Как включить baresip send 100 Пробуем

Я подключаю клиент baresip к серверу baresip. Захватив трафик, я вижу, что сервер отвечает на INVITE звонком 180. Для сравнения, PJSUA отвечает 100 попытками, а затем 180 звонками. Есть ли способ заставить сервер baresip также отвечать сначала 100 попытками, а затем 180 звонками? Кажется, я не могу найти его в файле конфигурации.

./baresip -f docs/examples -n

./baresip -f docs/examples -e "d alice@"

файл конфигурации

# baresip configuration -- example for linux


# Core
poll_method     epoll       # poll, select, epoll ..

#sip_certificate    cert.pem
sip_cafile      /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
#sip_trans_def      udp
sip_verify_server   yes
sip_tos         160 # See TOS fields!

## TOS fields ##
#    7     6     5     4     3     2     1     0
# +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
# |   PRECEDENCE    |          TOS          | MBZ |
# +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
# TOS:
# bit 4 - low delay
# bit 3 - high throughput
# bit 2 - high reliability
# bit 1 - low cost
# MBZ:
# bit 0 - zero

# Call
call_local_timeout  120
call_max_calls      4
call_hold_other_calls   yes

# Audio
#audio_path     /usr/local/share/baresip
audio_player        alsa,default
audio_source        alsa,default
audio_alert     alsa,default
#ausrc_srate        48000
#auplay_srate       48000
#ausrc_channels     0
#auplay_channels    0
#audio_txmode       poll        # poll, thread
audio_level     no
ausrc_format        s16     # s16, float, ..
auplay_format       s16     # s16, float, ..
auenc_format        s16     # s16, float, ..
audec_format        s16     # s16, float, ..
audio_buffer        20-160      # ms

# Video
#video_source       v4l2,/dev/video0
#video_display      x11,nil
video_size      640x480
video_bitrate       1000000
video_fps       30.00
video_fullscreen    yes
videnc_format       yuv420p

# AVT - Audio/Video Transport
rtp_tos         184
rtp_video_tos       136
#rtp_ports      10000-20000
#rtp_bandwidth      512-1024 # [kbit/s]
rtcp_mux        no
jitter_buffer_type  fixed       # off, fixed, adaptive
jitter_buffer_delay 5-10        # frames
#jitter_buffer_wish 6       # frames for start
rtp_stats       no
#rtp_timeout        60

# Network
#net_interface      eth0
# Play tones
#file_ausrc     aufile
#file_srate     16000
#file_channels      1

# Modules

module_path     /usr/local/lib/baresip/modules

# UI Modules
module          stdio.so
#module         cons.so
#module         evdev.so
#module         httpd.so

# Audio codec Modules (in order)
#module         opus.so
#module         amr.so
#module         g7221.so
#module         g722.so
#module         g726.so
module          g711.so
#module         gsm.so
#module         l16.so
#module         mpa.so
#module         codec2.so
#module         ilbc.so

# Audio filter Modules (in encoding order)
#module         vumeter.so
#module         sndfile.so
#module         speex_pp.so
#module         plc.so
#module         webrtc_aec.so

# Audio driver Modules
module          alsa.so
#module         pulse.so
#module         jack.so
#module         portaudio.so
#module         aubridge.so
#module         aufile.so
#module         ausine.so

# Video codec Modules (in order)
#module         avcodec.so
#module         vp8.so
#module         vp9.so

# Video filter Modules (in encoding order)
#module         selfview.so
#module         snapshot.so
#module         swscale.so
#module         vidinfo.so
#module         avfilter.so

# Video source modules
#module         v4l2.so
#module         v4l2_codec.so
#module         x11grab.so
#module         vidbridge.so

# Video display modules
#module         directfb.so
#module         x11.so
#module         sdl.so
#module         fakevideo.so

# Audio/Video source modules
#module         avformat.so
#module         rst.so
#module         gst.so
#module         gst_video.so

