Python- Firmata и Arduino, структура сценария, влияющая на Firmata

При использовании этого сценария для мигания светодиода на выводе 12, сценарий не будет проходить мимо линии 27, где на выводе 12 установлено высокое значение. Там нет сообщения об ошибке.

    import json
    import urllib
    from firmata import *
    from pprint import pprint
    import time
    import serial

    countTweet = 0
    a = Arduino('COM13') #Insert this before the while loop = it never actually works

    while True:
            response = urllib.urlopen('').read()
        except IOError:
            pprint('no internet connection')
        j = json.loads(response)
        if j['results']:
            text = j['results'][0]['text']
            tID = j['results'][0]['id']
            pprint('bad JSON')
        if countTweet != 0 and lastID != tID:
            pprint('new ID')
            a.pin_mode(12, firmata.OUTPUT)  #Gets stuck here
            a.digital_write(12, firmata.HIGH)
            a.digital_write(12, firmata.LOW)
            pprint('done firmata')
            lastID = tID
            pprint (text)
            pprint ('1')
            pprint("FLC") #First loop complete: To gather the existing tweet before we start
            lastID = tID
            countTweet += 1

Как мне структурировать этот скрипт так, чтобы Firmata/Serial работала в каждом цикле? Мне интересно узнать, почему приведенный выше скрипт не работает вообще, а приведенный ниже пример со светодиодом будет работать.

    from firmata import * 

a = Arduino('COM13')
a.pin_mode(12, firmata.OUTPUT)

while True:
    a.digital_write(12, firmata.HIGH)
    a.digital_write(12, firmata.LOW)

В Arduino работает старая стандартная фирма

#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <Firmata.h>


/* analog inputs */
int analogInputsToReport = 0; // bitwise array to store pin reporting
int analogPin = 0; // counter for reading analog pins

/* digital pins */
byte reportPINs[TOTAL_PORTS];   // PIN == input port
byte previousPINs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // PIN == input port
byte pinStatus[TOTAL_PINS]; // store pin status, default OUTPUT
byte portStatus[TOTAL_PORTS];

/* timer variables */
unsigned long currentMillis;     // store the current value from millis()
unsigned long previousMillis;    // for comparison with currentMillis

 * FUNCTIONS                                                                

void outputPort(byte portNumber, byte portValue)
  portValue = portValue &~ portStatus[portNumber];
  if(previousPINs[portNumber] != portValue) {
        Firmata.sendDigitalPort(portNumber, portValue); 
        previousPINs[portNumber] = portValue;
        Firmata.sendDigitalPort(portNumber, portValue); 

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * check all the active digital inputs for change of state, then add any events
 * to the Serial output queue using Serial.print() */
void checkDigitalInputs(void) 
    byte i, tmp;
    for(i=0; i < TOTAL_PORTS; i++) {
        if(reportPINs[i]) {
            switch(i) {
            case 0: outputPort(0, PIND &~ B00000011); break; // ignore Rx/Tx 0/1
            case 1: outputPort(1, PINB); break;
            case 2: outputPort(2, PINC); break;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* sets the pin mode to the correct state and sets the relevant bits in the
 * two bit-arrays that track Digital I/O and PWM status
void setPinModeCallback(byte pin, int mode) {
    byte port = 0;
    byte offset = 0;

    if (pin < 8) {
      port = 0;
      offset = 0;
    } else if (pin < 14) {
      port = 1;
      offset = 8;     
    } else if (pin < 22) {
      port = 2;
      offset = 14;

    if(pin > 1) { // ignore RxTx (pins 0 and 1)
        pinStatus[pin] = mode;
        switch(mode) {
        case INPUT:
            pinMode(pin, INPUT);
            portStatus[port] = portStatus[port] &~ (1 << (pin - offset));
        case OUTPUT:
            digitalWrite(pin, LOW); // disable PWM
        case PWM:
            pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
            portStatus[port] = portStatus[port] | (1 << (pin - offset));
        //case ANALOG: // TODO figure this out
        // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed

