Stacked bar chart does not show bar values for time series X axis - ReactJS Recharts

I have some JSON data which is going to be displayed in a Stacked Bar chart using RechartJS in a ReactJS application.

I use type="number" for the X axis to dispaly the data in a time series, but here's how the chart is displayed:

As you can see: there is data but bars does not get displayed, using type="category" for the X axis will show the bars, but that wont provide a way to show dates with empty data unless those dates got filled in the JSON.

The data is an array of objects that look like this:

        "date": 1632200400000,
        "Banana": 4,
        "Apples": 15,
        "Oranges": 12,
        "Strawberry": 10,
        "BlueBerries": 8,
        "Cherries": 8,
        "Mango": 2,
        "Kiwi": 4,
        "Lemon": 4,
        "Grapes": 6

Also there is an array of items for the bars:


The code looks like this:

      <BarChart data={data} width={600} height={300}>
    domain={["dataMin", "dataMax"]}
    padding={{ left: 32, right: 32 }}
    tickFormatter={(time) => format(new Date(time), "HH:mm")}
  <YAxis width={100} orientation="left" />

  { => (

  <CartesianGrid />
  <Tooltip />
  <Legend />

Here you can find the codesandbox for the code:

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