# Compatibility modules
#module         ebuacip.so

# Media NAT modules
module          stun.so
module          turn.so
module          ice.so
#module         natpmp.so
#module         pcp.so

# Media encryption modules
#module         srtp.so
#module         dtls_srtp.so
#module         zrtp.so

# Temporary Modules (loaded then unloaded)

module_tmp      uuid.so
module_tmp      account.so

# Application Modules

module_app      auloop.so
#module_app     b2bua.so
module_app      contact.so
module_app      debug_cmd.so
#module_app     echo.so
#module_app     gtk.so
module_app      menu.so
#module_app     mwi.so
#module_app     presence.so
#module_app     serreg.so
#module_app     syslog.so
#module_app     mqtt.so
#module_app     ctrl_tcp.so
module_app      vidloop.so
module_app      ctrl_dbus.so
#module_app     httpreq.so
#module_app     multicast.so

# Module parameters

# DTLS SRTP parameters
#dtls_srtp_use_ec   prime256v1

# UI Modules parameters
cons_listen # cons - Console UI UDP/TCP sockets

http_listen # httpd - HTTP Server

ctrl_tcp_listen # ctrl_tcp - TCP interface JSON

evdev_device        /dev/input/event0

# Opus codec parameters
opus_bitrate        28000 # 6000-510000
#opus_stereo        yes
#opus_sprop_stereo  yes
#opus_cbr       no
#opus_inbandfec     no
#opus_dtx       no
#opus_mirror        no
#opus_complexity    10
#opus_application   audio   # {voip,audio}
#opus_samplerate    48000
#opus_packet_loss   10  # 0-100 percent (expected packet loss)

# Opus Multistream codec parameters
#opus_ms_channels   2   #total channels (2 or 4)
#opus_ms_streams    2   #number of streams
#opus_ms_c_streams  2   #number of coupled streams

vumeter_stderr      yes

#jack_connect_ports yes

# Selfview
video_selfview      window # {window,pip}
#selfview_size      64x64

#zrtp_hash      no  # Disable SDP zrtp-hash (not recommended)

# Menu
#redial_attempts    0 # Num or <inf>
#redial_delay       5 # Delay in seconds
#ringback_disabled  no
#statmode_default   off
#menu_clean_number  no
#sip_autoanswer_beep    yes
#sip_autoanswer_method  rfc5373 # {rfc5373,call-info,alert-info}
#ring_aufile        ring.wav
#callwaiting_aufile callwaiting.wav
#ringback_aufile    ringback.wav
#notfound_aufile    notfound.wav
#busy_aufile        busy.wav
#error_aufile       error.wav
#sip_autoanswer_aufile  autoanswer.wav

#gtk_clean_number   no

# avcodec
#avcodec_h264enc    libx264
#avcodec_h264dec    h264
#avcodec_h265enc    libx265
#avcodec_h265dec    hevc
#avcodec_hwaccel    vaapi
#avcodec_profile_level_id 42002a

# ctrl_dbus
#ctrl_dbus_use  system      # system, session

# mqtt
#mqtt_broker_host   sollentuna.example.com
#mqtt_broker_port   1883
#mqtt_broker_cafile /path/to/broker-ca.crt  # set this to enforce TLS
#mqtt_broker_clientid   baresip01   # has to be unique
#mqtt_broker_user   user
#mqtt_broker_password   pass
#mqtt_basetopic     baresip/01

# sndfile
#snd_path       /tmp

#ebuacip_jb_type    fixed   # auto,fixed

# HTTP request module
#httpreq_ca     trusted1.pem
#httpreq_ca     trusted2.pem
#httpreq_hostname   myserver
#httpreq_cert       cert.pem
#httpreq_key        key.pem

# multicast receivers (in priority order)- port number must be even
#multicast_call_prio    0

# avformat
#avformat_pass_through  yes

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