Невозможно переместить изображение

Я пытаюсь переместить изображение справа налево. Изображение, которое я пытаюсь переместить, это метод drawTrain в другом классе. Я думаю, что я должен использовать метод drawTrain с методом move(). Тем не менее, я не знаю, как это сделать.. Или я совершенно не прав, и должно быть другое решение. До сих пор я пытался использовать что-то вроде

train.drawTrain.move(movex, 0);
train.drawTrain(0, 0).move(movex, 0);

хорошо.. не удалось.. Я пытался искать и гуглить и все, но я просто сижу и провожу несколько часов. Если то, что я пытаюсь сделать, правильно, как я могу переместить метод в другой класс? Если нет, что я сделал не так и как я могу их исправить?

мой класс водителя

public class Driver extends GraphicsProgram
//~ Instance/static variables .............................................

//~ Constructor ...........................................................

// ----------------------------------------------------------
* The run() method of the Driver Class.
* Creates an instance of the Train Class.
* Responsible for animating the train across the screen.
public void run()

    Train train = new Train(getGCanvas());
    int movex = -20;

        train.drawTrain(1400, 100);
        train.move(movex, 0);

//~ Methods ...............................................................

Поезд класс.. и я пытаюсь вызвать метод в этом классе в классе водителя.

import acm.graphics.*;
import java.awt.*;
import acm.util.*;
import acm.program.*;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  This is the Train class with the basic methods already created.
 *  Write the correct code for all of the methods, and replace this comment.
 *  Please refer to the assignment for more instructions.
public class Train extends GraphicsProgram
//~ Instance/static variables .............................................

private GCanvas canvas;

/* Dimensions of the frame of a train car */
private static final double CAR_WIDTH = 75;
private static final double CAR_HEIGHT = 36;

/* Distance from the bottom of a train car to the track below it */
private static final double CAR_BASELINE = 10;

/* Width of the connector, which overlaps between successive cars */
private static final double CONNECTOR = 6;

/* Radius of the wheels on each car */
private static final double WHEEL_RADIUS = 8;

/* Distance from the edge of the frame to the center of the wheel */
private static final double WHEEL_INSET = 16;

/* Dimensions of the cab on the engine */
private static final double CAB_WIDTH = 35;
private static final double CAB_HEIGHT = 8;

/* Dimensions of the smokestack and its distance from the front */
private static final double SMOKESTACK_WIDTH = 8;
private static final double SMOKESTACK_HEIGHT = 8;
private static final double SMOKESTACK_INSET = 8;

/* Dimensions of the door panels on the boxcar */
private static final double DOOR_WIDTH = 18;
private static final double DOOR_HEIGHT = 32;

/* Dimensions of the cupola on the caboose */
private static final double CUPOLA_WIDTH = 35;
private static final double CUPOLA_HEIGHT = 8;

//~ Constructor ...........................................................

// ----------------------------------------------------------
 * Creates a new Train object.
 * @param myCanvas the GCanvas where the train will be drawn.
public Train(GCanvas myCanvas)
    canvas = myCanvas;

//~ Methods ...............................................................

 * This is a placeholder javadoc comment.
 * @param x explain variable "x"
 * @param y explain variable "y"
public void drawTrain(double x, double y)
    double trainWidth = 4 * CAR_WIDTH + 6 * CONNECTOR;
    double dx = CAR_WIDTH + CONNECTOR;
    drawEngine(x, y);
    drawBoxCar(x + dx, y, Color.GREEN);
    drawBoxCar(x + dx + dx, y, Color.BLUE);
    drawCaboose(x + 3 * dx, y);


//Private Methods

 * This is a placeholder javadoc comment.
 * @param x explain variable "x"
 * @param y explain variable "y"
private void drawEngine(double x, double y)
    drawCarFrame(x, y, Color.BLACK);
    drawSmokeStack(x, y - CAR_HEIGHT - 11, Color.BLACK);
    drawEngineCab(x + 11, y - CAR_HEIGHT - 11, Color.BLACK);
    drawCowCatcher(x, y - 10);

 * This is a placeholder javadoc comment.
 * @param x explain variable "x"
 * @param y explain variable "y"
 * @param color explain variable "color"
private void drawBoxCar(double x, double y, Color color)
    drawCarFrame(x, y, color);

    double xRight = x + CONNECTOR + CAR_WIDTH / 2;
    double xLeft = xRight - DOOR_WIDTH;
    double yDoor = y - CAR_BASELINE - DOOR_HEIGHT;
    canvas.add(new GRect(xLeft, yDoor, DOOR_WIDTH, DOOR_HEIGHT));
    canvas.add(new GRect(xRight, yDoor, DOOR_WIDTH, DOOR_HEIGHT));


 * This is a placeholder javadoc comment.
 * @param x explain variable "x"
 * @param y explain variable "y"
private void drawCaboose(double x, double y)
    drawCarFrame(x, y, Color.RED);
    drawCupola(x + CONNECTOR, y - CAR_HEIGHT - CAR_BASELINE, Color.RED);

 * This is a placeholder javadoc comment.
 * @param x explain variable "x"
 * @param y explain variable "y"
private void drawCarFrame(double x, double y, Color color)
    double x0 = x + CONNECTOR;
    double y0 = y - CAR_BASELINE;
    double top = y0 - CAR_HEIGHT;
    GLine frame = new GLine(x, y0, x + CAR_WIDTH + 2 * CONNECTOR, y0);
    drawWheel(x0 + WHEEL_INSET, y - WHEEL_RADIUS);
    drawWheel(x0 + CAR_WIDTH - WHEEL_INSET, y - WHEEL_RADIUS);
    GRect r = new GRect(x0, top, CAR_WIDTH, CAR_HEIGHT);

 * This is a placeholder javadoc comment.
 * @param x explain variable "x"
 * @param y explain variable "y"
private void drawWheel(double x, double y)
    double r = WHEEL_RADIUS;
    GOval wheel = new GOval(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r);

 * This is a placeholder javadoc comment.
 * @param x explain variable "x"
 * @param y explain variable "y"
private void drawSmokeStack(double x, double y, Color color)

 * This is a placeholder javadoc comment.
 * @param x explain variable "x"
 * @param y explain variable "y"
private void drawEngineCab(double x, double y, Color color)
    GRect cab = new GRect(x + CAB_WIDTH, y - CAB_HEIGHT, CAB_WIDTH, CAB_HEIGHT);

 * This is a placeholder javadoc comment.
 * @param x explain variable "x"
 * @param y explain variable "y"
private void drawCowCatcher(double x, double y)
    GLine cowCatcher1 = new GLine(x + CONNECTOR, y - CAR_HEIGHT / 2, x, y);
    GLine cowCatcher2 = new GLine(x + CONNECTOR, y - CAR_HEIGHT / 2, x + CONNECTOR / 2, y);

 * This is a placeholder javadoc comment.
 * @param x explain variable "x"
 * @param y explain variable "y"
private void drawCupola(double x, double y, Color color)
    GRect cupola = new GRect(x + 20, y - CUPOLA_HEIGHT, CUPOLA_WIDTH, CUPOLA_HEIGHT);

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