void analogWriteCallback(byte pin, int value)
    analogWrite(pin, value);

void digitalWriteCallback(byte port, int value)
    switch(port) {
    case 0: // pins 2-7 (don't change Rx/Tx, pins 0 and 1)
        // 0xFF03 == B1111111100000011    0x03 == B00000011
        PORTD = (value &~ 0xFF03) | (PORTD & 0x03);
    case 1: // pins 8-13 (14,15 are disabled for the crystal) 
        PORTB = (byte)value;
    case 2: // analog pins used as digital
        PORTC = (byte)value;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* sets bits in a bit array (int) to toggle the reporting of the analogIns
//void FirmataClass::setAnalogPinReporting(byte pin, byte state) {
void reportAnalogCallback(byte pin, int value)
    if(value == 0) {
        analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport &~ (1 << pin);
    else { // everything but 0 enables reporting of that pin
        analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport | (1 << pin);
    // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed

void reportDigitalCallback(byte port, int value)
    reportPINs[port] = (byte)value;
    if(port == 2) // turn off analog reporting when used as digital
        analogInputsToReport = 0;

 * SETUP()
void setup() 
    byte i;

    Firmata.setFirmwareVersion(2, 0);

    Firmata.attach(ANALOG_MESSAGE, analogWriteCallback);
    Firmata.attach(DIGITAL_MESSAGE, digitalWriteCallback);
    Firmata.attach(REPORT_ANALOG, reportAnalogCallback);
    Firmata.attach(REPORT_DIGITAL, reportDigitalCallback);
    Firmata.attach(SET_PIN_MODE, setPinModeCallback);

    portStatus[0] = B00000011;  // ignore Tx/RX pins
    portStatus[1] = B11000000;  // ignore 14/15 pins 
    portStatus[2] = B00000000;

//    for(i=0; i<TOTAL_PINS; ++i) { // TODO make this work with analogs
    for(i=0; i<14; ++i) {
    // set all outputs to 0 to make sure internal pull-up resistors are off
    PORTB = 0; // pins 8-15
    PORTC = 0; // analog port
    PORTD = 0; // pins 0-7

    // TODO rethink the init, perhaps it should report analog on default
    for(i=0; i<TOTAL_PORTS; ++i) {
        reportPINs[i] = false;
    // TODO: load state from EEPROM here

    /* send digital inputs here, if enabled, to set the initial state on the
     * host computer, since once in the loop(), this firmware will only send
     * digital data on change. */
    if(reportPINs[0]) outputPort(0, PIND &~ B00000011); // ignore Rx/Tx 0/1
    if(reportPINs[1]) outputPort(1, PINB);
    if(reportPINs[2]) outputPort(2, PINC);


 * LOOP()
void loop() 
/* DIGITALREAD - as fast as possible, check for changes and output them to the
 * FTDI buffer using Serial.print()  */
    currentMillis = millis();
    if(currentMillis - previousMillis > 20) {  
        previousMillis += 20;     // run this every 20ms
        /* SERIALREAD - uses a 128 byte circular buffer, so handle
         * all serialReads at once, i.e. empty the buffer */
        /* SEND FTDI WRITE BUFFER - make sure that the FTDI buffer doesn't go over
         * 60 bytes. use a timer to sending an event character every 4 ms to
         * trigger the buffer to dump. */

        /* ANALOGREAD - right after the event character, do all of the
         * analogReads().  These only need to be done every 4ms. */
        for(analogPin=0;analogPin<TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS;analogPin++) {
            if( analogInputsToReport & (1 << analogPin) ) {
                Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(analogPin));

1 ответ


У меня сложилось впечатление, что ваша последовательная связь с Arduino не работает. Я не вижу, где и как вы открываете последовательный порт и параметры порта. Ваша программа застревает на первой линии, которая пытается связаться с последовательным портом.

    import serial
    ser = serial.Serial()
    ser.port = "/dev/ttyUSB0" # may be called something different
    ser.baudrate = 115200 # may be different
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