Django 3.2 LookupError: модель не зарегистрирована
При попытке обновить существующий проект до Django 3.2 (с 2.2) я получал следующую ошибку:
from .permissionmodels import * # nopyflakes
File "/home/user/miniconda3/envs/app-web-py38-test/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cms/models/", line 19, in <module>
User = apps.get_registered_model(user_app_name, user_model_name)
File "/home/user/miniconda3/envs/app-web-py38-test/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django/apps
/", line 273, in get_registered_model
raise LookupError(
LookupError: Model 'user_accounts.CustomUser' not registered.
Специальная модель находится в
и выглядит так
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser
from django.db import models
from .managers import CustomUserManager
class CustomUser(AbstractUser, PermissionsMixin):
username = None
email = models.EmailField(('email address'), unique=True)
# add additional fields in here
profile_picture = models.ImageField(upload_to='profile/', blank=True)
objects = CustomUserManager()
def __str__(self):
Установленные приложения следующие
# this app is at the top because it defines a custom user model for the whole project
#after project creation#
#Django CMS stuff
#Aldryn News Blog
# this AWS S3 work (boto + django-storages)
# Django Analytical for various analytics, i.e., Yandex Metrica, etc.
#Custom Apps
AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'user_accounts.CustomUser'
Любая помощь по исправлению или устранению неполадок приветствуется.
from django.contrib.auth.base_user import BaseUserManager
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
class CustomUserManager(BaseUserManager):
Custom user model manager where email is the unique identifiers
for authentication instead of usernames.
def create_user(self, email, password, **extra_fields):
Create and save a User with the given email and password.
if not email:
raise ValueError(_('The Email must be set'))
email = self.normalize_email(email)
user = self.model(email=email, **extra_fields)
return user
def create_superuser(self, email, password, **extra_fields):
Create and save a SuperUser with the given email and password.
extra_fields.setdefault('is_staff', True)
extra_fields.setdefault('is_superuser', True)
extra_fields.setdefault('is_active', True)
if extra_fields.get('is_staff') is not True:
raise ValueError(_('Superuser must have is_staff=True.'))
if extra_fields.get('is_superuser') is not True:
raise ValueError(_('Superuser must have is_superuser=True.'))
return self.create_user(email, password, **extra_fields)