Ext Js Grid, How to get particular column all row values & sum?
I'm using Ext Js v6.2 Grid, In my application, I have three columns Charges, Rate & Amount Here I want to get all the value of third column [AMOUNT] & Sum it up.please correct my code if I'm wrong, I've searched in documentation and other stuff it doesn't help.please solve the problem. Заранее спасибо.
editor: {
xtype: 'textfield',
enableKeyEvents: true,
fieldCls: 'right-align',
listeners: {
element: 'el',
keyup: function(form, e, selModel, record, index, options){
var InputValue= document.getElementById(e.id).value;
var result = (productValue) * (InputValue) / 100;
var selectedRecord = gridStore.getSelection()[0];
rowindex = gridStore.store.indexOf(selectedRecord);
var models = gridStore.getStore().getRange();
models[rowindex].set("amount", result);
TotalOtherCharge = $('.Amount-column-cell .x-grid-cell-inner').text();
I'm getting output from TotalOtherCharge
As per Screenshot:
2.862.8614.322.885.722.862.865.728.5811.442.86 I need these number to split & sum it up.
1 ответ
Я считаю, что эта функциональность уже включена в сетку 6.2: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.2.0/classic/Ext.grid.feature.Summary.html
также вот пример из сенча скрипки: