Проекты Flutter с v1.xx не запускаются после выполнения обновления flutter до 2.2.2

У меня было несколько проектов flutter, созданных с flutter 1.xx после обновления flutter до 2.2.2, эти старые проекты не запускаются ни на Android, ни на iOS. Под Android это то, что показывает журнал:

      ../../../devtools/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/readmore-1.0.1/lib/readmore.dart:82:58: Error: No named parameter with the name 'nullOk'.
    widget.locale ?? Localizations.localeOf(context, nullOk: true);
../../../devtools/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/localizations.dart:413:17: Context: Found this candidate, but the arguments don't match.
  static Locale localeOf(BuildContext context) {

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Script     '/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/devtools/flutter/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle' line: 1035

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:compileFlutterBuildDebug'.
> Process 'command '/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/devtools/flutter/bin/flutter'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org

Exception: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1

И вот что он показывает под iOS:

      Failed to build iOS app
Error output from Xcode build:
    ** BUILD FAILED **
Xcode's output:
../../../devtools/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/readmore-1.0.1/lib/readmore.dart:82:58: Error: No named parameter with the name 'nullOk'.
        widget.locale ?? Localizations.localeOf(context, nullOk: true);
   ../../../devtools/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/localizations.dart:413:17: Context: Found this candidate, but the arguments don't match.
  static Locale localeOf(BuildContext context) {
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
note: Using new build system
note: Building targets in parallel
note: Planning build
note: Analyzing workspace
note: Constructing build description
note: Build preparation complete
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'permission_handler' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'nanopb' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'image_picker' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'statusbar' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'GTMSessionFetcher' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'PromisesObjC' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'BoringSSL-GRPC' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'GoogleDataTransport' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'GoogleUtilities' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'gRPC-Core' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'FirebaseCoreDiagnostics' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'FirebaseCore' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'FirebaseStorage' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'FirebaseAuth' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'gRPC-C++' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'FirebaseFirestore' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'firebase_core' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'firebase_storage' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'firebase_auth' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'cloud_firestore' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'Pods-Runner' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Runner.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')
warning: Capabilities for Signing & Capabilities may not function correctly because its entitlements use a placeholder team ID. To resolve this, select a development team in the Runner editor. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'Firebase' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'Flutter' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'abseil' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'leveldb-library' from project 'Pods')
/Users/thorvalld/Desktop/projects/flutter/campy/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99. (in target 'gRPC-C++-gRPCCertificates-Cpp' from project 'Pods')
Could not build the application for the simulator.
Error launching application on iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Exited (sigterm)

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