)-1):
for y in range(1, getHeight(picture)-1):
top = getPixel(picture, x, y-1)
topleft= getPixel(picture, x-1, y-1)
topright= getPixel(picture, x+1, y-1)
left = getPixel(picture, x-1, y)
bottom = getPixel(picture, x, y-1)
bottomleft= getPixel(picture, x-1, y+1)
bottomright= getPixel(picture, x+1, y+1)
right = getPixel(picture, x-1, y)
centertarget= getPixel(target, x,y)
center = getPixel(picture, x, y)
newRed = (getRed(center)*8)-(getRed(top)+getRed(left)+ getRed(right)+ getRed(bottom) + getRed(topleft)+getRed(topright)+ getRed(bottomleft)+getRed(bottomright))
newGreen = (getGreen(center)*8)-(getGreen(top)+getGreen(left)+getGreen(bottom)+getGreen(right)+ getGreen(topleft)+getGreen(topright)+ getGreen(bottomleft)+getGreen(bottomright))
newBlue = (getBlue(center)*8)-(getBlue(top)+getBlue(left)+getBlue(bottom)+getBlue(right)+ getBlue(topleft)+getBlue(topright)+ getBlue(bottomleft)+getBlue(bottomright))
setColor(centertarget, makeColor(newRed, newGreen, newBlue))
return target
def sharpen(picture):
edges= laplacian(picture)
adding=addPictures(edges, picture)
return adding
def grayscaleNew(pic):
for p in getPixels(pic):
newRed= getRed(p)*.299
newGreen= getGreen(p)*.587
newBlue= getBlue(p)*.114
luminance= newRed+newGreen+newBlue
setColor(p, makeColor(luminance, luminance, luminance))
def sepiaTint(pic):
for p in getPixels(pic):
red= getRed(p)
blue= getBlue(p)
if (red< 63):
red = red*1.1
blue= blue*.9
if (red> 62 and red< 192):
red= red*1.15
if (red> 191):
red= red*1.08
if (red> 255):
red= 255
blue= blue*.93
setBlue(p, blue)
setRed(p, red)
return pic
def copyInset(source, target, startX, startY, finX, finY):
for targetX in range(startX, finX):
for targetY in range(startY, finY):
color = getColor(getPixel(source, startX, startY))
setColor(getPixel(source, finX, finY), color)
startY = startY +1
startX = startX+ 1
return target
def copyInset2(source, target, targX, targY):
targetX= targX
for sourceX in range(0, getWidth(source)):
targetY = targY
for sourceY in range(0, getHeight(source)):
px= getPixel(source, sourceX, sourceY)
tx = getPixel(target, targetX, targetY)
setColor(tx, getColor(px))
targetY = targetY +1
targetX = targetX +1
return target
def createCopy3():
pic1 = makePicture("glacierfacial.jpg")
pic2 = makePicture("yukon.jpg")
pic3 = makePicture("meltingglacier.jpg")
pic4 = makePicture("glacierlake.jpeg")
canvas = makeEmptyPicture(800,600)
copyInset2(pic1,canvas, 0, getHeight(canvas) -getHeight(pic1)-5)
copyInset2(pic2,canvas, 0, getHeight(canvas) -getHeight(pic2)-5)
copyInset2(pic3,canvas, 0, getHeight(canvas) -getHeight(pic3)-5)
copyInset2(pic4,canvas, 0, getHeight(canvas) -getHeight(pic4)-5)
return canvas
это копия, которую я пытался использовать
def copyInset(source, target, startX, startY, finX, finY):
for targetX in range(startX, finX):
for targetY in range(startY, finY):
color = getColor(getPixel(source, startX, startY))
setColor(getPixel(source, finX, finY), color)
startY = startY +1
startX = startX+ 1
return target
Я использовал это в основном, но только что создал createCopy3()
def createCopy2():
pic1 = makePicture("glacierfacial.jpg")
pic2 = makePicture("yukon.jpg")
pic3 = makePicture("meltingglacier.jpg")
pic4 = makePicture("glacierlake.jpeg")
canvas = makeEmptyPicture(800,600)
copyInset(canvas, pic1, 0,0,395,295)
copyInset(canvas, pic2, 0,305,405,599)
copyInset(canvas, pic3, 405,0,799,295)
copyInset(canvas, pic4, 405,305,799,599)
return canvas